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November 27, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-27

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WEDNESDAY, Nov. 27, '1929"..

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Stuident Publicationis.
Mem~ber of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republi':ation of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto. cc at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate'
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices:' Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ard Street,
Phones: Editorial,; 4425: Business, 4'1214.
Telephone 4925
Editor ..............George C. Tilley~
City Editir........... ...lfierce Rosenbci g
News E'ditr.......... &.eurge E. Simnons
Sports Ediu'r.........l'i%6ard 1."Warner, Jr.
d1omen':,lKd itne............Ni arijorie FllmIIner
Telegraph Iditor......... Cassam~ A. Wilson
M~usic and Dlramna.....William J. Gormian
Literavy Editor...........I axri ncec . Klein
Assistant City :l: ito....... Hubert J. Feldnian
Night Editors
Frank t E. Cooper Henry J Merry
William C. CGentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kaufman Walter NV. Wilds
:Uuriley X1 illiamis
1;eritram Askwith Lester May
Hleleni Barc 1David N1. N ichol
Mdaxwel Bauer XWilliam t Page
1ary L. Bjehynier I Inward 13: Peckhiam
Benjamin It. BercntsorllIugh ]'ierce
Allan H. Berkman ' Victor Rabinowitz
S. Beach Conger Johni D. Rcindcl
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
uit hn . Denler joscph A. Russell
lelen Doinim- luseplt R twitcht
Margaret EIckcls Iv illiani P1. Saizarulo
KatharineFecrrin Chlarles R. sirol
Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadxtieli Swanson
Sheldon C. 1Full erton - Jlune '~'ayer
R~uth Geddes I argaret ''hli)osoI1
(iincvra Giua BRichard L . Tlobi n
Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth V'alen lire
lorrisGroverinan I I ar,.ld 0.)XV arren, Jr.
Ross Gust in Charles Wh ite'
Margaret harris G. Lionel Xwilletis
David B. I letnistead john 1? Willoughby
S.Cull n Kennedy \athlan Wise
can L vy 13 rbara Wrigbt
ussllI E, McCracken Vivian Ziinit
Dorothy Magee
Telephone 212114
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising........ .....IIollister iabley
Advertising .............Kaspcr 11. ldlversoil
Advertising...............,hcrw od A. U.pton
Service ...................~ng A. Slrater
Circulation........... ......J. \ernor JDavis
Accounts......... ..John R. lRose
Publcatioiis ...........George lhamiilton
By rne &l. Badenouch Mtarvin, Kdiacker
lames E. Crtwright Lwec ue
Robert Crawford 'Jho~nas Mu ir
};Crry ?B. Cily-, Ucorge Patterson
Thiomas Mv. Davis Charles Siaoford
Nornian Eli ezet I e Slav tof
J ames Hoffer 1. 'olli :,'t Riper t
Iorris Johnson, Robert \Villiamnison
Charles Kano _ XWillia'n R. Worboys
Business Scci etar }-CMary lChaae

find a way out of the present tstag.-
nation and show the rest howv it
can be done. If young Robert
Hutchins' wisdom and invention are
on a par with his understanding
and perspicacity, it may well be
that he is the Moses appointed to
lead his fellowY educators out of the
The perennial student fulmina -
tions against Friday and Saturday
classes over the Thanksgiving week
end are again current on the cam-
pus. Trhe lament is pitiful and
woe-inspiring to hear, but it is fall-
ing, and probably continue to fall,
on the deaf ears of an administra-
tioni with a vrao..

It is approximately the time of
year for '.Harvey Tillotson to go for
a ride, and we will be only too glad
to start the buggy on its way.
After looking at tWe gamxes..
from siome of the seats we have
had the privilege of sitting'Uin,
we are beginning to iagine a
few new stories in'-tJhe 1Daily
five years f ro'm nowis, running
about thus:.

4Music :And Drama j
miusic and dh m 11 11W v Cl~c flassi>fed Ads s
TONIGHT: In Lydia Mendelssohn I
SiI'bat~c Emil laiiiin ;s in "Tar- 1 1
tuff e." Bring xxesults
I TA.R'UFFE. W'ITlH 11111


/ y

A 4(1!ood Detroit
It li t i &ow~ntow-1% close to all
,if Ict roit's nt't h iei with a
+'Itut,-Iile att ii )tPI1r' Best
or nll--the acTt-I are low.
__ t J.50 to $'3«00Daily}-
Slprcial I~a !cs toilichtigan $ tudetao
(.olijimbin at Jobs, I

S This is a most remuar kabl'e turna.
Tt is, indeed; so 'unusually goodf
thlat one finds it difficult to decide
where to begin the story of its vii-
tums There is, of Cou~rse, th,, play
9fl which it is based trathei ten-
uiously) ; but inany bad pic' .-rcs

* .


