THF~vj~j~j~ -3 ! ~ . , iiV 1 1 i P114 " IIRQOi7R!®M17RR9i q t .jar w i KIPFDRILLWOVRN.MCHNFRFIA appfliC"elLLaYI s=a c.a "' IE A NEW PAYS RAVJMURAL CROSS IS SCHEDULEDt ICross coury will hold most of eaTrk1theineetatteItarad- Michigan Ta Drills on Taknartrnont for the next week. To- SlaysnsraFiceal. mnorow it 4:15 o'clo,-Ithe iinter- Seasos Finle. Ifraternity erosa county meet willI Ik - E7 tIL a SI H.N D O LLr 1 S [ C n __ !EIGHT IOWANS ~UfM~lI TO PLAY FINAL jILIV~WiV l GAMESATURDABlyqfli PAmfl I (Spicial o] iw 'fL) i:Iio I LUi I U I I l~lL U fIl L jIOWA CITY, Nov. 18-Season 's! I end arrives Saturday and with it Frosh Seek Revenge for "17-6O the University of Iowa's football i Defeat by Physical Bd (ame with the University of Michi-; Eleven Last, Week. fgan at Ann Arbor, and the close of eight Haxvwkeye major "I" men's in- tPHYJ ,CA'L EDKS FAVORED ' tercolegiate gricareers. Anivso f h ovrn With a 17-0 defeat staring them conecuivein the face, and a desire for re- fieldfor he scondvenge on their final day of practice x~sF4 r rs;year. Something of the reven e uppermost in their minds, the mrotive will intrude itself into the freshmen football team will clash game, for the 10 to 7 whipping of wtthPyscldsa4:0oy _ ar alyrvntdIo frm~ an Ferry field in the final game of ', theal confeen e o afo c a -the season between th two clubs; r rtig theconference til.Uless the freshmen. are a, vastly Afer .a dull season in cneec improved ball club nothing but a v 5 h . competition , P lichig a's eleven is victory for the Physical Eds can be 4 onte"praefrery tsvctr anticipated. In last week's game the ~~~. ~~over Harvard. Iowa, on the other Wea-oce empse n hand recheditspeakaganstplunged its way to an easy 17-0 win hand reche its pek aaint (over the yearlings, to definitely es- F f . { Minnesota land urdlue, and cannot tablish itself as the better of the -thope to hold the egfo otq~ two teams. Px wepoI Practically the game line-ps as It ,ilb h ia game for Cap-I strted last week's battle will be ' '~ tam Wilis Gassg w, owa' betin when the whistle blows for the J . hal~~~~~~~,.fback in recent years, as well asopng kc-fthsaeron for red obets ad DnnisMy-The Physical Eds will line up with I , f frsgrds;obeteWd ens, yakl;Purdom. and Braendle at the ends, and Carl Pignatelli, quarterback, all MatnadJhsnttetcls 81OE cr.( £ 0 &&E regulars. Other major letter men I Unger and Barlock at the guards, Biili Taitl erformiers in Iowa's forward wall. h h !)asbeen lt;' lay 01 this bio1.lich has been responsible whose competitive days are aeOklyebbe nd o igKoandatenerieat q are, for tiefavorable commnf t leit m<:>lhave rec -veo lin w .y ouineam rai. Rober~ , noig i the two-sport mn eryfulbak;aninonn 'and Tessmer at full. on~ ~ thogpal s ~'gadwi s ateog a h ~r rIe.uard ___ (Continued on Page 7)--- I5 7 v 4: idel.i C h-attcr PreparPe for Fa Jaent cf Season' FII'reshmien hLy. i x. y7 d By E~lward L Warner 1 ball, Michigan most surely would thai- Enthusiasm of Michigan students I have scored a touchdown, and liah e~zol 1 ii yi1 in waiting for two hours at the would have been the goat rather na numeral itlee wil be held. H Michigan Central depot on Sunsday than the hero of that play. the weather i!, good and ci h; course night to give the Varsity a rousing i conldition, U10 ieco~ci for tI Li 2.8 welcome on its belated return from .! At Pharmer, who lost hisj miles should be broken. This r eordi the Mini~ota conquest is especial- Conference scoring lead by his of 15:21 is now heldp eintlv iy D. ly gratifying. After such a disas-I failure to score against Michi- Flz traus start, Coach Kipke and his! gars, looked rather unimpressive I . Ftgbbons, '32, and iRo e'-low charges merited the hearty greet- on Saturday. He did somne nice a ll, '33. Other runner-, besides Slow- ing which they received from th passn n otofsvri od el, who stand a g..Od shcw4 of Qij\ NBECOMEcS jAS-I CHAMPION L'e Col n is the American el aicn i the 100 yard dash. l.; t i ime of 9.5 fear the century 'was Jgiven an official okay by the Na- tional 1111ate'ur Athletic Union in its meeting November 13 at St. Louis, and as a result of this action te Wolverine colored flash may be the next world champion in this event. rthe only time faster than that ma'de b; Tolan was turned in by Simoson of Ohio State, but was not }:officiaIlly rec ognized by the A. A. U because of the fact that he used a!starting blocks, although this prac- tice may be adopted at the next n-eeting of the International Ath- letice Association. 