t * AO : FJ1VJ, "lm4VA '. ITr A11'.rvt ml,'tl 4:109#3fl~t T~HE.MICHIJGAN I~Lk 'V :71#.flTPUNJ'4 V .i.VI:4 4o..luzAi..A a a a., a a s " a .. - '- -" =. .J T - BC 1t - i U'=AAAa - - - - - - - - - - - r7- X-. - --- I -- - -.. , - - ITT[[,AS CHICAGO FACTORY WORKER [1LT C TO JU G"RIL S As achidI had missionary as- ed ~bout tipe K and the pscho-EC T IC V IIN pirations, but I finally decided that : ftewr'r.A'e BS9W9 0 as wicked aplace asI could cofindB'evsWoenAtlot e r stated Mrs. Cynthia f.cadc, '27, who f ac.tojry andl I ld to organlz^ theOvcrmucuh to Punctuation was in Ann Arbor last Friday, un- workers there. I was fired and For Femininity. Articles For Women's League der the auspices of the League for ; black-listed after a monthi. I was- and IntercucBaarDe ndsraDeorc. hetkd not an organizer of the Internia- QUALITY IS INSTINCTIVE to the members of Economics 121.i Tuesday, Dec. 3. She explained that the League" for1 tional Lady's Garment Workers /Industrial Democracy is an organ Union. I simply worked as a mehi- Inqluiring editorially, the Newi WTYVERN IAS BOOTH to educate the people for a social be-r of the Union. 'York World recently asked why it system based on "production :for < { y . .. r { i ,, ' } . ::, ; . Nti ,>,.A _y ~t , ¢. ',h > r J _ t. !: / ? .' J / 'y / } } .t JJi ,} 'lam / 1rYr y . t3.' v r _.. F S } r y, . ; < . . . -.,,., nopunced by Dorothy Flynn, '30, genr- "At a Y. W. C. A. convention one n aigu rs htslsrot to be writing at all they b-' thecaran!tamein f~smer e oer ago, for $15 she receives from 90 cents to Ilieve a few quotes will disarm crit- eral cmmn titteeyteray.o A saidmMrs.IReaePoweris agadate$1.00,and even the fastest workers icism" and, "quotation marks are comte ysedy.Aofe Mlacfoweli pize will be awarded the best con-4cnfakloeta fv rs. of Harvard University, and the dessady regarded by many women as a sure ; Whose oration describing coec tribution.. 'leader of the Coal-miners' Union. I "cboydo aytio f* h sign of a sense of humor." This as useless won the annual Ullivei All 'of the articles which have asked him about this type of per- workers out of lkiidiness of heart fae e l ~citicisMrasoietwhen at sity of Kansas oratorical Conte. btee assigned to the houses must sonnel work, and hie said that in except in very rare cases," delrdteWrdamte icvrn and the loving cup given by, t1 be bra wht to Helen Newberry by companies that really believed ill Mrs. Reade. "They alone can help's that "the inverted conmmas are not university Women's Self Goverr 5 'clock Triesday, Dec. 3, ready for industrial democracy personnel themse-lves, and it's difficult to I so ;ouch the feminine as the ama- !rment Association. Marking. Every house is required to work was very effective, but that make thaemn understand the need teur touch." __________ have its name, the price and the there were not many such corn- for orgaizing, and the difference The amateur writer of either sex otepn on the articles, marked panies, finally, that the Unonbetween the Communists and the uses quotation marks to convey Banquet at Field Ho~us on hem inorder to set a standardI alon~e could force good conditions, regular Union members They hear that he could write ever so .much riClses Hockey Seaso, frmarking. "That summer I was in Chicago stories of graft, that the unions ex- more proficiently if hie had the ___ The articles will be judged and s; in the Students and Industrial picit workers worse than the bosses time and energy to take pains." A with the close of the hoclkey sos pr'ize awarded the house contrbut- group of the Y WV. C. A.," continu- fdc. It's hard to get them out to un-. neat parody executed by an edi-on the annual hockey banqu ing the most satisfactory articles, ed Mrs. Reade, "and I worked in. a ion ieetings. Lake attendance at torial writer on~ this subject in- sn based on the qualities of original- paper box factory, and radio coil prayer. meetings the same old stand- cluded .the following, " womnen, be- will take, place 'at 5:30 o'clock todi ity, punctuality, attractiveness, Iplace until the Amalgamated Cloth-, bys are there, but very fewn others. i nrg more 'touchy' about such things at the Field House. Those who we. neatness, and 100 per cent contri- ing Workers Union got me a job in' tf rs. fReade had just been elected y'than men are, 'go in' for many not able to get tickets for the bai buition. Oilher houses will. receiveI Hart Schaffner and Marx. I ran a i one of the delegates to the Worn- more apologetic 'flutterings' than quet, but who signed up for it