THE MICHIGAN DAILY TEN YEARLINGS Undefeated Elevens WIN NUMERALS Take on Foes Today; IN FINAL RACE ideline i Hampered by the bitter cold and. {Continued From Page 6) ice covered course the final meet of very successful team this year, but By Joe Russell the freshman cross country squad an idea of their strength can bceg g was held yesteday afternoon. In gicaned from the fact that they de-' Eleven fighting Hawks, bi st ng spite of the cold the winner, Hill. feated New York University, 25 to for revenge to atone for a 10-7 rp- copee h u ntefs ie13. set at the hands of the Wolverines completed the run in the fast time1.. atesnwilwopdwup of 15:26 1-5. The record for the OthPafccot.Snodwilthe Stadium this afternoon. This two and eight-tenths miles trav- lock horns with California in the ghm Smayium ths atrnoon. ovra game may be the last which Iowar ersed in the race is 15:21 made by day's far western feature. Califor- will play under the jurisdiction of Howell, the third place winner in nia is undefeated this year, but the Western Conference and Coach this meet. has been tied. Stanford, on the Ingwersen is more than anxious; Of the 36 who entered the final other hand, has met defeat on two that his squad of batterers crash competition the first 10 to finish occasions, once by Southern Cali- through with a victory. will receive .freshman numerals fornia, and once by Santa Clara. v(r ~that may be, Ovcn its greatest yea' by the same wVI ir Un up today. Purdue was scare of the team which while thi next five will be awarded Intramural numerals. The order in which they finished is as follows: Hill, first; Braden, second; Howell, third; Allen, fourth; Klahn, fifth; Akins, sixth; White, seventh, Haley, eighth; Lester, ninth, and Griffing, tenth. In view the weak- ness of this year's varsity the ex- cellent showing which the fresh- men harriers should turn in bright- Army, with only a fair team as Army teams go, will run up against a strong Ohio Wesleyan aggrega- tion at West Point. Michigan stu- dents remember the Ohio school only too well for its victory over the Wolverines last year, and this sea-j son, with even a stronger team, the Buckeyes are winning games mo- notonously by huge scores. No, less than four of the team's Vic- i ens the outlook for the success of tories have been wan by over 50 next year's varsity. points. SI amralItems + Events Today 1 i i I Thursday's Results I 'I TENNIS 10:00-Clark-Clarke vs. Lhevine- Penn (semi-final doubles) 10:00-Davis-Brown vs. Phelps- 4 Cole (semi-final doubles) HORSESHOES 10:30-E. Joki vs. J. W. Currie. 10:30--A. A. Cooper vs. K. G. Kinsman. (semi-final matches) 11:00-Patrick - Roy s t o n vs. Phelps-Dressen. 11:00-Kinsman-Joki vs. Kelly- Frye. (semi-final doubles). HANDBALL Entries are still open for the all- campus singles. Anyone wishing to compete should enter immediately for November 29 is the closing date. SWIMMING Sigma Chi defeated Triangle, 21- WATER POLO Triangle defeated Sigma Chi, 3-2. VOLLEY BALL Trigon defeated Alpha Kappa Lambda, 2-1. Beta Theta Pi defeated Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 2-0. Kappa Delta Rho defeated Delta Kappa Epsiloqj, 2-0. Phi Kappa Sigma defeated Delta Upsilon, 2-0. HANDBALL Phi Beta Pi defeated Sigma Pi, 3-0' Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated Ome- ga Psi Phi, 3-0. Kappa Nu defeated Alpha Chi Rho, 2-1. Tau Epsilon Phi aefeated Deltaj Sigma Pi, 3-0. Unless the Conference Fac- ulty committee suddenly gets soft hearted and changes its decision of last year, the Bigd Ten athletic career of Iowa wi I be terminated when the final gun sounds this afternoon. Iowa' was found guilty of evading the rules of the Conferenice and the -powers that be will