THE "I H I - DATE PAGE SEVEN THE NtICHIGAN DAILY PAGF~ SEVEN IOWA WILL TRY TO UPSET BOILERMAKERSC D PRDUE MST WIN TD CLAIM CROWN' RIVAL PLAYERS IN CLASSIC BATTLE FOR LITTLE BROWN JUG' iWILL OPPOSE LATS Northwestern Shows Impressive I String of Wins Over Illini { $10,000 TO LEND on first mortgage at 61 without bonus or service charge. Phone 4356. 1350 TYPING efficiently prepared. Uni- versity Typing Service, 718 Mon- roe. Phone 21474. C TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair r-ates. m. V. Hartsuif'f DinA 37. NOTICE Rival Backfields Both Boast Stars; Boilermaker Line Shows Strength. of IOWANS DEVELOP PASSER (Special toI TIc )Dz ilk IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. 15. - The years roll back Saturday to aisclose an Iowa and Purdue football sau- - ation differing in only one impor- tant measure from that of '1921 ' when the Hawkeyes last appeared at Lafayette. Eight seasons ago it was Iowa, the undefeated, questing a cleanr record and an unshared confer- ence championship. Now it is Pur- due, the unbeaten and the untied, i whose football engineers are at-' tempting to manufacture the first Boilermaker Bilg Ten title. Iowa is the team to receive their technical / attentioni at homecoming. Steinke Purdue Powerful. -- As never before in the 30 years N ra of Big Ten history, Purdue is equip-'Notre Dame Ramblers ped with the requisites of a chain- Meet So. California pionship team. It has a smart lint, one whose aggressive charges (Continued From Page 6) crAcked the heavier Michigan, Chi- clash between Yale and Princeton cago, and Wisconsin walls wide will be the centers of interest. Cor- open; it has runners, plungers, nell so far has come through the' passers, and kickers ii the back- season with her record unblemish- field - Welch, Harmeson, Yune- ed while the big Green team has vich, and White. bowed to the sensational playing of But Iowa will meet all those one Albie Booth from New Haven. threats with a team which playedLacking much of the luster which! as good if not better football last has attached itself to this time atuday tha a other e honored encounter because of de- eleven in all the seasons. In the ieamrrhn the-reco of ]ine, the Iowans have both speed teams the Yale-Princeton game, an weightmbiheithsam nevertheless reamins the most im- azing amount of attacking and de- porantl pitherEsrmanes teaccording to past performances,? fensive fury. The backfield has t should have a decided edge on th speed and drive of Captin Glass- Tiger but no matter what Prince- gow and Pape and a newly-wrought;ton does the rest of the football passing game with Leo Jensvold as ton she res the football the hurler, season she always manages to give: the Eli team a grand fight. Victory Rests in Line. With a specialty of rolling up big That his flinemen will crash scores against any and all oppon- through the Purdue wall to clamp ents the Pittsburg Panthers will at- ball-carriers before they reach the tempt to down their home town scrimmage line is the hope of irivals, Carnegie Tech, in their Coach Ingwersen. They did this march towards a national cham-1 many times against Minnesota, pionship. Both teams have plenty thereby rendering the Gopher of- of power so that the result shouldt fense impotent. be a tossup.; Truskowski. Pharmer. WOLVERINE 'B' TEAM WILL PLAY WESTERN STATE THIS AFTERNOON (Continued From Page 6) Morgan will be shifted to center Gary's disposal was amply demon- with Sikkenga and Hayes starting strated in the Western-Detroit City at the ends instead of Mosser and College game in which he used four Justice who is injured. complete teams all of which fune- Probable lineups: tioned equally wvell to down the Michigan Western State City College 40 to 0. Kalamazoo has Sikkenga ...... LE ..... Sundquist also beaten Ferris, 41 to 0, Lombard Blain ..........LT...... Johnson 14 to 6, and Illinois "B" team, 20 to Richardson . ... LG...... Williams 0. They tied Ypsi, 7 to 7 and were Morgan.......C...... Frankoski defeated by Notre Dame "B" team, Grinnell ....... RG ........ Nickell 13 to 7. Decker.......RT....... Harrsen The Wolverines will use about Hayes ......... RE .......Briggs the same men as formerly with a Lindsay ........ Q......... Seborg shift as to position. Blain has re- Berkowitz .....LH ........ Frendt covered and will be at left tackle 'Wills .......... RH..... Pembroke and Grinnell will play right guard, n.Miller.........F....... Barnhill Badgers and Buckeycs. -":.1V. __ ____-0 PAGE CHANGES LINE P NOTICE-Lemur-Duo Permanent. ______ (Balance of November $5.00. Ber- (Special to The Daly) tha L. Jerome. 502 Elm Street. . x BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Nov. 15.- - A brand new Indiana football team FOR RENT may trot out on the gridiron of ~:;:,.":::.Dyche stadium, Evanston, Ill., to- LARGE bright room with glassed :' morrow afternoon for the Indiana in siceping porch. Will rent dou- Northwestern fga .Had ble or single. Two other roomers ~~~. .~ orhwstr football game. Be~ad nhue 2 .An hn Coach Pat Page, of the Hoosier ag- n.8731 .56 gregation, has been grooming a 73.