Some years ago it was the Uni-I The ti-
versity's custom to grant a Wed- elec t
nesday-to-Monday leave over, the Ibnoda
Thanksgiving week- end,-but. such a "--- etri

hrnn: szt. 2ri'pnt.c tvl n cx pr ';

holiday had to be abolished for thc
reason that students fell into the
habit of leaving Ann Arbor a day
or so before the vacation officially
began, and of not returning until
the middle of the following week.
This was the practice of a large
number of students living a fewv
hundred miles from Ann Arbor who
felt that two months' uninterrupted
work 'entitled them to something a
good deal more reposeful than the
ordinary week end trip home.
The fact that these vacation trips
left the students only two weeks
of school before the Christmas hol-
iday had the effect of breaking up
the fall academic activity of the
University into small chunks of ten-
day periods of study alternated
with similar periods of vacation.
To avoid this the University fin-
ally abolished the idea of a Thanks-
giving vacation, seeking chiefly to
check those wvho would turn a good
thing into. too good a thing.
The action, however, has notbeen
entirely untempered with leniency.
Not a few professors have a policy
of waiving the triple-bolt rule over
the Thanksgiving week end in fa-
vor of those students whose pro-
ficiency is such that they can af-
ford to miss what pearls of wisdom
mlight drop on the Friday and Sat-
urday in question.
President Hoover, by naming sev-
en members for th? American del-
egation to the London naval con-
ference to be held the third week
in January, has assured the United
State~s a representation equal to
that of the British empire, and has
thus completed all essential ar-
rangements for a conference th~at,
if successful, will mean more to the
world than the usual connotation
of the word "conference" implies.

scrvcd s(
the athi+
The sp,
up of ri
the stadi
'nish l
"and Vco
Ie smie
"and Car:
radio inls

UU~e; lFteOt, tu wrehave been based on good playa;.I
to represent the student
this year's :football games Ciefly responsible for this success
the Michigan State battle are the director's and Mr. Jannings'
y from their specially re- appropriate conception of the play
;eats on top of the Michi-: -and this actor's unusual fitnessI
tioni. Opera glasses were for his part (the other parts, too,
4 by the courtesy (?) of 'wtere extremely well cast, indicating
letic association. fine intelligence in the directing).I
* *The playlke the others of Mo.-I
y reported that the "team liere's making, is one of symbols
d to be in fine shape, al- rather than of intricate human be-{
ii thie outcome of the ings: a human trait plays each part
wa~s somewhat cloudy in i rather than the puzzling complex
minds due to adversej of them which makes daily judg-a
er conditions." Inents so difficult. The director was
* * 0very aware of this and consequentlyj
_________________everything contributed to the cre-I
ation of a superlatively adequate I.
performance. Apparently all the
'' :actors were informie1 of this con-
ception (if they themselves had not
apprehended it) : not one gesture
- ~was foreign to it. Tar'tuffe was
perfect hypirocrisyT; the husband
perfect dumb innocence, his wife
perfect female virtue (of the time,
ecial cheering section ma de of course), her maid perfect loyalty{
,egents and bondholders (of a maid to her lady). The re-
Led perfectly. The rest of suit was perfect resolution. Every-
ium was filled with alumni,I one knows, of course, and feels, how
and other kinds of politi-( it will end; but the end is nonei
the lea's satisfactory for that. It is:
pleasant to be showi, or to show,
;al boxes with lounging that two and two is four-five is al-
were provided for the ways a little suspicious, however
rd and Illinois scouts. txuch we nla~y want to believe it,
:crs were on hand to fur-i or maybe it is a little too difficult.
.hem, with cigars, candy And so the glaring fault of Mr.
c creamn. Jannings' acting becomes virtues.
- l His understanding of thec play in
itself would never account for his
excellence. There was much pr-ac-
Use in other films. He is an in-
.3tense man and a simple one, in Lo;
much as he can only feel one thing
/ at a time and this so utterly that, it
is sometitnes very funmy--when it
is not meant to be. Otherwise stat,-4
ed, Jannings exaggerates unduly,
- His ability to accept such diverse{
roles so completely is his greatniess.
In this particular, picture every-
'disk"thing hie does is valuable: his crl--.
- caturing is dlemanded~ by the play.
ant to give everyone a fair It seemned a little futile to justify
o wine games,"' said Muddle- the play by the introduction of a
L(pardon us, Gargoyle,) flat uninteresting plot of' contem-
are cloing everything po - porary hyprocrisy withi a Flailet
:rake thle stay of the scouts' play within play stunt to boot. One
it one. Oh, the students?" forgot about it anyway---or ly to be
ed at the mention. "Cash 'unpleasantly reminded at thec end.
ry has planned to have a.
tailed in the Union so that 3 ARCO'S MILLIONS

