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jtlorVarit SowsFist ar Ia~eniy ~arwr Ph Fesmentobe irt ppoeBy Edward 1L. Warner. ently drop kicked for the .xr:
tlifVti hosFrt an 'I it r r IP iKappa "PsiWinsWhe-te sowbegins to fall hin point, giving' his team a2-3ve
Hawkeye Plays; New.Thrusts I M 0c1Mt, November, all sportmen not en- Itry. Booth, although only a sopho-
to o ldMet oday In inm g Meet' or Coac, at ann s i gaged in the dangerous pastime ofi more, has shown himself to be one
Givn Atenion Swining Tenn. shooting der gather around and j of the most elusive backs in th
-- /indulge in the annual indoor sport conitry in an open field. He aidedI
BILH WT LY EL Fraternity harriers will be given By eliminating Alpha Kappa T If .A ME' of choosing mythical .. nrstar rd the Bulldogs in downing Dart-
anopotuit o ipla her i~l Lambda, Phi Kappa Psi advanced I iron aggregations. It matters not mouth, but ha s ben kpt on the
ent at 4:30 this ffternoon in the wehrtewudb rtahssdlnsdrn ltIs w nms
With Perry field blanketed in* fraternity cross country meet. Th e !n round further in their march! Swimming festivities will be in- wehrtewud-eciiIa %idlie uigth attogms
see on o may o te fotbllas Coach Stevens is undo~btedly
white Coach Harr Kipk sen his ace iji ~ staited f'oii fron towrd defending the interfrater-!augurated with the m eet betw een js en o e r actio itfontbahe c lay lf s v n i o h l- m o t
Woiverin griddiers through a long' of the Heaith. ,Seviee. Last year',s nity svwinnxing championship the varsity and freshnman teams, clash with 1-arvard this w eek,
defnsie dillin drvin snw-winner, Tau .Kappa Epsilon, will which they wont last fall. With a scheduled for next Monday at 5 flaring' headlines andsidctl
storm yesterday afternoon, !have but one man of their vi~tori- welblne emtePip o'clock. This will be the first con- stories on all important games, the
The .storm, the first of any di- o us quartet in thle meat today Dl el litdtem te PiPi'~ petit ion of any kind that the var- 11 player with the best publicity agent "Onward Christian" Cagle,
mension as ye this eahuliked b whoupntdrforth.lBihtthetrouble Isity has taken part in this seaon, will hav the better chance of mak- captain of the West ]Point e-
Meso s a e hs y a ,sihiganby whoencedlthourth.nothdiheplhyung
any plans which the Mcia!winner, Lowmnaster, and the run-f until they encounterTheta Chi, and will conlsist of the reg ular i)ng these mnythicl elevens. vn lhuhntdslyn
board of strategy might of planned nter-up, D'Anna, are, now out for .their strongest opponents last year events. I- the form that made him a un-
for an, afternoon of scrimmage the varsity. The field is quite largef The majority of the squad has! This fall in particular the animous Al-American choice
Work. After venturing~ into the Jhsya cossigo 1 emLIIAK PAL MD been working out for several weeks) would-be successors to the lateI last season, has neerteless
-minature blizzard the Varsity grid- and slhould unkartlt samepoteial I in the Intramural pool under theE Walter Camp are faced with show, flashes of his style. Ca-
ders retired indoors for at half vriymtra ficlvl TAKES PE BL TI EI direction of Coach Matt Mann. Tast aeil fra aiehe the task of pcking the four ( gle has been handicapped by
hour's skull practice. A second exo-, ___-_____ I conference schedule has .not been best backs in the country from playing with a weaker Army
dus into the unkind wather con- _________________ By winning the speedball competi-I arranged as yet, but whet it is the1 a host of ball carriers who have eleven than last season. His
ditions proved more sustained and I Aph°Kpa amd champions will be sure to be in1 proven themselves of unusual running and passing in the
the men of Kipke spent an hour I Events Today tIo.has(shape. With several good veterans! calibre in~ combat. Frot the Harvard, Yale, and Illinois
diagnosing Hawkeye plays offeredi taken the lead in the race for the iback and a wealth of material com- very nature of football, it is games, although not netting a
up by the "B" team. Intramural trophy but the points ing up from last year's freshman the backs who receive the most% victory for the Cadets, was re-
Varsity Defense Good. ADBL I lst by being put out of the swim- j i'th prospects for a strong prominence and it is the back I pnilefrgaiigmotf
Nogra dficly a8ep:00 Omega Psi Phi vs. Sigma PhiM ,ing inthe beginninig of the tour-I team are favorable. who draw then interest o~ the the ground against the opoi-
eNoea thdiffic sultywaperm-1 Epsilon. 1 nament will prove a serious handi-, On November 29, at 7:15 o'clock, average ,spectator. L ion.
