TH i GCA vi L --- ----------- - . .. . ...... I Intra ural Items IX V) II(Conth Beta Sigma Psi Wins Cross Country Meet B~eta Sigma Psi won the. inter- fraternity cross country champion- ship yesterday, running over the freshman course. They were low scorers with only nine points. Theca Xi came second with 24 points, and Alpha Kappa Lambda third, with a total of 28 points. Groehn, of Sig- *ma Delta Kappa came in first, out as his fraternity did not. have three men finish, they. did not place in; the final results. Bets,. Sigma Psi, the winners, cinched the meet by{ placing Burg, second, Donner, third, and Fleer, fourth. Horsey, of Theta Xi, placed fifth, with. Spencer and Stevens of Alpha 'Kappa Lambda, taking sixth and sevenith places, respectively. Guin- ere, of Theta Clhi, took eighth, fol- lowed. by two Theta Xi's in ninth and tenth places, McCreary and! Evans.: CROSS COU'NTRY IMEET 'TODAY. All 'freshmen are. eligible to. takef part in thje freshmfen cross country, meet ,to be held: at 4:15 this after- noon over the regul r freshmanj course. This run will be held ini conjunction with7 Coach Hornber - ger's yeap'lI Ig'squa md . Ten seta of numerals Nwill be, awvar~le(Tto Horn- berger's m en,4 and fi4' additional sets to the next rive mein finishing.! the court r, Phi Delts Threaten star tackle, ta'n of h Handballt hanipidnSointo Varsi ______next spring Phi Delta Phi looms as a new, baseball te, thret fo theinter-fraternity sought afte handball championship. The Phi Coach F'ish ,Delt's have "Steve" Jones, lasth! plans, but year's: all-campus winner, as their aspirations leading player and he is supported lead the 19: by edRoehm, Jack Latty, adbl*ta Oo MbniA nnnrt.i andlall eam- ASIT'Y MEMBERS TO LAY M CLAUGHLIN MAY SUCCEED HARMON L A S S I F.E 7 IN FINAL GAE FOR MICHIGAN~ ITA~ cnl .NwYre u DETSN nued from Page 5), wner' tie ability of the midget' oustin; of Paddy Harmon as presi- scheduled for Friday. NOTICE n a week or so, while the!Jcsnpo ~ saknw inI dent of the $7,000,000 Chicago Sta-! Jack Dempsey who is now pro- _________ ______ BuJormna acon pera~ouct eve n w andttshulddium c or oration which ihe orga-'nioting boxing shows for the Ch~i- BuO DoCEanEasperiencedTICEcook for l+.ttlef vn adh hudi ied after' a long srg1,neetcago Colliseuin, is mentioned as iuto i Ltriyor s orority. e track team will step e , cpabepoint; winner next! today W;~L I sdo hss Ccesso ne of the possibilities, but ifi n; 1 n 112 ty shotputtinig cir fte s ,a- _ tw otar p ,1;vo h fairly cer~tain he would be offcLret - ymN h)1, ,;:,r u4.iPoi and M b~sn~all as regular catcher on tue Of thermrdcndd e o anything. John Ringling, the cireus il)C repai S2' toff he regular ,am, earned the much Eev~irii il create kinotty prob- tepstxoKOGOt srogmgntis ioe-s nter pe1Tyu. 11, W. Clark, 1113 ~r tri to Jpan witi ~ Coa l Kik w~hen line po- possibiliie>; ,Mtj:frederic Me-;possibility. Dempsey said today eI5 nvriyAe per's Conference chain- stions are announced for nextLaughlinl' cg, owner of the ,had not been approached but that - _ ______ set aside any p~ersonal;flch I; or;in wligt"lse toay MC iU OT GAE Y to travel in order toyear. Three yc a-r veterans, ;both menBlkhws prisoia hockey he was wilngt3"ite0o n 5 S. Phone 7927 29 footballers. The base-:lank favor.)bly with the best of the ____.n aic oriuti e go ff2. 