PAGE FOTIR THE MICHIGAN DAI LY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1929 Published every morning except Monday,1 during thie University year by the Board in Control of Student ItrsLlicatious.I Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the lase for republi' ation of all news dis-I patehes credited to it or not otherwise credited tin this paper and the local news publishied herein. Entered at the at Ann Arbor, Michigan,. as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- toaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4425; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editor.................... George C. Tilley City Editor ............... Pierce Rosenberg News Editor..........George E. Simions Sports Edit ......... Edw ard 1.. Warner, Jr. Womett's Editor...........M arjorie Follmer l elegraph I' ito ......... C asant A. Wilson kit ,. and f )anta ........W illiam~ J. Gormian Literary Eito .....Lawrence R. KWin Assi:,taut City Edtor...... Rvbet t J. Feldnian Night Editors Frank E. Cooper I letiry J. Merry WVilliam C. Gentry Robert L Sloss Charles R. Kaufman ""alter W. Wilds Reporters Bertram Askwith lxVster Ml ay Helen Bare David M. Nichol M4'axwell Blauer Williami Page M~ary L. Behymer IIowai-d Et. Peckhanr 11,"Ia ~ IerFitso)H ii f Iierce Allan 11. Berkmian Victur Rabinow~itz S. Beach Conger john 1). Reinidel Thomas 11:. Coolcy jeauiiic Roberts John H. Denier Josepli A. R~ussell .ttelen iVonriuctoseph Ruwitcli Margaret Eckels 'William 1. Salzarulo Katharine Fcrrin Charles RI. Sprowl Carl S. Forsy the ;. Cadwell Swanson Shieldon C. tullerton 'Ne Thayer Ruth Geddes Nag fret 1I bompson Ginevra Ginni, Piehard ,. ITbini jack (oldsontl, El izabth cii Xiintiute Morris Groveruian I larold UC) . arr, Jr. Ross Gustin (Charles Whilte Margaret Hlarris G. Liouel N~iilents J iavitJ X1. ii ei'imstad Kola" K W illoughby j .Cullen Kennedy \an is dean Levy fttrbara Wr~ight kussell E. McCracken Vivian 7&nnnt ALorotxy £a, [of reasonableness and unreasona- bleness. If the city council does not take the matter in hand, a stu- dent boycott should by the order of the day. THE GOVERNOR REFUSES < Governor Green has taken the 6ccasion to make public a tele- gram he recently sent to his Wash- ington colleague, Senator Arthurf Vandenberg. It isn't as though a{ LL iilifrii' . G" uzliT d .oFLY BY NIGHT f Now that tho automobile ezlfurc- Music And Dramna 0 4 r TONIGHiT: Iii the Lydi eixde1'=- soitn Theatre be inning iat 8:15 o'- clock, Emil Jannings in "'1a rtu ffe,"r one of the pre-Anitrica pictures on1 which Jainugs' repuitation is based. THE J1ARltRU t ENSEiLE Reviewed by H" zth ed ; h arats First let it be said th~at Am, A b{}r is to be complimentedl: The Dig- lishi Singers and the~ present cn- semble with:in a week of c"""") other; although it does not rfollow 4Ay .,;71 MERRILL., LYNCH& CO. 1M embers ' ~New York Stock Exchange I Chicago StockL change Cleveland Stock I"xchange Detroit Stock 1"xdunge This is the Band you wiant to take NwYr ubMre yourpart a i-;,succss.Accounts Carried on Coniservative Margino Si NAP NTRANES~ 201 First Nat'l Bank Phone 4294Y 4 smart reporter happened to uncov- ers have anchored and thoroughly er the news. The governor delib- grounded our ambitions to be fliers 1 erately let the public know that if legally, we suppose we shall have appointed to the vacant portfolio of1 to be bootlegging air rides, just asj war he would have to refuse the honor. "It would not be fair to thi~~ed uords people who elected me to desert * them at this time." What fidelity! i Of course, that means that In the analysis this looks more; the adnistration will spon like Governor Green's idea of a haeteirpicouinfc. clever maneuver than a sincere haela irpicouinfc. statement. Mr. Green is facing an-, Bu that's all right, it's a good other election soon: either re-elec-' wvy to spend taxc,. tion to his gubernatorial post or 1* possibly a Washington senatorship. Such being the case, he seems to, According to