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November 26, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-26

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I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . --.. - 3 .S U - - 33


Ann Arbor Art Amsociatimn The Seventh Annual Ann Arbor Arit A ~ ' rnnrf _f~sn


CI'AL - U LL t I N fi ;IatA~ts~ai l? p^'~caevery aftermoon in tbe atl rics and ccriclwo f r.
A.iuivini Nicamrial blall thirough Friday, November te -i~ib
rublicatloi I n the IBulletin i"; c uw ,fritetive llotie to all inemhers Rlictoric 180 (liraiva, 1) meets tonight iste:d of Wc!Twrda , 7: 15,
of the Vnivrty, CoPY rvccivued t,.theAi,^i.rlat to thet 1resA- I Fooum 3227 Angell kil.
dent until 3,30 1p. in.. (11:3U a.. atzrciay )
VOL. XL. TUESDAY,, NOVEMBER 26, 1929 No. 50 liagii h 113: The special bus for those sticnits who have aY111",ed
______________It see "A Stranige Interlude" will leave thle Union promptly .at 4:00 i. im-.{
NOTICES Fare 1.73.
Faculty and Students of the Medical School: As a token of respect
2¢r, the memory of the late Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, former lean of the T' 'iwt7 s Club Will have its x egiular dlinncalr-et'izz t 6:00 this'
Medical School, all classes will' be disniissed between 11:00 a. in. and :wvrzira ill thec;afidecria of the t' ni~nls lC<earuc 13Uu cJin(. The meeitbvi~
12:00 noon today, at which time the funeral services are to be held in ;ill take pl,- c up.taIrs.
Alexander 6~. Ruttiven. 7uwie's Eif Ic Team~: No rifle practice today.
The Automobile Regulation will bie lifted for the period from 5:00 House lPres~dents: Please lea ti th'r sellers' ,:hcct. for the B,1, x
p. mn., Wednesday, November 27, untii 13:00 a. iii., Friday, Noveri her 2 L 'l te Cza'dy Booth 'today- between 9~ and 2 o'clock.1
1929,.for the benefit of students who a.'c resid-nts of Ann Arbor and also ---
for those non-residents who have permits to drive in Ann Arbor, or wh The Flay iH9in Section Of the FacultY Womn's Club mcets this,
. Ie ave cars in storage here which have been re; istcereo. with the office a~ei oI ifl te nicllgan Leamc Buiclini.. The r-= ding; will start
of the Dean of Students sinice the oapeningt of the r esenit semecster. iiis prompftly at 2:30; so all mem~nbcrs -are urgied to be oil time, An offlcizi
relaxato:A of the driving rc£>f latton bill i:,ot apply to tlho:-e studencrts w o ctice on tuci bullet-in board on the t2fnrsttfinr will give the roam ava.il-'
have'failed to register cars which arc beng s;tored in Ann Arbor, or to able.
those who -have cars broaugtht herc; following thiis annaoun cemcnt. Theo
enforcement of the ruling Nvil b- 1':-i;l nd .!ai:iday ino ninig at j:00 ' A.1-Caai pus 1l'orum: Cal edn(,s30aof tli wck at 4 p, m, i aRoom.
1) clock, and as students aro forbi idcl to bring czrs to Alin Arbor (ill D o, the Alumni Memoyriaiill falI, lPror 1..3I. 741 lk3Of the Spe ch BD,.
that date, fno provision will be VniRCLC for u ite:(1Y,2,privilew~s in rtinciit will condtuct the ff,.ua AI-C<tais 1'raZn. The sa.~iject of ii
conecionwih te oliay fise~sio wil he "The Vocationi of the Literary Col'lege GCrdu,,ite." This
J, A. Bursley, Dean of St dents. r hsd easimltn discus.sion of special liltcrcit t, senior literary
American Association crf Utiiversity Profes, ors: The officers of the !
Michigan Chapter request the naine,- of new mrembers of the faec,:ties T, Toa .1.BakOaoialCnet hudlk ome
w r ebeso h Asoito .. < C .n t:heuneriged on Friday, November 29, at 4 p. im. in Rooam 302 Mason Hall all students
R~oom 3004 Angell Hall. who wish to to try out for the Thaoras E. HI. Black Oratorical Contest_
John W. lIzatdsliaw, President. This Contest is open to all undergraduate,-, both men and women, eigi-
__....ble to take part in public activities. The speeches must be upon some
Faculty, Colleges of Eng d nerrii~g hed st zirchittectureb:i Le oiiiir un lsis subject sigcs,#cd by the New Testament. The three prizes are $100, $50,
c~ierreprton ngneein an achIlet ,a3-iiudenkFrinayou (laer a (nd a fine copy of the Biblb. The final contest will be held after Spring!
whose work* is below parsing rgta(ev'eil I(1 0£rilyT'Onb 2) Vacation inl one of the local churches. The squad for the final will be
Thes reorts soul bemacc o cars wichnia beobtine intheselected after Christmams vacation, and members of the squad will have#
Secretary's Office, 263 West-, Eugincering Buiilding-, and the ropors opportunity to giue their speeches in chaurches about the State.
should be filed in the same olflice.?
Louis A. ilop'iiiis, Secretary. R. D. T. Hollister.
f Faclty.Cotlze ofLifir-dtre. etoric 11, Section 1: Mid-semetster examination will be held in
te Frpocad. alre nov if lz" c? ; _ iS ate ?. ,1rl 1h.Ats: Mizipi.s cm Room 205 Mason I-all instead of 215 Angell Hail, Wednesday at 11.
ter~~~~~~~~~~ 1,otcrs~enwbhrOtid~t~uhteCmu iNT-

