E.STABLISHED 1890 >? IiAiia -- N MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL, NO. 49. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUN~DAY NOVEMBER 24: l92.q TEN PAGES PRICE FIVTE CENTS -,. , . War I oJ9dmlkL TO D EASE Clemenceau, Premier, 'TIGR O FRNGE~For~uic~ooI UNION ANNOUNCES Two Blocked Kicks Sngnhlfl LSErnh1: 5 Classes Will Ballot Give Harvard 10-( LOE UhbU~ Tomorrow, Tuesday OTiLSFRSL VictoryOverY SuetCouncil, Will Supervise l ll iV T 68,000 Pack Harvard Sta( BgT[Music School Elections U U t ICIUILI to Witness Traditional Mfor First Time. Gridiron Classic. .6 ale dium, HISTOI ELA Pawlowski IiesFHTING WOLVERINES REPULSE IY of GLIDING: TWO HAWKEYE THRUSTS AT GOAL ED BY URKE IN STUBBOR-N SCORELESS BATTLE 110 P GO GBAMJ Sixty Thousand Shivering Spectators Watch Close of Current Big Ten Conference C;rA'nA; an Announces De2th of ,. vcflt~iuFC* suav Li Krw.'v uckle 'Grand Old Man of France' Elections for the four classes in the School of Music wil be held t at 2:30 A. M. Monday and rTruesday this week. The balloting will be under the WAS 88 YEARS OF AGE supervision of the Student council SALE ______for the first time, as the school has! at1 on aid-Wde ttow~ only this year been in the Univer- 1ldWnW ldWd Rnonsity proper. Local :YS Author, ,journalist, and Th freshmen class will vote at. 5 Statesman. o'clock and the sophomores at 5:30 _______o'clock Monday afternoon in room u~r~rY~rm~nv305.:rThe juniors will cast their bal- ey Gives Out Order Blanks oAll Former Patrons of Mimes Show. SWILL OPEN DEC. 3 Performances to Begin Dec. 1.1, at Michigan Theatre. (BiY Asolated Pree) CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 23. With one of the most dramatic strokes of the football season, Har- vard converted the return to the game of the celebrated "Albie' Booth to its own advantage today and beat Yale 10 to 6 for the sec- ond year in succession on a half frozen battleground before 68.000 spectators.- Yale sent her little boy in Blue in the gams, early in the second pe- riod to lead what looked like a triumphiant drive, but two swift breaks, a blocked kick by Booth each time, enabled to counter at- tack and win the game with a brace of smashing thrashing scoring Is Author of Paper Gridiron Competition. 5% Mfy Asoied es) lots at 5 o'clock and the seniors atj General sale of tickets for "Mer- PARIS, Nov. 24,-The stout heartI 5:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in ' ne-Go-Round," the 1929 produc- of Georges Clemnenceau, "Tiger of the same room. !ion of the Union Opera will start France," ceased beating at 2:15 this; Ballots will be issued from a list1 December 3 at the Union desk, Paul morning. The wartime premier was of students eligible to vote. Rules L. Buckley, treasurer of the show 89 years old.1 for the election will be posted on; and general manager of the Union, The sharp tongue of the "Grand f ±~e bulletin board Monday. Jerrold, announced yesterday. Old Man of France" was silenced W. Curry, '31, will be in charge for Mlail order blanks have been sent forever. His predominating qualityk the council. ;ceipts will be filed in the order in as author, j ournalist, 'and" states- - luction, but application may be man always had been the display lllni nade tomorrow at the Union desk of fighting spirit and he died as he P11 hl for such blanks. Mail order re- had lived--fighting until his last c~lV LllI~~L eip~ts will be filled in the order n breah. ,which they are received at the breah. nl rn~rn nra naiUnion and before' the general sale His grandson, Dr. Jacqueniaire, , XI I~1~ I~ii fsascmecs who had watched in the death- U fl-9ISiI dLISeU of salcencil es.