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November 15, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-15

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SLTillotson himpossibilityhe case of the Harvard contingent
I I il illtso Shos Iposibiityaccounted for the east side of the
of Improving Seating stadium from the 50-yard line
section south from the 50-yard line
Using facts, figures and charts to the 30-yard line is reserved for
AT END 0F 0Pas ilustrations, Harry C. 'Tillotson, bondholders, whose privileges and
Record of Loans 'for Past Three association, pointed out the im-tuests f tie University; the sc-
Weeks Shows G reacDrp pssblt of seating any students Lo adln oetnigte- south from n the 30r-
WothernthanGthoss30nrthe-cheeringeyard line to the 15-yard line is re-
in Two Years. section between the thirty ya served for the "M" club, other
lines when Interviewed on the stu- amnitrganiain allonsgav
PROBE DEFEATS BEARS dent taket situation yesterday. ternated with certain sections giv
The facts that there are more en to alumni and residents of the
. seats behind the goal lines than on st.te who have applied for tickets
Leading Issues Receive Large the field in the new stadium, that account for the remainder of the
seats in the east stand.
Supporting Orders as 6,000 of the coveted nid-field seats The faculty section and the
Late Relief. go to bondholders, another 1,20 to alumni club and general applia-'
the rest to guests f the university tion sections also take up that part
By Stanley W. Prenosil, and alumni organizations were of the west stand which extends
A. F. Financial Editor. given as reasons for the Harvard southward from the 30-yard line.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14. - Stock ticket allotment, which placed The seats between the 30-yard lines
rdp' many students behind the goal are reserved for the cheering see-
prices rallied $3 to $20 per sae st tion, the bondholders and guests of
and held most of their gains today Posts. the University, and tickets called
as the country's leading financial According to Tillotson, the di-I for by members of the team. That
as the countrys dnvisions of sections in the east stand
authorities took steps to restore is as follows: that part of the stand part of the west stand extending
public confidence extending northward from the 50 northward from the north 30-yard
publiccondence . exteding nortrd fom th line was picked by the student
The stock exchange inquiries - yard line is reserved for partisans council as the location for the stu-
to the character of recent "short" of the invading eleven, whichin dent section and is so used.
selling, coupled wi'h the overnight This allotment insures that no
announcement of a proposed cut students except those in the cheer-
in federal income taxes, sent bear R I CH L~ll FOUFL d ing section are placed between the
traders scurrying to cover and at- 1.30-yard lines. In the Harvard game,;
tracted a large volume of invest- due to the great number of extra
ment buying by interests who were 0S tickets applied for, the student sec-
awaiting indications of a definite tion was larger than ever before
turn i the market. Trading failed and was forced around the turn to I
to maintain the terrific pace set Densmore Declares Ability to the end seats, according to Tilot-
yestei day, but the total sales for Y ulto soh-. Placement of students in the
the three-hour session ran over Influence Other People Is student section is by class for all
seven million shares. I Requisite of Success. those applying before a certain I
Tickers Busy. j(Continued On Page 2, Col. 2)
After the market clpsed, the New READS QUESTIONNAIRES!
York Federal Reserve bank reduced __1T
it rediscount rate from 5 to 4 12 Declaring that one's success in
per cent, foreshadowing a general; e ge d nNnI
reduction throughout the Federal.
reserve system, and announced a to influence the life and thoughts
decrease of $710,000,000 in broker's of others, Prof. G. E. Densmore, of
loans to $ the lowest
level since Jukae 92,Tns brings ments spoke at:thethird of a series Secretary Mellon Confideint of
