PAGE OU THE iMICHICAN fDAILYv WEDNE~SDAY, NOV. 20, I129 1:/4..JL/iib it V 7 i#V iViFV Published every mornig ecept 14ouclay during the University year by the Board in Cunt rol of Student Pu~blications. Member of Westeru Cvnfereuce Editorial Association. I tio'nal defense. As a result, it is of prime importance that the ali'' corps should function with the greatest degree of efficiency. And yet the author of a highly con- structive criticism can look forward to nothing better than dishonorable discharge. SPIRI T'AND SPIRITS } usiCI& an RAMONA'Dam- MusicandAramaBEAUTY TONIGHT: In the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:15 Coinedy1 z-ew~i ige Club presents "The Jest" by Sem Benelli. I k The Associateu 1Pres~ is exclusively entitled ~ tp the use for rcputli'at ion of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this payer and the local ncws published Entered at the posto. ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special' rate' of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- mlaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: A nn Arbor Press Building, Ay- Aard Street.' Phones:, Editoriatl, 49.25; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF4 '' L AGood JielroU JIlte I1 ight at ~i1ov01) t 4 ~rtIta llt aal all- the tl e < are I14 "T.~1.5() ta $3.ll0 Wltil Cf ml It IS At If) I i4i N!If'n' " tre'4dtt Wi11 llimCG. Lee, V Ii'fmatJl7R C ,, Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editor......... ......... . .George C. Til!tc City Editor.......... .....LPierct Rosenberg News Editor.......George E. Sittious Sports Edjlior......... Edward L. Warner. Jr. WVomen'usEditor..........Narjorie Folimer I'elegraph Editor......... Cassaii A. Wilson Al~2usic and I )ama ........ William J]. Gorman "Literar y Edi br iiice R. Klein' .&,is.taiit City 1,ditor.... . Iabert J. Feldmuan Night Editors Frank E. Couoper henry J. Merry William C. "Gentry Robcrt L. Slags Charlcs R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds 'Reporters Jiertratni Askn ith L ester May. helenUBare lDavid Al. Nichol Maxwell Bauer 'illiamn Page MJary E. Bllynmer i luwat'd 11., Peckham t' -iav,°t It" "iitso H1ugh f iece 1 Allan 41. ]lcrkmtat Victor Rabitiowmrtz St beach Conger J1ohni 1). R ci gid-1 Thomas Ii. C'ookcy Jeannic Roberts Iohbn It. Denier ,joseph A. Rusell U lttDurnie Juse(5J'iR t Uch Margaret hEcIcls "W'illiam 1I. Salzarulo Katharine lFerrin Charles R. Sijrowl Carl ). Ew synic 5'. Cadtx cli Swanson Sieldoit (". Flullerton I.arse 'JThayer 1t th Geddes Margaret 'Thouiipson Cil vrau ('diit Poieard L.. lobini licek Goldsmiiih .izalwieli \':mciitinte bWlorris (.rovernitan Hiarold(0. \Warren, Jr. P'iosGustin ('hai'ks \\'1'iii' Alargaret 1Parris G. Lionel Willens Dlavid 11.-1ientlstead Tolm t E .Willoughby ' ~BUSINESS 'STAFF Telepbone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCH-ERER Department Maiiages Advert isinig................. IioH i-ter Ni abley Advertising3............ Kasper I1. H alversoni Advertising............. Sherwtood A. Upton1 Service................ George A. Skiater Circulationt............... J. Vernor Davis Accoutts...........j ohn R. Rose Yublicauicus...... ......urge Hamilton Byrne .l adenucht Marvitt Koiackcr Rohert Crawford 'Phonmas Mu ir? =harry B. Culver [Peorge Pat (orson # 'Thomas M4. Davis Chairles Sanford Norman Elie.rei I cc Slayton Santes 1Hoffet jo!=eipli VantigRier orris Johnson R obert Williamuson Charle '' * ti , T 1vl?- W Business Scrtar . Zry( Chase Agnes .Da 5 i .St Iti Mer 13ertttce Glaser -- I elenE1. Museliite Efortense _Uoodintg - HE l \\ Wlldnshaw ' loroitiiea W atec itan Night Editor-Gurney Williams \VEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1929 JAMES I1. GOOD. In the pea; iii of Janw XV . Good, the coutriy mourns the untimely 'death of a man high in public af- fairs, angd the Uiversity, tlie loss of an alumnus whose deed's reflect the fine qualities of an outstanding gentleman. f i ((t I +i t {) 4 i } {j 3 i i 1 I If f i INothing is more desirable in col- The Jest lege students than bona fide col -AREIWB VLAMJGO AN lege spirit; and on the other hand, AE1W YWLLA .!OMN nothing is more abhorrent than It is nlecessary, I suppose, for an organization producing lplays to spiit hic ovrstps he ouns ;put on something like "The Jest" once in a while to convince themz- spirit wheichgoverstecotesoundselves of the theatrical nature of the theatre-that is, its unreality. 