350 would not have returned forward1 wall stars in the Confer- Q~~~ctD rt ifending cha io is, are going to! ;Mfind a =rough road ahead in theirjl ship. Crego Is Prominent in 'Murat Athletics Walter B. ('Doe) Crego is p~robab- ly one of the most consistent per- formers taking part in the Intra- mural sports. He is from Theta Chi, one of the leading fraternities in almost every sport. Last year they :were runners-up for the all-year chiarnoionship, Wling defeated i. the -anal week by Delta .Sigma Phi. "Doc" is one of the mainstays of; the 'theta Chi teams. Last season he took- first,- in the high ijump and shot puts to help his team wain the I track meet. Crego and Gale, of Theta Xi, hold thefatrit'bc stroke record between them. Out of the 18 fraternity sports last year, "Doe" participated in 10 of them and made a creditable showing for i himself and his team in each one., to this country until the middle of enc. Pe, a Bard driving guard, October.i Al Dahlem, ,peedy halfback, will w'os play, s eminiscent of the be counted 'on by Coach Steve Far- 'great Rd Slaughtier, and Bovard, a4 rell to, take up broad j umping 'pivot performner of brilliance, will be duties on the Varsity track team inI hard naen to replace in the center the spring. Although not a letter ! f the Wolverine line. c/nkle,1FasionedQxfords iThe ANKLE-FASHIONED feature f -- exclusive to I'unn-Biish tx- fordsis the result of speciail hand-tailoring methods of con- 4 struction. You can SEE and FEEL the difference. SFFELL S&-BUSH Opposite Michigan Thieater I Events Today I i TENNIS 6 :30-Parker-Superko vs. Davis- BroWn.,(quarter finals. 6: 30-MV1:Ctchon vs. Kenney (quarter finals). 7:30--Swanson vs. Field (quarter finals). * BASKETBALL 7:30-Practice period for, inde- pendent teams with officials fur- VOLLEYB3ALL 7: 3p-auxiliary gymnasium avail- able for practice.. CkOSS COUNTRY 4:15--Freshman meet. (All first year men eligible). CLASS LEAGUE STANDING Senior Lits. Kaufr3an, capt. ..150 Junior Lits., Goldberg, capt. ..100j Junior Engs,, Zanoff, cape'.. .75 Seph ]rats., ay, capt....... .50 w. SWIMMING Delta Sigmna Delta defeated,.Sig- mna Pi, 31--10. Beta Theta Pi defeated Tat Kap- pa Epsilon, 23-18. Delta Kappa Epsilon defeated r Trigon, 32-9. IPhi. Sigma, Delta defeated Pi Lambda Phi,.21-20. IiANIBALL. Phi Delta 'Phi defeated Delta Up- Isilon, 2-1. SSigma Delta Kappa defeated Al-, pha Delta Phi, 3-0. Phi Beta Delta defeated Delta ?Kappa Epsilon, 2-1. VOLLEYBALL Acacia defeated Pi Lambda Phi, 2-0. Theta Chi defeated Alpha Omega, 2-1. 1Psi Upsilon defeated Triangles, Delta Alpha Epsilon defeated Alpha Phi Delta, 2-0. f L: I __._...._ ., .. ,.,.. _. ...o..a.......o._..., ._ ., ... - _ . . . "C b.tsomuea to Dohn tw (uostolrwd try 4leastirie" I I I I "$ t. 4 i S . - "for evenin e e igyou need never feel stiff in a Thos. Heath tuxedo or full dress. rthere is a certain "easy", feeling about these suits that have no equal. notch lapels or peak lapels with box or close fitting coat. StleExpression As expresses t by LANGROCK FINE CLOt~aES-ts Ior ndea r=IE WON J on quality Id 4)';i Tla , I/ rIN GR.. e~eiusi ye w43(dejiq~ 111111 ( : - , .: _:., . and $55 a comletee lisle of Jrs" r ; I< . . t s f3r m /An inspection of our imported an domestic furnishings will con- vince you of your Christmas shop-. ping center for men I ..ah 311 __ A I I I 11