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November 22, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-22

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'1 A ILY

FRIDAY. NQVEN UER, -2 . 1929.

w-aa V Lssa aa .aa. a l Y., . S PS a AL.a ......

l..s V - I,...ti V u:r .iJuJ


Published every tuornting etcept Mondaya
during the University year by the Buiard in
Control of Student Pitlications.
Mtember of Western Conference Editorial
Asiociation." . .


~' ITe Associated Tress is. exclusively entitled
to the use for, repnbli,.atioii of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
III this paver and the local news published
Entered atj the 'posto. .cc at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as; second class matter. Special rate
ofpostage granted by Third Assistant Post-
toaster General.
Subscriptio~n by carrier, $4,00o; by mail, $4.530.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

Telephone 49 25

Editor ... ..,..... eurge C. 'Iillety
City Edito. ...........Pierce Rusenberg
Newcs Editor..... ....George U. Sinmons
Srports diior...... Ed-ward L.. Warner, Jr.
'Womene's 'Editor..........Akrjorie Vol Itner
Telegraphb Editor..... ...(ssam A. Wilon
Mursic and Urania ........XWilliamo J. tGormuan
L.iterary Editor........... awrence R. Klein
As~bitautt it} id:'.r. .....ljtrtt J. Feldman
Night Fritors
1"r'itk E.Cooper IHenry J. Aerry
Williamh C. Gentry* Robert L. Sloss
Chales R. Kaufman Walter. W. Wilds
' I.IJ, iIcy \V lliatnis

Pertratm Asku ith a
helen Bare
Mlawell Bauter
Mlary L. . Behiytnr.
Allan IL. Berkmian
S. Beach Loiger
Tljotitas Al. Coolcy
3oqhn1-1. Denier
ilelen Ibomijwt
Margaret LE'cels
IKathiarine Ferrin
1 Carl''S. iFurs}-the
Sheldon C., Fulcrton
~ Ick Uoldsmith
Murris G rovermati
]toss (Gustin
Margaret Ilarris
))aidi l13. I lcmi isead
C~.(ullen RKendy
can levy
Russell E. McCracken
Dorothy Magee'

Lester Aay
D~avid M. Nichtol
I w and I t. Peckham,
ul tIght P iece
Victor Rabiniowitz
.1ealntie R-oherts
,Joseph A. 'Ruossell
.Iuselt Ru w iltl
(. liarles lR. Spl-6w
S. C'atelI swauisoti
TLute 'ita' er
TtfIargaret '',uttpsoi
P;(liard L. 'Tobin
II atold 0. WVarren, -Jr.
('harkls Wilit,'
C . Liontel Willens
jinMt F,.Willoughby
Batrbara XX right
Vivian Zimit

