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November 20, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-20

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«''dNE~qDAY, NOV "20, 1329.


Publication :n the Bulletin is.siJ15tJ'I(ot c (Dee to all miember,:
of the University. Copy received by the Asistailt to the Pres i-
dent until 3:30, p. nig. (11:30 a. in. Saturday)

Sopiolr r i'nttiCnlninjtt i'r': Meetin fT totil-ht ;i t. 7'30 in J? ini 01

N ii~''y ec t a siulty 1'omf,,'s CIOb:
Room'1, ivlig ;anII Lague Buildig, at 8 p. mn.
for of the uuivei'.,;ity'S new eleirenhtsry S!?c ol;

tLcfiIn{is CI I)(' I in
D~r. Xihai CIslui l 1,~
will tell {0; the j)1n l" for1




til-Camimns Forum: Prof. 'J. R. 11aydien will ccluc t -h lurtll

NOTICESAll-Campus Forum oil Thursday of this week. The subject undcer dis-
To the Presidents of All Classes and Student Organizations: At- cThere nwill be:manyhihtfersMoviepotlz as thepthe C oon ,".
tention is called to the ruling of the University requiring all student The"wi cleenyifteetn iwons ntepaeo
organizations to file with the Commixittee on Student Affairs a list a: _________icolegeife
thcir officers.
Dr atrI' hrr c tzyo h omtesolGat-lThe president of each organization should file such a list of oll-i- X.Wle t hrSceayo h omteso rnsi
cers for the year 1929730 with the Dean of Students, Room 2, Univer-AianFelwhpofteoclSincRearhCuiwilb
sit Hal, n o beoreWenesayNovmbe 20 at the University onl Thursday, November, 21. Members ofw t' : 2 Social
J. A. Burslcy, Dean of Students !Science departments, and candidates for- the Doctor~L,2 who may lc
___ interested in the future in cithe r of the matters in Mr. Sharp's chary,.
Faculty, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: The mid-se- would be wclc~zmed at luncheon at the Union on Thursday, 12:?;3.
mxester reports on students ,in- your classes wvhose work is below passing Phone reservations to the Department of Political Science, 535.
should be made on cards whiich mna , be obtained in the office of thec.
Secretary, 263 West. Engineering Building, or from the messenger IRoPrfoo 3rofessor 3. 1,II. uyskcens will lecture Friday, Nov. 22, at 4:15 "
boxes. These reports are to be filed hi the Secretary's office not later l.om21 nelhl nTlso' ok"yCneso"
than Friday, Novemlber 29.
louiis A. hiopk~ins, Secretaray Colloquium ' in Applied Mlechianics: Onl Thursday at 8 p. m. in
Rooml 334 West Engineering Building, Dr. W. M. Coates will present
Students, Colleges. of Eii-inceriiigand /1relitectuire: The Classi- a paper entitled "A Simplified Methoad of .Cqrnputinxg Stresses anti
fication Committee of the06e Colleges ,has placed the limit of timie at Displa(ceiiints in Full Leads."
which a cowrSe may be dropped without record, excepting inl cases off All ingtcresti d are invited.
continued illne: s or other extenua ting cirei ma.tanccs, onx Saturday, ,
Novemebr 23, at 12:30 o'clock, p. m. 'the Political Scienie Journal Club will inect on lbui'sday at :3:00 ,
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary I p. in. in 2035 Angel!l Ball. JesS.Rvs
All Seniors: It is extremely important that the seniors of all cdl-
leges obtain their senior picture receipts from the Michiganensian of- be C~ercle Franxcais: It has been erroneously announced that'
flee before December 1, 1929 A senior cannot heave his picture inl the I there would be a me eting of the club Thursday evening, Nav. 21, at;a
Michiganensian without first obtaining a receipt and mlaking an ap- 13:00 p. m. The first n~eeting of the year, for old and new members, i
poinmen wit on o Thefouroffcialphoograher. will be held in Room 408 R.L., Tuesday evening, Nov. 26, at 7:45 p. mn.
I~VETS TWA~Children's IRhythim Classes will hereafter meet as follows: Chil-
Orga Reita byPaler Crishn t 415 . in, lll udiorim. dren -6 years old at 10 o'clock; those 6-8 years old at 10:30 o'clock;
-_ - and those over 8 years old at 11 o'clock as usual. The above hours
Exlibiioiof rignal.drwins ad pintngsby mereanills-are the times when classes actually participate in activity, so Pleas
