. -A -. PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN A I dL M WEEIZA7. O ,CTOBER 2, 192;~ ~ Z ~ t ~ f t - -~m --,_-_, -..a _ __ IFT O PLANTARIUMIMei RAR E VOLUMES'HO Hussey Unearths Fossils ~~LAL Take Dirigible Cruise1 -~ TI ,P I 1 - --- --a ~ -.-- I .~-~-----~-~.--..---- -.------------------- - ----- -- - LOCATED AT CHICAGOi New Project Is Expected To Pop- ularize Study of AstronomyI POPULAR IN EUROPE Three Quarters of Million Given By Max Adler for Erection of Structure Chicago, Oct. 1.-Nearing com- pletion on an island in Lake Michi- gan near the Field Museum is Chi- cago's Planetarium, the first in th2 United States. It is the gift of Max Adler of Chicago to the city to pop-; ularize and dramatize astronomyj so the layman may get a new vision! of the heavens. Within is the great dome anda the planetarium itself, a mechan- ical instrument which produces aE photographic picture of the sola: system. Spectators are to be seated all around it in tiers and the Zeiss projector occupies a central posi- tion on the floor. As the instrument which pro- jects the heavens is thrown into operation the white dome pales and vanishes into a light-blue can- opy. The sun, moon and planets burst forth in the skies. The stars ascend from the east and disap-j pear in the west. Planets May Be Accelerated The motions of the heavenlyI bodies can be speeded up at will. Thus a "day" in the universe, which is determined by the proces- sion of the equinoxes and which lasts 26,000 years in reality, can be reduced to ten minutes or one., Similarly our earthly day of twen- ty-four hours becomes one of a few minutes, if necessary, with planets moving in their orbits at a sensa- tional speed. It will be possible to show any star as it appeared in the past or as it will appear in the future, and from any given part of the earth. Thus visitors to the Chicago plane- tarium will observe how the stars appeared to explorers at the North and South Poles and how they ap- peared in the time of David. An illusion of a marvelous sky on an ideal night is obtained, because in nearly total darkness the eye is especially sensitive to the blue rays of the projection lamps. With the aid of the planetarium I I 11iR 1 OU111AeL Alul Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, dean --I of adacinistration of the University "Many different kinds of sea an and acting president, and Mayor mals, at least 150 million years ol Edward W. Staebler were taken for were among the fossils unearths a 20 minute cruise in the Goodyear;Much Interest Aroused in Display by the research expedition," stat dirigible, "Puritan" which was of Original Arabic, Persian, Prof. Russell C. Hussey yesterda in Ann Arbor Monday. and Greek Manuscripts Prof. Hussey was in charge of tI Fielding H. Yost, director of ath- geology department expedition1 letics, and Harry Kipke, coach of FRESHMEN VIEW DISPLAY Colorado last summer in searchs the football team, were passengers specimens for the museum. Mo on a flight at 1:30. With the idea of giving the new- of the work was done in Can The "Puritan" which is more born class of '33 some idea of the City and Florissant, Colorado. than 100 feet long arrived in Ann ancient treasures of the University, Besides the salt water fossi Arbor about 11 o'clock from Grosse the General Library has on display, Professor Hussey displayed soa Isle, and landed at the Municipal during the opening weeks of school, fresh water fossil of marine an airport. samples of its rarest and npst in- mals ten million years old, wo teresting volumes. The display, on exhibit in the main corridor, has been a point of interest for Fresh- !TDman groups taking the Library trip, according to Miss Mary Hymans,S D ESrare volumes librarian. " The exhibits include original, -O Arabic, Persian, and Greek manu- scripts, of which the Library has rm~ouncements by the Literary over 5,000 at present. Early print- Guild for this week inform that ings of Milton, Tennyson, and Car- Gul fo P tis, wne ior thiyats lyle, can be seen in other display Julia Peterkin, winner of this year's cases. Contained in the Milton Pulitzer Novel Prize, is to succeed collection of 250 volumes are a first to the position caused by the death edition of ''Paradise Regained," and of Elinor Wylie as member of the a second edition of "Paradise Lost." Guild's editorial board. Beginning There are also displays from the with "Green Thursday," a collec- English drama and Shakespearean tion of short stories, published a collections amassing to over 1,000 few years ago, following by "Black volumes. April" and "Scarlet Sister Mary," Of special interest to the Fresh- both of which are novels, Mrs. Pe- men is a display of literature con- terkin has worked her way to un- nected with the campus of fifty usual critical acclaim and public years ago. Among the exhibits are approval as a writer about the Gul- an 1897 Michiganensian, and a lah negroes. drawing of the campus as it looked - _ - --------- -- --in -1854. it becomes possible to grasp at once It I In Colorado I." NEWS FROM OT HIIi COLLEGE For Museum Specimens-- -or Muse- Speci -e-s- SUPPOSE THERE'SA FIRE? I COUNCIL FAVtORS SINGING derfully preserved in volcanic ash. GRINNELL COLLEGE, Iowa.-A. WABASH COLLEGE, Ind. - The In addition to the water fossils fifteen-foot fence has been erected, fraternities are going to hold t there were wasps, bees, flies, leaves, around the lower landings of the' singing contest here next spring, - plants, nuts, and fruits buried in fire escapes in the co-ed dormitor- 'move that was sanctioned by the some of the several thousand fos- ies to prevent the co-eds from'student council recently. sils which were brought back this slipping down the escapes to keep fall. after-hours dates. CITY EXTENDS GLAD HAND I of Commenting on the fossils, Pro-U RFO st fessor Hussey remarked that the FROSH KEPT ON JUMP UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNI . on climate of Colorado had once beenKSo, Branch.-At the opening o milder and hotter than it now is, STILLWATER, Okla.--All fresh- school this year the business mcii ils, and that the animals and plants men here must double time on the of west Los Angeles welcomed the m. in the fossils had been buried by campus and answer telephones students' return by decorating all Ai- hundreds of eruptions of volcanic with the Oklahoma A. & M. battle business places with the universit' - ash. cry. colors. --- - RENTSCHLER STUDIO _ ALL SENIORS_ Again-The Michiganensian will print the pic- tres of every Senior. Then-Make an appointment with one of these Michiganensian office in the Press Bldg. 4' Then make an appointment official photographers. with one of these i the complicated motions of the heavenly bodies. The spectators, without any explanation, see for themselves how the stars travel' daily in their courses and how, in the course of 26,000 years, the earth's axis performs a slow tum- bling motion. ,The demonstrator also can make the stars move in ways never con- templated by nature. For instance, it is easily possible to show how the stars would move if the earth stop- ped spinning on its axis or if the procession of the equinoxes occur- red in a single years. NEW YORK.-Madison Square Garden is fostering a move to pro- mote amateur boxing by staging weekly shows in which the leading amateurs of the country are to be invited to take part. MEXICO CITY.-Joe Dundee, former world's welterweight cham- pion, is to meet Bert Colima, Mexi- can champ, October 13. PITTSBURGH.-Forbes Field, the Pittsburgh Pirates home lot, has been leased to Duquesne University for the present football season. The inaugural game will be played Octo- ber 12, with Albion. 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