atits best ... , in
a pipe
M EN'S preference for a man-;.
smoke -the pipe -is plenty
positive. But do you know why?
We'll tell you.
First, pipe tobacco's different-
for instance, Edgeworth. Second,
tobacco smolders as it should in a
pipe. And third, these mean you get
more satisfaction--greater relish of
the good old savory burley, soothing
fullness of rich smoke.
There's even a fourth reason: you
like good company. The pipe-.smok-
ing brotherhood is that.
Tobacco's at its best in a pipe. It
gets a chance to be itself there--to
loosen up as it comes to life, to 'ex-
pand and take in air and ,glow. Only
the choicest leaves get that chance,
moreover, for pipes tell the truth
about tobacco. Choice leaves, choice
blends, and mighty careful han-
dling. Edgeworth comes up through
eleven distinct processes before we're
willing to pass it on to you.
If you keep on missing all this,
that's your fault-for we're waiting
to- send you your first pipcfuls of
Edgeworth. See the coupon? Fill it
out, get a good pipe and the postman
will bring you a neat little glad-to-
iriect-you packet of good old Edge
Edgeworth is a careful blend of good
tobaccos-selceted especially for pipe.
s'njokinig. Jts quality and flavor rtiere
chan rge. Buy it anywhere-" Ready
1Rubbed" and 'Plug Slice"--150 pocket
paekage to pound humidor tin.
fI.ARUS &BRO. Co., r
I R'ichmond, Va. I
t 1
I I'li try your Edgewordi And 1'1l try
r it.il a good pipe.1
r r
*:street-.- I
r t
r t
i Town and State /
N/ow let the Lligeworth conlel g

i Conec in Now and
Select Your Personal
. Christmas Cards
A wide assortmcent f romn which to
Scranton, Pocnah mta%
Kentucky and We~st Viri;4,,A 0al
Solvay andJCray Cok e
rhi$ business has been growiriz ever
*irRce it was established. The secret-
..giving ahbvilu;*sitisfaction' to our
customecrs" We ~believe it pays to d
busin-css in s ricnd)y way. if you
think'so to.,. let's #let rogether.

' 1

1 11


Laura Cudli ug Al ine NI o 'ily
Agnes Davis 14,Ix ia Millher
Blernice Glascr r 11 -n E . 111155lw hite
Hortense Good imig Eleanr v i 1k inshaw
Uurothea \\aterz'4n
Night Editor---Gurney Williams3

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27, 1929 i1 lu L IIJne ivuniY. wr nJ.£1am.siay
_________________________- MacDonald's visit to the United
States last month there was talk
___________________________of world peace by means of naval
COMES A MOSES TO LEAD USI parity, amnd during MacDonald's
visit there were so many verbosely
FROM THlE'WILDERNESS reported receptions, statements,
The University -of Chicago's new, and speeches anent the purposes of
trigenarian president is fortunate , the Prime Minister's presence that
in having before him a long span only those famniliar with the situa-
of years in which to bring his tan- tion could intelligenatly follow the
gible achievements to pass. He is progress made.
spared the necessity for haste! Now that the haze of tentative
which besets most men with bigI arrangements and discussions has
ideas when they finally attain big; beeni lifted, future negotiations can,1
jdbs.. And meanwhile it is en- and should be wratched with lkeeni;
couraging to see him ;tart out withI interest and appreciation. The Jan-
a penetrating comprehension of the uary conference is the next step.
undergraduate mind-and a sense Briefly reviewing the situation,
of # znar EE'an attempt to secure either a re --
zHe said recently to 2,000 of his f duction or limitation of sea arma-t
students: "When I was an under- relents in categoriel> other than
graduate, I somnetimues had a mom-' those included in. the Washington
entary, fleeting notion from time to Armns Treaty of 192.1. was initiated
timze that perhaps there was some-j by President Hoover ;ion after comn-
thing to be gotten out of professors ixig into offce: Through Ambassa-
and hei curiclumif ne n~ydor Charles; G. Dawes in London,
knew the way to go about it. Some- ngtain okn oada
tims t eenocurrd o m tatagreement between the United
one might, perhaps, prepare one- States and Great Britain oni pointsI
self for something, I didn't know t of difference that stood in the way
dust what, if one could only get be- oft a conference were begun iinm ed-
hind the business of required at- lately after the Anmbassador's arri-

