)ESTABLISHED 1890 ICY fmrMirt t abj igaba MEMBER VOL. XL, NO. 50. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVL EN 1930 F~mhUBL ArTAIN T BE r: , ui ti .h if S' r ', TONIGHT FIFTEN STUENTSTrueblood to Start aFiwF1 'ssoBE T on African Journey AUTO -BAN CHAGESn TRUEBLOOD LEAVESPr TODAY ON AFRN~ICA TO SOUTH flCr ; ~Sident, Cabinet o nn I Will Honor Warren VII IILILIL (Dly Associated Prc, l IP ) Ti~ [dent Hoover will. join the Sean-I House and Supremec Court t) ~nSTRDY -ow in paying tribute to tine T - .oi mMMBRS OF VARSITY SQUADS5 TO BE HONORED AT ALL WCAMPUS BANQUET SPONSORED BY UNION. Constitute Largest Group Dealt Professor Emeritus of late Senator Francis E. Worren 0of Speec Wyoingwho died yesterday af- Speech, traln life of public service. (icu.tE'.Lal Distribution Starts at With l ns Nemcster, Says :",:Begins Nine Months Tip For the .second ti inw.thin1a Union Desk-Next toitn o en BrtihiolnynonhthecsekxeutNeasth, Tuesday, Clarence . Fidridge, 'liL, Bil AssstnttoDen., s "t rts on. mnh h he xeuir a i'December 3. I"' _ cabinet will go to the Berate PUSESRC OIYWL TD ILCScham=ber for a bief simle~.Sfl( WL Former Editor of Dal _USE _TITPIY1__ILST_ IAET funeral arranged to bonor the vet- WL PLAY IN 1I1 CITIES M i drs;Y s eran legislator who in both agt~ mcl anA drs;Y Will Relax Rule on Thanksgivings Plans to Give Lectures Before eicwadanoterza. Day for Students 'having ! All Universities Located Tha President paid tae sam-e!Ana routo aksLcl Miciga' captain for the ig30 footb; honor less than four weeks ago to(J Debut on Michigan Stage , o the s dt11 bodv at the atiial football Cars Registered~. in the Territory. ;tic late Senator Theodore E. Bur-; to, fOhowo-ie-ct2.Deccmber 12. 'at 6:'1,5Ocloc k tou.ht at the ballroom of Ini purusuance of the noJiies! of Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, pro-1tn ohiwh _ie_ ct_3 the hz.adl stuent-;ii~ixicr andl his aw,istat strict enforcement which Ivis bm na lessor emeritus of public speaking, Continuing the advance mail eor ble announced,. observed this semester by Urivr-:I will leave this afternoon for New dm~~l MI~fIcer sale of seats for "Merrie-Go- Clarence E. idridge. til. of I aii city officials in regard to the auto- 3I11York, beginning a nine months jUC I ST H 1111UI CLIH 0nd" tS [2 prdutin o te ost. will)ethe lprincipal speakers oil thx mobile ban. 15 students were v s-' trip which will carry hint through 1111 mii f nl UinOprfr h es fte ut cacie cetary oflV thwillthn seal ALf hoa .Trelo UinOprfr]h et fteiasteri. Thecaptansectryiof the ;lnni sifter they had been found guilty of , of the speechi department, who w111 stay for three months study-,N* Bucley, treasurer of thle Opera and i l ihoug h several fraternities have al rc violating the automobile regul,1- leav-s today on an extended tour! in provincialismns and dialects of genral inxnager of the Union, an- ---- - rag Lion, W. 13. Rea, assistant to the, throughi the Union of Sout Africa. !speech in the Union of South Af- Tickets ol Sale at Main Desk; pounced yesterday that ail mail or- sii--isY- _.lhersmiU dean of students and in charge of Professor Trueblood w il study the rica', of Union; Sll-out Seems des should be received by Satur-:'smany t automobile legislation, said yes' r-' various dialects and provincialismis- "During the war," explained pro- Early Probability. day, Nov. 30. Applications will be. Saturday will be the finalday rl~~ day. iof' te English language, In use 11" essor Trueblood, "I was in Austra-- filled in the order of their recep-j that seniors may secure picture pinr "The students who are Made thoi the colony, and will deliver le- lia ,,et ewZaand studying the FAVORS ARE SELECTED Iion. Students and all others whoi privileges for the 'nsian, said i iati objects of disciplinary action at: tun s before the South African vaiu-ilcso h nls a- are not on the Union mailing listl Sam)ul Akis, 30 uins i al men this time constitute the largest