ESTABLISHED 1890 IC.e 41U 4a ai1 MEBE r VOL. XL, NO. 52. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS TICKTS AVAILBEANS LAID FOR nEXT BROADCAST A 5%" n# o ffo l tili uinu BOZORTH HEADS NEW DORMITORY CAMPUS AND STATE AIIIOIIP inu RIIU fill r N U r "Scientific Tests of Character" Ir P ~will be the subject of Prof. William ,,, C. Trow of the School of Education.II HANiSG(IVING Ihanksiviing' Of Vore t\ar flaunts no as the first speaker on the campus101 I the youth of the nation. or the olivei radio program to be broadcast on WVhein the harvest had yielded its store Like the birds Saturday night at 7:30 from the 'IThere was feast and oblation. ,it the dove a General Sale Opens at Union Morris hail studio, according to Or when the danger had lifted its hand The clash of t Desk De b 3 S Prof. Waldo Abbot of the rhetoric From the life of the living We in sorrow} department, director of the station. There rang through the length of the land But the fire of Buckley. .Second on the weekly program A TBhanksgiving ! Thanksgiving ! n the ash sar ______ ~~will be Dr. Charles L. Brown, pro- fhnsiig PRIC OF EATSVARY fessor of internal medicine in the PRICE OF SEATS VARY Medical School and a staff mem -, Our home was wilderness then I'or the fruitt : I ber of the University Hospital. who \\ ith the floods to eno1 it; For whate'er w Theater Positions Are Rated will discuss the dangers of and the today with its millions of men. Whether bornc According to Their treatment for high blood pressure. We rejoice to behold it. For the gifts ti Prof. Alfred H. Lovell of the de- From the sea to the surge of the sea Who is Lordo Acceptability. 1,partment of electrical engineering We have all for treasure; Let there ring1 will tie his talk up with the Edison We are blest in the promised o-be . Thanksgivin Applications for seats for the Annf celebration under the title, "Mod- In a manifold measure Arbor showing of "Merrie-Go- ern Developments in the Field of a Round", the 1929 production of the Electric Power Supply." __ ___-___ __ Uni O hill Prof. Joseph E. Maddy, of the- -_- on pra wl la tSchool of Music, is greatly interest- C M[ C[UB HA J-HOP BOOTHS the Michigan theatre Thursday, i ed in the National High SchoolO Friday and Saturday nights, De- I Orchestra camp held each summer uF R A ENOW cember 12, 13, and 14, and a Sat.. at Lake Interlochen and will talkC ur-day matinee, December 14, may about the teaching of music in the --- II be secured at the Union desk, Paul grade and preparatory schools. I~rII fECU[TI Twenty couples will be the mini- Five musical numbers will be se- 1 I U TO 1 L. puckley, treasurer of the show, e mby a Professors Mady b mum number of persons assigned announced yesterday. fatted by Professor Mddy to -, Better Seats Obtainable. lustrate some of the points in his Richard Cole Selected to Head to a booth at the J-Hop which will " talk. As usual the studio will berg be held Feb 14 in the lrge gymna- "By sending in such an applica-: soenum tofpubthe oIntramure-ralrmabuildiniztg. tion now, better seats may be so- open to the pubc, for whom a re- D sium of the Intramural building. .cured for all performances before ceiving set has been installed to for Current Year. according to George Weyl, '31 E, the general sale starts next k, pick up the program as broadcast chairman of the booth committee. Mr. Buckley explained. Sats through JR, Detroit. PLAN NEXT PRODUCTION Plans for the arrangement of the year vary in price from 75 cents to !Nbooths have not been completed. $3.00 and all positions in the thea- LARGEST1 P L A N E At a meeting held recently, Com- however, the general polic will be tre have been rated according tod similar to that of previous years. their acceptability for viewing a RUINED IN CRASH ey cl, onorary ampus ra- Fratemnity groups should oranize college opera performance. matic organization elected a new their booth groups as early as pos Out of town applications for ( Assciated Pr"ss) . president, reorganized its qualifi- sible in order to facilitate a more seats in theatres in which the show ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y., Nov. cations for members and planned satisfactory formation of final will play during Christmas vacation meeting, and started plans, according 4o Weyl have been mailed to all patrons of 127.