f I '~ "TH MIHI1 N. IDATL Y -I-- ____________________________________~__________________________ DAIL OFICIAL BULLETI N 1' i,,-,Ati n in the Bulletin is constructive notice to alt members men who will graduate in 1930 to attend. ! IVlv'. A. !%,IDMdley, 'Engineering up~rv for tot tDetvriloptavi., vwill in - trodice the speaker. fr Dudley -mill stay over on the, i 9trh to talk to; all seniors interested in wok with Westinghouse or° with similar corn- panies, COOD'S CONDITIONChosen National Page 1f 9f RM iCOOBS CONIT ONat Confederate Meet -I o,0q RFMIMR~RI~flI >fl~K~ l PlMTN, c th University. Copy received by the As i:;taft to the Presd -.--.-..-.............1 .L18uI1utUU U11I11 UL dent untl 3:30 p. rM. (11:30 a. mz. Saturday) ______ Ii . I).i'F caYrt l. Ii>1,Xt~ ' __ __ VOL . . SATURDAY, NOtV L1i 1: 16, 1929 T, o. 42 Prescott Club: Dinner meeting at the Tvici an ILe gite Lilding Do~iCtors Indicate That Crisis C, Manner of the Florian Company, Detrot, wil discuss the present ten-' q'tesday evening, November 19, at.6:5. Mr. F . F. ngrat, Jr., General Is Exected Within Prselv eces O con farcn.deuain ii- tenCy on the part. of retail, wholesale, and ranfWacturing phrma-. Next 24 1-loOnacontofaursn.rguaio, im ing the seating capacity of University Hall Auditorium the meeti-xi v' i en "ve chits to combine their operations under cn oliatd ma~agemet, his scheduled for ten o'clock this mornire,, hasbeen changed to Natural 7I1- ~ , rk $~l,1~ca rn ~nQniar i., ?>'.. i .. r .- >,~n." toni beng Merc, ubmegeor mere".VITALITY IS RETURNING 1 II~&.1~J I II U ~iI 111uY Sci nce Auditorium. n Jo .liter than f Monday noon, B ~oitdPes --estyBra o- -r ret adO~uplo'l nomtin\XI :>iNGiTON, Nov. 1.5ce L~nverityBurauof l~ontm tEtufi Ucuhtioi tl nfoniaiot ; Salp aaid Blade !icnbers will meet in the Union, uni;, Nv.; arv of WarJames X. Good, re- Con'blined Mt 0. T. C. E'ercises: All uwlmbcrs of tre . Q. T. C., hi 7 at 2:30 p.ii. !;a~iiid in a critical condition at. cluding thie Varsity R. 0. "T. 0Band, will at~ixif' t eerc ises of t ia~ ~utheWme'sR.b:Mr.().ol's ile Walter Reed Hospital here to- T1, C . from3 to 5 p. 1n. on Wene..d}y, No veimber21, and On " Tuesia y, Kt Ni:;t'°c .Iib i all L W ota :mndayClub: ers.no ut. e hoe a. lh ofn ffca blei November 26. Thease periods are su .ti tekd for the regular drill periods w ALM , u iliett330Mna f~re;aa e oe a.issudhafterfminightulatend of the two weeks including Nvrber 20 and November 26. The Deans xwsise fe ingt ted O' all Colleg;s and SchooClinvolved 'J~thave aLtl;('20d ab3sen1e from ol tineY;'g 3-1 1 oft(:B17itt' '!ee M lipga tV e M-irb'inM lin on Suiday,No- ing physicians indicated hie wa,; classes during the periods inmaiaed. 'tidents in the Law school anj t I I LU hi f. at( 3:751,. aii'rsting satisfactorily. His condition the School of Business Admrriistratioli are rec~ired to re port in advan~c -- *-_----. --- is expected to remain critical for to the offices of their respective Dea,7u Absen( e from either peviod Iat of the R. 0. '1' C. exerci .es will be ex cue only upon appxliCaIontLLl ltf l yf i1l~1-ttAratlataohe 4hu tz P.! &:T lea{irdysi dmc.Axneswnb r a I ~~LI ' .eceptonSome ncouraement was derived perted to tie alyprrL~j ;te iEe L U TLHII UUUL to be Held i'ondavy at a consultation of physicians early t' Y } ', t 1 r 'T'±ke lr 4sient Ruthven's Place oan Annual College Day Banquet Program. ())liug t~o the uunfortuwnalt e death oif irs. John Rtutliven, aridl the cou - sequent inability of Presideiit Alex- : fr kander 1,..1. L ttven, Lo fuilL his aen- 17- ~gagemnents, Prof. Joh!nTL. r imrtn u # ~addressed in his stead !th!os.e present at the annual Coll eD,,, v bavnquet of the First. Methiod(i:st. ,4iurit c) lPontiac last night. IThe unexpected s! hsd.t ut ion of is{.::>.":: :::: .:....."Professor Brum at sch a late hiour" yesterday necessi-tated a hur- X::'=''*." t ~ied rprepa ration frasec ut 1.x4',ted Press Poto able for the occasion, ,and the sib- J ject had not been dlecidedkuo Virginia Redditt. when he left Ann Arbor. 