4oetangos-ugriy Ith the experience that such a play as "Journey's End" affords the con- conretnjuos gryiinividuals cept of Theatre with its various implications is lost; one has sneaked in' botheqphysinlly ano mntiially, somewhere and overlooked reality; one sneaks out ot theatre door only advaguely rmware of having~ entered it. "The. Jest" is something different. extenxsive damage to property. Arit and soldier braggarts and courtesans are catapulted by strange During the last week there haveArit iisicsneerelycmrhnilnovhmntoesadaes been two outstanding instances of ntntnvrral opeesilit eeetlvsadhts student violence which do notj There is splashing and 'crashing without ever any real character pre-' speak well for the collegian when ' cipitation. The play is merely the ingenious criss-crossing into situ- judged by the coutry at large. Be-; ations of known types. This draught of Medicean air is meant to be cause they weren't allowed to do intoxicating and nothing else; it is frankly meant to terrorize, to a, t1- as they liked, Drake students child-I age an audience. in lust and blood. It is meretricious; it i; sh: ''ow,% ishly threw rottlen eggs at the dean ' coarse, cruel and soulless. and thereby involved themselves in All of which sounds very bad. But the pjoint is that the Tlicatr"^ no end of difficulty. includes these things willingly. They are jewels in the theatre. Vnis" Much closer to home, hzowever", is ' verexnphisis on action externalizes all dramatic values and makes pos-j the rpturethat s rapdly In sible a lavish display of the possibilities of the Theatre, as distinct from I tng beptwrentMicig anidltatienco- the possibilities of life. The Theatre is glad to take an audience on the' lege and the Uniiversity of Detroit' =ory mental peregrination that "The Jest" maps out; the audience is I because of "an all night~orgy of stu- 1 aded with blood curdling thrills it never knows in life. The curtain dent violence and disorder Satur- i omes down like an Armistice. One is only in the theatre; it's all right. day" at East Lansing. Hotels, res- Btinttetetewnefl taurants, and even jails protested ' "The Jest" is certainly this sort of a piece. I am not sure that Miss at the transgression of the Detroit ,Cr+eighton who directed its production by Comedy Club- last night was students who, it was estimated, had quite Xwill.Ag to. admit it completely. It is true that she emphasized caused more than 46,000 damage to some of the mohie grotesque and daring effects boldly; the third act with city property, and public opinion of , Neri confronted with three former loves is one example; the Misses both Lansing and East Lansing de-. Rankin, Chapel, and Workman worked splendidly herc for her to pro- mands that Detroit be forever dluce an amazing and effective scene. The wild splattering of bloodj dropped from Michigan State ath- in the last act and the final appearance of Neri In flood-drenched man- letic programs. tle sarrying a bloody sheet were anything but timid. These things *Sportsmanship. has long beenI were as they should be. In fact, the situations were handled deftly considered the ultimate end of ath- end boldly.j letics, but the good winner is often But Miss Creighton was timid about using her stag-, effects. Such a (conspicuous by Phis absence. This j fay as "The Jest" affords fine opportunity for the fluid emotional man-! # seems to be the cause of the breach ipulation of lighting one of the finest methods of :,,staining inltensity in the, friendly relations of these and controlling attention in a frankly sensational play. And Mr. Holden two institutions, and the fact that; of Play Production-with the exception of the one first act, which was) t12 students were fined between $15! confused and disturbing., using two curtains badly and cutting off the and $30, another $100, and several door to the banquet room at about eight feet--provided Miss Creighton are now awaiting trial in the Lan- with good sets, the one for the third act. being extraordinarily 'fine. Why sing jail points toward a deficiency ;not flood the stage with lights then? A pool of amber light around the in their training. They have not 'table in the great hall of Tornaquine-*greens and blues circling around. learned how to win, picking out bits of drapery or a spot on the wall--these nicely costumed Until ,victory can be viewed some- players passing' through interlacing pools of light-buckets of color to what rationally and the effect~s of create this Florence. Gordon Craig would advise this, sort of thing for the game extend no farther than Shakesperean productions.I would say: by all means use it in "The Jest;" the athletic field (at least where' this grandiloquent fustian of deeds and emotions deserves and necds ges- relations between the students are; tures of form and color to equal it. The failure in this matter constitutes concerned) the general public can quite'a defect in production from my point of view. not be expected to see college life Miss. Creighton has done. well with the cast though. M1\ildred Tfodd( in its true light. Enthusiasm