f fI-Y
P'ublicatiot~inx the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memnber::;
of the University. Copy received by the . si ri~at to theL Prci-
Tu TMAf-a Ti in it iai foi at 5:00 o'clock in the unioni.
si ztT I, :'fi t ryouts of the M~ichigan Te'chnuic nmc b az~3 :00 i.
Booksh-If "and Stage Section of Faculty Women's; Club meets at.
F.LL a th, mewiof(Am ,s. R. D. T. Hlollister, 397 S. Sta te St. 1hau". Mrs.
1". UusiaL cfl 1s assistant hostess.
Miller to Give Proof
of Ether's Existence l
dent until 3:30 p. xIn. (11:30 a. in. Saturday)
- VO.X.TEDYQO~JEt1,12 o 4(urlciek incts at 'L30 p. nI at Mchigan Unin. ,,2s are now being formulated y
VO .X .T E DA ,N V M E 9,1 2 o 4o (tale programs of the Cicolo It- iaW S
Univc"-ity M1en and Women: Socai (ancing (2'.ay; will rued 't ::limoa by the xee: ives of that snt'
N OTCES ,:00 p. In. insteadl of 7.30 p. m. >c~LI stedsco h r
To the Presidents of All Classes ;xnd Student Organizations: At- nk=.Iistedsroftervrrgl
tention is called to the ruling of thue University requiring all student CV11N(EleTan to offer as many Icc-.hese
organizations to filc with the Committee on Student Afair; a list of t oi1i1S;eA2.d cain;t de t: o resm: ''528 G Sbl n tli n cutr
their-officers. 111e theory andl pr-ct ire of physical education and athletics schedulei ; for PIher neral pulcafth n-du 0~it
The president of each organizationr should file such a list of (1Th for the first half of the first semester will end Friday, Novembe 922. veisiy. Tlie work of thle club so fai y cmetat
cers for the year 1929-30 with the Divan of Students, Room 2L, Univc:- oui.-es sciele~Ild for the second half of the first semester v;11 bzgan tlis year has included the estab-mett
sity hall, on or before Wdnesday November 20. o-wl fMnaNoebr2,wt irtssin . itn sii!~hent of at mimeographed jour-"t fistm
3,T A. flurslcy, Dean of Students wvs: nal as an organ for thoroughly 1b
F4lb1)- Marching a nd Mass Athletics, Monday at 8:00, Watermana uniting the group and furnishing a " Dinini
Faculty, Colleges of Engineering arnd Architecture: The ]fiC se- Gymnasium. meanls of communication of inter-:a a enate,
mester reports on students in your classes whose work is below passing 1: 3b-Basketball, Monday at 8:00, Yost Field House. jest to the members.M ;"s .zw maio
should be made on cards which may be obtained in the office of the j Z45b-Rul1es and Officiating,= Tuaeday at 8:00, Intramural Sports ast year the circle sponsored srie
Secretary, 263 West lEnginecering Bnildin , or from the mnessenger ulig/ ayporasaen onR f-srie
boxes. These reports arc to 1be filed in the Secretary's office not later!lngr odtelierrccllgse
than Friday, November 9.' Speech 31 and 3I Mid-Semester Examinations: The mid-semnes- rribed his personal experiences in tarif ni
Louis A. H1opklins, Secretary ter examinations in Speech 31 and 32 will be held on Thursday, Novemn-f Italy at one of the first meetings, jfort to
--ber 21. at 4:00 p. m. as follows: a1n d Prof. Preston W. Sosson. of _____________ bill befc
University of Michigan Official Publiaton: Thec Editor ial office Speech 31: Students from A to L inclusive will report at Room 25, the history department, was eard Isssion..