the letter of thej have thought it good politics to ban, no student in residence may grease the skids with a little bally-, own or' operate a motor driven ve-; ioo about his general reliabilityC hile. If the administration wants and outstanding service to the, state. Incidentally it looks well to' to continue its policy of liberal con- be on familiar term~s with thae Pres- struction of :he ban, we can offerj Ident and prominently mentioned a lot of suggestions. In, the first for such high posts as those in the' place, electric trains, toy airships, cabnet Ofcouse n a ntb clockwork automobiles, etc, are ille- that Barr ere and his ccm pany are comparable to the English "croup : simply they are both desirable. But 'while one has 'becn boy n into it tradition anid ,.hws it, as tU ; 2 jhiomie- gm to, the other miust b'FT !with its gusto and lookp r a tra- d cition. When it finds one it eannot help being a little patronizing. There was a Serenade by Mozatrt., a little Irish Suite by Swan 11-rucs- ,Sey. aa Quintet by Franz Dni Kleine Kanimermusik by Paul 1Thi- clemith and a Miniature Suite by Poldowsky. Everything but the last was worth hiearing.. It Sounded (after the divergent voices of Mo- zart and H-indemith) like the at-! tempt of a diplomatic host to reconi- cile irreconciliable guests -- with something luke wvarm : Mir. Barrere becomes the host and we are the guests and we don't like it. It 132' Blue Blowers "We Satisfy." 4' 10 J Phones' 6749 ~'ct~iij~un. %ma~er, New York Listed Stock* Private WIrre.Connections with all Markets! Securities bought or sold on commlission 7 i FRATERNITIES _ i i I 3 1 I i { t( i iyt( ....__.__ 1" 1 1017 Oakland Ave. FOR SALE! We aire pleased 6o offer for sale (or possibly exchart ra) the former Gammia Eta Gamma fratcr it)' property ait 1017 Oakland Ave. The present owner has completely .recondi- tioned house-it has been enlarged, comipletely equipped and re-decorated, has new roof and exterior has been paint- ed. 3 complete baths (new). Lot has 134 feet on Oakland Ave. and depth of 167 feet. House has chapter room, and porter's room in base. merent. Possession at once. We will be pleased to show this proper:ty by appoint-. nitent. SORORITIES Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress & Incorporated Investmnent Sec urities Co. BUSINESS STAFF Tetephone 2.4214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JRi. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising .............., Ilollister Mabley Advertising...........Ksper ,II.lilalvcrson Advertising ....4.". rermxotl A. lIpton Service ... ....... Ge....~orge A. Slatcr Circulation ....... .......... J. vc rnor Davis Accounts ..............John R. Rosel PubLeatio's .. ...............h'corgc .llaiiltotu A btrh B~Y' = M. Badenocb Marvin Kobackcr Robert Crawford Thiomias Mluir Parry B. (2ntv'e I;'orge lPatterson Thomas h', Davisn (Charles Sallfowd so prominently mentionedct, still it looks well. Governor Green should ,learn, however, that to be prominently mentioned' at all profitably, one should not do most of the mention- ing himself. The suggestion should gradually creep upon the voters first as whispers, then as rumors, then as the confidential opinions of men high up. and on thec inside. Then the refusal of the honor should first be broadcast by wise old heads awfully praising the self- denial of a great citi'zen and pa- triot. Suddenly to mention oneself prominently for a high honor and refuse it in the same breath is too patent. Perhaps the Governor, with becoming modesty, wanted to quash at the outset any silly talk about his appointment to the cabinet. Perhaps he wanted to tell the na- tion that he didn't think he was ythe right many. Perhaps. o gal if operated by students, for cer- taiznly thecy are motor-driven ve- hicles. Then, if you want to carry the. argument to its logical con- elusion, carts, kiddie-cars, Irish Mares, pedalled automobi es, aind bie'veles are barred1. not to i i i mention canoes, row-boats, and scooters. According to liberal definitions of a motor (and thejt administration deals in liberal intAerpretations), the human body can be classirted as a mio- tor when used to propel aniy of l the above vehicles.j If that, is the case, the student!]