MTCHICAN __ _. A. L 'ITIk r rsi . MTCHTGANT i)ATTiY ThThT3DAY, NO M~T~Th 2i, i{~29 r PIlYkSICAL EDS TO SCORELESS TIE-4 HAWKS WHO WILL INVADE MICHIGAN SATURDAY I I I I WOLVES MAY BE LAST SBAG TEN OPPONENTS IFOR INVADING HAWKS Unless the Big Ten faculty comn- mittee relents in its former decis- ion the Michigan game this Sat- urday will be the last Conference football contest for the Iowa grid- ders. Thle ban placed upon Iowa, last year for not conducting itsI athietic affairs in accordance withE Con ferece rules is sc'fleduled to tatke effect January 1. Neither team Li ~as ableto comle close to a score, the coa ting of ice; making it imposs'ible for the backs' to get started, and the leaden weight of the ball halting most of : the attempts to connect with suc- cessful passes. Only one play er on either squact, Newman of the1 yearlings, was able to tear off any E long gains from scrimmilage during the entire g-ame.- Fresfi mn Look D tt ._______________________ ______ Although tthe en bire !freshman- c ElyS vot-Z> team looked better than it did in______________ last Wednesday's contest, which the Physical Ed'; took by a 17-0, OR IS NSHOW PROMISE I FIR. score, Newman was1by far the mostr YEAR O MAIZE AND BLUE VAR improved player on the field. Time l___ after timle* he reeled off gains of Fi(Itom , Noie-lie gisves promise of be( " from five to tenl yards around the er ies scrics of ice concerning Michiganhegvspoiefbe Physical Ed wings, while his pass- footlvall. playss. An otlier willaper n l valuable addition to Coach ing was fairly successful, being re- championship squad next sponsible for several good gains. Maynard Morrison, a n of h e rLatyrsrigotbl Following the brilliant showing of promising sophomore on the Maize Latyrspigfoblk the two Physical Eid backs, Kies ° and Blue Varsity, has been shifted rison from taking a verb and Tessmer, last Wednesday, both between the backfield and the line part on the freshman of these players were covered allad closely in yesterday's game, neith- C se aso or eesharestiedfuto hiesquadhscoo ,or of them having a chance to dis-cary t~e majo hr 1tefl- Wiei ihsho play their best wares before being back work during the coming two l was picked by Remingtor smeared bya charging yearling 1 sea soniis. His all-state football eleven tine, -_ i eghhoeer Doe" was playing on a r, Johnson Breaks Trhrouigh. . is a decided as- J eio lve scopr In the Physical Ed linlf the work... set either in the feirlenascm re backfield or the leading teams of thes .:of Pro d n onoaln and he may played as a fullback throug tackle, wais outstanding. Johnson { eue nbt ig col~aer on several occas ions broke through b sdi bt ih cho aer A i eeting will be held in Chica- ':r j go December 6 and '7 at which the .::":.ti: Ifuture status of the Hawkeyes in r r.."~ onnect ion with. the Big Ten, will be I ecidied. If the committee feels {that Iow a has reorganized its ath- r~r leti( machine sufficiently to merit ... eintateentii; will take such ac- , >:.: L..r:.tion to that effect.I , r. Aided to the cesire to step from the Conference picture 'Where they ti ....: : Yhave so long been a prominent fig-i uire_ in a blaze of glory, the Hawk- ?f,. eyes will have revenge as a strong r~zo ive to give their best in the Wolverine stadium. Michigan >:>.:. : wr.eed their chances'for a tie for :"x:1:< " (inc Utle last seas5on by a 10-7 win. ST For the second ime in two years Iowa will invade Michigan's stadl ~.SIY jm wih apowefulsquaeofgrid that shoes mat gum ith a pwerul suadof gid-WALK.COVER designers and bhL ders. Leo Jensvold will in all prob- footwear have put a definite inc oin ability appear much of the time in the new styles for Fall. h Fisher'sI the quarterback position whileWhtvryupefens Sp spig. Oliver Sansenz, husky sophomore. i style, in the WALK-OVER tin Dept Mor- fullback, will give him support in ditnttpsso h le ,y active the backfield. 