0~ GeenoodI~.1is., W~i~~as The Rev. P. T. Osborne, pastor of been chosen as a page for the na- techrh anune ha.h tioal onvntin, f te Uite Iwas the thirty-eighth annual re- tiona convntio, of he Unted urrence of the banquet, the pro.- Daughters of the Confederacy. I -eed whi~h go to a fund to be iwhich is 'to meet at Biloxi, Miss., e =xpended on those worthy of a col- this year. lege edtication yet~ needing in the t W_ funds to pursue it. x I s~opho nore Alen : Sorxlomnere -i- in r der:gradua?. edepartm nt~s! wlio have not done so this ydear. are advised to report. at. their early l (:Ofiv'ericeC for a retheck on their hyeailth. Report. to your class micdi- cal.:disr Dr. Brace, ,at the T-alRh Rervice, Warren E Forsythe, Direrct.n') FEdsoni to Save Million Dollar Fur Cargo by Plane Flights t Over Arctic Wastes. A S jeial Class In Aviation is to be formed for faculty members. 'rhle cours i-e will include duial and solo flying, and courses in meteoarolgigy and navi gation. One or more mach-ines willi be reserved for faculty use) W lMAEFV r IP only. Melambers interested M hould phone the iindersi'gned (Univ. 527} - prior to Novcniber 20. (B'E'r rX,.0ltcd ?'les ~i.C. ai'erNEW YORK, Nov., I ..-Three la- ___ (Ionic messages from Nome, Alaska, EVENTSi TODAY today served as the basis for the' Ei ibif t: of original drawings and paintinigs by .tamerican illLs , ) potruc (4~~Jonl of a resciie drama. trators, ground floor gallery. Archite^.'tiira iidt, li dily} except; Suniiii the wilds of Eastern Siberia daythroghot 1\;venbe . hose cast included Carl Ben Eiel- Phi Delta Kappa: Luncheon of thfe Omega chapter of. Phi Delta son, Arctic explorer, in the 'role I appa at 1:15 p. mn. at the Michigan League building. Dr. Willard I1hero, and five men and at girl Olson or the University of Michigan staff w'ill discuss the plans for stranded in the ice-bound motor the new elementary school. :ss-ip Nanuk. Membrs nd f~a~c'civeMemers f te Csmoplitn Cub: "Returned today from flight toI Membrs nd Pospeiie Meber of he osmpolian lnb Cape North, Siberia. After fur and Regular meeting of the Cosmopolitan club xvill, be held at Lane llvl~ ix asnesfrSesnFrC, at 8:0o'clock. Initiation of new members will take' place at 1418 ! ~esxYrpasseefr eson u raphC o ineetin{"" Dean lHber will be the ,speaker of the evening, the Aviation Corp., parent organiz- ationi of air aeronautic grop of (iratsiiien Club meets, at the Mvasonics Temnple at 7:30. Eer~Ym ) which he is the Alaskan repres>en- one is urged to be present, tat lye. "l:have five more trips to, rn,.Ike. Leaving tomorrow on see- American Association of Vi4iversty Women: The regular meeting xd. Dr. Max Parrand, director of the Huntington library in-San Fran- ,;Cisco, will be honored at a formal receation to be given Mondav night in the William L. Clements librarv. Dr. Farrand has just completed his diefinite edition of Benjamin Frank- lin's autobiography from the ori- gzinal manuscript, which is owned by the Huntington library. He will speak to the guests concerning his work. fn anticipation of his visit, the Clements library has put on dis- play same Franklin documents. Two cases contain works which i ranklin printed, another some of his letters, and the last his eulogies and copies of his autobiography in foreign languages. sFollowing the reception, refresh- ments will be served. Admission is by invitation.. iast nght, fronime :fact that tbne! secretary's temperature had niot risen