)ESTABLISHED 1.9 Jr t aitlM MEMBER ASSOCIATED 'PRESS PRICE 1~'IVE CENTS VOL. XL. NO. 45. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. A, 1929 EIGHT PAGES "PRICE FIVE CENTS +---- ' GOD ALWAYS HAD PUBLIC WELFARE UlfYA~~lII[ DR. HUTCHINS, CHAIRMAN OF COOK FUNW [H RS INMIND,' SAYS PROFESSOR POLLOCK' 11111VI TIIIIUIUSIJd FOUNDATION, PRAISESC. E. HUGHES In commenting on thec untimely ! get and Accounting Act of 121, (tlllWii la~sEHge pei on the Cook foundation in succeed- deah f ecrtiy f ar ams ~hch ascoplt~ y cyluion- onL~ LI nr the campus to delivery the first' niyas will all be pesons of na- .Good Prof. Jarnxe,K Pollock(ied the whole financial sytmo etresre ob ie onth tional or international reputation, Jr., of the political science depart- I the nanlgocnn ;.i nWdiimW Cook foundation stu- teP sdn mliu ad M. mient, stated, "I think that Secre- u dents will hear from a man who is TO 0E H E O R"I also think" continued Proles- SO H C01 ITS+Ioefthgrastttsmnf Cook is intensely interested in Amer- TO BLED O A aya Good is a splendid example sor Pollock, "that he contriuted S Pl O MII Uoe ftegets tts eaicntitions and their preser-I ofaman who combines the mtral otenmnto the present time," prophesied sie ngnrst a e LsTrbtstLaeCbntqaiiso aprcia polii- Herbert Hoover at the Kansas City Eeiu ar .Htc-sie nmkn funds available watTiue oLaeCbntqa ithts of a hciclp ih convention, because he was Mvr. Prom, Chairman Goes to Engine Prsident EmeritsHryBHuc-wihaeufcentoeueth in! etrdy nadiscussion ofthewib estffent o secur hse" Membr tobe aid n mndedstatsma. Hewasalwas 1Hoover's pre-convention manager.' School Class This Year; n dn Cook fundation and its effect for hestomitteeapoierb the sec eis MebietouserPimidesttsan. ~whteas aways His death at this time is particu- Buchan Chosen.. the university. Tecmiteapitdb h ___________________ ___________________comlplished is therefore not very larly unfortunate because he was____ Dr. Hutchins, who has known oo l est oundincist of PRESIDENT WILL ATTEND wdl nesod u hr r activities along the lines of reI-NIEESM.Hgesfrmn yas de President Emeritus Hutchins, chair- few men in thne country who have',pw- that Hughes combines thne qualitiesma;Rgn JmeO.Mri, --made greater contributions to gjiod trenchment of war departmntei-X, !of a great lawyer, a great, judge. a;Rgn Jms0 ufh BoyWl ePlcdo pcilgvrmntt~nh.penditures and also in "a compr- List Five Sophomore En ginesai oe tdn H a Dean John R. Effinger, of the lit- F "He was the father of one of the hensive scheme for the improve- on prom Commiittee* Ten +aiic ersnality hih will make eayclee enHnyM Train for Burial Friday p icso ei~ eto nadwtras i tdnsN togipeso ntesu Bates, of the Law school; Prof. in Iowa Town. tin tatConres h s ad i'Concerning his reputation, Pro- LidntsSDr.HuthinsdeclredandJesse S. rReeves, of the political ---this generation; nmlteBd-fso olc ad Hsrptto added, with a whimsical smile, "and science department; and Prof. xare thBd-(By Raymond G. Henl, A. P. Staff j mog' public men is of the best Fred Buchan, 32E, will be chair- I kn~ow the boys will like him" I Claude H. Van Tyne, of the history becase h wasalwys suareanddepartment. 