c,, honorable mention in order of i illingymachine there, and I learn-DesTraderUnionalLieague from the men: do." get their tickets at the door. Psters hih retobesomttci- -- -- res~ake UnLoca n C1ag.Sh Less important,"continues Mr. Awards will be presented with tl to -he ste conestaredue an-! i rem-irked that the Ciao tamongettbu hrdlyslsst efreunt speeches; which' are being imade1 teosecotsarduMo-Damnrosl, Thinks Music' she had from fellow workers was aogtewkig s o h ei Mrs. Myra B. Jordan, Dr. Margar day noon, Dec. 2, for judging on the' ieitiini hsricaia el isLui CmblM folowig uesay Th juge jf ICourse Is Best Effort a'mazinag. In conclusion sho saidnafeaintfpcuiton in is tencal BellhMisslayWsiEdiaBl.h "Since I have been'lhere the Union afarofpncutinisteuc-dortyeobysis thh Bt his contest ill Ybe lmembers of'l_ hs oevr static exclamation point. It would and Frances Bieldby, '30, who w the faculty of .the. archiitestural I i wrfdietngtetre-hsoevryltleti;js e seem that the purpose behind thisi be toastmistress. There; will also . chool, including Prof . Herbert A. year music appreciation course in- . Vcti C omithesltcasdb mannerism is a vague and per- i dancing and stunts.- presented Fowler r. . Ras T. Bltingerhandomnuamis thc fagitatioe Ntianalverse desire to render the common the members of the class hock Folr r.s . Btigr n ag ae hsfalb h ai iia gress is veryb slow. To g;o into1 lace less hopelesslytrebycl-- ans Mir. Walter 3. Gores. ;adcasting Company, Walter tais worlk takes a lot of courage n peil te tioroit b ith! ____eam_ SThe women Who have volunteer- Dmoc, eno meia on iencespanda atvintion asitto-the Ed o at a seler attheba'arductors, believes he has found the advance of the Labor movement sa tes iseiaszed.sl ta t ti frthe various houses contribut-, 'snotso isd emphasibzed.o- " n- M isl euti1on potnof tp fro ugreatest woriz of his life. Always a ott b isorae Y tmo A' prolonged consideration;', sia duaihrearmnto, itg articles, will meet en masse. at- interested in carrying the gospel racy defeats.", i concludes, "convinces me tliat the Michigaan State Normal college of oglcoWdedaonBdbu music to beginners in the ( - - -- celebrated quality of femininity in Ypsilanti, has been elected'to me r ilene'nts of t salesmanship, intu tedinth understanding and significance xof ' The Xemalist, government of written style is almost strictly Urn- esp-ith NaonlAat ~nnoncedby elenChever,31,music, Damrosch believes that he Tuky has again faced westward ited to punctuation,, and so instanc-Atlicsoiainwhhwa annuncd ofe sell le r,3, has been given the chance to in-]I orderig that Latin, Greek and 'tive is woman's use or these devices' I er soiain hc a chairman o the escmite struct the greatest class the wold' English replace Arabic and Persian that one actually hears them con- ga-nized by Mrs. Herbert Hoov I~rothy Flynn and Helen Wilson1, has ever known-a class that may (i Turkish schools. 'stantly in her oral utterance." se vral years ago. treasurer will both talk to thei be numbered in millions rather--___---_____________ ~rQup for a few minutes at that'ta nhnrd.___________________ _____________________ dine n "I. am convinced that through Wyvernwill have charge of a these courses we can revolutionize booth this year, in addition to theI the musical li°A of America," said customuary League booth, and arei the conductor. Superintendents of planning to sell stationery. This is state departmexits, musical super- a, new phase both as concerns the! visors, musicians with no material bazaar and the work of Wyvern. 1 interests in musical education, IChi Omega as hostesses of theI merchants, clubwomen, representa- Coffee Shop which will operate in1 tives of every business and profes- the corrective gym room both days l ion, seem to have enrolled under of the bazaar have planned a menu : the banner of good music. One for luncheon and dinner for both thousand copies of th~e instructor's DO YOU dfays, and will serve to both shop- manual prepared by Damrosch pers and sellers.' have been distributed. d"16mme's ncw#vim, MJWI % UV WV U - tiB B1erth a Valenttinme, '31. dience feels that the actors are -Student audiences are except-'reall'y students just as thcnislvu' ' pl rtia fte odtisand( even the use of costmning does ic.n th1 acrtican of thelayiseailsd- not allow them to forget this bit of - drcd Todd, '32. who played the rose 1 c;y.loogy long; enough to ,;lip In - i of0cnvrain The Pes" wichto the miood of the play whlichl . of Qncva in"Th Jes" wichessenatial for complete enjoyment. Saturday