icste.ter&a1e Hogan Hancock and his orches-i aag.Afe tdtcayn uaethr.Baseotefgt- and have not received application i aae ferta a desirin" univrsiies raa ting student may obtain single group we have thus dealt,. tra have been engaged to poiebakmyscr hma h a receipt to haehi i tur heir t with so far this semnester," Mr. Inrn iet* n o heSuh fiantritr the music for the Sophomore prom Union desk any day this weck. takeon for the 'Enisian, without the lob dsi yesterday."tio m~neocases of 11I 111' w fiII h odtin xsigI hip- ch will be held the night of; The general sale of sats will special permission of the inan- earl. a sciplarysacetionha eare Jj ~; jj pn rudAcnwtrs,t a;Doe.13, Iin the Union ballroom. ;'start at the Union Tuesday, Dc. 3 1 ageent. howeat sofrti eetrta ncr rimpossible for mei to continue my a Fred Buchan, '32 E., general (, ir iSeats will be ol sale these Dec. 3. 4. ahedbat responding periods for either of S1 4.wra a lne od.i iIteb te wo Prigschoolnyear.A PE R HEILSouth Africa. I have wanted to go, h slcio fdh an a, o ta 10. slil e odutdallforMNIoLUByILL; esrr permits aen t, ever sine, and at last I amp able to."r d that the selection wcs maderl'uditorliumn Thursday Dec. 5 U N L B wil, onu ed students to operat~e automobiles i1Jxitss Forces Cancellation of' Will Stop in London. .ubjl et to ,he approval of the, Wednesday, Dec. 11 the sat sale [ ubLIl n lack thssmse hnwr rntd~Pianist's American Professor Trueblood, who until Studentcouncil which las recenitwl e oeothebxofie 1iI111111111seesert.11er gane u l benemowre'tldiirvs past years, it is announced, but, of-, Concert Tour. 1923 was head of the speech de-, 1beeofentoeerichitganperheatrth where the!___ ifcial' figures showing thne exact partinent. zil spend a great-deal o unton.thearng etso cas social sl;'10v, ill peni on Thaursday, Dc.{ n - numiber lot students to b tranted ;SLEEK SUBSTITIUTE IARTIST tuee1inLondon ti :month i th func sons '501)1z, ;l:2resiz . The sat sale will continue at; id ocig tfBn the "gWe pernits" this semster have not',I galleries of the house of lords and crgSud ocin tf, ad+1 becopee.tehueof commons studying te -' yteOd Mdi theheMcia o fietruh Will Attend'anquet Given 1ties as beco lee.Due to. the present condition of nith os :fie nm Louisville, Ky. t had -5einl auayngt by Detroit Alumni.! this ca Iner t icpinrgeinaie Iad'et"'ki' health, Char- ets hs bseech oaske t ddesbeen1known through ,;eng ~etith Ie 'tippeardeice of "Mrno-Ga ,t' against, those who drive aufgo t theei, H'hes H asbenake otaddresse, usto, '1ex.: 'ound" at the Michigan theatre n TU ETSAE N ITDThxe Da biie& without a permit or who drive les A. °Sink, director of the SchoolI several metings of teachers of STtUDHteENTS! a it.aninoatonthsyerfoNiVfrTE___D' ge announced that studentshaebeth cocrsceuefoJa.8aon Lnd.Tene il sail Sherman House, Chicago. Accord- finer years the show has alwaysM~embes of the University of ge I subject to terms of suspensionbytepnitlahd bec- to Cape Town from which point he ii to Milton Srack, '32, and ;played at the Whitney. Because ofthva bythrttan hreaaofproatiohasilltravltaounetheUnin- Charles Sommers, 32 E., member s .the size of the new theatre, only -Michigan club of Detroit will en- tb thissemste. Weres? n pat' elld. out Afica or ix eeks gingof the orchestra commxitte, t,- four' performances will be given. tertain the entire football s uad, eiew years auto ban violators were some-I The following note was received as far nkrth as Vitoria Falls. band has enjoyed a hig hly com- 'ere -on"wl lyo coaching staff, and band at a ban-I so spor times merely given warning or1I froin the New York managers ofI Professor Trueblood plans to visit thient e ndrecepthnatde rrh of Tsursday, Fidaee, and Saturday atra quct to be given at 6:30 o'clock next iDtr i were placed on probation, all of-( hepinit:the members of the faculty sta- teseforlacesaaln ethe iae rrafntsndaaTinscede ofSatrdays ISaturday seeing at the : Hotel Atleti' fenders this year are placed on sus-;the pinist:d*at the Lmotobservatorye o eerlnvlie hc fortrnon.earscheoduleiofrige stalriDtot twsanucd "lso'rmr eerr"elwt, We regret exceedingly to advise wined s Lamed ontyersag should enhance their engagemecnt fromrnt s yer'sproducinrneSalri etot twsanucd All p soo or eeey da ~wt,-iwihwa one oryasaohere."'rm7 etst 30.iyesterday. Isquads It is annlounced., you that a second and totally unex- 'at Bloemfontein, the principal A hieo aoshsbe ae One week +after the Ann Arbor Ti Bs"i nana farsaf Most of the students suspnded, pee t~c fplbtswl pre-!cteadtediri'dmns according to Buchan, though their , showing, the company will start its t ti excpcept e wasewho mofeustermnt r. aseewsadforculillnginfulliinglisingearInP outlininualntor histie.iDc. 0,ahey.gienryote Dtrot aumi tadoa Clna pension is short adwolive a !his American tour this winter. A-I so rlaoxyear neha teh ersis il t inmiorthewirlitribtioldn.x show will open in Chicago and from I extensive program has been a-eeygeaartn-fom twhv _ coatc ero h nieste ikesfheea fohv )..t hr il.gv oree efr-Jragd h pakr ilIcud ie:o tra itne rm tw, hav ougihe eels better, the pnit iat he south~ er ensp1herc)begin~ ces frthaitar rvetereinwil gve fortiecoigsv'Fbe se oiac n ro u- nsneccnn nd perform-r raFangd.The pke rf wilinudeAver Jng the period of their ''seso.Iwill keeplThin conifined to ais bed in February and ends in December.' ceiad ada'elortal das ineoeve itesmpclosn c o achJae'THarry ike, ProfFieln Al forsoe adiioal rieden bae Hi shedleha ben rrnge a-Iseems likely. Those in cha~crg po lloorl daynborrtie the astio fYost Captain .eTusos ihemacbe Mr. Rlea said. aditonl ueantpc howdeveasbenrr.,ge ethatvvfr ae choli ode t gveterae caci tiigadtaeigaeteeoe ordinglad o sxwesatr nvhoue et new captain-clect for 1930. andl Announcement is Warning. iat ofg ntraeing ahcctherefore n, horsixieek l after ulincithiin gfor thex o ndchreelaret.John Scott, a Mineapolis aluminus i nt t -"We hope that students who have' "N o ee uestion.y w.re trane thoe lcleesed n, ewllvttal themwihinnhefnetSwek.h-anid;famous Michigan fan.en infringed regulations of the auto- Il sy "edeto ayet re extremethose catedivin bthetunefsouth ITickets are onl sale dail fromn 2 Pool Players to eBei The band will be entertained, 5S0on. mobileregulaion wll conider he nsorry bto he tolend youatisIfriasathgivg ot oflec tenduntil 5 o'clock at the main desk during the afternoon at a theatre) proeseglaction illh cnsidreroftinwbtw wl epyuadi--rctlr lhuhmsto i ieof fthe Uionand are pricedst All-Campus Tournaey Iprytob ie a n f te'TAJ. preetatonI h atr fa, ed from tine to time regarding Mvr.! will be devoted to the study of the paryve dollars.oneofth warning," Mr. Reza added. "Despite IPaderewski's progress. and we feel various dialets. fiedlasSHdwtwnpc~rdhuewie a}on e e t l t e b gu i g c nil n h t h il b be, a o R t r n -ac.Decorations for thre cdaua e will I' ii 1 ou'icl pay il the ~u on's d wno n itu e ho s s, w il of h c sine atthebdL~ iingein detftardetywilbhbe, to s'ulToERlyn achProesrT rue-'incorporate a !number of unique ,z a1111-campu pool tourna-Imembeis of the "A" team will be seem to have the impression that afll all his engagements here du- blood will return to Europe, sail-pMeted. Din il}bgn t9' enehM hod'30 resident1 eriy gm.a DnIfel.+ they can with impunity violate the ;ing the season of 1930-1931" ing from Durban up the easy coast o'clock anc n will beg unin at. o f h t ' Uin hry-fv ots- sYTI ban. We make the present an-;'The entire American tour ofj to Naples. There he will travel over Suet n aiiyo h n- laouncenment in the hope that it I ?acerewski has, had to be cancelled the continent to Southahipton------------- nt hav es illered and x n Suenst andfcuteo hU pen may serve zxaazixuce f lprven- because of this setback in his fomwhere lhe wis'hes to "catch a Alentayu2Pbyesewillbe given nuesiyaiidtrolP.attnmhs Oe taiemdcn