termittent starting and stopping of o
production-consumption can be f' wIIIIlI~IIIIII1I,'lIlIIIIII~IiiIIlllI
stoppe1. . IJJout Books Mvuskc And Dramla o n o Boudoir Ho1111111l~1111i(111111llllil(111(II1y
Hoeined thtuthe proposed seoomcretofmtad A NEW LANG NOVEL TONIGHlT: Presentation by (>- , drop in fora toast- I Slippers,
should discover this sertoftaeBy A OLD PATRICIAN edy Club under the direction of ed Sandwich."
taityiascentific, analytical 'do RvrBaceebyEihMiss Bertha Creighton of "Tie aiiiiiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIiiUiii1N.. ,Iml1i lw!2iwi:;mwIlllllilth,
way, by outlining the prospective Wh o; pltn.nTomay est' by Sem Bcnelli in the Mien-'
deeopetsi tevaiuseo New York City; Price $2.50; Revi deissolin Theatre this evening be- rshC n isJber E o t vca
nomic fields.! Copy by Courtesy of Print and Book ginning promptly at 8:15 o'clock.R ubr Flf wa
In this way, the public could !Stop.F unanSevc
learn in advance of approaching ," i Rvr~rcee"thet COO FMSCNE' l r
booms or depressions in any bust- Henstob noher ckeedtheaitl- - SHO F)Ut ESA Rubber Gaitors aethe ideal protection
not be scared by sudden panics nor searchy i tlesor iceksea ttead r inhteresting Tlocally be'cause itudica (L fL1 i. E S sure to com e. b n bet rp r o h m e d d m a i g u o eo hsitv ft ef rfo tp sto hc UA OLNa nAp a a c
_____for Edith Wharton; she is ever con-' Theodore Harrison, head of the Lin d fr'~rt
sistent with her explicity. On -the voice department in the School of a ~ tQ9SuthMAlin Colors:
AS OTHIERS SEE US fly-leaf of this new volume she Music, holds as a concert sitlgrcr. lk- ro -T ,
Casting aspersions at thc studenit makes note that aXwriter on land- The Apollo Musical Club of Chic i- (ik- ovt-T
sape gardening in 1842 speakingI go, an important choral organiza-
morale of the University, an edt- ofdern rhietrl;tlstion, made its seasonal bow wvitht9 426
torial appearing in a current issue presented with brackets the "Hud- the assistance of The Chicago Sm- n
of the Michigan State College stu- son River" Type. The significance! phony orchestra and four soloists n esae eest h ss ftettei httomnin fjwt efrac fMnesiSasG r he
the style are settin~g for the story.i soin's oratorio, "Elijah." Thle so-
pension o iefaenteat An oists were Mr. harrison ith2 title adss3.Cd ,txu1dIIIIIIIIIIIiliU1IIIIIIIIIII1lI1lli, iIlliltll111'.1i1;lli1;llI.
Arbo, ad "te fndig ofa l 'to Mrs. Whtarton has not deserted1
Fifth Avenueethenrealmoofawriterr role, Lois Johnston, soprano and -
cache in a University dormitory." and publishers, which she likes so former student of Mr. Harrisouu, Ev a iTI an
Although the editorial as based well. The mythical Paul's Land- Gordon Horadesky, contralto. rodtBrg Results ( a d +(,
ErnestSDavic Store
on an obvious misapprehension of Iintg where this novel is situated is EretDvitnr
facts, there is that in it which is somewhere in the northern envir- The Music News of Chicago62 ashiadt tre
worthy of serious consideration. Onis of the metropolis,.h olwn o.syo r lri
Mere carelessness is responsible forI There has been much conjectur-,so's peroranc:-Thedoe- ____
the State editor's not knowing that*ing about the thought of a literary Harrison in the name part, gave a
the five fraternities were placed on relationship between Henry James masrly Hi trpnl erta nofte --
social probation rather than sus- .and this stately patrician. Perhaps wonai n h iesoeo r tll~111(111I(111111rN1IIl1iR11NI11Ill11(1111uHis strikingly reverent per11111111ip111P
pension, and that Fletcher hall was this new novel will add another', mature voice, gives him opportun- =-
merely an, Ann Arbor rooming contention, for the length of the
house, not a University dormitory.1 book is certainly relative to 'theitewhcfwbatosenoad
Such mistakes of fact can perhaps1 drawn out studies of the older wri- woni for him the most generous ap
be condoned. ! ter. This is the story of a literary plause throughout the evening. His -h q ot a~poiuxL
Comparing the liquor situation genius, Vance Weston, who gradu- I oei ihi ult n am--+
on te Satecamus iththa atates from a middle west college and in tone color, has depth of range Forgopspie
the University, the editorial re- goes 'to Paul's Landing near NewI and power, which, added to his spcill'fr ti
mak: "eaentsitw York to- make, his fortune.. H superb musicianship. makes him!- week's selling. Substantial reductions
know, but still we have much toj boards at his cousin's, Mrs. Tracy,;n f h uttninJEijhsIUsually to be had only after Thanksgiving,
