ESTABLISHED 189 Jrm Aipa 4aug. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS 0 7 PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL.. XL. NO. 46. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1929 EIGHT PAGES COAL ITI AI IN SENA BABSON! Borah Asser JN LEADERSl TE A NS1NERI ts That Financierf Si g elĀ® G'fvl . t t f 1 T WAITVE CRITICIZES MISSOURI LAW REQUIRING CURTAILED VENIRE LIST, Commenting on Missouri's new intended to give a cross section of state law providing for a curtailed the population for jury service, theI venire list; kept regularly up to date, ; result which has been almost uni- under which counties are required versally realized is that men who to keep a list of registered voters appear to be qualified for no other for jury service with a minimum of thing are found to be repeatedly 1,GJ0 and any number above that serving on juries. Thousands of number felt advisable, Prof. John voters live their whole lives in the '-"'%'~~~ '-~~"'~~'mm nn.Wito teLw col oned1iiucui ouu am u0V~i nmL- YOST 'TJ1J USBSCAOMES ?NOTED SCIEN TISTIFAMED NATURALIST ADDRERSOP COMMSWILL TALK HER i.l llmf ED*TQII i.FORSOPH-PO.j TOn qP FA K TDMlIIr.I.T I I icepesens angievop B. Waite, of the Law school pointed of Republicans. out that regardless of the,, number Iof venire men available, whether HEFFLIN JOINS ASSAULT it be 1,000 or 100,000, the results ob- tained depend entirely upon the efficiency of the human element in- Congressmen Deny That in 1914 volved. Full Power Was Given to "1'he success of such a system de- President Wilson. pends," he said upon the care and discretion with which the commis- sionersscompile their lists of voters BIy A siaei;I~ress available for jury service. I1 many WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 20- states the names of veniremen are meaders of the . Democratic-inde- placed upon the lists regardless of pendent Republican coalition in their qualifications. control of the tariff bill in the Sen- "Although the generally used ate, today attacked a statement by system of selecting veniremen is Roger Babson, statistician, pub- lished 1n the New York World de- scribing "lack of confidence" throughout the country to the ac- Senator Borah of Idaho, of the western independents, said i the Senate that those opposed to car- rying out the Republicare pledge of the last campaign to "equalize ag- riculture with industry" now speak Explains Why He Thinks Cosmic "through the venal voice of Mr. Rays Represent Creation I Babson" and call for the adjourn- of Matter. merit of Congress.a "We serve notice on Mr. Babson and all of his kind," shouted the HAS WON NOBEL PRIZE Idahoan, "that we have done our duty and we will not cease our ef- y By Howard W. Blakeslee, forts."Science Editor, A.:'. Senator Walsh of Montana, then E , acting Democratic leader, Senator PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 20.--One Glass of Virginia, George of Geor- more step in the mystery of the gia, and Hefflin of Alabania, all creation of matter was reported to Democrats joined the assault. m There were indications tonight that the National Academy of Science Babson might be called before the i today by Dr. Robert A. Millikan. lobby committee along with Fred Nobel prize winner, and director of I. Kent, a director of the Bankers' the California Institute of Techno- Trust Company, who made a sim- logy.; ilar charge against the Senate co- This creation does not touch the alition and attributed the stock' primeval origin of all substance, market collapse to it. such as the Book of Genesis de- - od saiu a u AMIHaH :scribes, but the creation supposed However, Chairman Caraway of to be going on every day of four of that committee said he had receiv- the most abundant elements, oxy- ed no request for Babson's appear- ? gen, helium, silicon and iron. ance. The evidence presented was a Denying a statement by Babson form of radiation called cosmic that Congress adjourned in the 1914 rays, so named because they came financial crisis and gave full power from all directions of space day and to president Wilson, Senator Walsh night and are not concentrated like declared "For the purpose of mak- light in the direction of the sun or ing a point, joining in a hue and stars. They are so much shorter cry against the Congress of the than rays that they are believed to United -States, and particularly penetrate bompletely all living against the Senate of the United bodies. States, he (Babson) is perfectly Dr. Millkan explained why he willing to. put out such perfectly I thinks they'represent the creation false statements concerning his- of matter. They are too short to toicalattrGss, former Secretary come from any known earthly ra- of the Treasury, suggested that the diation, such as radium; the Babson statement "is simply a part lengths agree with the