~.' I J'LI/ ('~JJJU'IU(t.~ ~7 ILIUI.JI

Architect Co mmittees TO THOSE OF THEODORE DR ;ISERN
,A poinitnients to committee i)o- "MVore atti u I ion isfounid inlthe1(, \.i a* qr.; ins;iu of his
itions to serve for the ijunior' class! ptimritive, ucuhcyelo " y SI wimThr asasldu ou e
ithe nriltectiiral school were ! t ill thec ltured dlecadenice ~ u'lt with az omibination of diplomn-
u) micced yesterday by Martin F1.Thomas Mann, wiiiner of this ayadAeia evIbie
(A-w. 80 .,preidet o te cass Iyear'; Nobel prize for ii ,ca~ur," my way to a seat. The lecture was
Tho~>e appointed are: said Prof J. A. C. TTlnr of the d~sciiptivc, and minutely so, like
Social: C. M. Gunkl. cliairnian;.
i German department. yesterday in o much of Mann's work. After the=
M, 1I. lHawkins, E. B. Cutter, F. R. i an initerview concernfi hi-s O~
Juhion.J. . Weelr. f th 199 slecion "b evr," tationa, I talked with him in the
Fh~i~:F. J. Schweitzer, chair- Pro fessor Ilildner i =e,"~-d~ oj-ridor. lie was very cordial anld,
o~~azn: E. M. Bow ers. R. G. Hlartnick, is an im lorani, ,, r u- n invited ine to meet himt at Munich,'
J, W. Br1ownl, M. McGuire. grea, enoug h for the ditielio o vir.h I was never able to arrang,,
Piublicity: J. Slininions, chair- vmnirtg so profoulul ia con-pel itionz.btfoatieIcrepndwtl
m;F. A. Arnet, W. Mackinley, "I niet Thomnas Mann." he de-bufoatieIc:c pzd G'
1"- F. Rosser. v cL'u'-ed. "somec years ago at B3erlin! himi regularly.
Athletics: W. Denier, chairm-an; I it ewas at the time vlhen all Ann- "lie is a very amnialble gentleman;;
T1. F. Rhines, F. W. Fuger, J. L. Pot-1 Arbor was reading 'Buddenbrooks,,' slender and well-formed. One
tle, F. D. Rink, the novel that won him tho prize, could detect in hio feature thc daril:
Wtaek Quill meets at 7:30 p. m. at the Alpha Omicron Pi house, i olive compzliexioni of a Creole moth.-
1052 Baldwin. cr. He spoke with scientific peir-
ri l niba-'Theta meets at the Womeri's League at 1:0x0. Pl east loop~ cisioi. He showed his belef that.
rn builletin board for the mrom<. x ann--heartednes^s is to ue avoided
,- l( ; ,;, it too,-)eas.ilyti akea one pa-_
Sigm~'a Gamma Upsilon: Business meetig in t~tasscel Semrnnr <r. thetic, sentint'al, and banual. liis
5: 00 p. m ran displayed style which pre-
supposes a certain coolness and
V,,arsity Band: Rehearsal tonight at Morris Hall at 7:15. No rehear-' th,,re was a bit of irony about his
~al Wedniesday night. lips, but he is not radical."