. is aiso barred from the campus, forr when he uses himself to walk while carrying books or clothes or any- thing, he-assuming hie is owner of himself-is owning and operat- ing a motor-driven vehicle. i I tt ii ; ;; 1.111s Floor Ann Arbor Trust Bldg. Normnan Eliezwt I cc Ski' a~ton __________________________________ James lHoffer I s' ll D n ~iffer orris Johnscn lIdett'" illianisun I Or, if the sudent does re- ChleFxr.,. ., it ri, ',~ys EditorialCo m n Blusiness Seer etary-Mary (;base n...o'unn on the campus, he cannotI 1 ""-a -~d1 -~~ ~walk or run except for business Agns avi41.l4ia 1yle PROFESSORS AND 1905 SALARIES I purposes, because every time be Bernice Glase"r Helen E. 1\isst-lwitewakfrplauehis vo liortense Goodiug Eleanor Walkinshaw (The Daily Northw'esternh)ak o lesr ei I,,t,ia 'atrrttiati "It is men and nothing but mnen aigtealicuie"uo Night Editor-ROBERT L. SLOSS that make education. That cannot mbl"bn -- - --- jbe too often repeated. . . We must TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 19290 husband our resKii .irces to spendI If walking and running. on the - them on first rate men for first ;part of the student constitutes a rate work. We must compete with violation of the barn, then the ath-th ui es w rd f r t e b~t'ltct a swl aet eds a d W{?H4T IS A TAXI RIDE WORTH? nen."' ed--unless we acknowledge the I fthese were the only pithy Carnlegie report to be true and can , Somehin ha agan gne wrywords that were spoken by Robert; call athletics a business. in the local taxicab situation. M. Hutchins when lie was inducted 1 Rates over the week end have pinto the presidency of the Univ er- shown a sky-rocketing tendency sity of Chicago, Tuesday, his inau-' Of course, instead of dso- _ that leaves the hard-riding element gural address and the day would itinuinag classes altogether ebe- of the student body in a state of have been a success. They are tr~ue cause the students aren't allow- ,fnancial collapse, aggrievelnent, words, they are forceful, they arei ed to attend them, we can and wonder. From "M1Vonday to almost epigramnatic~ connected withI adopt the proxy system and Thursday the purveyors of trans- the remainder of the- speech they ;hire people to attend classes for portation build good will by non'in- show faithful consideration, o s js a e ie aisista al~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fesadn-hrefretagveviet huhsta ae of driving our own cars. Any- afesadnchrefretagvvoctot ogistahae}passengers. Then? suddenly as Ann been silenced too longi thing not to givc up classes. Arbor turns social and the demand Busine..s is eating tremi-ndous ini-* for cabs overtakes supply, suchI roads into. the heart of the teach- According to assistaiit-to-the- amenities as "five-f or-the-price-of- ing profession. Thie best men areI dean Rea, in charge of the new one" and " 35-cents-anywhere-iii- being recruited and have been re- I. air sqluadrzona, the ma~ain~ reason for the-city" vanish with a suddenness cruited for years from the graduat- banning plane~s was to protect stu- that is both breath-taking .. - I inga classes, but what are the ui- 1 deist life and to prevent crashes. heart-breaking. The fare-paying versities--centers of thought-do- Of course, ie aeaueet sex, moreover, has to pay what is ing to counteract this flow in the( like the use of gliders, which have asked and like it: with a girl In opposite direction? What is North- n oo otoaealrgtsm the offing he is precluded even the 1 estern dointg tobia efficient, fply bccausc they haven't motors. relief of a rguimw' with the driver on learned men, acquainted with moud- They're more dlangerous to handle, -anywhere near eqtual terms. eri teaching methods, to North-; but there is a pallor of sin