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November 23, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-23

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Universty Wo i-d Cruise
rop- Ili. tory Research


Offers F ellowslh
wore to jMichigall S el


';1111''II,U I I L I e I ~ullebill I CC ,'i Lr ,bk V('. 11M/IF C. UbV U 1 IA, I A I W *A' I 4( f'iIIn t I 4'4 4 feiiii iFIi
of. tlheU,1iversity. Copy received by the _Assitant to t 1- ,theP 1. 1iiy ib Pi ppsss IJU IftL A ULUi
6en t until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) --i <U (tz~~'ak
VO. XL. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 23, 1929. No. 48 heIaleiItd hlbs1CS. Lcfoc ifssrEpse
c___________ d to take care ul the halfback s ts 3 c p+. ,A ti s
ji~sts. "Doe' oi on 11tew ~i Veso ove' cin
The Automobile Regulation wel be lifted for the period from 5:0 to Check Dcpression.
p. in., Wednesday, November 27 until 8:.00 a. mn., Friday, November 20, 1 ur rv ~cwli V'c
1929, for the benefit of students who a-re resjdents of Ann Arbor and also lloxi'U"VisLe'a"
for those non-residents who have permnits to drive in Ann Arbor, or who )ie~h .~~u TOcK's A- ..ZE~~NS
have cars in storage hzere which have been regi.stecred with the offl"ehin~AK(
of the Dean of Students since the opening ol'the present semester. This ii Vil. .pi puc rf.C " Reier of thet c o
rel Iaxat fion of the driving regulation will not apply to thcse students XO iIhWovr"uLt''1 is Set 0ofmi's deariu "!t, :.a c~
have failed to register cams which are being soe in Anm Arijor, 01' to pon~y backs rmay mk things in- , ,

those whTo have cars brought here following this announcement. 'The
enforcemlent of the ruling will be resumed Friday morning, at 8:0
o'clock, and as students : e for-bidden to br'ing cars to Ann Arbor on
that date, no provision _will be made for further driving privileges it
connection with the holiday.
r J. A. R-ir sicy, Dean of Students.
meet on MoI~nday, November 25, at 2:00 ip. n,,i FRoom 2, tii" varsity hi.
All app licatits for loans shouilctca~l -(A't the aoflir:(e GLli-he1Dea--, S o
deo~nt.:, for an arl;oointnient vnh the Conittce.
J. A. 13',a iey, C )airman.
(, as' ' Presidents: Al is pi-esi.:'ents are re~e ted~;?" to tuin'u in a corn-
pletcr list of their commritec( s at tice? i ganen~siam office in t he Pr'cs
bui~ngbefore the first of Decemrber.
Gexorge Leonard, MVana ing PLlt tor.
5'Aarn p. Collectors: Robert A. Brooks, oJ. Fenton, Micgn' ile-
hibit hii large airmail collection at thn . :etizng of the Ann Arbor Stamnp
club this evening in rooms 313-321 of the Michig an Union. Visitors and
collectors are cordially invited. If time permits, theore v,,7'1 be asml
auction. The mieeting begins pronmptly at 3:00,
Exhbiie-iof orig,'inal drawings a,.nd pain n, sby At nerican blur
t'rators, ground floor eliery, Arch ito-,tufa~3uidn daily, except Sun-
day, throughiout Novemnber.
ExhibiticA cS ofsters from rg~ui un.,Holland, G.-rmany,
Switzerland, and Italy in larg, e exhi b-ioi) room, Architectural Blcl g
daily from 9 to 5. the ptiblic is co!: .1aliy invited.
Ai'm Aselbor Art Association: Tie-,,v- 1>Annal Ann Arbor Artists,
Exhibition is open every afternoon in Cho galleries and corridors (of
Aluni Memorial Fall througii Friday, November twenty-ninth.
'Varsity Band: Uniforms may be obtaiined this morninYg at Mxorris
Hall fromn 9 to 10. Formation for the game at 1 p. mn. at Morris Hall in
CCiNG 1(' ?ENT ''S
An International Fcru~rm wvlil bey hell Sunday, Nov. 24, in Lane at :01.n .11Wr h r Q .ri;ii o n i n o me r sd n ftl
Detro t itinternational Club xi le ad an informal discussion (,it ~(X
Deve'lopment'?1s in Relations b tv,"cni the Fast and the Wst".
All arc cordially invited 1o attcnd,
Geology 31: A supplementary examnination for those who miisse l 1610
regular mnid-semester will bc offered Tuesday, November 26, at 4 o'clock
ini Room 054 N. S.
In4 ish1V: The spe ial bus for those studenits who have arrau'i~,
to set." A Stngfe Interlude" will leave the Union pirmphtly at 4:00 pI. i
on Tuesday, November 26. Fare $1.75.
Economics 1, Sections 3, 6, 14, 1f), 20: Assignment Tuiesday 4n d
Wednesday, November 26 and 27, Chapter 20 and 21, Fairchild, F'lints>;
and Duck.
Rhetoric 189 (Drama 1) will meet on Tuesday nighit, Nocvembel~r 20.
instead of Wednesday, 7:15, Room 3227 Angell Hall.
Al e neetdi rhr ilpes eaD.LynnatField House Sunday afternoon at 2:30. An old pair of gloves should b
brought along.

