1HE MICHICAN DAILY . , LSCNC r Screen Reflections IA P6 i WI LL MEET 9G I HRurlesque" 1 promising recruits from the foot 1 The original title of the stage lights, and atones for the story's Thit was not considered suitable for deficiency. The stage bill is above Rinner-up Team of Last Season SI ite cinema audience, so Paramount average. Defeated by Kalamazoo Ipaid a mere ten thousand for the Central High. use of the title "Dance of Life,"! Off n the Desert. Need of Group Solidarity and retained Hal Skelly of the original As regards story plausibility, HELD Individual Independence cast, put Nancy Carroll in the "The Desert Song," talking version __ AE feminine lead, and the result with of the famous operetta, won't win Prof. G. E. Densmore, of the Is ;stressed. color sequences, et. al., is at the any laurels, but in practically ev-.m Majestic. cry other respect this musical is speech department and director of FAMILY LIFE ANALYZED On the stage "Burlesque" was the best of its type recorded for the the Michigan High School debat- -- - considered the most realistic of screen. It arrives at the Wuerth ing league, announced yesterday Pastor Says Youth Should Not back stage romances, and it prob- some months after release, but that 1 that the schedule for the second ably deserves the same appellation fact hardly affects its entertain- debate of the preliminary series, lie Lad to Ciynfrmity in its talking ilm form. Both Skelly ment value. I which is to take place on Decem- But Obedience. and Miss Carroll contribute excel- John Boles recreates the leading ; ber 6, has been completed. The lent performances, the former as- role of the French General's son, first of the preliminary series took I Neer of family solidarity and in- suring himself movie success. While generally believed a worthless pest, place last Friday. dividual independence was stress- the lavish Follies scenes in color are but actually the daring Riff leader, Last year's champions, Cheboy- ed in the address of the Rev. Ray 1 well done, they hardly add any- whose band the French forces are gan, won their first debate over Bullard Chamberlin, Fellow in Re- thing to the film. unable to subdue. Carlotta King is Charlevoix, while the runnerup ligion at Dartmouth college, deliv- [ This story of two burlesque the fair one, so uniquely wooed. team of last year's championship ered Sunday morning in Hill au- troupers, however, has considerable All of the original music is retained, contest, Grand. Rapids South, was ditorium at the concluding convo- dramatic appeal, due in no small including the stirring march and defeated by Kalamazoo Central. cation of the fall series sponsored measure to the superlative acting, popular love ballad. !"The reports from-the first de- by the Student council and con- and Eddie Sutherland's skillful di- Photography is excellent, the bates of the preliminary series," ducted by the Convocation commit- rection. On the whole highly picturesque background often stated Professor Densmore,- "show tee. His subject was "What Shall recommended . shown in colors. All in all, "The that there is almost an even brea We Do With Our Parents." Desert Song" is certainly worth a between affirmative and' negative The Rev. Dr. Chamberlin first j j-visit downtown sometime this week. i victories. This is evidence that the 'LADY EDISON' INVENTS MULTIPLE COPY ATTACHMENT FOR TYPEWRITER I e E 1 E C C' ei t G I 4 t E I 3 fk t !i i I t 't analyzed the conflicts of family ;oie Stage Life. life, giving their origin; he then The Michigan is likewise host pleaded for the students to be more !to a back stage talkie, "Big Time", sympathetic of their relations with wherein Lee Tracy, better known their parents, and stated they foi- his portrayal of the hoofer role should ask for only justifiable free- in "Broadway" on the stage, dis- dom, the freedoni to live well. plays his merit as a film star. Conflicts Arigmnates in Home. Lighter in vein than "The Dance of "An unusuaily large number of Life," the picture makes little pre- conflicts originate in family differ- tense at splendor, and while the ences," the Dartmouth pastor stat- story is rather trite, it results in ed. "Wherever there are differ-1 pleasing entertainment. ence one is quite likely to find Without Tracy as its star, "Big misunderstanding. Any situation , Time" would fall rather flat, but where young and old meet, there is his frank, unassuming manner usually strain, stamp him as one of the most "Some students have told me that -- their family lives have been blessed STUDENT V OLEN with cordial understanding, but IT 111V OL N believe that such happy relations DETROIT-MICHI are as rare as they are beautiful. J)CL1A.71 IV1.1 3.1 "There are two fundamental rea- sons for family conflict, one is per- (By Associated Press) sonal, and the, other is general. EAST LANSING, Nov. 18.