trators, g;round flor gallery, Arcitectural Building, daily, except Sun _____-
daythrughut Nvemer.The Intramural Sports Building will be closed all day Thanks-
Anan Arbor Arts Associationi: The Sevenlth Annu ial Ai'in Arbor Art-gingdy
fists Exhibition is open every afcernoon in the galleries and corridors .,l t ir
or A lumxni Memorial Rall throughl Friday, Novemlber twenty-nainthl. The Newcomers' Section-Facult y Women's Club will eetZclzzS-
eCay at 2:30 p. in. in the Women's Athletics Building on Forest Aveniu,.
M1a themiatics St ,IT: Tea will be served to mnembers of the stall at
4:00 p. ill., inl room 3201 Angel H1l. SCIENTISTS SEEK USE OF ANIM AL
Geologieal aid (cograpbical Josrna) Club: There will lbe a meet-; STOMACH AS MEDI+CINE FOR ANEMIA ,
ileg in Room 2054 N. S. at' ,o'cock. Mr.z R. I3. h~all will s'pear on "Somxe !
,Stand Systems in ,japan=""The lecture ;Nill be illustrated. Experiuients are now being car- pericious anemia, which a few years
____i__ined out at the Simpson Memorial ago was in the category of the un-
All Eninern Sudns:Une :te Fupices of th~e on Studhent 'Inistxitute by Dr. Raphael Isaacs, Dr. va~inia'nicrn tdns ne ,h ~squished ills of mankind.
Branch of tie A. S. M. 'E. a film entitled Steam" ilb hw nteCyru s C. Strgis to determine rf Aei.aint eekont
Natural Science Auditorium at 7:30 p. mx.y the stomach of all edible animals have lost or been born without
The filmer will- show methods of manufacture of steam boilers by the can be used for an effective cure ofj the power to make the necessary
Babcock and Wilcox Co, Everyonie interested is invited, pernicious anemia. substances out of their food and
This experiment is intended to; that the patient's blood had losti
Junior Engineers: Last Spxeed Ball game will be played at 4:30 p be supplementary to a successful ex- 1 the power 'to make blood "ells ri-,
Ill., onlField, No. 2, South Fetry Field. It is essential that all thoseI periimeit conducted sometime ago or mature. Later on Dr. William B.
who have played 'in any of thec previous games this year report for! at the institute, which caused the Castle. of Boston found tha.u a ito:--
thzis one. , discovery that if the stomach of; mar person head the power to
_______ l lGedible Nalnals arc chopped up very change meat in his stomach into a
ieFn JnosadSeir:Ulssw led finely, and dried, and the fat re-, substance which had the same ci'-
E~ctricern.Jixos cdSeir: nes earedmoved, the medicine ,lade 'from feta"lvr hrasptenswt
]'ive ourpiturs (s sow bythenam-lst n or blltinboad)this will cause the anemia of peir- pernicious anemia were not able
please go to Room 429 tis evening .:to be. photographed by Profc sorI' iiu nmatodsper hs oetatfo ma h eesr
Cole, for our perso~~~~~nnel record. cards.. The time is from 7:30 to 9:00. exrint upcddoecn-sbace o cre he n-
Portia: Regular meeting in the Adelphia room at 71:30 p. ! ducted by Dr. George R. Minot and' which may occur to the patient and
The play Overtones will be presented.p g William P. Murphy, which showed mia. The liver and stomach rerne-
_________ that by feeding liver to anemia pa- dies take the place of this substance
Orehsis Vaiet andChaactr dncin clsse wil met tni~t1jtierits their real blood corpuscles! in anemic patients.
Orcess,'6aret an Carctr anin clsss il mettoi~tEcould be increased. The new extract from hod; stoin-
at 730 nd :30 t Brbor Gynasum.Dried stomach has many advan- ach will be commercially available
AC4. S. C. E. ingects at 7:5pC.i h no.'ages over liver extract as a remedy within a month's timge, according;
I o penicousaneia.It asprac-to Dr. Isaacs. In addition to this
Scabardandlak Smker ollwed y metig attheMicIga tically no taste or odor, is much, extract the Institute has compiled
Uintonight.. Notice the. change in date to tonight. All coming are cep rya ieadwig o aulfrpatet ihpersi-
Unonweight is about fiv e or six times as$ cious anemia. This manual is ai
reqestd o ~e i uijom..Smkerat oclok.powerful as liver. Both of these: valuable aid to the paieit. tnsw ei
~ ~ 7',~ Iexperiments caused the conquest of >ing any question.