cr4 1,fo ir laky s i~lll stngt '~ lSV WS
LIe limmeinen soicthe effect of the tlhe- movements of President Hooves,
gopher strug:,,le last week, Auer, with h7is idustrmai conference. anci
Hayden, and Sorensen will be -the presit -rowig business do-

availabile for Usty
CoachBr og.re big
husl~ky so 1fak e;to Ann
tody. hohaxe ied to'>om-
elh itweys pfos, ly YtasC110 ruo<;
sota, in parnicuilar, always a brawl-
tashowed lthce 0fects oi* the
l1TU(ll~l Ioa an ewh-n it playedl
Cap t. Wilj'ls 7(lia sSgow, rtriplI
~threat star of the Hawkeye back-
filis the chief cog in Iowa's
gridiron imachirie. .o;gnizccl as
one of the best bail carriers in the,
Conference, h-e has been. a big fc-!w
to in thae success of, toe Old Gold
and Black. it wa s Cas xwwho
ra ' 5) yaru'',S; ",,lg I o iJve;-
Ines last ye-ar for his Larn 7s only
The Iowansh are expected to 1 ec-t
sent all the tricky plays in their
repertoire for Miichigan's ben3jefit"
todaY. r, ee.is e:ide delayed bucks,
foren ion. ~~'bit (A strategy emn-
pltoyed? by Ytin' Lawk s i-a quick
kirk, with Gliassgow pzntiu~ Ifronm
c;lose beh;.ind the scrimmagec line.1
Glassgow will have some ab.c
assistants in the Iowa backfield,r
while he will be running behind a
formidable forwa'_d lwall. Pignateili!'
w ill call the signols, with Farroh. a
greAt bloc kerA the other half-
itrte hsln nah ;proelivi-
t ie~> at flicu. og goan'd Reed-
(mi st'. a capable pair of ends
who vii"l',)e potent threats in anrj
Iowva aeril latte e, k. Twvo stavwarv
veteranls, Fete Wes ra aend Fred l
:'.be}rts, snake the left side of the:

hre>-sioll win1ch7 nas grovvn iout of
the depression il the stock, markeat.
"f oojver fhay a strong, beliefinlf ta~
It s in} iltres;tina 1o7inot,'',"sain
Professor Reirici, that wI-ie the
country is in somlewh:at of a tur-
m oil, the publicgal allows th!I
President to stap inan iai1to
out thle prevailing kink-.:.i.moth
hlence, after thisOiinC ha
calnmed dlown and bus iness;i is a,.a ll
at a normal tnLt, ,'he laE' ol h
would probably rise'up if the Pres-
i dent attempted to take 4a maid in
the affairs of thne businoss.",
Hoover as yet has not reac hed
dofinite conclusioni, bi. it is P~ro-
lessor Renter's belief thait Hoover
is in Sympathy with a p]:i 'avh ll l
wil localize tile dot trsio i is
area or in a sing'l ?~u- of ii 1 s-
ryV, thuts keepaing- it fromsue_~
andc affec'in -the claire nion(,-1