tremendous of concerted effort to direct at- energies which impute to both the tention away from those responsi-Iannihilation and the creation of Wyle for this disaster and to give it matter. a different color." I Annihilation, said Dr. Millikan, Borah Objects. I takes place in the hot centers of the Senator Borah interposed that 'sun and stars, and the cosmic rays Babson "is utterly unreliable as to do not come from that direction. facts and utterly unsound as to Furthermore, their f o r m a ti o n opinions." agrees "beautifully" with require- *Whatever prestige he once tiad," ments of rays from creation of continued the Idahoan, "and what- matter. Dr. Millikan did not assert ever position he once occupied, he that he had proved this creation. his forfeited by reason to serve but said it was indicated and the certain interests and to prostitute only apparent stage from which it his intellect for certain purposes." could emanate was the vast cold "Notice his subtle dishonesty, his reaches among the stars. aanifest deception in saying that Heretofore, he said, the most the stock market has crashed be- pennetrating cosmic rays he ad cause of our being here," said the detected penetrated about 200 feet Idahoan. into the earth. Now he and his as- sociate, Dr. G. H. Cameron, have HARRY SINCLAIR I found them down to 500 feet and ENDS SENTENCE I1Dr. Regener, in Germany, has measured them 700 feet. It is these Wealhy agnte Fnises erxI extremely short penetrating rays Wealthy Mag Finishes Term hiche believes indicate forma- for Shadowing Jurors. i tion of iron. His previous measure- ments gave only a suspicion of iron (By Associated Press) creation, so that today's report WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 20.- definitely added this fourth ele- Harry S. Sinclair today served the ment. The longest rays come from last hours of his six-months sen- forming helium. tence for the shadowing of jurors Dr. Millikan also laid before the in the Fall-Sinclair mis-trial grow- Academy a wholly new conception ing out of the Teapot Dome naval of the protecting "awning" as he oil reserve scandal termed it,, that shelters the earth Midnight was the hour at which from the full cosmic power. This the wealthy oil operator and turf- "awning" is the ability of the cen- man became a free man after con- ters of atoms, scientifically named finement since May 6, which in- nuclei, to absorb part of the rays dude and a sentence of three monthsfor refusal to answer ques- Crenate Votes Respite tions ofa Senate committee in n O1~ B R f N t S OI~ i aecounty ana are never sum- moned for jury service, whereas on the other hand, a few of the totalI population come to approximate professional jurists. "Regardless, therefore, of the size of the lists kept for service," Pro- fessor Waite said, "the efficiencyof the jury system relies upon the j ability and efficiency of those men whose names arc placed upon the venire list by the commissioners." In a dispatch in The Christian Science Montor, Circuit Judgef Jerry Mulloy, of St. Louis county l is reported to have said: "Keeping the lists up to date un- der the old system was an impossi- bility. In our county we had 80,000 voters of whom about half werel men eligible to jury service. That was entirely too many to keep trackt of: W found that out of 150 venire- I men called about half would be re- ported removed or otherwise miss- ing. 0 "Now the situation is vastly dif- ferent. We select our 3,000, a pro-! portionate number from each pre- einct with reasonable certainty 11111 U IlL UU I f L L Committees for the Sophomore prom, to be held Dec. 13, were named yesterday by the chairmaX, Fred Buchan, '32 E. All the com- mittees will begin functioning im- mediately because of the short time Captain-Elect to be Announced in which the group has to arrange for Next Year by Coach the annual social function, it was announced. Harry Kipke- Milton Sorack, '32, chairman,and Charles Sommers, '32 E., will com- TICKETS NOW ON SALE pose the orchestra cowxmmittee. Thej other grolps are: Tickets, James -ePage '32 E. chairman; Dale De- Prominent Sports Writer Will Witt, '32; Alfred Palmer, '32; and be Selected to Speak Lyle Zisler, '2 A. Publicity, Edwin at Dinner. -Russell, '32 E; Jack Bailey, '32, and Harry Benjamin, '32. favors,. Jay Prof. Fielding H. Yost, director Sikkenga. '32; and Geraldine Me- of athletics, will be one of the prin- Jgro, k '32. Decorations, Sibley cipal speakers at the annual foot- Sedgewick, '32 E; and Betty Ger- ball banquet which will be held hard, '32; and Floor, Jack Krekeler, Tuesday in the ballroom of the '32; Charles Wise, '32 E; and Mor- Union, Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30, pres- ton Barris,32. ident, said yesterday. At this time all members of the University foot- ball squads will be present, and Coach Harry Kipke will announce IURI the captain for next season. T. Hawley Tapping, general sec- retary of the Alumni association. will act as toastmaster, it was an-' nounced by:. Walter Reichenbach, '30, chairman of the reception com- : Pan-Hellenic Ball, Sophomore mittee and in charge of arrange- Prom, and J-Hop Plans ments for the event. The otherA A kii bsme rmr- rc pprove-i. c aanr y hn wll hY c) 1 ? 