opeettene ~mtfor tlhheu legs i l firstround. bnut adCrolP d Mende taiemdiiet peetth 10;health., boat in time to ge akfo 0h Present D '19,hveben mdean ae secretary of the club, and thosePr etDa aTo gt'woaeinrsed natnig ns of meting out a pound of cure in:'Negotiations are now under way.j first university golf matches. For;rm Qi ii~aebe aeai r h r neetdi tedn ms the form of further disciplinaryaccoding to Mr. Sink, to secure a the past three years hie has been' Alpha Nu pledges will Present aIpoast-l inte Unioneblld room.ay should secure tickets from T. Haw- tuffs" action." ;Ijitable substitute artist to take coach of the varsity golf sua~prty a t the regular weekly meting' efore thicy are to play their match le Tapping, general secretary of i w'eek t - - - he place of the pianist on the pro- and with excellmit prospects for a of the society at 7:30 o'lock to- T1he charge for players is only 301 the Alumini association, in the. 1 s Silnutlu o ly with the can- iram of the Choral Union series., championship team, lie is eager to, ih ~teA~i trom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o h euAlumni Offices. -h nteAiaN omoetn ansprlo! ntado h u iyof~a nouncement of disciplinary action lAs soon as negotiations are coin- return in time for the first dual: fourth floor of Angell hal. All ear 00-cent rate. It is expectedl that.£Crdet a ai- against 15 students for violation of ; ileted, announcement will be made meet. members and pledges are asked t' the play will be completed a short Forging of redniasno the automobile ban, comes the no- 'of. the' artist and the date of the ------ - brsn. iiosae ecmtiebfr-hrsms- -e xusonOdr Ti ti n.ro thxe offie of theo dean of lconcert. ISoitis Wilristmas.--- - - -_______ students of .1, provisionlal relaaxa-_________Lt ar Seymour N. Lippert, '33, of Chi- one of tion of the ban over the Thanks- BROWNE TO GIVE Hold" Joint Debate Meet; UNIVERSITY GLIDER CLUB WINS ca, was expelled from the Un- plrnne giving hoiday, for the benefit of etra olwn icv l c students who live Iin town and of SPEECH TOIGHs-T' Aninter-soiety debate between FIRSTS AT NATIONAL CARNIVAL vriyysedyfloigdso-a c tliose who have permits to drive! tile Adelphi House of Represcta- 'cry of the fact that he had forged to the cars here, or who have registered ;utorWill SrvyCulture of tives and Portia Literary Society -hsentrance crdentftials, it was anl- sn's rr nsoae ehl t73 'lcctngt~peetdb 0plt ed3'en;bitb h oalGie e-nueda;teofc fteda os c~rsi soag.Suvy il ehedat7:0o'lcktnih- ereete y 0~ d-d3 entbil y h lcl lde ee nuce t h ofceo tedenhos I rovisionis 1efined,. Present Day America. in th Adephi room on the fourth; primary training shis, heUi- in was not completed in time for , ofthe literary school. The ___the carnival. Discovery of the eoiorgery was el'f- 0in at ____auooieeuaio il ,- .- floor oif Angell hall. The topic for versity's Glider section took first In the shock-cord launching:fc he -rpr T ~irt' hn "Iiauooie r lain.il'Makz~zing his thidappearauice be- I eate will be "Resolved: that Uniz- place in the shock-cord lauanching eentJams . Rdclng'whetok .r eo , prtr-''ak be lifted for a period from 5 oru'clock ' ' scholarshp wasRsentngbck3toutobegi !ensa fenon utl~Ifore a Michigan audience, Lewis versity entrance requirements; event for primaroplanehat thsthirdtn 17cscondseamsIbegBinsk Wedesay- atenon uti 3Brownie, noted writer anid lecturer,soldIde pcriayrgarsattekhr n-7scns rniI n as iicghghsoladwrws dy o'clock Friday morning, for the should include standards in addi- gidrcnia held over tae wek 30:,fifth~ in 16 seconds and BasilChaghihsolndwrwsudy beneitffit udofs hotredesn-tws. seakon redlou Amiic tin tothoeeonscolashi."hhe ndoadthaFodrarpottadaDd CDRed, ',Esixhei,152-0E-,ecevedtromChiagot5a 2-5er 2:0c- dens f Am rbo ad asoforattio'clock tonight in Natural Sc- I[meeting will be open to all who troit'senwnmunicipa airport. aul onds.,., dtsoAnAroan alofrence aduitoriuni. Tickets