a. r t . t; 'x h , :- l'% y f '. ~7 a C Y qF . " ' 01


With the Michigan Seal for cover decoration and twelve pages of Michi-
gan Buildings and Campus Scenes in Photegravurc. Put up in a heavy
art envelope for maiing---Limiited editio--7 5c.



renger service. ln ' zi r z vsare zr-mc ,':! -t o y): ~t; nob t at-er ttlUai No-
ener30, the znames o1 a I] s ft i c s wt'h('v;( a n;)ng is tat this time D
or U. These grades should not indlci .e mei1r(ly thec mark received on theI
inid--seinister exam~lnation. If sw-h an (!,xainrtiou is given. More cards,
if needed, can be h-ad ait zay oh'
°' nvnp.-,rds s~hould be htIK(~'t1 C3 )v fo t'r ret a . .u!the wxork of 5tud(*il I:;

The Intramural Sperts Building wIII be closed all day Thanks -
?. eglar nid --swter will be offered at 4 o'clock in Doom 4054 N. 0.




..nrolled in this College. Assit-u. t Dean IV,. t3. T, C. Review for President: The RL. 0. T. C., Including Varsity-
W i. umhTvys S.ll . 0. T . C. Band, will form at 3:15 p. m. Public inlvited to rcev iwbI
Stuadens , College of Literature, S.1ncr, athte Arts: Permission -' President Ruthven at 4:00 pa. m. in Yoit Field Hou~c.
to .dropa courses without F gradc imay 11-101 be gi 'en a fter Thanksgiving-
]?,ay. 'Thle fact that examination are given in lcertain courses after this Political science Irn (Local Ruaral Giovernment) : Doctor Cuncan-;{
date docs riot affect the opeation of,'t is rule. Exceptions will bie made non-01's class ill Politlcal Science 123 (tecal Rural Government) will not
only In eases of extended l lis-o. or b: -a usc of siinilarily seriou's condi-, have the mi~d-saniester examination scheduled for today. The class will
tions not uinder the student's cwitrol. meet as uslial.

p "' y ,i . t. r T'kt + s + i ar' ' 1 f 1 'l l.yr, ' r l r r'r l' ,+Ri ti
r 1 ' e "1 :? " ' ly yC" -. r} rit ' V 4'6+ !y'°d.1 '; r.. RYi tl }y r


- rj - ,m "oa , 01.,-01101 -- -w 0mw1"




. ;.. ..-.I.1. ~Rl pflr7I &. zs, iiA Z, 4 a '-:1"
Rtudents, School of lacu.di w : P riniss1oni to drop couirse without
"P" grades .will not be given after Wednesday, November 27, except
iunder extraordinary circumsztan ce . This. rule will be in operation even
In cases where exaininatlins will niot- b^ ivcn until after the Th'Ianks-
giving recess.
No course is coiiside r offi1,illy ropped ulems it has 'oeen reported
in .the oil-ice of the Reccorder of the S~hoa~l or Fdueation, 105 T 1ktpan,
rL izabt'th iV. Clark,Reodr
Uiversity Women's Rouse Heads: Closing hours hav, been extended
to 3:90 o'clock after the Pan-H-ellenic Ball only for those girls atteniding
t h~t function. All-.other girls must observe regular closing hours.
- Mar aret S. Jiushb, President of the Women's League.
Elizabeth Dc Vol, Chairman of the Board of Represenztatives,
P-ean's Advisory Committee. College of. Literature, Science and the
Arts meets at 4:00 p. In. in the Dean's Office.
Ann Arbor Art Asseeiation: 11r. Forbes Watson, editor of "The,
Axs" and prominent New York critic of modern art will give an illus-i
trated lecture on "Modern Trends iyi Art," at 4 o'clock in the West Geal-
lery of the 'Alumni Memorial Hall.
Industrial Alotion Pivtture-: ;:rl, 'whl of Business Administra -
tion will present the followviogr 0"7: .fi i Natural Science ,Auditoriuum. at
4:05 Xp. 11n.
Ttefining and' Mainufacturjj i-'t30'p0 z.
The~ Mating of Steel
-The Panama Canal.