-The largest airplane ever built for a tyoutmInvitations will be sent to all former productions and all individ- in this country, the Fokker mono- work on its next production, ac- Juniors in the colleges of the Uni- uals on the Union mailing list. Any Plane F132 crashed down into a cording to an announcement made versity, but only Juniors in good who have not received application Iouse of a cross-roads halet ad- yesterday by Jeannette Dale, '30, standing may get tickets during the blanks through th secretaryayofsthe organiofation.stroadseeaslpreae-ential sale which cure them at thedesk of the Un -;joining Roosevelt Field, today, secretary of the organization. c be Tuesdry e.a3. ter h len, and all applications will be burst into flames destroying the sale the booths ill1 be rpen to the filled in the order of their rec house, and partly destroying te Robert K. Adams, '30 as president entire student body. tion. The mail order sale of seats I of the organization for the rebain- Will close tenatively Saturday night. I house next door. The two men of the year. Coe has been a Mr. Buckleynaid u yng.aboard,the plane wore injured, one di fteya.Cl a ena' O V RP A S general Sale Next Week, seriously member of the dramatic organiza- The general sale will commence i. tion for the past year and has tak- QUIET HOLIDAY' at the Union desk Tuesday, Decem-!I .Thecrlot, e, deparsent of ; en the leading role in several of ber 3, and will continue through ing nspcctor for the department of its productions. His latest was that (liv A wcatel I'r 5 Wednesday, December 4, Friday, Commerce, was catuputed out of'.D.Nv - December 6, Saturday, December 7, the ship and landed unconscious in IO Ner, the Florentie bully, i WASHINGTON. D. C.. Nov. 27.- Monday, December 9. and Tuesdayy "The Jest," presented last week in Thanksiving will be observed ata December 10. A special sale for sry the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. the White house in a quiet, old- women will be. conducted at the was not found until 10 minutes lat-;~ Membership in Comedy Club fashioned way. box office of Hill- Auditorium on er. He was taken to Nassau hospital hereafter, it was decided, will not In the mornin President and Thursday.December 5. at Mineola with deep cuts on his only be based on the individual's M Wednesday, December 11, the head both ankles sprained, and ability as an actor, but will include s sale will be removed to the box of- I serious internal injuries, attributes as a business manager, services and then will sped the bal- fice of Eie Michigan theatre and .Harry McDonald, a Fokker me- publicity director, scenery designer, ance of the day with a few friends. will continue there through Satur- chanic, was thrown clear before and many more of the technical When evening rolls around. the day night. Boggs was. He escaped fvlth a characteristics of a finished pro- rwandsome mahogany table in the sprained ankle and a few cuts 'on duction. Membership on these state dining room will be filled Muyskes Disusehis face... grounds will constitute satisfactory . i' 20" ' hu Muyskens Discusses . Two hours earlier James Tisani, I work in one of the plays and a rec- with both domesticated and wild' Graduate's Vocation 120, of Brooklyn, flying a small light ord of the experience submitted at turkeys along with "the trimmings" monoplane, crashed on top of a I a tryout meeting. A meeting to found on the board of most Amer- Viewing education as it affects one-story real estate office in the choose new members will be held lean homes. Mr. Hoover will have the practical life of the individuual, heart of the business section of I in the near future, but the exact Prof. John H. Muyskens of thepho- Westbury, a few miles from Carle date has not yet been determined, no business engagements, and netics department led the discus- Place. Tisan died shortly after he A play committee, consisting of along with all government depart- sion on "The Vocation of the Lit- was taken to Nassau hospital. Floience Tennalt, '30, Lorinda Mc- ments his executive office will be erary College Graduate" in the fifth The F-32, a 32 passenger mono- Andrews, '30, Robert Wetzel, grad., closed. of a series of All-Campus Forums plane, 70 feet long with a wing and Kenneth White, '30, was chos- yesterday in Room D of Alumni spread of more than loi feet, was en. These individuals will read va- The two sons of the president hall. flown to Mitchell field from Teter- rious plays and decide on the next will be with their parents, so that "We find that people come to the boro airport, New Jersey, this production for the organization. It note of the family atmosphere will university with a number of empty morning. It came over to Roose- was the concensus of opinion that be missing. They are coming for labels and that they enroll in cer- velt field, eventually was taken aloft the next play, which will be pre- the Christmas holidays, when there tain courses -with the imntention of a couple of times, and stood for sented sometime in January shoull be a Christm tr ad to "il filling out these labels," said Pro- some time on the field. be a light comedy. wil e Critmsyre "- ,h... , - 4 t a red pennon now, is regal; that are twain, on (hne iid the eagle. he conflict that cleft remember, the great feud has left- ce an ember bough uf the time of our toil; have tought for; Of the brain or the soil we have had from his hand of the liviag. through the length of the land g . 