point to with pride when other a widow with two children, Upton ofithe ay, hoadi eneralnfaoit
scol r osdrd"and Laura Lou. The Tracys tend(wtl hrlbdes"O 4
scol r osdrd"count of the great success of the ep.. cu O
Thatothr scool shold on-the Willows estate for their income.
Vance ishinspiredlby theuoldcmanse;concert, the Apollo Club has anm
oe dywiehysraignune eeiino h e Also included four groups of fine Coati
tinmncdb eiu odtosthrough the library of this home- fo nead a niedM.Htat rice find unsa
of student drinking is a situation1 rison to again sing the title role tpriesyou'l tedhemetuHloseSparlTe
Idpoaltoregard. Nor, although sta, emeesHeos Ser Te $4 $2
deporale o spericillyjusi-love each other in an intellectual
it may appearsueical st-Z
fled, is such an impression at alli way. A fight with Mrs. Tracy, and; Andrew Haigh, graduate o the _
correct.many escapades in New York dis- I piano department of the School of
Indedthefac tht fve ra-courages Vance unto returning Music, uinder Albert Lockwood, and1
tenites were placed on probation home. Heloise marries a literary for several years a member of the ,-._.
man, Louis Tarrant, to protect the School of Music faculty, has wonI
indcats hat i stden dinkngdecaying fortune of her parents., recognition and distinction as a =lcs
were an incipient source of tronu- Tarrant buys a magazine, and is' concert artist. On November 25,!' Beautiful new models in lcs Chiffons r
I be, he enae ws nppe intheattracted by Vance's work to the hie will give the following programE
Ibu whn pomp atio wa taenpoint where he invites him to come in Town Hall, New York: =an a eas-
against the offenders. Furthermore,! East again. Prelude and Fuu=i sap
the University's moral integrity 925was R tuni guoNeuYrk aneiajr .. .. ...s.hahrp~/ L)p '~ .
itself attested to when a vigilant Rtrigt e ok ac'mjr.J .Bc 5 X 9
comms iteo student affairs could met his cousin Laura Lou, whom ISonata, Op. 76 . .. ....Beethoven
'find only five small groups out a he always thought ugly, and they Rliapsodie, Op. 79. No. 2 . .. Brahims
suetbdof100Xhsco-are married. Their love Is ideal; -n~ne~,O.13 o zam O
indeed, it is safe to say that Laura Itemezz, p. 13, No. 2 .. Brahnms'I T
duct was in any degree objection- CapnicciE pp.F76MNo.120.. Brahms
able.is the sweetest character that Mrs.I Rhapsodie, Op. 119, No. 4 .. BrahmsI
-___ ____Wharton has ever created. She Is Improvization, Op. 31 .. Medtner IE11 ai tre
___________i_ a child-wife, ill and suffering with Prelude, Op. 6, No. 2 ....... Haigh l ManSre
-tulbercullosis. She is filled with Sonata, Op. 30, No. 4 ......Scuvibivi -;h o f I~c*1
Campus Opinion wonder by her husband's talents. I slamey .............. . alakiretlf teSIa ofStsfatio"-
CC 'btr aeahdt h re, ,And Vance, who is poetic, fulfills Mr. Haigh has played i the large =
confining themselves to less ttan 3(0 Ivery well the task of ;proteco. nmusccneso mrc n ur
nutudeations 'will be disegairde'd. the a1a araoewee ehsmde deim
naeof c t ossuuibeatnyntoill, o'vr,, of Edgar Poe and Vanrmin one a -
naues, fecors unlics ll how o eeradVriifr epress upon music lovers and critics. ___
est.reter s puished shouldn t he is sickily, but lovely until her death. In Berlin the Lokal AniZiger sald
onstrueod as expiresig the editorial Wile working for Tarrant, Vance "Andrew Heigh, who presentedI
opinin of ue Daly. .fals back to his intellectual com- himself in Bechistein Hall as a pi- I- ___- ~
tilt p wio ship with Heloise. But there! anist, thoroughly routined ini tech-
THIS TICKET BUSINESS is not the least conflict between the noque, proved to be as well a lyric- ,
To te Edtor:two loves. Both of the women ful- ally attuned nature. His playing'
ToteEdtr ill a different purpose in the life revealed sensitive feeling and anĀ®4
I think there is no question that iOf the poet. Heloise an~d Van~ce impassionied fire restrained in tonal
all of the students quite thorough- meet at the Willows to write a ntov- clarty." Der Deutsche said: "Mu,.
ly agree with the letter written by ei about the historic; occupant of H-aigh has solid technique, intelli-
SMr. Campus in the Nov. 19th Daily,i the mansion.- Tie book has a- gent treatment of color effects, and
Six of us spent both energy and chance for the Pulsifer prize. But a clear comprehension of structur'al
brains in attempting to see through Vancee will not flatter the donor, values." After this receptiorf abroad You'rc readyIy now to iiiose your winter COQ; ad e ~
4-1 ,R frIP1r1Co f thi M i r h ,.,, .nnir o in- -c, ,.art