'O- V. "ON SUBMARINE LIFE1 :..William Beebe to Give Lecture on "Beneath Tropic Seas" :: in Hill Atditorium. HAS MADE JUNGLE TRIPS Explorer Has Recently Returned From Three-year Expedition' to Sargasso Sea, Haiti. William Beebe, the celebrated naturalist, will appear in Hill audi- toriuin tonight to deliver his lec- ture, "Beneath Tropic Seas," and will bring with him a series of mo- tion pictures that record the strange animal life he found un- der the waters of the Sargasso Sea, off the island of Haiti, the scene of his latest expedition. As the third speaker on the cur- reht Oratorical association lecture series, Mr. Beebe will present a program which is entirely different from anything seen so far this year. His Sargasso expedition re- William Beebe. Scientist and naturalist, who will deliver his lecture, "Beneath Tropic Seas," at Hill auditorium I tonight. Mr. Beebe's recent re- searchel in the' Sargasso sea have proved valuable additions to infor- mation already recorded on secrets of marine life, scientists say. i,1tt, W1,1 lc~v1auc i~u41Ly spea er,w oW11 Wp1V ht E~v11-- r both by our own personal knowl- ient sports writer, has not been an- quire -neeyears td soei sd ume edge and that of our clerks that the nounced as yet, but it is believed OTHE I. PERMITS ISSUED 1 AheELE[T r a dfour-masted schooner served as m re permanent residents and that he will be selected within the assistants. From this ship he mae of a type capable of giving good next two days. Dates for three of the leading all- almost daily descents to the sa seirvice." Team Vt Be Ionmedl. i.In accordance with the estab- campus social functions were ap- ifHoor, using a special diving helmet I acuomate twill e esta- proved at the meeting of the Sen- with telephone. What he saw lisped custom, the teaat comill bedlton-recorded for scientific purposes AY 0 EN ~~ ~ foIit[[TALKduil gth~enpast ,ae omiteeon studet affair~ O iltngSii t _____ --- and what his steel-enclosed motio am nviatiomnswlde lthe yrthe of- Lawton, Rich, and Todd Will picture ca1iera saw constitutes tie mpus.In tilice of the dean of students, when|'.uictures that will be shrown here to the members of the squads some- permission was granted the _ Instill Fighting Spirit tonight. time near the end of the week concerned to hold the Pan- Students. Wild Life Investigadr. Tickets for the b anq t are Ha n it Heencodnceno.h2old the Panl- Mr. Beebe has made many jungle on sale at the main desk in the Helenic dance Nov. 29, in the ball- !Which Offers Most to Students Union lobby for $1.5. As in former groom of the Women's League build-. VARSITY BAND TO PLAY' trips and is known primarily for this phase of wild-life investigaption. -Campus or Classroom?' years, fraternities and other groups ? ing; the Sophomore prom Dec. 13, in He has done many things for the to be Discussed. desiring places reserved in a block U bFilla, d Jeauditorium and bea biological world, one of the fost to be Dicussed.may arrange fort~is at the time' the Union ballroom, and the J.Hop Iowa" will be the war cry of thebilgclwrdonoftenot they purchase theim' tickets. Tick- Feb. 14, in the large gymnasium of student body of the University important of which is the linkig TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ets may also be obmined from the the Intramural building. when it assembles for the pep- of the geieral public to fict: about Union committeem n Lloyd said. No further arrangements were meeting Friday night. The slogan the world and its, strange iahai- Usn a i ujc fLrefroA xi~d was inaugutrated by the Student tns Using as his subject "Which Of- Ad Large iv e i made for any of the parties. Details counil last ni a wasthe He- s fers Most to the Student-the Cam- Advance sale of tickets i ndicatcs!1conilatigtndwshef- Hsavnursaebennn. purs Mo tthe Clsroom,"h Prof Jthat a large crowd will attend the 1as to choice of orchestra and ticket action to statements by Alumni The current issue of Time maga- pus or the Classroom,"Prf. J. R. dinnergtisannounced.Isale are left to the supervision of speakers at the Harvard pep-meet- zinc carries an account of an ex- Hayden, of the political science de- lection of the captain of next the dance committees, subject to ing that the undergraduates today perience he underwent in .British are lla s Fou year's football team will be an- further approval as provided for in were apparently too much interest- Guiana while