1 Writer),.eas ewsawy qaead man of the Sophomore Prom con-i Mr. Hughes will be the first I_________ The last tribute of the governmentAlEC OPR I S was courageous and always had the mittee, it was announced yesterday speaker brought here on the Cook A C * u CTSrI , ifonainwihwsetbihdwill be paid tomorrow to James W. welfar e of the public uppermotnby Robert Jones, 32E., presi ent of Pms zbyfor h undationwicrwas ebin hoed- Good, Scrtaryof Wrinth his mind. The cation loses an able the sophomore engineering class.:lr~oiaeoadimrs E ast room of the W hite H ouse jW O K Fhim H se~ vant and the U niversity of. M ich- , The chairm anship of this social ;the preserva i n of A m eric asn T h r o r w r u p n a p -i a n a u n s o h m i h u d v n l enatenyeti-bet een thelP PRl T flflR U M . ug es sp w e e nro .t riumihav be nd haitten ?bU Ie yA Trog.alit raryUa dJeng neerin coll ges, into American History.Colg DratcGup an James W. Good received hisan as the liiterary class held it last general appeal and of a design to IT Bacheloramatc fupLawsdderee ro te{nd___ In the presence of President Hoo- LitclelTheatr LauddsvesiyofMihganee 1893.t year, the engineering college is en- im~prove the citizenship of those IPbiain o rhtcua ver and a distinguished company, Ltl har add jUiest fMcia n19.A titled to it this year. whobictonoheartetua the rites of the Presbyterian church by MissCeihn last years commencement, Secre- Members of the committee are oteh itatherscu thniavseries Society Will be Calledt will be conducted and later the yLS egtn ary Good and two other members James Page.32E, Edwin Russell, !ooteghial dsuessionD. uinlvingLght. body will be placed upon a special (LCURST STUDENTS of President Hoover's cabinet were '132E, Charles Sommers, '32b, Sibley mooty leacusinD.Hucis~r-ih' tantCeaRaisIoafo AlECuRige wr fteLt~ awarded honorary degrees.!l Sedgewick. '32E Charles Wise, '32E j "Meni who will be btught here T PERB-OTL burial Friday. --T APAII-OTL The death of the cabinet mmr- Apluin'hewrko2teiteJ aD keerit , '32, lf redk - __ - _ ber was mourned i nofca Theatre anid Civic- Reper tore NNO NC[S I '32 Ja iKke.'3,1o "Arc F.Ilh.* LI -Light," a publication of the WteHuetaeetiwhc movements as well as colee1tnBrn,'2 ak a i3 IlULiVI L UArhtcua society, Inc., in tie President Hoover said it would be groups ineetdi rmtcMsTE ff llA'Geraldine Megora, '32, Betty Get -,I, ~* formi of a small four-page newspa-1 not alone for his public services Bertha Creighton, director of "The L11 I I 14 FJ 14 1.- E1 N IHhard, '32, and Harry enjain 32ADifl er wis nexpeected to psmake its toay.Tel i~ilthat Mr. Good would be zremiember- Jest", yesterday afternoon defined * VLII C ii11i ilTe ebrPf h iear o- L i ii II I11 lbwo h apstdy h ed but also for his "loyal and self-i these groups as the only hope left Th~II ~I u eemersletefb the ieacolae- lv.RWU effaingSrindstzu.+ rin this period of transition of the loewreslcedbhecasprsinauejora,_obinne Servacin Wllg Rsticted.."theati~. Miss Creighton spoke be- Pawowski Will Talk on Gliders idlent, Ralphi Hardy,3'3. mnauejunl o~ iai Scie eIevi e ltorow will fore a meeting of the students in I General comimittccsn for the liter-i Political Science Professor to1 entirely by advertisements, aid ds- Wie, tesevcetmorwsi the Play Production courses. onMihgnWel Radio I ary class were als noucdyes- Discuss Qetd of Cmu tributed free to members of the bas otrestricted as possible fr such MichiganyWeeklyQuestiTheCaarpus Architectural society and aluni an important figure inl public life, Harking back to' the days of the Broadcast Schedule. tecdalbyDareD.eyt, aressCasoo.o h olg f Acietrwl the full honors of military burial !Joe Jefferson road companies, the____SoilDaeD itcirnVsuCasom.fthClegofActcuewl will be expended.; director described the old traditions GTEWL LOTL Morton H. Harris. Jack Bailey, Al-'- make its appearance twice a month. its stattohyatre eci- 'torsof thes in BH WL LO AK;fednjamn, MilBo oti,JakyB.WILL ANSWER QUERIEJ; Roy B. Blass, '30 ', is the editor ! The guard of honor, which took ! that then existed among the ac- " -'B nam n______ S rrlJak B. th h e ,wrl b a aar- shortl afteors. ShS reasoned that in thoeonetonwthGidrWekKekeler, Jane M. Cohen, Joseph e h hexal~rhn taryiebdywisleain thhimn- 'days the only excuse for being on !which is being featured by a meet- IRuwitch, Jay Skkenga, Kenneth Inmthe Fourth Pof.JseR.fAl UJ 3 .,x:l eicago h ifb d yivp a c d i n hio i-oi .th.s a gHaaf oyhe l o e o f d o nh eo f i i , i n c i ali i ariid eo'c G r a d t m M g a oB e t y C m p s o u m ,frf . Jt heHy - t t e i i a c a l . ; d o t ep u l i a t." utgew henfothe a t l e f d n;Iriked a r up c l en i ee s in ' ou Gera d i ne tt e ga r e tty den of the political science depart- tion. The staff 'fll consist of w t ~ l nl ,gz b f plyedmacrohe asket'andwilthe lvni eonssmtiges Detroit this week, the Saturday ICullen Kennedy, Joseph A.Winter ment/will lead In the discussion of, jtl es S2 A , floii '31 .,AlicMat- Elalydtoorow, he askeiadvieiivibe.wittecpoblemsofmking ae--night campus radio program will 'W~ill G. Gordon, and Bert Eggert. the cu~te WihOfr ottiW,'2AJh .Wie x. Secretary's body will be taken on. a terrible heartbreak. "Walk up and present as its principal speaker (Continued On Page 3, Cot. 2) ;to theStuetth apuorte'3A.anThm Cri,'3A servicso t teWhite House where Idown Broadway and you will un- Prof. Felix W. Pawlowvski Gugen- - ---____Classroom?" tomorrow afternoon at According to the eitorial''retsrvccodtdbyheRvJ-!drtadW t'Imn,'Ms gAui M oiaHl.aisfteppraefrt, th a lichazposatof thee by theofcvr ofernuisartoadd . P nen P ~ ~i roumifemorilHa ll.ascsson isf thespaetraareirof. New York Avenue Presbyterian The present companies arc the !the University, who will speak con-' expected to follow, to some extent, I wh. has been .done and' wat, is church, will begin at 11 o'clock.I only means of interesting the mi-P H N I crning glidters and gliding. Pro- the address by Prof. 0. E. Dens- j going to be dn' in the way of Afterwards, the invite duests,j nority who want to see the actors 'csrPwovk st~ einro l RD T more of the speech department wohI student activities" in the architec- who will consist only of public of-iith flesh and blood and itisfsoPlwk is the Unvesiy'ignro pk ls ekonte"ptunnel inoo, Ddseon, tount icorps, andmpers oalithediplomatic posileonly through these groups hUirts icharlaemdl atuestednAPONY F11EIO iticsta olg fes"PoesrLesuetbo. crsanpesnlfriends, will be Ifor the theatre, to survive this wiharln oesaetse Hayden, after a short introductory Th paper contains, besides the permitted to pass the casket. ( transition period and 'contend with for manufacturers in this country peetto ftesbet il dtraa c ito h cii Public Not Admitted. th oinppcuesosa tdn ubeka asn!and also for some foreign nations. oSuetOtrafa asn rsnato ftesbe tiill ofitorileanlacfarmedof theactiui From noon until 1 o'clock, emn- o ticeonpitraentow ssa Second on the seventh Michigan! Laid to IvrIdlec call for a response in the form o iso h el-omdAtdb soreo ntranetMsteIOvrIdlene 'usins fo haadec.~n alumni column; reviews of the pbeiesaofeWDpaortitwillayCreighton explained."The coin- iih rgrm ob bodatin Liqor, Among the questions that he will recent affairs conducted by the begv nnoprtnt t a ercial manager is only interested from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock through include in the discussion are "Why IAcitectural society, namely a their respects. The 'public will not in the entertain'mnt of the public WJR, Detroit, will be Carl Guthe'APRHNDDjall the emphasis on campus activ-A-csiler and a r anquet; a story be admitted.I and cares little for