Physiics Collogvium: 1"rofesaor. J. M. Cork will speak on " heno
tiro iciit ,)!: X-ray Wave-Lrugths by Ruled Gratiings._ and thbe Value of
the electronic Charge," in Room 1041 East Physic Buildilng at 4:13.
JE otauiva1l Jouru*.l Club: Meets I Room 1139 N. S. at 7:30 p. m,
Papers on microbiology will be reviewed by professor J. B. Pollock, Dor-
oth)y Allen, Dorothiy VanZwaluwe-nburg, Edna. Warweg, Kenn~eth Jones,3
and Arthur Bechtel.
Sioeiety of Industrial Engineers, Five Year Students: ReYgular mont~h- t
ly meeting at 7:a0 p. mn. in thte Engineering Society Roomn over the Arch.'
An Important ann-ounceint of interest to, five year Industrial En-
Flneers in regard to a Ma-ter of Science degree will be made at this
time. Mr. F. J. Steinhilber of the General Motors Corporation will ad-!
dress the Society on, "Trend of Personnel lb ingemnit.." Anyone ihster-:
czted is cordially invited to attend.
Alphun bu meets at 7:45 p. mn. The pledge play "Justice Thwarted"
will be presented at this time. AUi members and pledges are requ~ested to
be present.
Portia Literary Society: The Portia-Adelphi Debate on the question:
"Resolved that University entrance requirements should include stand-
ards in additions to those of scholarship," will lae held in the Adelphi
room at 7:30 p, m. The public iSivited.
Athena: Regunlar meeting at 8:00 instead. of 7:30. All members, ex-
eluding only varsity debaters, must come prepared with a three-minute
argumentative speech as a try-out for the Athen&-Portia debate.
AdeipW i nd P'ortia wxill hold an inter-society debate tonight. The
qurztion wxill be-.- Resolved: that other st,^ndxrds, in addition to that of
;scholarship, be necessary for entrance into the University. Meinglie-!
gins at 7:30. Everyone is ivited.




Special Thanksgivi c


Cream of Tomato Soup


Roart Turkey with Dressing, Cranberry Sauce



Candied Sweet Potato

Mashed Suash

Lewd B~rowne. author of "This Feivn World,.."..nhat Man lci 1e," -
a~ other books. will speak (; "Credulous Aueria" ini Natural Science Comedy Club Meets at 4 o'clock in Room 203 U. H. A consideration
Auditorium, at 800 p. mn., under the auspices of The Hillel Foundation,: of the futore program of the club will be discussed. All me mbers must'
- - -~he present.
Raibi1 sor of original drawings and paintings by Amecrican illus-
tiiiors, ground floor gallery, Arcbitectural I'uildiniz, daily, except Suny- Tbhe Sluderi Journalist Club mecets at 86la. in. for supper ill the
dayf throughout November. Cafeteria at the Women's League Building. Meeting at '7 p. mi. in Alumni



Choice -f Dessert and Beverage

Exhibition of- Posters,.from England, France, Holland, Germmany,
Switzerland, and Italy, in large exhibition room, Architectural Buildin,,
daily from 9 to ,5.. The public is cordially invited.

Room, third floor-program and speaker is provided.
Cerele Frayuoais: There will be a meeting for all old and new mcm-
bers, ,,t 7:45 pin., in 408 R. 1a.

/ .._a...~ww-~ w..w.sws ..- ..- -..a. ., +- 'r ....,w-...-.+,a.s....r...,...w. . .r a.., .. a a.w.,w..~ .+. .. , a .. . a




Adleftak -ddes
,Jim, Amos...






Wed -es.-ay, Nov 7h

Tosaiktntah' n
League Desk, $1

"Be in the Spotlight"

4 l

Evenings at 8;30
Matinees- t AlANI U6.i

11 Seats S0c


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