- " 6 new combination of backs and line- FOR RENT-Large double room ben in practice this week who may for two girls. Steam heat. Also be used to start the final out of garage. Dial 8544. 422 E. Wash- town games for Indiana. ington. 561 Coach Page has had two weeks - to prepare his men for the North- FOR RENT-Completely furnished western game due to an open date three room apartment. Large Nagurski, in the Indiana schedule last week, double for two girls. Steam and the work of many sophomore heat. Also garage. Dial 8544. players in practice has won -them 422 E. Washington. 456 Physical Ed Gridders a place on the first string varsity. $BEAUTIFULd Indiana's veterans, however, arB AUIU-odln lbHouse Defeat Freshman Team ready and probably will see plenty available to rent to Fraternities of action tomorrow against the and Sororities on reasonable team that toppled both Illinois and terms, only 20 miles from Ann (Continued From Page 6) Oi tt rmtetpo h i Arbor. Call or write Mr. Peters, the backfield for the Physical Ed OiR l4Date from the tSp of the Bigay- outfit in the persons of Kies, quar- New Hoosier Ling Bank Building, Detroit, !terback, and Tessmer, halfback. The new Indiana combination Michigan. The rangy signal barker was a Th;ew Idin'cmin nIa - - Te rangy sigenal, barkerg wasaconsist of Hansen, River Forest, Ill., FOR RENT-Double room for men. tower of strength, hurling passes and Thomas, Plymouth, ends; HojWaORmRNDouwellfrnished, 1434. withnan unerringaccuracy and ncki, Detroit, Mich., and Jasper, Wa and well fi ishe d, 1434 getting off some good runs around Fort Wayne, tackles; Rascher, Ce -__E._ParkPl._Dial __7580. ____ ~the ends. }tdar Lake, and Zeller, East Chicago, FOR SALE thShortly after the opeing kickoff guards; Mankowski Detroit, Mich., ball to the nine-yard line. From center; Ashby, Evansville, quarter; FOR SALE-Fraternity house 1017 I that point Kies booted a perfect Dauer, Gary, and Koenig, Cleveland, I1Oakland avenue. Has been en-. he fialPyiclEdtucdw 0., halfbacks, and Balay, Indianap- tirely rebuilt. Phone 8621 for The final Physical Ed touchdown olisr fullback. Of these, only Balay, appointment to see house. 5 came as a result of the most spec- Mankowski and Hoj nacki are let- O S - r s g tacular play of the game, a 20- termen. FOR SALE-Ford roadster; good yard pass, Kies to Braendle, who In moving down Wisconsin, Illi- shape; $25.00. Call Omar Curtis. took the ball from over the head nois and Ohio State, the Wildcats Dial 23827. 345 of the yearling safety man and have piled up a far more impressive FOR SALE-Small frame play pa- trotted 60 yards for a score. Kies record than Indiana. Pat Page's vilion, rear of 226 S. Ingalls" Ap- again kicked goal. warriors have been subjected to a ply Merrill-Palmer School 71 East Again receiving the freshman lot of rough treatment starting Ferry, Detroit. 456 kickoff, the ball was brought to the with their setback at the hands yearling 30-yard marker in a few of Notre Dame and ending with a WAlvt ED thrusts. Severl plunges brought decisive trimming at Minnesota a the ball to the three-yard line, week ago Saturday. The Hoosiers WANTED - Students, sparetime. where it was taken over by Tess- lost to Chicago and held Ohio State Write Box 450. Winona, Minn. mer. Kies kicked goal. to a scoreless tie. 5 _.-__---- - --_ WAN ErD-Students to enjoy a real meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. C LOST LOST-A5 s:ver ring with a high mounting, topaz, and two small diamonds. Reward. Call 3366. 56 LOST--Sigma Alpha* Epsilon fra- ternity pin num-ber 35358. Re- turn to Box 110. Reward. 234561 LOST-A gold octagonal watch. In Chem. Lab. 450. Initials M.E.R. on back. Phone 3755. Mr. Rem- FOO 0D S T U F ____ I~e First Class Meats Reliable Service Reasonable Prices at LIBERTY MARKET 1i 4 tt. A VitalI esag9e To you-Steward of the Fraternity House:- To you-Manager of the Boarding House:- To you-Merchants of Ann Arbor:- We want you all to know .that the Market page is your page, it w as developed for your mutual benefit. That the thrifty and yet discriminating steward may have a reliable list of merchants with their weekly offerings. That the enterprising merchant of Ann Arbor may have a medium through which to meet and make known the quality and the special opportunities on certain goods. The MICHIGAN DAILY has devised the Market Page as a m edium for helpfulness to both parties. We want you toI as such a medium will undoubtedly be of great help to you. Fresh Dressed Chicken, pound............39 Fresh Dre sed Rabbits, each ...... .. 50c Brest of Lamb, pound loc Lamb End Roast, pound ........... Fancy Sweet Potatoes, 31c Phone 118 W. 4312 Liberty of his pkiiducts make use of :it, 7 pounds ... .....2c Deliver to all parts of city A. LEMBLE FOREST AVE. MARKET 530 Forest Avenue .a a Read xNIThe 1W HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII t PiH Ii11 IIi 111111 1 if llllitii 1 til llll i i A E k ®A Daily SPECIAL Chicken Dinner SUNDAY I CORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too. lets get together. Tliey Classifieds Pay You Well 1I I I m . ,E I 11