about It, should be possible to estimater werkterni? What are thae majority a moitor. roughily in advance the probab'le of the unaiversities-doing?; to attract - _______- cost of the ride contemplated. Tis~i and hold good teaichers besides W4hait ia lucky thing for aviation is the ba:is on wvhich practically 1 keeping them a way by inacrecasinig ta ideghwn oWs every business trainsaction in the; classes? latLnbrh etto1is world except one with a local taxi President Hutchins d.eclares that consin to go to school. is concluded. But this is manifest- professorial salaries at the tUniver -___________________ ly impossible when one driver takes sity of Chicago must be increased.'y the square root of his speedometer According to newspaper estina.- and multiplies by a convenient!. tions, hie is a man. whose action isj It w'ould seem that it was vin-f number, another approximately (suited to the word. "He is 'a man ,possible for a student to go wrong cubes what he thinks his passenger who thinks all he says, but doesn't Iin hsUiest.We o n would pay if he we 'en't in a hurry,' say all he thinks." one commentor{ ter as a freshman you fill out a; and a third estimates a cent a mile I has suggested. This moamns that ;ee-aepmhe nwrn to the nearest star lc&s the distance Chicago, which rates as the fore-! lot of-pesonlqetinswerbout ltactually travelled. most university of research and cc-vorers oun aqesntsaloatr Ldst year thme city council preom- perinirentatioi in the country, willruselyrpantndyr graldpasrents. Then you aresmug- ised an investigation of the rates for-ge still furthecr ahieod. 'Yet ourt e"i uhte aefsina being charged and an approximate classes grow mnore numlerouls with for a rogues' gallery. only they correlation with the city ordinance each year and prevent the neces- don't cut your hair. Next you must which provides that cabs with mae-I sary increase in professorial salar-; carry a card proving that you are} tern shall charge thereby, and that I zs a student so you can attend classes cabs without meters shill charge; Early this year a committee of or get a book out of the library.E 35 cents anywhere in the city. TheE the Yale faculty issued a report on You cain't have an automobile, butI police departmnent was instructed to "Incomes and Living Costs of a yo a aeagldr o a' enforce this ordinance in accord- University Faculty." The conclu- hv mtroabt o anhv ancee with the penalties stipulated. 1 ion of the study was that $15,000 a ao;yu a' rveacrt It should be said that the situationI to$16,000 was the salary required by schonl on a .tormv v. bv ut. vt'1I would be much better to have a good fight-or did Mr. Barrere want to leave. a pleasant impression? He didn't. The Mozart was very Mo- zartian and the Irish Suite rather Scotch with much suggestion et bag-pipes but then it may have been both-as if it mlatters. The third .movement, Sagairt Tar To- rach, was slow and very affecting. It is sad that we do not have the chance to ,bear this (and many other works similarly neglected) in- stead of, shall I -say the Caesar Franck Symphony (and many other works similarly overplayed) . One can only say of' this suite that it sounded ver-y promisingan strong- ly mecrited rehearing. One perfor- mance is like a swift 'glance at a picture. .One doesn't look at pic- tures that way--and most certain- ly one doesn't listen to music that way-or shouldn't. There should be local people (may I suggest the School of Music) who are ready to play tnese things for us again or, even better, before. thoe concert. Such effort would be entirelyt praiseworthy as much of the effort in turning out mecdioec soloists is not. 1Very much the same is to be said for the Quintet by Franz Danzi. It is very much in the Italian vi- tuoso tradition: attitudes of robust strength and defiance aound, ex- trovertedjoy in display of poer, grace tier than reflection in tie{ slow movements. It is the -work qtj a fine and sensitive mlusician. I did not sulffer at all. by comparisonI with the 'Mozart on the samnc prov- gram:: music needs its Eliot to re- store these older write's who seem to have been so ca:ually nglek"d I did not find the architectural qualities in the Hindemith music which appear sio clearly to Mr.: Rosenifeldi. 