the past three w cs to nerly $?, of All-Campus Forumsheid yster- Continued Prosperity ii
500,o000,000.day afternoon In Alumni Memorial United States.
The rally ii stcks today foty-,hall. j
ed a week of almost steadiiy de- I
dining prices during which the Professor Densmoe, who for the MORE REVISIONS AHEAD
market had struck a new bottom past four or five years has been ---
on three separate occasions. Prices conducting many night school (cy AsscAted Psi)
of many leading issues had been classes throughout the state main- WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 14.--
carried to only a small fraction of ly for those who have not had the Another tax reduction, a one per-
the year's high levels, quotations of cent cut in rates to all individual
several offering attractive dividend opportunity of securing a college c
yields at current rates of payment. education, read from questionnaires and corporation income tax pay-
Floor Brokers Cheer. that over 400 business executives ers on next year's Federal dues, was
Floor brokers on the New York and professiona. men throughout on its way today with Congressional
Stock Exchange, many of whom h, gh leaders of both parties hopeful of
grad been depressed by a destruc- the state'filled out, giving their re- its approval before Christmas.
tive wave of liquidation, greeted spective opinions on the value of a I Secretary Mellon stated explicity
the opening bids with cheers which Icollege education. I that the tax reduction was merely
were reechoed in numbers of Of the 400, the 250 who had col- a coindicence with the stock mar-
brokerage houses as illuminated lket situation; and that it was pro-
stock tickers carried a record of the lege experience answered the ques- ed because of the confidence
opening transactions. Smiles again tion "What is tgo eoutstaedrince? -in the continued prosperity of the
appeared on the faces of those who vanage o a ce gepre .e country.
crowded the c estomers' rooms of by giving as the main points, self- The tax reduction is intended to
the large comusilon houses confidence, culture, friendship, and o fapply only to lnbomes of this year
the are cmm h u 5. 1social adaptability. An interesting on which taesare to be paid du-I
Initial tranisactions in the lead-- caa1 r noni htxsaet epi u-
ifact is that a few "means of a i-issues ranged from 5000 to 40- in 130, beginning March 15. For
000 shares, with the gain runnin lihood" as an advantage. To the that reason, it is planned to have
all the way from i few cnts o question, "What is the most lu Congress adopt merely a resolution
all the way [reinbleffwccontyouoyourself received aotie
$16,per ;,hare. A wave of profit tablf aorexeieyi oulge"applying o h one year rather l
g followed the initial bulge, d o r perie colee than authorizing a erianeit re-
then prices moved upward w~a~iniI the points brought out were self- vision of the tax rate.
crossing the openwrg levels and confidence, training in thinking, In this connection, there wasi
clos2ng around the day's high level, friendship, and knowing where to some speculations at the Treasury
Placing of a bid for one millionI find sources of information. The today of the adoption of a perma-
shares of Standard Oil of N Y at last question which was, "What op- nent program along this line, al-
50 just before the close of NYste- portunities available in your col- lowing for a year to year adjust-
day's market coupled with reports lege experience did you neglect?" ment of income taxes as a flexible
that large suporting orders ts brought out many various answers: proposition adjusting the rates to
been placed around yesterday's lack of making friends, lack Of Federal incomes.
bee le arou d. steenday's pa Acipation in extra-curricular _
low lhvel of U. SSteel, Anconda- activities, lack of social life, and StatistiCian to Speak
and other leading issues, was wide- ( not enough cultural subjects taken. i
ful ancial ierets aer deter- iThe first question asked of those on Market's Behavior
mined to peg those issues if neces- who did not attend college was,
yuntil the ri' s had assed "Do you feel you've been handi- "Why the stock exchange has re-