6 I Regulars Rest. E k..L'wu anaO..L±u J±±an. 1lou i Junei puts 1I lne1chase t inenn HewttandPo; oerwhih her victories over Harvard and Minne- scrimmage, but he was generally sota were .by narrow margins, the itc peintefrte- was considerable concern regarding team deserves great credit for its erratic. Oncbed in hganrstpr the possibility that thcey would not comeback, as both contests were; idne yfumle d Mician be available or the Thwa game, havehr-ouh ndwl-ere.Ieoyrd Linkeyd rm an- not as yet taken any active zart in Ihr-ogtadwl-and eoee.Bokeeaoh the drills yet neither of them are6 er Gopher back who had receivr- seriously injured. Their hbruises i One of the most valuable tro- ed much publicity, was handi- were more serv ere thnni thosec of thie' iph'ies in. gridiron histor~ re- ca pped by an injury and thus res ofthe d nd h 1hav jturned to Ann Arbor with the could naot play in his best form. reniest of t e s t wd and tey v e ut Wolverine team. Coach Harry IgErobNably the chief reason why them in shape for practice today. Hpeproal neto h ~~~s n i tkM Bovadi wa back in the dnap guardianship of the Little (comnpanions did not look to throw outd the entire practice p iBr~ownJug on its journey' such advatage akainst Yhi- lsnihan hudb outhward. lie secured it from a was the fact that theii" ,Sion ls ih n Jol eM the hands of the Gophers while linemen were faO ing to ope n condition to continue hi s-tellar " te smoke was still issuing from f any appreciable holes or ')1'- type of play against tti Hawkeyes. t0e umpnires's gun. after the ( yue ade~quate interference. poorman, the reminringr lineman game. So now for another year who, was badly shaken uip at Min- it will rest in its accustomned I "Doci" Morrison and "Duchy" neapoilis, was also able to go thep place in the Yost field house I Simrall were the unsung backfield full route yesterday. trophy case. Michigan a'.umrrni, heroes of the Minnesota fray. Mor- Tphe backfield appeared non the overjoyed with the Wolverine, rison played a good ga me, both on worse fofr their mauling last Sat- victory, channted "Oh the Little; offeynse and defe'nse, :alternating urday and were out in in :full 1-.11- brown .buy' she, Ain't wherey shc with Gemnbis in crashing the Go- ber Tuesday. Simrall andi Wilson used to be." pher line and backing up the Wol- were not worked very hardl andi veirine forwards against Minneso- were used only enough to acquaint Riebeth, a sophomore back, was ta's rushes. Hie also scored Michi"- them with the ney plays. Dahlenm the offensive star for tht GophersI gan's touchdown on a- "talking. was suffering no ill effects of the last Saturday. His shifty running; play," plunging through center jlolts administered td imn by tile 1 gained considerable ground against j while Sir all diverted the Gopher ramming Minnesota backs and was i the Wolverines. However, he was dlaeese with a pep talk. "Ducl~y" used in the backfield practically allj responsible for a play in the third itu~rned in his best performance of of the time during the practice ses-I period which, although drawaing the the year in running back this Mini- Sion. applause of the crowvd, was ex- nesota punts, showing finesse in Gembis, whose toe has become a tremely bad football. One of Sian- tevading wrould-be tacklers. Hi-s symbol of Michigan victors', and rall's punts was rolling towards the + kicks were also of good calibre, av- Morrison were uzntouched o anly Gopher goal line with two Wolver-; eraging 38 yards, whrrie one of his serious degree by the last gamne and iInes in pursuit. On the one yard ?passes to Gxembis netted 14 yards.I have been used exxtensiv~ely lby'line Riebeth snatched the bounding Coach Kipke in his bacrifle'd line- pigskin and ran' 60 yards before-he Minnesota's squad list reads ups this 'week,. was caught from behind by Al! like a psage from old Norse my- .-' Steinke. Had Riebeth missed that' (Continued on Page? v7) IL . ---7 - 1- 1VFF. WV the sun chssISuei_ T loin the rain AT boreaking the :'motrte .'re Ha~u v, IBraden, H1,ll, and AkiSn';. I'The first ton fimns)ir- ' rceive their freshman .nmc : i;,-while if lenough are en Lered, ten ,xk live wil g i ntramzural w! tr.The season hais beenm veiry ucsu, Coach lornhcrer rhavin'icue, lop - in two pleasing shades- fawn and gray three dollars cd inany runnercs who .houtd ar rant serious en~inloion t Varsity next yon-. I _ I I I :22 Years a Tailor Prese n h This s a~iexcc I noden an zesiful ste ats revue.Itsan'c toms. Try o'e a few smarter Suit. is aino,, ier Del Prete ecrca- n1 vi Iaiw i lit}7Y. s'-lY(Y1 thf_ est in tMe State. The r 'si. ItIE l'" twenty years' careful _____der_____Inc._ L Up'sCu.s overCfJLlGJNS-7 LETCNL'R. 114 SothttSate St. Phone 6615 roy SAlrih opi nek Rcollar2- Y T3. _ C1R D W O we a NejutreeveD "A sKJLmeLGOf RID S £T T 1 l;.TOVf C L KI' -l I A Marquardt -suit looks expen- sive, but that's because it is tailor- ed to measure. T he fact is, Mar- quardt will make you a :quit to your individual measurements for zlittle as you would pay for one ready made. I± m I