-Ath- 'The personal conflicts are due letic relationships between the largely to a lack of mutual marital University of Detroit and Michigan relations. There are in raany fai- State college were gravely in dan- ilies a self-sex-maladjustmentI which produces deep-seated con- Ter of disruption today as admin- istration officials of the latter in- flict and prevents family life from stitution studied reports of an all- progressing in a harmonious man- night orgy of student violence and. ner. disorder Saturday. In Detroit. An orgy of film hits leaves De- ! troit's cinema palaces Thursday, auguring well for local prospects two weeks hence. Moran and Mack' depart from the Adams in favor of Lionel Barrymore's "The Mysterious' Island," "The Unholy Night" gives way to the heralded "Rio Rita" at the State, and the Pickford-Fair- banks epic "The Taming of the Shrew" by one Will Shakespeare succeeds Marion Davies' "Mari- anne" at thie tinited Artists. B. J. A. iE MAY CAUSE AN STATE BREACH! twin city police department kept down the visible rQcord of violence.' Hundreds were marshaled into headquarters and released after reprimands. East Lansing police estimated that students had caused $6,000 damage to property in that city.I Henry C. Ennis, a Detroit student, was fined $100 and costs for de- stroying jail property there. Had Published Warning. Depredations of the visiting stu-' dents, crazed over victory, beganI early in the game Saturday. The State college administration, an- ticipating trouble, printed a warn- ing against disturbances in the offi- cial football program. The police patrol was doubled. Early during the football game several students were removed by police for drunkenness and vio- lence. As the game ended, a more serios battle followed.Detroit stu- dents, rushing the goal posts, were met by a firm resistance of State's men. They then raced to the other end of the field and uprooted the posts only to have them taken away question is extremely well balanced, These reports also indicate that the audiences attending these first de- bates are much larger than at any time in the history of the league. This demonstrates that the jury question has a tremendous local in-j terest throughout the state." The question, which is being de- bated this year by teams from 262 private, parochial and public high schools throughout the state is: Re- solved that a judge or board of judges be substituted for the jury in all municipal and state trials in the state of Michigan. The complete schedule for the next debate has been issued to all of the schools: student below would run to break a fire alarm box. A tipsy citizen resisted arrest by biting an officer's thumb. He was placed in a cell with students "to keep him quiet." Later he was found lying in the blood of the cell with a scalp wound. "He fell and hurt himself," students said. Restaurants were swamped with' the visiting horde. Students lead cheers on the tops of tables. "We want our steads and chops," was more generally heard than any ref- erence to alma mater. Hotel rooms were damaged. Liquor' was free. Plaincloth men rode around the streets to keep up with the inva- sion. Students of the University of De- troit who were prepared to facej trial in Lansing today were: 1 "AWAa ftedPr e., Photo 0 Beulah Louise Henry, recently'I dubbed "Lady Edison," has thirty- 3 three inventions to her credit. The most recent one is a typewriter at- tachment that will make three copies without the use of carbon paper. Miss Henry is considered one of the outstanding women inven- tors of the country. Lands Plane on Roof When Motor Freezes! (By Associatcd Press) SEATTLE, Wash.. Nov. 18- Se- lecting the flat roof of a downtownj department store for an emergency j landing when the engine of his airplane "froze" while he was tak- ing two Boy Scouts on a sight-see- ing trip over Seattle, Bob Wark, veteranpilot, brought his crippled craft down with only minor injur- ies to himself and his passengers yesterday. The plane was demol- ished. Wark took off from Boeing Field with his passengers, Ben Taylor and Fred Knoph, and had circled over the city and was ready to re- turn to the field when the engine froze. Realizing it would be im-, possible to make the field, he dived at the department store roof. To avoid striking the brick wall at the edge of the roof with his landing gear, he nosed the plane slightly and it landed upside down. HAVE YOUR ] PICTURES FRAMED FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS For forty years we have been framing pic- tures for Christmas gifts. They are most appro- priate, just what your friends want and are always presents to remind them of the giver. We have built our reputation upon our SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP And an exceptionally fine assortment of picture mouldings. PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY Many Parents Selfich. "Many times parents realize no endearment for each other because, they are unwilling to subordinate their own wishes to common good. They become aliens under the same roof because they- are unprepared to enjoy the most imitable personal relations. This failure to secure satiisfactory marital relations be- comes habitual and the parents are soon hopelessly alienated.' "This unwillingness to have proper relations has its effect on the children. They find a large realm of vital knowledge label "no admission" when they approach their parents regarding it. The chil- dren themselves then go up un- prepared to properly understand those of the other sex. "The general causes of family conflict have their foundation in the persistence of the old patriach idea, in the control of the elder of both the conduct and the thinking | of the youngster. This results in on of three things, unwarranted snbimissioini, deceit, or rebelliont. Relieves in Middle lRoad. 