'Fhanksgiving !i Climton Scollard _EATN ADDRESSES FOECISUET Announcement of the oppoint- fIIU lU fU ltI ment of Inez A. Bozorth, present manager of the Lawyers' Club to the directorship of the new wom- en's dormitory was made yesterdayfMEM,9H19LSIH IC ' in the office of Alexander Ruthven, president. Miss Bozorth will con- Dedicatory Exercises Planned tinue her work at the Law Club un- til the end of the semester. The in Lydia Mendelssohn personnel of her staff. which will Theater Tuesday. include several assistants, will not be considered until that time. IASO ITSWL SP K Miss Bozorth graduated from Or- ASSOCIATES WILL SPEAK egon State University in 1915, re- ceiving her degree in institutional President Ruthven to Preside management. After subsequent Over Program; Sawyer to work at the University of Illinois and the University of Chicago, she Represent Regents. became instructor in foods and I secretary of the school of home University and state will join in economics at her alma mater. j a service dedicated to the memory During the war, Miss Bozorth of the late Dr. Victor Clarence served as dietician in the general Vaughan. dean and professor of army, being stationed first at Ihysioloaical chemisterv emeritus Camp Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky,'j at 4 o'clock next Tuesday in the and later at General hospital in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.' Dr. Baltimore. After the close of the vaughnan, who was intimately a war, Miss Bozorth returned to Ore- figure in medical affairs of the Uni- gon, where she managed a series of versity for more than 40 years, and commercial restaurants. In 1920 inon whose achieveients much of she accepted a facuulty and ad- the Medical school's high standing miistrative post at the University has been conceded to denend, died of Montana, 'which she retained Thursday in Richmond ,Va. until 1924 at which time she as- Eulogys to be Given. sumed ,her present post with the 1,The nroaram which has been ar- German Department Professor Speaks at Seventh Annual International Affair. f SUniversity.S'rnfed will consist of a few enlo- STRESS FOREIGN STUDY gistic remarks by representatives BAN RELAXATION of the various concerns of Dr. tressing the importance of for-; Vaughan while he was yet in activ ei n study as a factor in the pro- . APPLIES LOCALLY i service. Prof. Frederick G. Novy of motion of international peace, Prof. bacteriology and director of the John W. Eaiou o: the German; --- hygienic laboratory will speak on department addressed a large gath- The provisional relaxation of the ;'behalf of Dr. Vaughan's colleagues ering of foreign students at the automobile ban which is in effect ' %mong the Medical school faculty. seventh annual international today applies only to students who President Alexander G. Ruthven, Thanksgiving banquet last night at live IAnn Arbor, to students wno who will preside at the memorial the Union. pemts to e sfoeta w ervices will speak of the former "The growtn of contacts betwen permits to drive cars for certandean's relations to the University students from other lands unJ l uses, and for students who have qet, large. Dr. Walter H. Sawyer of those of our own country," sai ' cars in storage here which have Hiledale will represent the Regents,' Professor Eaton, "is proof of a bet- been registered with the office of and Guy L. Kiefer, state health ter world to come. These students, the dean of students since the op- commissioner, will act for the state who have had the courage to leave 'ening of the sem ester, it is an- board of health. of which Dr. their homes to seek education in a- Vaughan was a member for more distant land, become acquainted nounced by W. B. Rae, assistant to than 30 years. with the common ties that bind all the dean of students. Gomberg and Hobbs to Speak. peoples and return to their own Students who have not registered Prof. Moses Qomberg organic countries as emissaries of world automobiles which have been stored ' chemistry will talk for the chem- union." here, or who have cars brought to istrv associates who worked with Himself a native of Ireland and a Anror fors oh Dr. Vaughan, and Prof. W. H. Hobbs widely travelled teacher and stu- AnnArborforp t1se te geology department will'rep dent, Prof. Eaton advised the stu- are not 'permitted to drive their resent the faculties a large. dents to take full advantage of the cars. The driling of automobiles Quiet feuneral services fir Dr. 1 exceptional