the art. Con-i director of the Museum of ' 22 ARE AiiPPRnd"htEosHhElasNaDtEhDrciecs ri o rn In efrecetowis o Scr-teqetlineis inclined to turn uceto po'roomo astroffer?" I brook; and an arile on a prepos- tary Good's friends that the sere- !thle talking pictures as his source distant parts of the world gathering i(13y Asocatcd Press)eas fteopno'xsigre oit omfo h rhte ices be conducted with the utmost; of livelihood." specimens for the University ! DETROIT, Nov. 19. -- A formal'fBecaus of thmonion dexiigrau;orl societlrodfrthngcitc quiet and dignity, photographersj Commenting on the fact thatj museum. He. will tell not only of apology not only expressng regret in themidofanudrra-trabilng have been prohibited from making h5 tc opne n ta h'teseiesta ebogta h isresta olwdUn- . ates that participation in extra-: -A - pictures within the White House Ithere were at one time more than i athopein Abtwlhie boghatnhersioDersothasfobictryis madeurul out to be atvte sand ntbecause ht heitOptimistic Attitude grounds. C10 tckcmpnesadiht teracktoinn Arborccut willsgieoanoversiyiofnDetots otbEalvtor uriuaaciiissnt'wa- Eryithafenoami-number has been reduced this year 6 it tl c fso~~foe other side of this question, that Held i ofrne Early itnapthe afterno0onMissCreigh-I his experiences. Ising last Sa rday but rnouncing i oneene tary and naval escort under the soapoim"tey5Mis t s een Po. onAexneofted 'n cgac f( esosbeone should not devote himself only conmand eof Major omadiGeneral nrFred o ton si,"I eaist b en iP of surgleaerio tle dmi 'ive I --h b e fx responsialei tostudies, is upheld by equally W.Saecmadn eea fwhat the existing' companies wilprmjto srey many, r vi e o:are o h thei!this week's lecture is ex- I ii nsAo airrdPress) the Third Corps Area, will convey do. Ifte ca suvv thsy a- iy Hop al wlld css he unI board of state college' th Scrtay od t te ninthere is hope for the theatre." Igeon's service in combating and IThis (leecion was rcacicd Mon- pectedpo bing ut lmcaniyitooepres denASHGoNerD.C.,insov19- LiSrtationoy oth Uizicuring tuberculosis. Professor day night after a r'ethg of thlem onsta ilcaiy oS~i PeietHoe' uiespo St agti.' .AAIJ.~ W l Alexander is one of the foremost university board at which Charles! extent, various opinions the stu- grss conference got under way to- Whlgs t H aleric s aetAkig "1 p1J.L Wl Dsus surgeons of this country, and is a. !E. Dorais. coach of the Detroit dentsmighthavenn thequestoxiectday n.oanatmosphere oof optimism specialistvics thetkin of tu-'team, declared the entire Tiztanwhciseptdtog a long way paet Dprmnsote o-seilsintetetetOic Sytmbuot.I football squad was on the way' ROCKIES GRIPPED toward removing such. apprehen- emiznent will be closed and flags Music that will conform with the home when the disorders started.plc eDpatetif h o-I otOfce Sse eruoi.tramn io n eitnyi heidsra T Rthroughout the nation will be dis- pI hratr f ..TTW IN S.sin ndheitnc i teTndstia'' played at half mast. Secretary' Private ownership and operation Ihr c fthe program' will be In his report to te board Dois l, rW1I W~3~~V and commercial fields as uualy Stimson, at the direction of the 3of the post office system will be the I presented yofhMu auic. o1tine'atso oo tbalamio t e.l"If itisna- are manifest after a collapse of Preidet, ordered government of- subject' of a debate at the meet-sokpie i h akt fles closed until 1 o'clock tom orrow ing of the Adephi H ouse of Rc-P ol Wfdo Atot ockhe rh toriceoedso et ansar"he m arket.i~ ie~ and flags at half mast until thne l resentatl'e~s at 7:30 o'clock tonight 1 tsdepjarmetint director of the Mor-,I will ruin :Football." 