~ Uin chamber during the last hours xith { Th e eerl le fcteUtsois other members of the family,: step- Tegnrlsl fsasi peck from the little house in Rue Mifi nesota, Illinois, Notre .Dame : cheduiled to start on~ Tuesday, De- ^ember 3. Seats will be on sale at Franklin into the courtyard and Win in Major Mid-Western + t1 h lle Union desk for tae two dcuys. announced to the waiting. report-FobllCnet.Demr3an4adwile crs at 2:30 A. MT.: "Granfcthrbha just ied."moved to 1Hill Auditorium Thursday. BOILEMAKESeWI.32. December 5, for the special sale to Death 't 4S Expiected. ___ women. Friday and Saturday. De- /r,,ebr n h ,l ilb For the lash few days, Clemlence- 1B1;}' ,Ciat~dess)eme ;ad7 h al il ere- au's death has been momentarily BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Nov. 23.- !ue tteUio ekadwl expected, through Monday and expeted an hi figtin spritThe rollicking "riveters" from Fur- FTuesday, December 9 and 10. against such great odds has been __________________ nothing short of miraculous. It ;due drove a final rivet in their, seemed impossible that the aged sclaim for the mythical football MEPItRIE-GO-ROVND" statesman, who declared reeenx-i championship here today by ly that he would not live until the; swamping their traditional rival,th Completecurn informationz anent Inin3th urn production of the end of the ,year, could hold out !nina 32 to 0, bef are a UinOeawl efudi much longer against the ravages shivering throng of 25,000 specta- a special section of The Daily ol' pain and sickness. tors. in the Indiana Memorial thsmrigeboednpas All of Paris has been beseiging Stadium. 7, 8. 9, and 10. Pictures of the driv es. LEAGUE TO OFFER JANNINGS PICTURE I on Gliding at University and Elsewhere. hI:f;\ cp,.., ,,j'L. t f'er rt~ .5 ji8 I c d tt(i. I httlt hti roug~h fourqit.hiter peiods 1try a Sco reless tic:. NJici-aigl u nd CARL E. GUTHE SPEAKS ; own failed to reach a (lecisicai n th le -eventh* renewal of their yricd ________rivalry?. to ring down the eiirta in 'n the Ili., Ten 4eascon yesterday after- Suzrgery Professor Discusses 'noo..\lthough Ottgaine(1 and ,c uir pa. lay the 1 lawkeves rbrough 'Abces ofthe Lng' oSt of the -;lie. rihe \11 ,,J\rinie fou ;lnh ack gri mix when their goal t line was threatened . twice l'eplllsita2ti li avad'rs with ah~Iai t d in Lecture. - onthe twtx'ardlice ..\A cro~tvcl o!f 10.00 hardy spectator's shtivered - -- in1 the st and~ s soth. t eamr vied t-, Ivercolue the intens e cold id the . Relating the history of' lidini 0d(cU rzcondition of tihe . tidli, iladd iti ~n to the s t thho-rii defin o from its inception in the 15thl cen- : o the oppsitiout. j ury to the present, and telling of M ticl1igau's oiizl 1 uid fr a score Qc*imue early ill the tfli.l ua rter' whec , ,be activities of the Glider section tn [town a ilaYer interferedC( with a Wolveineiie ;s receiver to t i of the University's Aeronautical so- utnie..tileal ~and tialC'l 1C ards put ec hrll ranlt1' ta sititvard ciety, Wolter F. Burke, of the atero- - _ Jj >tV( \1I(b 5' ' ( eillhtis drq oedhac: Ihlilfia enIAernlidpartentr at ine. With thte result of ar- read a paper written by Prof, Felix i n FT other game hanging in the balance. V. Pawlowski, Guggenhei:-i Pro- IIUIL LI Dyinaumite Joe" booted the 'bal iro 'laceNmenN but1it fileT[j I fessor of' Aeronautics, on the Michi-;'rnpaexet, atitsld J3u F anRaioNihtprgrm1111.- wide of the uprights and Michi- Batls ih rmteMrrsi < F I~ L U Agan's otily scor'ing opportunity van - past ladtight prte ogr 1 ? OO 0 1 bim d- studio through station WJR, De- Plays Best Game. roit. ;)bns for Annual Grid Banquet---------"oc" Mot'ri- SExplains Aims. ' lPt'actically Completed, s' ' on, competin t Suminig up the activities of thrC I loyd Announces. h lis fir'st Vr'3 Ofti ! "lider section during the past year t he V a r si ty, i 'rfesor Pwloskisaid "Tr ;pliayed the best rlesrPwosk ad TerLDRJD.uG~q YOST T1O TALK az eof, h is cot- xnitbers have built several gliders','' b gite t(?~e. -ra nedl several score of inen z- Ar.ran-,ments tot' the ann ual k , : esidies bring ,)iding; the first Glider Pilot li- 'ootball banquet to be held at 6:15 i ..