Telephone 21214

Assistant Manager

Department Managr
Ad etusintg.... .. .1.... to 1 1ble
Adkertisi:g ............ha~shter 11. Ilalversoti
Ald\ertisiitg ..... .itehrn-ottdA. Utpotn
Service ..................George A. Stiater
Uirculation ........ .i. 1 ernor JDavis
Accounts....... ...... .,JohntR. Rose
]1ublcatictts ................( ;corgclHamtilton
441x.-A~L iadcttoc.li- .Marvin Kobacker
Atincs r,: Cartwri6uL latenctce 1Lncey
J~oberv' Crawford 'i'honas Muir
j tarry 1D. Culv,'r ;%.George Patterson
Tb.'ornast. Ma bvis Charles Sanford
lormtan Elic Tt I cc Slay toun
utalles Iroffer - luseidt V1atiRpiper
utris Johnson i{ultert W illiatnQ-otn i
C44rles K;"- Wlt:'t R. Wotrbuys
Business Sev-dcar) - -Mars Cltasc
t ant' ra ('0(1 iittg A ti e'111 f'ily
Agues Davis- Sr Via Miller
Blerntice Waetr 11(deij VK Nit'-sseltiteI
iourtense (loud i tg Elcanour zIkinshaw i
lDorotica 'vate matti
Night ki tc' "-C. R . J(1,xUFMAN r
Coach Harry K pko',s Wolverines
tomorrow will enud the season
against the pwrful Hawkeye elev-
en. The 1929 season will stand out
in Michigan football history as the
firgt triumph of the Maize and
Blue over the Crimlsoni of Harvard,
not to speak of the successful dash
to the North for the "little brown!
J ug "