on an inland expedi- of a series of All-Campus Forums yIrsfotal a w efrte proa spovddfr i "d i inner jackets" to fill the f 001. The article is inludel in. a at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in nounced at the meeting Union offi- University regulations. aidinner acketsgh t fir th general discussion of the rights of Room D, Alumni Memorial hall. cals osay. o peh The captanecaat will be auditoriuman fight for the Wol- geeaIicuso fth nihso Professor ayns discussion i cae o foy. re a speech, according Three Greek letter organizations, iveine eleven, a man to kill another man and Mr. Professor Hayden's discussion isto the tradition at football ban- Delta Omicron, Mu Phi Epsilon, and Te students of the present day Beebe's statement sheds a unique expected to supplement that phase banquets.aIt is probable that Cap- Sigma Alpha Iota, were recognized are just as anxious to support their light on the argument. "When we of campus activity stressed by Prof. I tail Joe Truskowski will also talk: as professional musical sororities, grid team as those of 10 or 15 years were five days by canoe from any- G. E. Densmore of the speech and I -- _ ;'All three of the organizations are ago were in their day, it is the be- where," he writes, "two of my In- extension departments, who spoke ; F in the School of Music. lief of the council. The undergrad- dans broke their legs and I kwne on "Opportunities that a CollegeW O ( Official recognition was granted' uate body 'should take the Iowa 'they would die within two days, so offers" at the Forum last week. IS FORMED IN EAST by the committee to the glider sec- pep-meeting as an occasion to re- I gave them each an overdose of Following a short introductory pre- -- tion of the aeronautical society. Ap- deem itself for the scanty attend- morphine. The other Indians in the sentation of the subject, Professor Farm Board Guides Organization proval was also granted the forma- ance at the Harvard pep-meeting party were glad I had done so. Did Hayden will call for response in the tion of a flying section in the same and have every seat filled when the I kill two men? That is not for form of questions from the audi- of Cooperative Agency. society. The object of the latter will activities begin, the councilmen me to argue." ence --bC the providing of an opportunity state. Directs Research liurean. The need of the discussion of this (F ^y uiatcdIie1s) for students interested in aviation ! J. Fred Lawton, '11, will be pres- Mr. Beebe is director of Tropical subject was brought out when the WASHINGTON, D. d., Nov. 20.- to learn to fly powered airplanes, in ent Friday evening, to check up'on Research of the New York Zoologi- representative group of studentsI Under guidance of the Farm Board, I addition to the practice in gliding' the attendance for the Alumni, and cal Society and is a frequent con- who selected the subjects to be dis- the Wool and Mohair co-operative which the club affords members at to put the assembled students into tributor to many popular maga- cusaed for the entire series of Fo- 'association of the country have present. a fighting mood for the Iowa inva- zies. It is said tha; he is one of rums, conceded that this question formed a central sales agency to be The Glee club was granted per- sion on the following day. Lawton the few scientists who can tell his was one of the most important i known as the National Wool Mar- mission to give a concert at the De- is the composer of 'Varsity and has story on the platform equally as confronting the average college eting Association. Articles of in- troit Golf club. always been a strong backer of the well as he can write it. student of today. corporation, by-laws, and market- __Wolverine elevens, both during his r Tickets for "Beneath Tropic Seas" "'The majority of the undergrad- ing agreements for the organiza- Notd Authorit Dies u"dergradluLate days and since. ar on sale at Slater's at one dollar dates are either of the opinion ion, the Board announced today, NoteTh highly effective manner each. The box office at Hill audi- hat participation in extra-curricu- were approved at a meeting of the at Home in oughton wmhic Lawton has of putting the 1 torium will be open only from 7 to ar activities is not what it is made organized committee in San Angelo, -- students into a high-spirited mood 8 o'clock tonight, and the lecture 'ut to be or that the converse that Tex., with C. B. Denman, a member (y Associatea 1'res) was ably demonstrated at the Illi- is scheduled to begin promptly tit one should devote himself only to of the Farm Board present. JJOUGHTON, Mich., Nov. 20 -- nois pep-meeting last year. At 8 o'clock. studies, is true" they said. Arrangements also are being Prof. F. W. Speer, professor-emer- that occasion he filled the student I Today's Forum is expected