"OF A I I anichigfa th l~atre e:boy 12,1i3, 14 .411v ~ 1; "~' matinee, december 14, r ~ $. 1* N. ,-: it . . M1. . . . a... .. ..*C «. -.. e. .m . 34 A!": oncento emimes and the __._chiga union are presenting the Annual opera tQ the students of the university. and thean arborthar goers t the Michigan theatr. december 12 through I4 witha matinee on eebe 14. this Year's show after three moaths o f cocen- trated effort ox the part of the drecor#,cat choruses,'committees, stage and sene'y X- Perts,aprooimates a rofessionalpoduction as nearly as any colleit undertaking can,. I Al k' : .r .. ' . x. + Y . ; . r" IF . y . . rxeved4 seats for the an rorsoin will bplace on sale at the desk. of th uip 4 Cenimber 3,4,6,7',9 and 10. women may pur- chas sets a a pecial sale at the 'hill audit-f oW-Pium on decembr 5. the seat sale iUb transferdto the box office. of the michigan theat re ondecember 1_Ian wil remain 'there throughout the showing. seats range in re from .75C to$3.00. ::e ,. 1. '4>.. 4 L of ourth annual producltion