'DENVER, Gob, Nov. 1-A I at lwyexWiecHuteien hgthe red A A B s a G a d c a d u P V I i I I i --All who are interested are invited gram. The weekly flour has been f ollowed the game. teed around Cheyenne, Wyoming, while members of the advisory PREPARE SEARCH to attendc the open session. Imnpr- ;changed, and beginninig Saturday 'l"an of the youthstakinig pat ;and headed toward New Mexico. council of the federal Reserve F O R F LIE R L O S T ant business will be transacted in the program s w il go o n the air at in the disorders were lruk or had TheIn h s f s o aanledo r r p re n th fe n o OR FLIR LOST the closed session, and all members 7:30 instead of at 7 o'clock as for- beeni drinking," Doras said. ~ ii lz Cheyenne and no cessation was I that business and bamking in each ARCTC L ND re rge toatted. ncry wre ot ll U~veslt OfDetoitpredicted by the weather bureau of tie 12 districts over tihe country IN A C I A D i re o ted el. ----~---_ -suens u oeIfte ee until sometime tomnorrow were in sound condition. -' 71 I tD iscu ssin g th e p oss ile effect o ; of _ __,_ Iebil S h w M t oic u e a e - - l - - - ___ r b l m O E la k , N v 9 . -P e a -I h c c ra c n f t re a h c sI ® Ll i ?<1 o t C 1 o i i a J t O ? E 2 1 Une h W tr rfIh agas e relations between the two schaolsh. artions for an aerial expedition 'to Unerte7aer fTh SraIoSe Dorais said: -I don't think the iTwx CiAC1 o New Premie~r. Savs Denta t f l LAWTON TOSPEAK ~T RIDAY N1GHT, dUTODENT PP MEET Miumnus to be Principal Talker Before owa Game; 'Wrote Michigan Varsity'. SPOKE HERE LAST YEAR Zich, Last Year's .Football Head to° be Master of Ceremonies; Band Will Play. J. Fred Lawton, '11, composer of Varsity, andone ofthe University's most popular alumni, will be the )inclpal speaker at the pep meet- 'ng Friday night, the eve -of the Michigan-Iowa game, at Hill .au- 1torlum, it was announced yester- lay by Stanr Cochran', ' 30E., who is in charge for the Student coun- An effort was made to have Law- tn speak at the Harvard ,pep meet- ing two weeks ago, but it was un- mccessful, and James Watkins, 24L., delivered the speech. Lawton, a year ago, .addressed a. discouraged, but hopeful group' of students 'on the ve of the Illinois, game,- and sad then that Michigan could and would upset the' Zuppkemen desipte utks previous defeats, and the Wover- nes won, for the first tinec in thc season. Rich Will Preside. Georgo Rich, '30L., captain of, the footb all team last year, will be mas- ter. of ceremonies at ;the' pep meet- ing, Cochran . announced. The Michigan "fighting' band" ,will play as It has at all previous pep meet- ings and send-off for the Wolvs- ines. Stanton. Todd, '30 'varsity cheerleader, will have his corps of yellmasters on hand to direct nu-~ merou~s yells and songs... Lawton, duting his untdergadu - ate days, held campus honrs and positions galore'. He was a campus Politician' of no mean order, was, a member of The Daily and Gar- Boyle staffs, of three .honor soe- ties' and -th'e. Board in, Control of Stuident Publicationis, and an ath- lete'of .note. Reiln5, Ardent Router. Simnce leavin'g th~e university Law- ton 'has remained an~ ardent sup- porter. of the Michigan athletic' teams. It is seldom when lhe is not at the sidelines when;; the Maize and Balue gridders are in action., ,Special, efforts to secure a rec- ord-breaking .crowd for this pep meeting. will be made during the ' eek. Attendance at, the arvard C ep meeting was discouraging -o the Alumni who addressed the Atudents, as they. had expected t: :ind the auditorium filled. HONORARY GROUP ADMITS EGTE Initiation