reema $ Mhnn1Roorn
Jf! 200 CHAIRS
1:00 to 2:30



teJnua il'.X, Legruitu ciasses, en -nnniI
ute papers, weekly testsamid term
examinations, and utilize what in-
telligence God had given, one in
one's own way to learn sonmething
or other.
"It almost' seemed l)oSible thatI
the curriculum might be as inter-
esting as the extra-curriculum if it
were as' well organized and called
for the same effort and intelligence.t
That mieans thatJ today I am heart-
ily opposed to restrictio~ns that fet-
ter the intellectual freedom of the
student Xwho has an intellect to be
That seems to us just about the
best thing that has ever been said
on the subjed . Human, sympa-
thetic, persuasive, progressive, it -ri-
vals Presidenzt Ruthven's declara-
tion that the University is not a re-
form school as one of the greatest
common sense doctrines of today's
edluqationa I world.
Such practical iciealismn, comning
atvineiarl i r n _, n. i n. nri~ii r,,4.i--

val in London, and culminated in
Prime Minister MacDonald's visit
last month. At that time he in-
vited the United States to attend
the conference and the invitation
was accepted almost immediately.
That naval parity between Amner-
ica amid Great Britain will result in
peace is certain-the only stumb-
ling block is the possibility that the
conference wvill not come to a sue-
cessful conciusioj. The gi'eatest
p~robleinl will be a satisfactory in-.
terpretation of the .word " parity,"
inasmiuchi as Great Britain naatural-
ly requires a greater naval force
than does the United States for ad-
equate protection.
President Hoover and Prime Min-
ister MacDonald, however, are con-
fidlent that an agreement will be
reached. MacDonald, when hie hadI
completed his mission here, said
that he "left rich with proof that

all unnecessary boisterous conclact Harley L. Clark, University of
will be eliminated at the games." Michigan graduate-president of.
'1' ~ '1'Utilities Power and Light Corpora-
I Whereupon he prat his arm tion, gross forty nine mnillions_- is
around a noisy alumnus, who quoted inm the Chicago Tribunle aAs
was loudly cheering and wavintg 'saying: "I'm awfully fond of Shake-
a cowbell,, and,/a ittife worse for speare and always have been; so
wear, staggered into the field I I thought it would be (incl if I
house.; could do something to help keep'
h E-Iiakespeare regulairl y be fore my
We see that the business ad community anid country." The re--
school wvas to have paut on a nmovie s ult is the Chicago Civic Shake-
cailed "From Trees to Tribunes." speare Society, a pernmanment insti-
It certainly would have solved a1 tutiom., playing eventually atlmost,
great mystery as to what Tribunes the entire Shakespeare repertory,
of dlifferent famnilies are nmade of. already on a sound practical b.asis
'~ '4 with successful presentations of
Apropos of iwhich, we have j"H-amlet" and "Julius Caesar" andac
seen worse, (or funnier?) things a contract to tour the country. Rt
j ha ii. trees ill the Tribune. remakes one gasp. Sonic weeks ago
0 * *in this column I tallked pompous-
And we heard a funny ('?) Yone i ly of Chicago's great effort to throw
iii the office of that distinguishes off its subjection to New York's '
magazine of- college hmumor, The train-worn culture and cited this}
Gargoyle, yesterday. It seems a Shakespeare' Society as an act of
student tried out for the opera cho- l liberatiomn. Someone who knew Chmi-i
rus, but before lhe got a chance to cago better suggested that there
go on the trip, he broke his arm. was much more to the story than
* ',~ *the formal announcement contain-
Quotb the literati of time front ed, that Chicago was quite as dly-
office: Bill was ill the chorus, nan-ice and cultui'ally indifferenmt as
but line got a break and now lhe'sI Detroit.
int the cast. Of course hie was right. It was
an idealist with millions that ac-
The above will probably be the comnplished this nmiracle, and not
feature joke of the next Garg nunmi- I the will of Chicago's better- self as-
ber. which, we undlerstand, is to be sertigisl odyfrth ra
a specical opera muiniber." ; tBnd-wicelfilodly fojtile fol.
to ltestthere really is nothing JIMiew inM1-
According t the lts in-1 lions. But there is r-ouaiice in Mr.I
Iterpretations of our "automno- Clarke himself to compensate. In I
bile ban," which had better bei the days of his youth hie and Fritz
renmed motor bate, it is. lucky Lieber, present director of the corn-
Sthat the co-eds of today. don't pany, and Doris Deane were fellow
use sewing nmachies. (Or do j members of student dramatic or-
they?) They -might fail to getI ganizations. He had a vision there
permits.* of a Shakespeare that would' speakz
frequently to large nmobs. All
Below is the list of students Nvho through thme couiplications of' ioaid='
were suspended for violating the ufacturing brick~s aind illotiol) pic-
1 auto ban. (Heli, hehm, did we ever tune nmachines, which were lfi~s early

t !'________..__ _ ...

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8 03 East Washington f
Ormi Block North from Hill AuditorIUmA

._ i



while tile Atlantic divides, the cause
of peace umnites us."}


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