announces the issue of the Currxiulum in Municipal Administration, Anigell Hall. Students from Mv to Z inclusive will report at Roomn 1025, on1 the subject of the "Balance of ""n' Hthet
Ppwe inthe dritic. On ofD. Dayton CGMAlk The
which is No. 29 of Vol. X X1Iof the University fficial Publication. Agll Hail. Professoinaththedriatsc.chool ofcome t
12a IS'. Smith Speech 32: All students will report at Room 1025, Angotl Hall ''le events of last season was the ifsoatheCeScolf! revolt1
Combned t. O T. . Exrcies: ll ne~nbrs o t R.S.er.t., lMusic.ale aprogram of jApplied Sciene, wxho wll present chieftai
(~ibne .0,T . xviss llmmer fth L0.T .,G~ eological and Goraphical Journal Club: There will be a mecet- Italian favorites. his proof of ethe's existence it went
( fy Associates) Press)
INGTON, Nov. 18 - The
newest faction, the "Hoo-
ilars." who have dedicated
ves to keeping the senate
on the tariff bill, even ini
on to the wishes of the
istitutecl party leaders, will
night to lay out for the
e a concerted plan of cam'
g together between the aft-
and evening sessions of the
this group, composed pri-
of the younger-in point of
-Republican members, will
ways and means of kecp-
senate in session and' the
easure before it in an ef-
reach a final vote on the,
are the close of the special
'young guard," as it has
obe called, disclaims any
against the "old guard"
nis, in spite of the fact that,
counter to Senator Jones,
rluding the Varsity R. 0. 'r. C. Baud, will attend exercises of the IR. O.
T. C. from 3 to 5 p. mn. on Wednesday, Novem-ber 20th, and on Tuies- ;,
dlay, November 26th. These periods are substituted for the regular
drill periods of the two weeks including November 20th and November
26th. Thfe Deans of all Colleges and Schools involved have author-
ized absence from other classes during the periods indicated. Stu-I
dents in the Law School 'and the School of Business Administration1z
are required to report in advance to the offices of their respective
Deans. Absence from either period of the R. O. 'T. C. exercises will be
excused only upon application to the P. M. S. & T. at least two days}
in advance. Absences will be reported to the appropriate Deans.
Basil D. Edwards
Attention Senriors: Anyone interested in domestic and :foreigni
banking will have an op-_portuni ty to talk to a representative of theG
National City Bank of Ncev York on Friday, 'Novcm-ber 22, in. the office
of the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Infor-
mation. in Room 201, Mason Hall. Those interested will please come!
to the office' sometime before 'Thursday noon to mnakb arrange.
Jean reiied j
ing in Roomz 2054 N. S.Vat^8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, November
20. Plca~c note that this meeting comes on Wednesday instead of the
usual day, Thursday. Mr. R. B. Hall will speak on "Some Land Sy.,,-.
tems in Japan." The lecture will be illustrated. . I
Portia: Regular meeting will be held in the Adelphia room, Wed-
nesday evening at 7:30. The play Overtones will be presented.
Adelpbi House of Rlepresentatives: The regular weekly meeting of
the House has been postponed until Wednesday evning, wvhn the
]:louse will meet at the regular time, but in the Portia roomr.
Scabbard and Blade Mleeting and Smoker will be held at the Mich- 1
igan Union Wed., No. 20. Note the change in date. All active members
will come in uniform, Smoker at 8 o'clock.
The Musics Sectiona of the Faculty Women's Club will hold its Nom
veinber meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the Woman's Athletic
Building. Professor Jack will speak on "Aesthetics in Its Relation tI o
EVErgial NraiTS TODAY stn' Nursery Section, Faculty Women's Club: Meeting in the Alumnae
Exhibition o rgnldaig n anig by American illus- Room, Michigan League Building, on Wednesday, November 20, at 8 -.- -.---
trators, ground floor gallery, Architectural Building, daly, except Sun- m.i. D. Willard Olson, director of the university's new elementary__
day, throughout November. - school, will tell of the pans for next year. All members are urged to -_____ _______________
- - - attend.