canl be Iwsh to attend. ( C. Skeels. '31F, flying a glider built The carnival attracted in all 13 !for University enrollment. Investi- those non-residents who have per- obtainti either at the auditorium Antib ncgmeig hr nte .... ation disclosed the forgied cred en-i _ hits to drive in Ann Arbor or who Au im~portn bsnssdl)ig1 eeoi h campus, remained aloft ;gliders of various types and 25 bT "ave cars in re stvra iige wirl, ar by calling the HillFona ion of Adlelphi will be held following, 19 2-5 seconds to beat out his near- pilots, 11 of whom were from Ann tials.' - g Ten Referee And , Will Deliver t to Talk. )all team will lei inlucerl lranutctWhich will he hld t ice Union. At tis time1 is for niext season wvill also u-,. and Prof. Fielditir'11. e program, anid 1'. Iawh-v zssociatioii..Will act as toaat- I:,, followed by the retring .dy availed themselves of t11w, -mciii w hcreby the ici - iav sit - together in a g;ruutiz~ ickets are still available, niieth M. Lloyd, '30, pres- f the Union. The banquet is ly an all-campus and not an tonal affair, he added. and 1 students are invted.' Those ; to attend should purchase ickets at the main desk in ,by of the Union for $1.25 as is possible today. Tickets, r. will be on sale at the desk the door up to the time of nquct. Fraternities desi rtng4- o group reserva~ions may do salling the mrai desk before ad stating. the number of they wish reserved in a dlge, who is ow .,ant executive Reo Motor Car C., of as- Well known to -studnts lin stern Con ference univers a referee, and has acted in pacity at Michigan several -Ke ° v-n irng eitor of wly in 1909, received his A.B. in that year, amnd his law de- 19U. FHe was a member of rsity baseball, team and on ard of editors of the Law While in school h was al- Ls correspondent for both a and a Chica go paper. Eld- has been. active in Detroit c club circles. members of the football as well as tile coaching will be guests of the Union ibanquet, which is a tradi- affair held at the Union year following the 'close of Atball season. invited guests, inluding, ors of the football team and ig staffs, who have received ions, are requested to pre- aem at the door for admis- RTUFFE' WILL OW AT LEAGUE mances Include Matinees ursday and Saturday. ing tonight at the Lyia lssohn theatre, Emil Jan- characterization of "Tar- will be shown each night this ,brough Saturday. Two mnat- will be given, one on .Thurs- fternoon, Thanksgiving day, ,nother on Saturday after- feature picture, which is several that the theatre has >.d in its policy of presenting asional outstan~dinig picture camus ~ i5comles from a sea- run at the Carnegie Play- in New York City._ night performance will be - 81:30 o'clock. The matinee on sgiving day is schedulmed to at 3:30 o'clock and the Sat- mantinee is scheduled for 'clock. jfWaterbat / N A -,ave been registered with the office of the dean of stucieats since the opening of the present semester,", Mr. Rlea said yesterday. tne organization which ihas spon- sored the Browne lectures since. 1927.I Mr. Browne's topic has been chosen for a campus audience, since it is to include a sociological survey of cultural life in America,- the Portia debate. Tryout speeches 1et comeitor by the small marginsARbrt . Eas 0; ligoeELrlo Wl I D1G will be heard from anly who wish of 1-5 second. The carnival «abr l vn,'0, ligoe no ~il ieDne to apply for membership.i sponsored by the National Glider' of the .section's secondary ships in ! Tansgii Eve __________association as tile major event of! the shock-cord launching event oir tA ann g~v~g _ Ex ha ge Ac iv ti s ts Glde W ek prgr m.Sauraypa ca ed i h rs onh, poundth h nkgvign I - Ex ha g A tvii si.day afternoon. Pilot Seesand bryoke the landingwirondhs E poin;h hnkgvn o i t s l i d W e e l s gp a n c k e d r e l t f f o r t h e d e c o r a t i o n s , t h e U n i o n ;w Ar Sil Rtade turned in another remarkable per- ship. Pilot Bensky, piloting a ;