finished a five-day run ndtiisosncthpl- at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Adti sod ic h ly "Perapsthis is becausethau rarteslvscniosf change the moment dress rehearsal I - - -begins. In street clothes it is al - n~n r IR most impossible to get the feel of 'O H M Hi wF 1 the lines which comes just as .soot UUI H MO Il AFF as the costumes are put on. Then ii. ithat the actors really fit into their roles and forget their self - consciousness in the moods of the NEADSngOMPL[Tough," continued Finance Commnittee Personnel M1iss Todd, "ile players nirc awaro GAppointed lVy Dorothy of the attitude of the audience thrt Birdefl.moment they step out on the stage 3irdell.for the first act. It is quite easy to Plas fr te SphooreCabretntell whether or not the persons out Plas fr te ophmor Cbart 1infront are in sympathy with the are materializing rapidly. Dorothy' actors. The size of the audience s Birdzell of the finance conmittee makes little difference, often it is stated that "there is an idea in the; the smallest of these which throws ti.rxd~ of many sophomore wonmel itself most completely intoi the tihat the cabar~et will be able toI spirit of he play, growing tense :d fyY for Itself This is a mistaken1 and then settling back to conven- idea as there are expenses conl- ion tly enjoy themselves at exactly r- Vnected with producing it and these I the right moments. Mtcan be met only by each women ! "It is this type of audience which -ie paying her tzmx."t brings out the best of the player's n- The folloing are 'assisting on iability. At first glance over the the finance cc.mmitteo, and will beI footlights the sight of a small audi- getting In ti such witl: all sophzo- enc is distinctly discouraging and Imore womien cmring the next fewi then when that feeling comes so, SG' days Pauline Bowe, Andra Cook, that you know the small group i Betty Gardner, Jean Goldenburg. right there behind you, somehow it PIi Pau!;r c Gribling, Mariam Highley, is impossible to let them down., Esther Kirby. Ka therinec l'ocli, Lu- With an almost. superhuman of- ,a clue Lough . rit;th Me-.ntosh, Ocral-. fort the actors rally tp put their let; dine Megare Thehnm'. Mbeyer, D~orL play across in the hope that their ta Ik:1'a , 1M1r; cry Mtiila.' earnc Itruly appreciative audience is go-. ere; Roboti ts, Lyii Till, an1. larbar,- ing out of the theatre completely n- lX.satisfied." ,an,; The assistant chairman, Kather- - -'n - inPerrin, announces that Maryl the Shields and Burnette Bradley are i' by I ,ss%,i;ng on htr comrvidttee. Theyl Furs and Fur Coats ,r a~re miaking '.ut tlr° list of patron- iss l , :v or tCoe e:ab^.rer". Makeup, Repaired, Rr- 1e1? Ivalita Glascock, chairman of 1 ildle n eie Vill d 'cL'i;t ion, lia; urged thatal odlldan1R1ie be ; , - nmrewanin take an active 'Prices Re asonabilc by part in making the Cabaret a s.uc- 4 key? cess. by helping with the decora- E. L. Greenbaum t ions. H-onor points are given for participation and Miss Glascock 448 Spring Street xy promises that the work will be most Phone'9623' he fascinating. . - ei -4 I J . . fi '4 k-., : t Introducing Ax The Old, Yet Ever New FOR WINTER iHave you tried your skill? There is much more to it than there may seem at first. TO INTRODUCE THIS NEW SPORT OF SKILL THIS ADa. IS GOOD FOR A FREE LESSON AND EIGHT FREE SHOTS. CAMPUS INDOOR ARCHERY RANGE 302 South State l.lll"lllllQ, 1lV llll intinuttc Gift I I, at the Women's League Interchurch Bazaar I .. .. mom now r DON'T WALK TALK Call 9 416 Druga Cosmetics Fountain Service Toast~d Sandwiche Special Selling1. OF H AND -MADE GARMENTS A special sale of lingerie. A niew selection of dainty handmade underthings. Just arrived. They are all made of pure thread silk with no billing. The gowns coome in V or round necks. The colors are pink, peach and, flesh. They are trimmed in applique of various colors and dainty hand embroidery. The edges are bound with narrow strips of white silk. The pajamas have cleastic at the waists -and the bottoms are trimmed in new ways. The blouses are ex- quisitcly tritnoved.. The colors are -flesh and the new shade of Lido. The slips are flesh and white. They have applique true in various colors, as well as solid color embroidery. When- you sec these delightfully feminine garments you are curs to want several for your psersonal. use. They, also make charming Christmas presents f or your in- timate gif ts. Dec. 6 1-9 Dec. 7 9-=9 I I I 5 In Barbour Gymnasium,. -courtesy of Varsity L aundry $4.95 , 1 I 1! I1 I 1 MI I1 !I l I. to