and does nice work as thc° fishmonger's daughter who deals in love -- with il-l yoth are the ingredients which Iteresting .and' finely calculated technique, she suggests by turn the crete spritobjctinabe ,nostru'lmpet, the wronged woman, the tender lover-g'ivini' a dclightfuhl, one, but the boorish, conduct ex- 'obvious comzplexiJ y to a simple and universal character. It is unfor tun- h ibited by Detroit students in Lan- n ate that Kenneth White was asked to so , Jtanscend his personlality for' sung can never be countenanced. ths noble FlIrentine; he tried hard to intone a soul into the outraged Enthusiasm and youth are the in-% and trembling artists; the result was mainly labored rhetoric; for he gredients~ which may create valua-1 hadn't John Barrymore's lizard-like body nor his always pleasing voice. ! bl spritobjctinabe t noe Richardl Cole as the rambunctious Mud-blood-and bath soldier wa~s irre- 3when tempered by rsomae rationali- guzlar, hiS vocal energy being occasionally misplaced and unconvincing. ty.Jeanette Dale d!d a splendid character bit reminiscent of Edna Mower's ti mune ? Luncheon?Brde a Paris Creates New Hat F~ashionis for Your Formal Afternoon Enisemnble Hats that tell in artful u1ciw ways the story of this season's, renaissancc' of femininity ;and beauty! F~or your fur coat or fur trimmed coat there is the chic fur and felt combination * metallic and velvet models for your semi-formal lame dress , .black satint for i PM aie}.rc ,.50 FOven Eveliing#s Call 21478 625 4,. l.itwrty Street Uf-,stairs over lower Shop .A A.%.A ... a, a a 5! A 4 . .a a a...n. A .R. ..fA * l. -r Sketcher!: Velvet (mil( - metalick "/lgcs ,Ber" Felt and Soled your afternoon coat of black. To wear with dull crepe choose sokcil. . . and to accent your more elaborate dinner frocks, softly alluring lacy hats. The ri-ght hat, in a word, for any and every smart Nwinter costume! $ to$1 son9S S. q .. ._._ .u._._ _..__. Calnpds Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, connting to less thtan 300 %-:orde ii possible. Anonymous comn- munications will be disregarded. rTe names of communicants will, however, be regarded as rnutilenti al. upon e- queat. Letiers published should nit be construed as exprersin g the editsrial opinion of the Djaily While ready to admnit the legitimacy of the type of things that "97hle Jest" is a good examuple of, I deplore its appearance on the campus. I think Comedy Club has again misdirected fine efforts. But it is a pre- judice. of course. I liked "Journey's End." 4voecl 0 Barely started oil the career of a ILLUS ~iCATION OltA~T' cabinet member, Secretary Good Toteeitra was already involved in several na- ote dtr tional readjustm' eiats, and his po-!. Under the caption "Americani sition in goverimmental affairs will Art." an article appeared in the not be easily filled.# Nov. 14 issue of The Daily. It con- ~While a mem~ber of the Hjouse ofI tainted a sweeping denlunciatioli of Representatives in which hie served American illustrators anid their for 14 years, Mr. Good was the profession. father of one of the most imlpor- '° We are informed oii the authorit~y taret pieces of le isi'atinion i that Co nrn- of the writer, Mr. Simotjii, t atI gres has pass d i thi gen ra- "Art and Illustration are dialnel'ic- tion-the Budget and Accounting ally oplplsed ~spheres,"_- and fur- Act of 1921, which has completely thuir that "the' lrofessionl of anl ii- revolutionized the whole financial lustrator makes it fimpossible for system of.-the national governmnent. Dima to produce a work of ar t. Hiet Secretar'y Good was a high-mind- would uo loutier stay at the hack- e , ihspirited, fi'and square ~oki edd politician,' a~nd lswrswl e Are we to assume that lac alise main t~keephis wiorksi awlde-the illustrator receive's money"or, which all too soon fails to recall;hiwo-adhsitpll,.ie-le those, who have itane' their best. I must of necessity cease to be anl ar- Q______tist? IRO iINJ)Possibly Mr. Simionian has for- gotten that Michael Angelo, Leonl- In the ordinary coift8e of events ardo da Vinci. Puvis de Chavannes, -of his life as a professional Writer, and, John Singer Sargent (to men- Lieutenant Carl B. Allen, of the air: tion o kily w fwaly wellow reserve, wrote anl article on the ftiss wea.eenily u methods of conducting the air re- trators-they "told their stories" so; serve last summer. Nov he faces wvell that their foaln will never die. the censure of Is superiors and the rL'They even accepted money for their humiliation of dischiargea from the; work anid placed themiselves uiideltr Deserve Ofliers' corps as "unfit." C somererstrictionis i the carrying It is true that Lientenant All en's out of, their work. article was frankly critical but it It is hard to believe that the