Tonlight the - tudent~s of the Uni- the article about ticket distribution T 'arrant is enraged at losing this I Ml M5 v1 1,10 uiui;61.U. R,1
IaMihtn. I a uha n hnefrhsmgzn.H ihsterestedllnthose all' too i i taxit
versity will have their final oppor-"atMcga.Itwsscane-3ebnefrhsmaze.Hfits P
tunity in a pep-meeting to express tirely hopeless muddle that, after' withi his wife, and goes off to Eur- critical commrnents ill the New York
their loyalty. to the Michigan elev- a great amount of argument and ope to write a novel of his own.; papers onar his conicer t nexrt week.
en. At the last pep-mneetinlg, on discussion, this six decided it mlust Returing, Tarrant pets Jed Pu-
the ~ k~ theHarvrd gnrethebe another of these "official" state- sifer, and divorces his wife to--win iIl r!IV(
th v o m ara d g n~,t e nts! that is and 'iI
poor attendance proved highly dis- retfhti designed to be beyonid the prize. Laura Lou has died, ThaeritCvcincniud
couraginig to the alumni speaker, te opreeso ftecmmnHleadVncbt oigi I their policy of a desperate appeal to
wh1o had been students here back in people. Laura, are left together. i a wide audienice with a good old
the days. when the football team What are the students going to 'This long novel has body to it! Booth Tarkington conziecly t' yoth
did everything but beat Harvard. do? Will they merely ,sit back alnd 1i(o jest a t the lengthiness). Itlrc- next week entitled "Jonecsy," a stor'y
It remiainis for the undergraduate accept one outrage after another? j fleets Mrs. Wharton 's patrician of young love busedi on short stor-
body to showv its appreciation and, Not for long..- Unless changes are k niind f - Her character novel is cer- ies by Mr*. Toohiey which appearedl
support of the Wolverines that( made in the miethod of assigiiing taily a reflection of an age which, inthe Pictorial Review wit Ii such
bested the Michigan of the --past . football seats for our home games, esteem-s critical taste above every- ;widespr'ead popula rit v. It is a
by; conquering the Crimson, and to Michigan will experience 4i student thing. 1Hcr purity of mind is re- j "young" play that elljoyed it loo'
make the pep-meeting superior to I uprising that will at least parallel fl'ccted i the creation of Laura. runi in New York atl) a stiete..fll
those earlier, those on other. 0f )tle countle, zsiBuafeal she is a fighter, ready stock~ comipanzy recep lt ril alliOvetr
aleading Carnpu.'e8.< :to slay whoever vii coen ear.e the counitry. Wilbur l" on ...t mod-
--0-----------Alutmni write bii to knw"Whab it ueriaiis.eerea ne Penideni , leaves college to 01-
JIkETE~I BUSIlNs S I1UILEAUS f has become of the old Michigan haer o1.dzsirnical t self in thisedcto book: ter business because hie has fallen
. spirit?" It has been sc attceed to hrhrsmdws dcto i-ii. love with the little lctditigl Int dy
Durfug the past decade, a num- th four sides of the stadl im. Thej not nientionz the poetry of Mar~tXve of a smiall traveling stock companty.
ber of organizations purporting to student is a stranger in the stall- or Coleridge. Mrs. Wharton is as- Innocent little complications arise
cure the bu ,_,hcss ills of the nation iuclest ewe nopsn ured in her irony, as is Vance, both Ioto h iuto seilywe
have sprung into existence. Call- fan and an alcoholic mierrynimaker' are fearless of criticism. Self-con- it turns out that the young actress
ing themselves better business bur- who has nio lease onl a seat what- fideec has miiadle it possible for the I is the niece of the biggest man inl
cams, they have spent iiiucli nmroney .te novelist to get away with the chum- town. Ini anr amusinlg devellpmet
in priniting halrge newspaper ad- syIgiizigtati rsne l
etieenstwantepbiofIAlthiough I realize it, Xvii be difli- s bgnnn thati rsne nte nmorals of the whole towni be-
yatisment to arn te pulihold- this story, anyone else would have1 cone involved. which the h1apuy
th ageo iaigwt uiescult to quiet aluni andl bond)11(1
the dange:ifostudents wshouldsieeshown gIven up in dispair. But she makes ending solves. It is a goodi comledly
shlarks or of going away from oe rsi anb onWo hovel peretl oudan"irof attr'active unim~portant people.
to find w ork. pecc~e She gives a reliable portrayal of. I
} makes Collegiate football? I~s it the her hecro's thoughts and emotionzs
.Quite diffecrent is the ecol~ozIOUc alumizi? Yes, it we take Camie- without lapping into senztimiental- STRIANGEtTIJ~3I
commnittee which President Hoover gics assertions for the truth. But im ueeONilsPlte rz
has nnonce hewil cal a "aI o theothr ht-i ifwha Mihi- "IHudson River Bracketed" is not a Play, which recently enjoyed the
small preliminary conference with' gane officials say is true then it is relapse; it is up to the high Whar- Strange Censorship of 1929 in that
a view to the coordination of bus- the students who are responsible tnsadr.PrasselasIvr ue onBsoi eun
iness and governmental agencies in I for football. As we believe this to; in th~e presentation of character i ing next week to the Wilson Then-
concerted action for conitiniuous be true it follows thlen that the stiiaogorcneprris h r o rifsa.0'tenn


ready for you with the finest coat v'alue; it has ever b ' ), --or :o#
fortune to present. Beautifully interpreted, carefuilly tailored o f high
- lllaity fabrics and generously fuirrect with the 'Clioces4 Of plts -
coats for sport, utility and afternoon wear-lui smart winter e~r~g
I'he firmly established lcmin inc modextc~c itself, t
now in frocks for laid-season wear lw~. hsecaw -1:1n+Os -re - -,-
charuiung illustrations of what is come( .t 'in fa"'hion.- 'P 'ilcess
linies, natural waistlines, niplped-in "silhotlettes,' avid low
placed flares-developed in velevts, crepes, sat-Ar- and
chiffons. Featured in all sizes.
f975 i u "P- ~ 5
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