-* ichign:tus clf :enses. issued by the Nat-tona' o'clock Tuesday evening in the a rIoi,p gainler I-ider- asociation, were won b5 )allroom of the Union are alnios With a tot.l Of I nemtbers of this carpnpus orga niza- omlt.acr565 yards in 1t3 ion; with the assistance of Profes- lxdt ent reiewt 1 o R. E. Franklin they cveloped .loud, 3t, president, and more than power on dle- She :,tomlobile-towing method of i75 invitations' have been issued to f'ettle ill Stop- d giders to be used in training in he football squqad and coaches. MORRISON ping the thruists ' fat territories; and they won prizes Clarence E. Elctridge, "11 L., of of the Iowa backs. Oil each oca- it the First National Glider Meet Lolg nw hruhu h ion when the I'awkeyes had the Lonwngknon. hr tzaouttheball on fourth down with twvo yards n Cleveland in August of this year,! Big' Ten as a football referee, and t ott ocdwi a o n spite of being handicapped by prof. Fielding H. Yost, director oftogfraouhwnitwsM - the necessity of flying strange glid- ,athletics, will be the principal risonr who sensed the direction of -' ,.. .the nlav nand] tackled Glas ,owv for 'Tartviff'e' Will be Third in Series of Fyilm Presentations at Mendelssohn Theatre. SHOW TO OPEN TUESDAY r -diing.n the policy of pre- senting an occasional outst andin, picture to the Campus. the Lydi-, Mendelssohn theatre wvil offer Emi. Jmnincrs in his interpretation of "Tartuffe" bergi nning Tuesdal night and eontinuing through Sat- turday night. A matinee performance is sched- uiled for Trhurscday -afternoon Thanksgivino- day, and Saturday afternoon. The night perf£ormances will start at 8:15 o'clock;. Theicnmat- J c 1 7 k 1 W t~e ewpaermne5com imy it was a1gloious end t e mo IC ust;cast andch coruses, as well as of inee on 'rhursday afternoon i rs snchueir own was weceu speakers on the progam., T. Hawley for news of their idol's condition.' glorious campaign in Boilermaker the auulhor, director, and general scheduled for 3:30 o'clock and the the first day." Tapping, general secretary of the' Among his last callers was Capt- gridiron history-a campaig'n that chairman, with an exclusive Saturday afternoon matinee" i Professor Pawiowski explaining Alumni association, will act as Alfred Dreyfus, the imprisoned of- has swept before it the Kansas Ag- ( article by the author of the book, scheduled for 2 :30 o'clock. he aims of gliding, said that it' toastmaster. l'icer in whose behalf he waged so gies, Michigan, Depauw, Chicago,,I a story about the musical score, This Emil Jannings' haractei-eles as a "fascinating and safe Coach Harry Kipke, while not str-ong a fight in the early 1900's".1 Wisconsin, Mississippi, Iowa, and and general information about: zation comes to the Lydia MVen- - eial sport-" and "an excellent, actin; as a regular speaker, wiil Georges Clemenceau, affection-;-Indiana, clinching the Big Ten title the production will be found in delssohn theatre direct from a sea ;nzd the cheapest method of learn-: annotunce the captain-elect for the ately knowvn as "the tiger" because and retaining possesion for Purdue the section son's run at the Carnegie Playhouse ;ng to fly an airplane," and lastly next season, d will probably an- of his never failing tire and enthu-!of the old oaken bucket, a trophy!- in New York City. hat it served as a method of im- pounce the names of those who will siasm in championing the causes !emblematic of football supremacy?- Thursday, December 11, and the As has been the (ustom n the )moving airplane design.- receive student-managerships next he believed right, was one of the between the two Indiana schools. 'opnn aefrteAnAbrpast no advance sale of seats wil "h VueLmo nhoooy er outstanding figures of the World' performance, the sale will be trams- be conducted for this 'icture. Seat: i as the subject of a talk by Carl The captain-elect is expected to' War. Called to .the premiership of (l caeited Pr v,1 ferred to the Michigan theatre box for the performance may be se- Guthe, director of the Univer-;speak briefly, and will be followed France for a 'second time in No- MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 23.