by made by the Farm Board to finance itus of civil and mining engineer- body with a determniation that LECTURER KILLED those who planned it to clarify to growers through existing co-oper- ing,of the Michigan College of Miii- they could turn back the invasionA some extent, the various opinionsfative associations, while the Na- in ad Technology, died af his of the Zuppkemen despite previous IN PLANE CRAS students may have on different tional Wool Marketing association home last 'ight. He was 73 years defeats and they did. phasesf the question. is working to co-ordinate and Along wih the pep-talk of Law- Passenger Lands Safely When i -eand 'Plaeratn;wil oncthe lverine footw- ' +~~~~ strengthein state and regional woolW llC tiutolwllclethWlvrnfo- G t Ask Trial ohairarketisoctinP Will Continue b;l arch plyedy M His Parachute Opens. overnment s- rialThis will be done through pre- Preseyntatlop of estIfghting band, and a short speech By Associated Press) of DoeyfrBribery' shearing advances to ranchers. Prsnai o 'J t'Ifgtgbndamdahrtpec Money yys rg als nleslo ranthrgh-by George Rich, '30 L, captain of NEW YORK, Nov. 20.-Loser in (Fly /satiated lTress) co-operative, on unsold wool and Comedy Club's presentation of the 198 Michigan grid team, who a fight with a balky motor above NG D C., N. 20- mohair. "The Jest," by Sam Benelli will will act as master of ceremonies. the towering ofs of Manhattan, SWASINGTON, D. C., Nodv -m M. Palmer of Columbus o. continue at the Lydia Mendelssohn Stantoni Todd, '30, 'varsity cheer- I Charles I. Reed, 34, a concern man- The government took steps today det of the Ohio Wool Gro ers. theatre tonight, tomorrow night, leader, will also be on hand with ager an lecturer, was killed today ptGesseekinganotherconviction Co-operative association, will be and Saturday night. The play is in his yellmasters to direct the stu- in an airplane crash atop a 12- in the notorious naval oil reserve president of the new sales organi- fifteen century atmosphere, and dents in some of the more famous story Y. M. C. A. building on 64th lease cases, requesting through spe- zation. Roger Gillis, of the Texas the stage settings, costumes, andi Michigan yells. Street, just west of Central Park. cial prosecutors, Owen J. Roberts Sheep and,' Goat Raisers association lighting are carried out in lavish ITodd is also of the opinion that While Reed desperately struggled Sofrs w J. r el ioTxaillasbecvice- style.the undergraduate of today is as to bring the widely careening ship and Atlas Pomerene,r ident iS is the first of three plays anxious to get behind its grid ele- out of a tail spin over the western SL. Doneny be brought to trial Jan. An executive committee and a that will be presented by the or- yenpastfhegstuents ofmtheuyardgerofaCeral Park, his passenger, 13, 1930, on his bribery indictment. board of directors was selected ganization during the present 1past. If he stifdents come out and Robert Baihie, a lion traier, crawl- { afill the auditorium the Michigan of' ed out on the wingple h i Inability of opposing counsel to from widely scattered groups of dramatic season. Comedy Club, ac-today can si ow the Alumni what a cord of his parach ueand etdit agree on the date of trial for the wool and mohair marketing and i cording to. its president, Robert i pl-nein sral ie"tecryhmof California oil magnate, caused the growing associations. Adams, 30, plans to limit the Hum- ;el-mastur is. h carreh, off. p'rose nacutorsoi to askn the ue Districtt of ,-- bey of productions so that effort on yellniatetr says. He landed, with only a few prose each may be more concentrated. the evening scratches, on a roof in 64th Street, Columbia Supreme Court to make~ I I " frml ecsin n hetme ri~ethr Te at f Th Jsticlde_ across the way from that on whichl Flank J. Hogan, counsel forDo- t The eastof"The J,est"eicmu University of Mexico Reed crashed in the airplane.'',' ! ;"R ! 0Hm- Il.l .Baiie did not know how high up heny, said his time would be taken ng Florentine poet; Richard Hum-, ' a n y isissippi he was when he let the parachute d up by civil itigation ini other oil it'QA C J phr'eys, '31, as the dwarf and the pull him off the aipaebuon eases anid hewouldaoti be1ready poet's servant; Richard Cole, '30, ;yAssociated Press) airplane but one cases am.dhe1would notbe,,,A," ,,, !- , - o Iwitness said the nlane was not k / vestigating tn eicapot Domletrans-:, action. The sentence ran concur-4 iently and Sinclair was allowed, 30 days off for good behavior. Sinclair's commitment came only I after recourse to every competentj tribunal and marked the first time an iail onfneenn ms served bh a BULLETIN! (13y Associated Press) WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 20. - Overriding opposition of the "young guard" Republicans, the tariff tired Senate voted today to adjourn th