'w younger miai but all of them baseball Don Piersel, 205 pound tackle, isW K-VRqaiyndrl another promising sophomore AwhVo qal#yan ra Morsnis remarkably active for his size' Next time you need shoes cci I and will appear in a leading role in; us to show you some of the fio h the Hawkeye defense Saturday. of WALK-OVER shoes for mce although' Last year a 10-7 defeat at the 'r ~~~th ather in- ad fteWle ocdIowa!_____ F out adof oa tie forl the Ccbnferenc~e .., ?d ta hetitle, and the Hawks are thirstngE state. H for revenge. ghout his LAFAYETET, Ind.-Purdue hasJ Rossh Ade stadium which is shaped(X _ .. - tstadinIlike a horseshoe. ISCONkSIN1 OHIO STAT1 AN !INIAN . pLLOOMN ON FERENC HARRIERMET i ~the fvorite to) win the meet. The Wolverines Have Alread y Lost' only; victory iii the- Conference to Badgers and Buckeyes, chalk ted up by the Wolverines this I oPlsMa ace. sao was ainsti~ Illinois in the Gohes aytiangular nmeet here otwo xweeks Cross country supremacy among y'nw i Lrunners who will make the the Big Ten schools which is to be; trip to Columbus are. Captain Ben- decided at the Conference meet! son, Austi~n, D'Anna, Lowmaster, Kernnedy, Fitzgibbons, and Wolf. this Saturday at Columbus seems T'he list is limited to these men be- destined to be -very much a three- cause each school may enter only, sided race between Wisconsin, In- six men to keep the field uinder 60 diana, and Ohio State with the pos- contestants. sibilty of Minnesota nosing one: The two Wtolverines who h ave of these teams into fourth place.E been performing in the most con- The placing of the rest of the sistent and effective manner this teams in the Conference shguld be! season are Austin and Fitzgibbens. atossup especially after ,.the sud-I In. all of the meets and most of the I den change of weather which mlayE trial runs on.e of these two men be one runners meat and another's Have fin°. ed ahead of the rest of poison with the result of scramb- ,FheMic:higan runners and they arc ling the possible order of' finish l most likely to place first for the based upon the present dope. f Wolverines at Coluibus Saturday. The Wolverine harriers are not! Asa special incentive to the conceded a chance to place among Mich-iga1-n harr i ers in this race the the first three in as much as they wne of the Harphan trophy will have already bowed to the Badg eras be odecided from its outcome. Each and Ohio State while Indiana, is Continued on Page 7) t i IP irk the inan" 4iders of men's dividuiality intoY yott can find a -i. There ar' than and the >' r / with the usual cvalue. . tad*Um ktfll in a d ak\ ." . V different styles en. Import, Tan Rus Calf NS W L wV 115 SOUTH MAIN STREETN tec ssia is _--_ _ _.- -a . i) Very New Numbers ArroW AT I Christmas Gift Suggestions Belt and Buckle Sets' Handkerchiefs Bath Robes Suspenders Underwear Neckwear Mu ff lets Tie Trees weaters Pajam as Garters Gloves It Pays to Shop Eary For Xmiias Hose H~ere'>s extra service added to the well- kmon sniartnless of style and beauty of pattern. na11ways found 'In. these celebrated shir ts; tailored of ea iutiful plain and fancy madras, broad- cloths, etc. Sites 14 to 18. Only Arrow Shirts 1-fave Arrow Collars Glovewr Pajama's Stocks Are Now Complete , I With the exclusive Adj usto B and waist . . We Invite Your Early InSti Slf these New Pajamas Give a type of sleeping comfort you've never known before! Adjusto band stretches. It gives with every breath- and never twists nor binds like the old fash- I s