opportunity afforded . Vaughan were conducted for the them. "Don't spend all o' your by family and a few intimate friends time on your books." he said. "Don't a violation of the automobile ban, la.;t Tuesday morning at Wood- concentrate too much upon your it is announced. mere cemetery in Detroit. Follow- j own people, but make the most of Rigid enforcement of the auto- in r that, the body was cremated in your chances to associate with stu- I mobile regulation will begin acordance with a wish expressed dents of other nations and to bene- promptly at 8 o'clock tomorrow in the will of Dr. Vaughan. and fit by the exchange of ideas there- morning; and starting at that time, now awaits interment iii a chapel f from." no students will be permitted to which is being constructed in For- Horatio J. Abbot, former member I operate motor cars except those est Lawn cemetery at Ann Arbor. of the state Democratic committee, who have special permission to usc of the citizens of Ann Arbor. He a car for specified purposes. Republican M a'ri welcomed the students in behalf expressed the belief that the for- . . to Weaken Democrats .44< eign students have made a real con- L Chlna CmI Y war rtops; tributioi to the life of the Univer- Troops Declare Truce sity and of Ann Arbor. SaC The response was made by An- (By Asociated Press) toinette Soo-Hgo, Grad., who spoke Abrupt cessation of hostilities on of thanksgiving customs in other . countries. China's civil war fronts in Honan John E. Webster, '30, acted as and Hupeh provinces was disclosed f toastmaster of the banquet, which# today in a grist of dispatches some3 was given under the joint auspices of which hinted that the war- , of the Women's League and the harrassed Nationalist government 'Student Christian association. Tie had paid its enemies for the truce. ' program was supplemented by' a Advices from Hankow said fight- fessor Muyskens. "However, at the I end of four years there are many who find their education inade- quate for a particular field of en-' deavor. Hence, they look for ad- vice to aid them in solving their problem." Professor Muyskens suggested that one solution to the question I might be found if those students 1 who are not satisfied after four years in college would stay another year. This .year would be one of' correlation, in which the student would test out the forces of en- vironment. The students were most interest- ed in the "self," aind in the ques- tions of religion particularly, ac- cording to Professor Muyskens. Public Utility Heads Show New Confidence' (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.-Public Utilities managers have such con- fiderice in the immediate future that they are going ahead with a 1930 budget for extensions, better- ments, and maintenances appro- aching the two billion dollar mark and exceeding that for this year by more than 100 .million dollars. They came to Washington some thirty strong today to lay this in- formation before Pres. Hoover and Shortly before 2 o'clock, Boggs1 and McDonald went up and tried to Post-Offi start the two rear motors. They could get only one going so they Doors took off with only three motors running. Ann Arbor' The ship finally rose to about 50 closed today feet. It barely missed hitting the holiday, accor hangar of the Columbia aircraft ment made y corporation. ter A. C. Pack -(liveries by ci i N i I Music School Election Ends in Tie for Office Norman Forsythe and RaymondI G. Morin both have a claim to the presidency of the freshmen class of the School of Music as a resultI of the recent elections in . that school. There was little competi- tion for the other offices in that class or for those of the other classes. A second election will be held next week to decide the presi- dency. The other officers for the. fresh- men class are Virginia Forsythe, I vice-president; Lucile I. Hoffman, secretary, and John Law, treasurer. The sophomore class officers are Winchester Richards, president; Emily C. Randall, vice-president; Kathleen Murphy, secretary, and however spec ishable matte I Station No. also be close made as on S DELAY s______rit cnizuren of Ucrocrtft10oo' vocal selection by Paul Wong '31A, ing between the rebllious Kuo- ce to Close ver, Jr. who sang Chinese Confucius temple. minchun, or "People's army," and . - - -music, and by a piano selection by Nationalist troops had , stopped Thanksgiving Irish Political Chief Patterson. with a suddenness that took all .nAmong the guests of honor were i observers by surprise although it s post-office will be Plans Amerikan Visit President Alexander Grant Ruth- had been known that negotiations for the Thanksgiving ven and Mrs. Ruthven, Dean John were going on between the faction- ding to an announce- !JB Associated Press) R. Effinger and Mrs. Effnger, Dean al leaders. esterday by Postmas- DUBLIN. Nov. 27.