wri-j was critical in a constructivye way ter of the article "American Art" and was in no 'way libelous. How- "knows his illustrators," for to ac-, ever, in the eyes of army officials. cuse artists like Edmund Dular, this constitutes "disloyalty," nand is Russel Flint, Kay Nieldon, or Rack- the charge which will be preferred hame, of "hack work" is the "height{ against the veteran flier. In no of the ridiculous.". way do the officials question the Wherever you find fine illustra- truth of any of the statements but tions you Will always find examplesi merely say that they tend to arouse 1 of good design. That many mod-j discontent among reserve aviators. cri illustrators lack this cannot be A little discontent is a good denied. Let the rcritics, who are thing, especially in this case. Pro- I qualified, praise the good ajid 'oil- The English Singers RE VIE WED BY HERBERT SCII WAIUI.>'Z. 'The conceert last night is to be remnembered as a joyful exNper ice. Thfle complete absence of self-consciousness in the singers (lisar.iled their auidience so thoroughfly (inyself in~cluded, alas) that one was left, in the alnfost disconcerting' predicament of having to enjoy the music; after it Iwas all over one was left in the even more alarmiung predicament of having to tell bvy and how--as if one knows! It is so easy to fiud rca- soils ror one's displeasure. The more thorough the l)Jasuitje the Dloref elusive the rdeasons. H~eaveni knows they arc theret, though: whore would w..tsthetics be without them-not to speak of the critics? ! Well first there was the un-self-consciousnsess itself- which imlplie a(or at 1last ma-Ike possible) a host of othler ir tues. T'herc is at lw;ys? I lie question: is one good because one is not -self- consvciouis, or is one Itr'ot seLL eontscious because one is good; or when there arc several, as last F niht, is it easier to be un-self-conscious and consequiently good be- Cause of inere unilnbers (another good argument for chamber mic and t su ah-UEke?) About' the other virtues that associate them.,elves with tli~ 'primary quality (far be it from me to discuss genesis): when people are y j imiple they probably feel at homne with what they are doing (the con- verse is equally accurate). Being at home suggests famiiliarity, and f a- millarity in mnuss is one of the qua non virtues. Simply becautse peocple breathe naturally when they feel that-.way andi whenlh Jey breathe naturally so do we-which is a rather concrete wray of saying that we are enjoying what is going on. Obviously when they breathe naturally r ,nd whe do' the music also does. Let us say then (as a concluision) that the phrasing was very fine. Really it was all these things. Then, when people are comfortable, their voices are w;ell modulated this means appropriately modulated so that it includes the appropriately ra~ucous assertiveness of I think it was the tenor) and so wye 'feel well-mnoduilated I which is well-adjusted and happy. Also, such people (having long cx- perienced the same reactions to this musical environment, that is. by thcir fam.iliariLy, acting as though they have-which is the same thhi). dlisplay a convicttion in their choice of tempi (adveyt ingese) whichl strangely impresses us with a similar conviction not Only about the on sic thecy arc singing (which is broad enough to satisfy any rearonable { mailNvwith it~ceiuotional range) but about life ia' general-and that is very good. There is something, in this music which encourages these virtues- -and so it is remarkably fine music. Again reasons are forthcoming. But it should really be repeated, before going on to the reasons which are ever so much less important than the fact (not scientific fact, however),' that it most emphatically was indisputably fine music, indeed it is as tine in what it pretends to do as any music could possibly be. It is so good because it understands so well (rather because the composersf aiiladertood so wNell) the basis of music which is the music of words. This s one or the crystallized judgments which, 'I am told, should be cx- j~alndld. -It means, simply, that much of the emotional suggestiveness of words is its music, that this music is the integral indication of how THE most ,capa.- cious of stores is bnound to be fill- ed wth elbowing, jostling crowds as the zero hQov1r of Yuletide ap- proaches. It's no fun to comnete with a heedless mob for picked- over merchandise. Act f1ow And even the best sales staff is snowed under by the perennial flood o f last minute orders. Avoid this roe-- First: Make out a tentative Shopping List. Second: Advertisements. Look each day throughi the DAILY Thirds Make your purchases NOW PLEASED with the Benefits of early shopping real values offered by thes$e Merchants. and be and the