ers in sensing the Iowa plays which 8%0PiBt ivs im i a the Fort Wayne Y. M. C. A. swim- ---___---_
9:00 Delta Sigma Pi vs. Tau Epsi- j mers will be in Ann Arbor to com- In the East Albie Booth of Y-ale Pittsburgh's great unbeaten elev-.
have worked to such good advan- inPi
tageagainstthestrongestoftheionPhi. pete against the varsity in the first had his name heralded across the en has two unusually good backs in
Confrene tamsAltoug: te 900 KppaNu s, lph Ch Rh. ,open meet of the season. The pub-i nation when he bat' the Arm Una and Parkinson. The work of
driin sowket isbiit amot'Toda's Results J lic will be admitted freo-hag rciclysnlehaded Three I these ball carriers has been in-.
uncerain_________tefirtstingOLLEYALLIItothismeet times the little 140-pound Eli back strumental inr gaining the PantherI
forwards continually were able to 7:30 Alpha Kappa Lambda vs. I HANDBALL-- crosed the Army goal line, and victories over West Virginia, Ne-
surge through the "Iowa" line and Trigon. I . ,-. after each touchdown he nionchal- braska, Ohio State and Carnegie.j
"s o" t e b l are.7:30 Beta Theta Pi vs. Sigma Al- Chi Psi defeated Triangle 3-0. -._ _ _ _- ----
While the first string linemen( pha Epsilon, K Delta Apha Epsilon defeated Phi'-
were getting a glimpse at Havikeye 7:30 Delta Kappa Epsilon vs. Tea'ideete'Acca 3-0.
off tackle and guard thrusts Task- KpaDlaRo et im h eetdBt
mlaster Kipke' kept his Varsity 8:15 Delta Upsilon vs Phi Ka p- ThDeltaga Pi 2-1.d et
backfield men running through the pa Sigma. Phi eaSi2-.gma Ot,. Delta defeated Alpha
plays which have been recently !IPiDet,30
verines hope to turn the tables 'on 7:30 Sigma Chi vs. Triangle. VOLLEYBALL a
the powerful Hawks. 1 Phi Sigma Kappa defeated Kap-
Bill Hewitt, sensational sopho- KE ILCAHMTE.Ip u20
moeflanker, was very m> ch in - Lambda Chi Alpha defeated Phil o0
evidence yesterday after his layoff In 'order" that participants of in- Delta Theta 2-1. j
following the bruising game with ter-fraternity wrestling be in con-; Sigma Alpha Mu defeated OmegaI; the.r,
the Gophers last Saturdays Psi Phi 2-=0. r th
Farl nesSxdition the Intramural department ____6crre! htoyn~e.
Farrell Enters x ' I has made arrangements with Coach SIMN o vrubd
Ken asty westling coach, to Phi Kappa Psi defeated Alph
ii" ofrneM e be at the Intramural building to Kappa Lambda 31-10.--od l
in ConfrenceFeet ,give instruction. He will be at the ; Delta Tau Delta won from Delta-_pee
. .__ wresting room from 7:30 to 9:30I Sigma Pi by forfeit. --
(Continued From Page 6) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday'; Phi Beta Delta defeated Alpha W" b eipn b ec
year the name of one Wolverine of the next two weeks. It is required Chi Rho 30-10. I_
cross country runner is engraved on that the prospective competitors be1
this toh stersl fwn at four of the six practice periods WATER POLO a d b on
fing a race involving only Michigan in order to be eligible to enter the Phi Kappa Psi defeated Alpha
runersbutthi sesonit as e-meet. Participants must weigh in Kappa Lambda 3-0.
tided to award the honor to the between 3 and 5 o'clock on Tues-' Delta Tau Delta won from Delta
man finishing first in the Confer- day, December 10, at either Water- Sigma Pi by forfeit. 1 CCjL O\VA/ L !
enemeet. man gymnasious or InrmrlChi Bhota0 Delta defeated Alpha h .IUMS. NN7I~
Another factor which may com biing _______________ OG E.WAStIINfON ST. P110/1(9
jira f.hp IL t UL aU of U iia nnfa -,
ence meet is the presence on two
of the weaker teams men who are
likely to fight it out for the first
two places in the meet. Martin of
Purdue was considered the best
harrier in the Big Ten and certain
of taking first honors in the meet
until he was recently defeated by
Letts of Chicago. Barring the un-
expected, these two men should
finish in the first two places, leav-
ing the strongest teams to decide
t'he issue without the aid of the
first and second points.
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