1 believe that there is a middle Load t submis Ion 0 tiR' one hand and rebellion on the other. It lies in a common undrst anding a-'- tween 1i pictarents and the children. I There is less lilihood of change in the beautitude of the elder, than in the youne. ft isL then r the I younger to seek earnestly to unde,- stand tiei' j0eI1, to gal syl- pathetic insight into their motives. "To understand is t pardon. The childn'i should study tlheir parents objectively, with l)erspective, and with a lack o elmotionlalism, in or- der to correctly compreheind ictheir aretions. "Their is ieded for the proper relation between individual inde- pendenCe and family solidarity. The family as a social until, is the most natural grouping of people, and it is most stable, and most fruitful. Sew things' are as vital to society. *Thwicimust 1:e asubordination between the individul and th esu- preme, common, will. However, family loyalty is not an end in it- sele. There must be an organic unity, the authority of the old, on the one hand, and the obedience of the young on the other, each doing its part for the well* being of the whole. There must be the old work- ing for the benefit of the children, and the children guided by the wis- dom and steadiness of the elder. Reports from hotels, restaurants, police blotters and private citizens reached proportions that public opinion in the twin cities of Lan- sing and East Lansing demanding that Detroit be forever written off the Michigan State athletic pro- gram. Luncheon'- clubs planned a{ general protest to Michigan State off icials. President Robert S. Shaw of Michigan State withheld any pub, lie statement until he has com- pletely checked report of violence by Detroit students. Secretary H. H. Hallarday openly favored cancel- lation of the Detroit game. Ralph H. Young, director of athletics, was out of the city. Coach James H. Crowley, before learning of rioting, declared he favored gridiron rela-I tionships on the sole merits of the game._ EXCEPT L 305 Maynard St. Opposite General Battle Ensues. I by State students later. The aftermarth of the final foot- Private warfare broke out with ball game of the season extended Coach Glen Carberry of State an from a general battle between stu- active participant at one time. A dents of each institution over goal Detroit student, attempting to take posts and pennants to all-night down the pennants at the top of scenes of disorder. The Detroit stu- the State side of the stadium, was dents today were facing trial in bowled over by a short couse stu- Lansing on charges ranging from dent. The visitoil had previously possession of liquor to drunk driv- taken those on their side of the ing and disorderly conduct. bowl. Twelve others were dismissed i Students swarmed into police from the East Lansing jail Satur- ( headquarters all night. A practi- day after paying fines ranging from I cay joke by Detroit students at one $15 to $30 and costs on similar hotel was setting paper on fire and charges. Only the patience of the r throwing it to the streets. A fellow E C HLET-.Fu' S '9 1T9 lives Ori tie deker-room ..and you rrtbeathlete to get it! vRA .1 a , $25.00 f or any lost Key I can't Replace. A. REAL'S SERVICE CAR "FIXALL" Is the same low rate as work brought to my Repair Shop.. Open 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. HE persistent ringworm parasite that causes "Athlete's Foot" thrives wherever many people walk barefooted, it harks on the wet edges of swimming pools and in showers, it abounds in the gym. It may attack your toes-for surveys shtow that in some colleges more tlaii 50% of the students have it! Watch for a slight reddening of the skin between the smaller toes-a cracking in the toepits-a dead,white moistness-'- hesearethe danger signs that may lead to torment later on. after every exposure to publicly used floors.. It kills the "Athlete's Foot"parasite and pre- rents its spread. Keep a bottle of Absorbine Jr. in your locker-another in your room and .at the fir;t sign of itching or irritation use it. And, of course, you know that for years thousands have found Absorbine Jr. un- equalled for sore muscles, aches and sprains, bruises, burns, cuts and abrasions. Always have a bottle handy. Of course you do! - C I I 1 i 3 1 I '25.00 REWA RD For any article worth repairing that I can't repair and make as strong or stronger than new. Free repair for any item that I can't name its occupation. I want the re'air work that others turn down. One trial will win %Yf. " iii hiL IV oIrt..*- !. A. - 0 ".-A - - . - --- , I.- - -1. - ! 0 I w