during the preceeding 12 hours. This suggested that the local l infection caused by -perforation of1 the appendix, had not spread to;l the general system. At the same time a pronounced I restlessness w~.s attributed to a re- turning of vitality. The consulta- tion gave hospital attendants some concern for several hours, but it vas later reported than Good had' fallen asleep and was resting comn-4 paratively well. }3ath the heart and pulse actionj were well sustained and physicians expressed the hope that another night.'s rest would strengthen the I patient's vitality enought to carry hiin through the more dangerous period which may end Saturday morning. MERRILL, LYNCH & CO. Memibers New York Stock Exchange C"hicago Stock Exdiange Cleveland Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New Yurk Curb Market Accounts Carried on conservative Margin 201 First Nat'l Bank Phone 4294 I I , , .. ., v..... .... . :: r^ sy..1_. + / p "Ys[ .r' . ",:. \ti 'a.'W? Ya?'Cy(w l: Nt of the American Association °C6" niversity Women will be held at.31 o'clobk in the ballroom of the Mihian League building. Dr. John WV.I E'aton, formerly oif Trinity Colle se, Dublin, will speak oan "The Abbey; COMNING EVENTS tcwJof Education Truncheon: The regular Monday staff lunch- eon will bo held in the Michigan League Building at 12:15 o'clock onj No vein er ila. Military Science 35: There will be a blue book at 31 o'clock Tues- day mnin;g. Regular lecture room. Geology 31: The mid-semester Pxaninstion will b.n given Monday' No emnber 13, at 1.1 o'clock. Student~s with surname y A through 11L pleasr gmoftoHoom 205 Mason Hall; MZf- in 231. A. H., the regular4 l;citureroom, Al Engineering Students: Under the joint auspices of the Elec-_ trical4 Engineering Department and the,. Student Branch A. 1. E. E., Mr. N. W. Storer, Consulting Railway Engineer, Westinghouse, willt s}ekin Natural Science Auditorium at 8: 15 on Monday, Novem hber 18, onl "Pioneering Railway lElectrification s." ,All students are invited. The Electrical Department expects all I a subsequent mas.sage. he re- ported that with him from the ship l-te brought the first of the ice- bound voyagers and part of the vessel's million-dollar cargo of furs. Still 'later he avised his su-~ periors that bad weather necessi- tated postponemient of the second 1 flighrt. IOfficials of the Aviation Corp. to- day said that the messages meant. that. Eiel ,on, probably flying, alone in ski-fitted open biplane, had hop- ped across more than 450 miles of frigid wastes from Nome to where 1 the 50-foot Nanuk is held fast by !Aictci ice off extreme Eastern Si-. bt'ria. EThen, With .lis passenger and the furs, hie flew back on the long, Cold J611 nney. 1'tppertrint farming as a profit- able industry has been introduced i Ohio. .w Ii I C C7i Nf I D Y CLUB r WYll Present "'the Jest" i i i i { Turn On the Light and look UP your stork of "NITIES " We are offering a PAJAMA SECIAL. This week end, leaving at EIGHT O'clock sharp, Friday morning and ar- riving at TEN O'clock Saturday evening. BROADCLOTH -of- Pullman Luxury Usual Fare $3.00; the round-trip-Special Rate This'Week-Fnd Only $2.25 Upper and Lower . ]Make your reservations early. Colors--Blue" Tan, ink,, Lavender, and White-Also C ornbinat;on Stripes TNER u3 O M'APANY South State Street at William Street I :0 * 4 AT THE Ttes.,Nov. 19, thru Sat., Nov. All Seats 75c at the Box-Office And Wtahr's Bookstore 23 i, t The finest and most complete assortment we have ever shown of CHRISTMAS GREETINGCAD Personal Cards a specialty with us-Bring in your order for Christmas Engraving- WA"R I SUNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE A f , } i i w t tI I i A DANCING Michigan Lea OHCRSNSORCHw'ES rue ,TRA aA