Physics Colloquium: H. C. Roys will speak on "The Imperfec I- --
Hyiono Crystals" and J. D.soptin adat will speak on "The Effects o[ R DI F R D TO E G-E R
Hyrgnon the X-ray Absorption Edge of Palladium", in Room 141 CR D T F E EDE GI E R
on Tuesday, November 19, at 4 15. All interested are cordially invited it
to attend.---- FOR WORK DONE DURING SUMMER Thr:sawl eie itnt
Play Production Classes: Miss Bertha Creighton, director of THE F Studen-ts vwho exlpe, to take a prvsoty vihcvi nier
JEST, will address the members of the play production classes at 5:00, rvso ywic ii .ic I ew e an r
p. n. in U. Hal Aud. Everyone is urged to be present. cvii enagi:,eeing course, 0r thoseI may be given one hour's credit for 'w rkad he AC
1__ who are now enrolled in the course eahtomotswr ta sc iST ehd dsicinm d
P'restt Club:; Dinner mneeting at the Michigan League Biiidint have an ecelpent opportunity toi pleted under the employment of I Ym to .A ditnto ae"
at 6:15 p, m. obtain employ menut during the rleSaeHiha earmn !by~rlal
Pint System Committee: There will be table reserved for L 4Lh uia the sam similar organiations. parent the qsrviek
comfmittee in the League cafeteria tonight. Dinner will be from 530 time obain. credit for their work, Th- State Highway Department'C
to 6 p. in., followed by a meeting in the League Board of Diretors' a^ccor ding to Profi. i~oe.. Morni-!and other groups approved of the efc lalns o aa'cohsw
ROOM. I perfectfcleanliness of your clothes wt
Roo. -onof h'~hP~wavcngn~cingp1: n and thirty students have ueni
Ate-:-egla-metngwil epartmient. te rertrnd nd tecaeul
Athea: eguar eetng illbe dispensed with to-night, but Eighteen moths ago the faculty given work during the past tw othyaer und, nd hec efl
there will be an important meeting next week. aa) the eni iteritg shol made a summers.
Alpha NU of Kappa Phi Sigma meets at 7:45 p. ni., in the Alpha w ihte r rnd n fe
Nu Room, fourth floor of Angell Hall. The program will consist of a ( MERRIL L, LYNCH & CO. m r m otne i h atta
round-table discussion on the subject "Big Business." All actives and4Mmesor ip rtne stefat ht
pledges arc. requested to be preesnt. - New York Stock Exchange
'Varsity It.L0. T. C. Band: Drill today will be held in the Intra-§ Chicago Stock Exchange 8
mural Bldg. from five to six. Each member will wear rubber soles of Clvead tokExhag
some description. Everybody be on time. Clevelant Stock Exchange
Choral Union Ushers: Report at Hill Auditorium before 7:30 p. New Ytrk Cury Market
{n o hrlUinCnet Accounts Carried on Conservative Marginte ur
Education Professors 201 First Nat'l Bank Phone 4294 tons, linens, and woolens alike.
Return From Chicago -tecs oyui o oe
Dean J. 13, Edrnonson, of 'Uhc
Sc'hool of Education, and Prof.-T m
Raleigh Schorling, of the same de- t' It *7
pertinent, have just returned from 'fiaI, erll .5Is EU gl
Chicago, where they attended a' ---MM--0111111
meetn of a committee to studyI It is earl to buy the 14eady madd(
the problems in the mnaking and.!
selling of textbooks for schools. t ' { ifts that anyone can buy; but :
Th le committee is to report its treprri ano b tse-
lii ling s is a year book to be pub it is ime to have your Chris-
lished in 1931 by the National So- !nmas pictures made now.
ciety of Education.
«__________________________" Ensian sittings should be M'ade at
-I ( once-the lotted tine for the
S1 ,Y Litd (Senior Section is nearly ove}
Does your clock run J Made your appointment yet?
Stocks like a man chasing his ht-by s an
Ptrivate Wire Conuctionas I ha -by fs an Frames any style for any Picure
with all Markets starts? i
Sec urities bought or sold on Fine clock repairing
comtmisioti basisI for a moderate fee.
Telephone 22341I Ixl!r~I Liberty at fifth
Brown-Cress & Co. SttQ sM ogocttee~
Inrorparated { ad lor3[C ect
Ivestment .Securities}
Frst Floor Ann Arbor T1ril l d.& e
4 . 1
r I
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'rem Nt
ills iff