-1 office and will remain there cuied at the box office of the thea : city Museum. Guthe explained the by Joe. Truskows'ki, 30, retirig ap- vember of 1927, he held the reins of Plunging for two touchdowns,1 throughout the Ann Arbor run. 'ire before each performance. vo~'r of the ruseurx' and the 'alue an, government in a grip of steel and Branko Nagurski ended his gridiron Forpromneswl eAvnino nh'piia eerh catig sie llthugtsofpa- arerbyledig ~smaestoa 3the theatre-Thursday, Friday, {HARRIER TEAM Work Requires Patience. I FAMED ENGINEER tisanship, revived the spirit of the to 12 victory over Wisconsin's, and Saturday nights, and a Sattr- T IDT E T R F'rench when it was at its lowest fighting Badgers. It was the final da aie. I IH S"he work of patching toether IH R ebb, ;gamne of the season for both teams,;, these many diverse clues to long Ithe peace conference Cemeni One successful kick out of two at-,Tepieo et agsti forgotten civilization is often pure Corret Wi11Dsrb Inti o ons fe ocdws year from 75 cents to $3.00ihgn.Co StretWiIIDsib ceau was, with Lloyd George 'oftepsfroisatetucdw, Cast Rehearses Nightly. Michigan Runners Upset Dope drudgery, and frequently discour- EnlnPeietWloadO-executed by Arthur Pharmer, oh eeraso h ataebigin Conference Meet. gingly hai'd work. Yet in the end,"; uilding of Skyscraper. Lando of Italy, a figure of world- eir halfback, who also ended his held each night at the Mimes thea- ____Gutecolud,"tofial wide interest. He went into the con- Big- Ten career, was Minnesota's tre, and the dancing choruses and- By bunching their places in the comes a marvelous story of how our: Coonel William Aiken Starett feec omake a finish fight for -'slight margin of victory. -seilt ubr cuytesaeWsenCnlecc rs onr antecedents in this great country i nationally known construction en- fernFranceseeryaftenoonmesingingyhoustageetestoeraen~c rs olusthe developedi from lowly, simple hunt- ineer and organizer, will speak; the principles which had led Prance ! pel r~ eers aftni. hin aro in heneusst asm-sdnay n"an fMnhtaBidn to shed her best blood in defense o u A 0ts rs)me etra tClmbstei polst eisdnay Bn of--Mndatay evening"a her soil, and he gained for her sat-! OHIO STADIUM, COLUMBUS, Union and is drilled by Lowell Love, !W6olvrine harriers upset the oldi agricultural group of civilizations at- 7:30 o'clock. odyevnna isfactory concessions in the mak- -;Ohio, Nov. 23.-A University of Ill- ;'30L, composer of 15 of the nui' dope can anid took third place by,- with well developed arts, com- Natural Science auditorium. ing of the peace terms. - nois, at the peaks of its power, ut- fbers in the musical score. The or- nosing out the favored Ohio State merce, and religion" Starret who is agrdaeo hand Many-Sided Career. terly crushed Ohio here today, 27- chestra for the production is under team by one point Indiana and " Abscess of the Lung a h ihia sbigbruh eeb The career of the great French; 0. It was Ohio's annual homecom- the direction of Roy Langham, of Wisconsin were first and second re-; subject of a speech by Dr. John ith-e Amerian Society of Civil En- statesman was many sided. In ad-i ing game and 65,000 spectators at- the School of Music, and spends spectively.AlxneposorfsugyH ies.Dighsletehewl dition to his political life he was; tended. each night in the Union familiar'- Martin of Purdue finished first in- emphasized the fact "that ill- present fotr reels of film illstrat- a deep student of medicine, sociol- izing' Itself with the score. the race but the poor support of ( health accompanied by persistent in- the cntuto fteMn (LbA~ciaedPi-s~ -Roy Hoye, who is playing the , his teammates landed the Boiler- cough and. expectoration is more hattan Bank buildingte agest, ogy and economics and wrote books ;cysoiaePr) on these subjects." As editor of! EVANSTON, Ill., Nov. 28.