nab'le. Magrlussen will be at center,
whlile M, c s and -Py1-h"t1- lttr a
215-pound taclhle c, 0l) nplet110 l~t -
Sen C1'ill ihave Or':I Pa;e aw'
n merchan-it of IG- flaxv L lye.suad,
the sidel ines "eadly to r"sn.. ?t In
a sophomore pl rng-r, 3avid Je, V cld?.
sub,-quarterback, are o (;.I C)"-' rserxa;7
carriers who may '-ee act'-'on.
Today's game will mark the last;
{ 'Iidiron ay)-(aramite o 0YdY'Lug-
ii l rs in a Maize andU Blue ui to 3'2'"?
pite G e2 bis. neof0 Tlt ' "''; :' toe
will comllplete lull ir fc-iica .l cus
In thle line C aptain- Trusko'sli,
But Pom3an, -1boward FPoe, and AO
( Pop "redIwill be seen 110 77:13 , on
Wolverine e: ;G en. "vli":Icil"'
LMiChigan3's Alinefl ?1'7 li;t-

tries thrroughlot EuLrope and Asint
lehas been annouunced t xo 1 gh i' visits to 1.1n5 'unl,, IriIMa:ies, It (I;olui 1R. Gray, 31A, has appointed
Ac departmnent of history, the Uni- fam os 1itorical landmarks. The ;5t lnt to serve on fourCon-
(~it vWorld cruise, better known c se, whichx is the third of its kind i~itees for the sophomore lass of
t-' ro "1' bating University" offers s Jm'e 1927, will leave Newu York 'the architectural school. They are
S !o ay ciialified Michigan senior city, De.cember 23, on1 the U.S.S.;as follows:
in 1,igh standing, graduate student, '' ________. Social-Chairman, L. P. Zisler;
r faculty member, a $1,450 world _______- ----!M,.Keler, D.hffee, G. Coombe
aicfellowship, ex.nnding from, LOS ANGELES Calif.-The pr -L Financial-Chairman, J. D. Mar-
111.ember ,'2 1929,t April 17, 1930. do"..nan~c of xx'emr~en stride 'o over ansl;L itE ekkD
''' ellowship, which is open to men stucets at the Universi7ty of ilmna, W Tshtumy, W. Balbach.
M -nlic ants throughout the country,. C--lifornia I has been : rphrGid ac- Athletic -Ch~irmnan W. Peacock;
- u itLs pn rpose to provide an op- coid'rig r egit ol n CIiiics. 1-1. Caxri son S. White, J. White.
,, t ;'ity for laboratory and field!- Althou7Gh~ the xe r cr o! o t'mud Pubicity----Chiairniai-i M. R. Stir-
4 t ok inl history. With this aimx, stude ntslha ;ii creatsud, thle olil01 ,-t on; J. Jacobs, A. Tarney, M. Fins-
saopo curs will be made in 23 coaun-' outnumbIIer the nrum by1T10 ' teewai.
~ ,
-t 1
1 "That when you arrive home you wilt have only
Y two days (Monday and Tuesday) before Chris tmas,
for shopping.
~That packages and cards mailed this,- late will
' riot be delivered for Christmas,
That it PAY'S YOU in saving of time and il
A ~the added convenience and satisfaction, to ; NOW)T
-h-before you go home.
trTha~~ttp thereiare many helpful s l (etlrls 17 l
Th at these mercha-ts have NOW a m ore con-
lete stock than you can ever expect to thid whel you
arrive home.
a N
SO SHOP NOW and be assured a
and a more carefree vacation
l f

1a 2,121rr2I-J~


I1-auia wkve ine

practicall-y lumpree;-

7, e"A wil e - - L~ ' l ' o the regula r lost day s now i"V- -n ,Wi -
11r0 lvtnia' i'c' and Th7iursday 4 :30 to 5:30. An indCivi*ua loving
ispwill u~ i- . one making the best recor d in2 t'o1 ''n>
Intramural Dpvn~t
J~*.'. zt120! k :ion Ba-inv~llft at (6:010'p.1- i. .in the U 1i;1 Il'l's",u 'u ,
S't ndChub £.i"'1-lbcrs : Ther7 glarSunay c {enin Ys1er i 1l
he ~ ~ J1 -ieniftehn "preceded by tile usual bu siness meeting- at 5 p. rn.
A> IO; ftui~tceMeetin- at the Michigan Union on S3 nLc yo-

4; I

at the
S-1tatry Nite
Park Plan

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Blankers, Briizr,
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A MiciganInstitution



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""Be in the Spotlig""f l


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