Nationali Track and Field Meet
to be Held in Pittsburgh
During 19 30.
(1;, A'aiiJ. Gould, A. P. SportsI
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 19 - The
Amnateur Athletic Union closed the
:toriny convention today by electing
Avery Brundage, of Chicago, to the
presidency for a second term, rati-
fyin g the selection of Pittsburgh
for the 1930 national track and
field championship and picking
Washington, D. C., for the next an-
nual meeting.j
The A. A. U. completed the pro-
5''mof conciliation with the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic associa-
tion after to long standing contro- 1
'versy by changing its constitution
1,o permiit certification of athletes
by their colleges and universities -
for competition in A. A. U. meets.I
Heretofore, only A. A. U. registra-
tion has been~ accepted in national,'
ildistrict or club meets but under
the new regulation the statement
of a college or university as to any.,
)f' its athletes will be accepted by:I
the, A. A. U. I
This move is' expected to haveI
far r'eaching effects in harmonizing
'the A. A. U. and' the colleges here- I
tofore in frequent conflict if not{I
actual open warfare.!I
The- hottest fight of the conven-I
tioe' took place before Boston was
zitsally voted the custody of the 1930'
national senior boxing champion-
ships. St. Louis made a 'vigorousII
bid for the fistic attraction, offer-I
ig a flat guarantee of either $10,-)
000 for' the whole tournament or I
95,000 for half of the eight events. iI
But on a motion to split the tour-I
iiancnt the delegates voted to send
it, entirely to Boston. The old guard
steam- roller functioned 'perfectly
in beating the St. Louis Jpid which
was largely based on charges oft
miismnanagement in previous BostonI
tournaments. With youthful box-
ers forced to compete over 12 hour
stretches in violation of A. A. U.I
rules. The coalition of Eastern,
Southern and Far Western assoc-
iations defeated the group of Mid-I
west erni delegates on the issue, al-
though ;there was quick approval
fr thec divided award of the na-1
t ional junior boxing championships
between Cincinnati and Grand Ra-
; id s.
which mnay occur to the patint and
containing many recipes in which
liver and the stomach extract mayt
be used.

L'b dauighi/ er' 3
A -d.>~

Cross divE!1,


tJIHANA, lit., Nov. l9.---Twuii(,y=
o'e University of Illinois students
were expelled today at the meeting
of the University Council of Ad-
ministration, and Gamma Eta
Gamma, legal fraternity, involved
in last week's campus liquor scan-
dal wvas ordered to show cause why
it should not be -disbanded.
Light members of the fraternity
were amqng those ordered expelld
The wholesale expulsion was said
to be the most drastic disciplinary
action ever taken by the council.
Among the charges against the
students, possession and sale of
liquor, and violation of the Uni-
versity no-car rule.w
Wilton J. Sherman, of Crown
Point, Indiana, senior in the Lawt
School, who was fined $5000 aftc
pleading guilty to possessing liquor
found in the Gamma Eta Gamma
house early Sunday morning, was
one of those expelled on' liquor



Daughter of Secretary of Comn-]
mnerce Lamont, '91L, seeks Wash-j
ington mnembers for Red Cross.


Orat 'ialAssociation
Feature- r l illustrated -writh under
water m'otion pictures.
Single Admission, $1.00
On Sale at Slaters or 3211 Angell Hall





Fred Ingram, do., '11, Ph-C of
the Florian company of Detroit, adc-
dressed the Prescott_ club ..Mond
niglht; following a dinr.givnn
the Women's building. Iintr',c:1
spoke, on "Merge, Subriner,,e. o:-
E ~erge." This wras the seco-id
meeting of the. year of .tlhe cliw
composed of pharmacy students.

h. '~ ~~- _ _.__;


;; :
: a,.
. , F.

Uivkersity of Michigan, 1927
Chosen as their Christmas Book by The Book League of Amecrica-


=,, ,
.. a
f ":
v ' Y
"1 ;
=. r
.. :.ti
_i .

Granger 's
8:00 to 10:00'!
75c Pcr Couple
and Saturday
Ule~ySmith and his or-
,chcstra tithe orchestra of
the south"
$1.50 Per Couple


'Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson. of the
Enlish ~dePartmecnt of the engi-j
neeringm college, ha-a-been- 'a'pgil tedl
ove of 'the ,judges" for the drama
contest which is sponsored each1
year by the Michigan Authors' as-
sociation.. __ _,





--. _P

jm Your pa tronage is solicited
Is comparis n of portraits bye

319 EAST



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