-Eamno de Va- ! Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley and Chiang Kai-Shek, president of . There will be no de- lera, Irish political leader, will visit , Mrs. Cooley, Dean Hugh Cabot and the Nationalist government and ity or rural carriers, America shortly on a mission con- Mrs. Cabot, Dean Carl G. Huber and' head of its military forces, return- ial delivery and per- nected with the Irish Press, Ltd., i Mrs. Huber, Dean James B. Ed- I ed today to Nanking with a pur- r will be distributed. of which he is managing director. mundson, Dean Edward H. Kraus ported program of "sweeping 1 in the Arcade will The company was organized to and Mrs. Kraus, Dean Emeritus Al- changes" which is 'expected to d. Collections will be;float an Irish Republican newspa- j len Whitney and Mrs. Whitney, and give his late enemies, the Kuo- unday. per. I Dean George W. Patterson and Mrs. miachun, a measure of recognition. _ ___ _- -- ---- _-- -- - - _ _ _Simultaneously the "People's IN COMPLETION OF NEW ANIMAL HIOUSE i army" was reported to be evacuat- tins both Honan and Hupeh.Na CAUSES DEATH OF TWO COYOTES AND BADGER tionalist troops vhich had been _____-____----------_-_______ fighting the Kuominchun were said B. and G. boys are 1 seemed that nothing could prevent ; the wire being especially made for to be withdrawing also, many of he wire roofing which the completion of tie edifice bx' the Museums .project. them ieading for Kwangtung pro- the ompltio of he difie b vince to resist anothner revolutiorn- the new Museum December first. Upon measuring Bears and coyotes, according to t, three of the -future t|members of the Museum staff, trejary movement ained aga ve found the strain of the wire, it was found to be nine not especially adapted to three ton. o much for them. As inches short of covering the struc- .months' waiting indoors, and all of Japanese dispatines to Shanghai animal house, which ture, and it had to be sent back to the specimens may die before their ally well-informed, asserted re- d to be finished Oc- the Detroit concern and re-woven, new home is ready. Another dIs ports had been widely circulated 1 probably include no !heartening feature of the animal )ne less badger, not to house's slow development is the that tne Nationalists had bribed upe o bers ho re Otir' ahelr~an facethtiat tine animals. are getftinte Kuominchun to cease fighting. uple of bears wino are I mfctta teauml regtig This report said it was generally sicker and sicker 1 I ' used to warm temperatures, and, al- believed that Chiang Ka-Slek, confining quarters at though the dens are heated, the beling hsactC ig K ah, department. sudden change from hot to cold during his recent trip to Honan, prepratins ere ay e faal o tie Ihad succeeded, thnrough Yen Hai- :t preparations were"- temperatures may be fatal to the Shan, governor of Shansi province..; ti- ---mm-^nrt- t1. re~mainde.r of the dlelted flock. (By Associatid Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. -' The overwhelming Republican majority of 102 in the house forecasts a general shake-up in most of the committee memberships that will strengthen the Republican and weaken the Democratic representa- tion. Republican leaders have indicat- ed to Representative Garner of Texas, the minority leader, that they desire to increase their mem- 'bership on the major committees of 21 members from 13 to 14. This would reduce the Democrats from 3 to 7 and would necessitate the transfer of several to other com- mittees. The Republican majority was in- creased by the 1928 elections from 34 in the seventieth congress to 102 'in the seventy-first. The house membership of 435 has 267 Repub- licans, 165 Democrats, 1 Farmer- Laborer, and 2 vacancies. When the regular session begins Monday only five committees or- ganized in the special session will be functioning. Theiremainderwill be organized later in the week af ter tine Republicans and Demo- ,rats have selected their commit- tee slates, and submitted them to the house With approximately 130 vacan- cies to be --filled by both sidev, nany members have expressed a desire for changed assignments, while others are entitled to be ele- vated to more important bodies through seniority and demonstrat- ed ability to handle specific legis- lation. Twelve State Banks Fail to Open Doors tD. A * ...infr P re While the waiting for ti will complete anmal house occupants hav civilization to a result, the was schedule tober 1st, wil coyotes and o mention a co daily getting their tightly the medical d When firs made during tine summer moiuns j .1 1 >ile7i ir of 47 n nt i_ I I I ~ ~ w~$*:> - ~ I in bribing Gem. Yu-Hsiang, nead