of the men elected to Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering hon- I rary society at the University, was field yesterday afternoon at 5 )'clock at the Michigan Union. The following men were formally taken into the society: Armour G. 3arber, '301;. William J.:Dowsett, Tr., '30E, Allan D. Forbes, 130E, Rus- ,ell P. Harrington;, '20E, Andrew D. clasley, ,'30E, Vernon G. Hawkinsy, 30E, Stanley J. -Mikifl, "30E, Alfred ". Prottengeier, '30E, James D. Red- linug, '30E, Robert, L. Smith, '30E, Charles E. Staff, '309, Kenneth F, voiles G. Welter, '30E, 'Francis H. 3ebee, '21E, John C. Geyer, '31E, Robert D. Thompson, 131E, Stuart; M. Weaver, Grad.E. I go to the aid, of Carl Ben Eilelson, noted Arctic 1.iator who1se wreck- I ed plane w a;3 reported seen on thc icebound coast of ;d3.erla nine l days ago, were being made at Tel- I ier, Alaska, today by his comfpanionI flyer, Frank Dorbrandt. W ord that the wreckage of Mel-,I son's plane lad been sighted GO Miles from the icebound- fur trad- ing ship Nanuk, whose passengers and valuable cargo Eieison and Dorbrandt had been removimng to Alaska by air, reached here Mon- Wil liam BIeebe, who will, appear' at Hill auditoriumi tomnorrow nightl as the speaker on1 the present Ora- torical association lecture series' has just returned from an experi- { J In order to obtain these pictures ( he found it necessary to ulse a spe- 'ciall y constructed, steel-enclosed camera, and a diving helmet_ equip- ped withi a telephone by the Bell telephone Laboratory. With thisI equipment Mr. Beebe spent many 'hours walking along the sea bottom telephoning his observations to a secretary stationed in a boat above' him, or snaking his ownm notes with a lead pencil on a zinc tablet under the water. 1For many years this well-knownl naturalist was a jungle explorer connection with time ouitbre'; J~i~ nv en dol'ttlaaa thy a~~vcaiy conle. (T'is s he(lardof sris o i -ony emorarily out of power, d.Tthink teyhsveniof cose (hi s ie iii o sreso there are indications that Tardeau, t0,11. lle(CI(Jocorwin iterviewvs with faculty memabe's on him self, may become tile 'strong. be in the hands of the Si;'toe coileg leading topics of current hsoy man' of France. If so, we must re- board~ of athletic contiol. Nwhlich meets next maonthl. I dont iait Discussing informally the present member that he is a disciple of Cle- how its members will feel but Pat- !status of international affairs, mneu ada iitu rb rick Crowley, coach of the State Prof. Arthur L. Dunham of the hiis-- ably, favor ratification of the team, favors continuing the gameis."'oy'eatet etraysae Young plan, but may, as did the b g ory leprtinnt estedaystatd 'Tiger,' oppose Rhine evacuation." He emphasized thagt none of thy," that "tihe recent dramatic over-_____________ University of Detroit players too' ! throw of Aristide Briand in France (Continued on Page 2. Col. 2) ha heai thrown 'a cloak of doubt {{'ovr thepossibilities of solving theo iI Commtllrittee on Student post-war European problems of me- 4ffnrrr eppf tTnrlnv parataon paymenvt; iRhin evaua- . MUYSKENS WILL, LECTURE AB OUT TOL S"PY FRIDAY Prof. John :H. Muyskeni will iee- lure on Count .L. N. Tolstoy's book, 'My,,Confessiomi," at 4:15 o'clock I'll room 231 Angell hal, Friday, Nov. 22. This lecture is arranged by the 'rolstoy League which has. in previ- ous years engaged various faculty ii to discuss the significanlt works 3f Leo N. Tolstoy. Tolstoy found his faith at the ige of fifty. His son, in his book "Truth About My Father," Wrote, ~. . . Whcnl we r'eact his y outb Fil works, and when finally, we observe