'There was mnuchh iupu1 - sive rhythmn strongly reminiscent of Stravinsky's Sacre du Printemips I but much inferior to it both in va- riety:and organiz tion. - This in usc is the hysterical shrieking of ,,, is orientated soul: structure would b incongruous here; as welfindc it in; the bellowing of a lion; soch vital roaring is nevertheless ;aiable and far more alluing a'ndU promising than the acadealk squeaking of a (ertait MaX fTcer recently described in programn notes jhere as the greatest uitrapuntalist since Bach. Traditionalism and classicism are exceedingly danger-' ous doctrines wh~ihqickely beome the cry of sterility. When a pma' goes out to cultivate the old we may well be doubtful of the reult. Illis capacity to assinmilate Ithe ex- perience of the past withlo I, beng bowled over b1y it is a m(,a !'- ol Ihis ability; and so while nmany cm iu express themselves, few Cazn x- press much more. I think it is bet- ter to linmit one's self to what one! can bear: 'T. S. Eliot's example and doctrines will ruin more than one good minor poet. It would be in- teresting, in the light of all this. to hear some of Hindemtith's later works which revert to the ler forms. J1. } t t' 1 f , 1/'j { v ! ' t +y r , ~ f t Y !,." . ,.: f . I 1 INC* REALTORS BROOKS BUILDING Telephone 22571 Evenin gs 6125, 40131, 5917,, i Brooks- Pipes save no midnight 6oil IF lPIES made tVtc mant, anybody at all couild rise in the world ju;;t by snioking a few pounds of Edge- wort h. But pipes do not make Whe man. Yen mzaake the pipe-mnost mien do. Soinewb at. dep-,rnds on the individual, wlore on the Ipe, and thec tobacco is most iuiportant of all. 'Things must bc congenial. Edge'worth is a coagenial tobacco; cool, slow-burning, fully 'flavored., Edgeworth hass poise, kindly good Inaturc, real tobacco personality - FEdgewortha welcomes new friends. Many a good man lias been pledged to pipes by Edgeworth alone. Like to meet Edlgcworthr? Just ask with the coupon-and thic postman will bring your first few pipe fuls of the genuijnc, thre years seasoned if it '=: a dad,. Our treat, if you please.. Others have found Edgeworth ania quit their discontent. So may it be With yout 3 t 3 1 : 1 {t i N i S 3 E j t i i l I _I THE FAMOUS JOE PARK ER'S CAFE C. W. Kelsey Management OPENS AGAIN! FEATU ING- a supper da n c e'l hanksgiving eve nine'tl one. With Sidney Woolners orchestra playing lilting tunes.1 Thanksgiving day dancing twelve 'till two and six 'till ten. The dinner will be $1.50. And there will be no cover charge. T H EN a special break- fast will he served after the Pan-Hellenic ball. You had Better make your res- ervations 'now! A ND . . excepting I Mouday° there will be ! ~dancing each evening from eight 'till ten. Friday you may dance from nine 'tillV one, Saturday nine 'till twelvo. No cover charge, i only a-'ninium tax of 75c Then there are regular . uncheons each day and ' dinners each evening. Y/OU'LL like Joe Park- eras . . *.the food.-. *.the. Music .. .the atmosphere . .'cause its "the smartest place in town," See you soon! HURON AND FOURTH STREETS Newton N EDGEWORTH P-dge-wortlt i, a careful blend '--~--,. of gooud tobaccos - selected e svecially for pipe-smoking. Its p Jclality ertd flavor never AY6lp chancge. Buy - anywhere -"Ready Rubbed" or u nRtf "lug lice"-15¢ pocket ° ±rpackage to pound bumf- tLarus tijBro. Co.. Rich mlond, sta. I s I'll try Y(w'r Udgewortlr. Aud I'll try 1 * : . im 0kigool ijipc, i. _ t\ ;1,y ea liu' e iT'g)I t U t 1 -------------------------___________________ L ' lO FASCINATING To Look Through the Pages of Your Memory1 Book 'Your college snapshots have giveni you lots of pleasure in the . ,i , ....,. -.,. a - --} : t:. ' . ' r : :' . t . ' r > '" gsq . t t Y .