-Notre ;lead in "Pleasure Bound," now play- !makers in seventh place with 144; likely to be caused by tuberculosis skyscraper in the country. L'Homme Libre his pen proved- Dame's 34 men of all nations, 11; ing to Ohio cities, is expected to re- points. Martin was not seriously or abscess o1f the lung than by sim - -______----__ ______ mightier than the best swords in of them playing' at a time, smashed totwsenswl lwdWl-Jurn to Ann Arbor next week for pushed at any time dring the race ipe bronchitis" He explained the - France. His political activities led Nrhetr' elcae id the final polishing of the dancingI and crossed the tape at least 50 eective treatments for dierent' !Orci -i Michigan to many bitter controversies and he cats 26 to 6 before 55,000 frozen choruses and the speciality num- yards ahead of the nearest com- phases of the disease. Contest Lineups engaged- in a number of duels with spectators today, to win their bers. Mr. Hoyer sent most of tih petitor.------- political rivals.,ihh cneutv aeo h time last spring aid approximately The or'der' (f the Wolverines at OR M EC RE ichian Po. Iowa Clemenceau's forcefulness and; season and send them bounding three weeks this fall working on the the tape was as follows: Austin, FORsUMski.SE------ESg the undying courage of his convic- ln ntedrcino a dance steps and routines, who finished sixteenth. D'Anna. INDIAN SPEAKER'Poi'an ...... LTr...Benjamin tions caused him to become known; tional championship. !wasveneeh,_itgiboneghoeL_...__ as the "wrecker of ministries" and - _.._. eetWltetseodKe ovi ....C ..Mansn "tht tge." eietabutro"oueHe____set____about______to___- eeth Woftwntyseon. en- S e ashiWil peaiTisBoaS'peak.C..Thinuse I neythrt-sxt. hiQuri desSteinke.......R,........ IMyers th onalo vr aie htResults of______Ma_____o____ not have an impressive sound the Afternoon at Lane Hall. Oa veling ,. ,-. RT'... .,. Westra pi otses. aGeridirolitBattles-,2f +fact that the Maize and Blue run- H-ewitt ...... .R ..... Reedquist poses. _________Gridiron___________ Battles______ 5/+ jners came in so close together to Continuing the series of Inter- Simall -.... Q...... Pignatelli I TE STADIN ./ ~ ,gain their positions shows enough - national forums sonsored by the. Dahlem ....... LW . Glassgow (C BIGa TEN' ,L T team strength to place them in" International Committee of the Gembis ........ RT-....... Farroh TemWLTPtr{ctIsocaeGrs} hdpae h ntSuethitasscainheorsnFB..Hget uBy Asociaed Pres) /. thir placeStudnt1Chitri assoat i-her Mfno1 on----FB...... nHaggeTTY" no gain. The Wolverine line, although ,iv- ing in mid-field before lowa's pounding attack., held like a. stowe wall when the Hawkeyes we-re in :caring- position. Bud Poormian and r-10ward Poe were instrumental in laptin} - he Hawkeye advaiiees. Capt. Bill Glassgow anid LoAJi, iHagerty were lowa's -two beat b-all. carriers, both being effective in penetrating the Michigan line i .helir last Big Ten ai ?. 'Gla.-;gow toted the ball for 58 yards and Hagerty -Jfor 68; to run up nearly three-fourths'of Iowa's total of14181 yar'ds from rushing. Hag-erty Aweni through the center of the line for all his yardage, while Glassgow Was. like a battering ram on his o, T tackle smashes and line bucks, re - Quiring two or three men to stor; him. Iowa Heads in. Yardage. in. yards gained from scrimiiiaec and _first downs, the boys from "ot where the tall corn grows" had ,he. edge on the Wolverines, total- ling 181 yards to Michigan's 89 from rushing, and registering 11 first downs to eight for the home team. Michigan's best offensive threat was the forward pass, five out of 10 aerials being completed for 59 yards. After several exchan-ges of punts Iowa began a concerted drive from 1 ts own 28 yard lint late in thw first quarter. Hagerty and Glassgow alter'nated in piercing the Wolver- ine defense, two first downs ad- vancing t-he pigskin to Mlichigan's 44-yard line. Hagerty made two at 'Eft guard, and then Gii:ssgow :hi'ew aa 19-yard pass to Farr'oh for another first down c-n Michigan's 24- yard stripe. Parroh was stopped, 'out Glassgow gained six oft' right tackle and Jensvold added two more on a fake play as the quarter ended.' lOnl fourth -down, - Qlassgow rounded. Michigan's right end for' z evcii yards and a first down on the