capped by the lack of college edu- cently behaved so crazily and what
cation?" Of the 150 answers, 1491 we can expect it to do in the next
SAVAGE LAMENTS were yes. The second question,y few months" will be the topid of a-
ATHLETIC ETHICS "What advantages do you think you talk to be given by Paul H. Clay,
would have gained by a college ed- vice-president and chief statistician
Co.Athorof Crnege Reortucation?" was answered with self- of the United States Shares Corpo-
Cox~thorof Crnege Reortconfidence, refinement, social ration, of New York, at 4:15 o'clock
Writes About Abuses. background and better English. this afternoon, at the Union.
(o3 1g RK, N.}YesNov.upp.e!1 Shows No Longer are Children's
NEW YORK, N. Y., Nov.a14.- l Patime; consitueRD a A
Young mien who accept financiall Pastime; C onstttute Real Dramatic Art


Noted Orator Analyzes Modern


of Dramatic




Says Real Writers No Longer
Adhere to Abstract
Maintaining that Ibsen was the
trail blazer of modern drama,
Louis K. Anspacher, noted orator,
dramatist and philosopher, last
night discussed the whole subject
of the spirit of modern American
drama before a large audience in
Hill auditorium.
"Witl Ibsen," said Mr. Anspacher,
"came a new spirit in the world of
the theatre. Ibsen abolished dram-
atic dressmaking by which dra-
matists created roles for the indi-
vidual. Ibsen wrote dramas, not
roles, and set an example which
was followed by all his contem-
poraries and which has been the
standard of modern dramatists-by
concerning himself with the entire
Abolishes Mechanical Suspense
This method, Mr. Anspacher
stated, evokes the state of the soul
behind the physical issue and does
away with mechanical ;suspense
He quoted "The Great Divide" as-
a classic example.
"Ibsen introduced brittle, clipped
speech," said Mr. Anspacher, "and
dispensed with such lines as,
'Whence comes that delectable
odor?' In modern plays the heroine
sniffs the air and asks, 'What's that
I smell?' Audiences no longer
emerge from a theatre commnenting
ou the wonderful or extraordinary
play. Instead they say, ' xow true ,
1how real.'
.. ..Absent Ideals E xtinct.
"Modern dramatists make use of
pIychology," he asserted, "by seek-
ing the soul. More theatrical writ-
ers depend on the old-fashioned
mechanics. No more is there any
approximation to any abstract ideal,
or external stimulus; it is left up
to the inward spirit of the indi-
Mr. Anspacher compared William
Gilette's "Held by the Enemy" and
the more modern "What Price
Glory" as examples. The spirit in
the first play, he said, was 'Let mnc
go out and die for my country,'
while in the latter there is no ab-
stract ideal by which the charac-
ters govern their conduct. "Captain
Frlagg did his duty because he felt
that it was his individual responsi-
bility," Mr. Anspacher explained,
(Continued on Page 3, Col. 5.)
Designer of Union and League'
Buildings to Discuss Art.

Monroe, Reif, Simons, Helen Dancer Speak to
Delegates; Full Program Planned
for Remaining Sessions.
\With imore thatnm io delegates present, the ninth annual convention
of the Michigan Interscholastic Press association opened its 1929 session
at 7:45 o'clock last night in the ballroon of the Union. The meetinig
was im charge of George 1,. Simons, 30, cliairmian of the convention.
A fter a short introduction by the chairman, the delegates were
welcomed by Charles S. Monroe, '30, president of the Michigan chapter
of Sigma Delta Chi. Monroe emphasized the importance of such nmeet-
ings and the improvement in the 1929 session over previous contveti-
tions. Suggestions from the national president of Sigma Delta Clii
were also given by the speaker, who stressed the inportance of closer
contacts among those attending. Questions from the visiting journalists
were called for, Monroe stating that the best meetings in the past had
been those at which most questions were asked.
Ilen Dancer, '30, president of Theta Sigma Phi, followed Monroe
on the program, and gave the delegates her welcoming note from the

Dean John R. Effinger
Of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, who will be the
principal speaker at the banquet of
the Michigan Interscholastic Press
association to be held tonight in
the Union.
Museum Secretary Supplements
Picture With Films of
Island Wild Life.
Speaking on the governmen t'1
.sa bird preserve on the north -
'vest islands of the Hawaiian group
Dr. Alexander Wetmore, secretary
of He United States Museum at
Washington, D. C., gave an illus-
trated University lecture yesterday
aftcrnoon in Natural Science audi-
turimun. Motion plctures takeni .by
Donald Dickey, one of the partyri
who, led by Dr. Wetniore, spent l
four and a half months in scien-
tifie work on the islands, gave
reality to the lecture which was
attended by one of the largest
crowds in the history of university
lectures lhere.
Dr. Wetmore, an authority on
birds and their migrations, began
his lecture with a short survey of
the work clone by the "Tanager"
expedition which set out, in 1923,
at the order of the Department of'
Agriculture, to study conditions and
facts concerning the reservation for
sea birds which had been est-.b-
lished by President Roosevelt -in
One of the scenes displayed,
with the heavy Hawaiian surf as a
Sackground, the dhance of the Al-
batross. This dance is a regdar
habit with he famous bird and is a
regular occurrence oil the north-
west ilnds of tie group, al-
-.:hough it is considered to be very
umeju(, to thei unfamiliar spectator,
a(ccrdimnt to Dr. Wetmo're. Two
baird",fa1cCeach other and bow upon
mecetinlg, then rise upon their web-
h1 ed toes and hold their beaks in

(Special to The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 15.
-All tickets for the Michigan-
Minnesota football game have;
been sold, it was announced to-
day. The fact that this gridiron
classic constitutes Minnesota's 1
annual homecoming game was
said to be the reason for the
Seats Available for Series of
Medical Lectures Sponsored
b Alpha Omega Alpha.
Tickets will be placed on sale to-
day by members of Alpha Omega
Alpha, honorary medical society,
for the society's annual series of
lecturers by leading doctors on
topics relating to the history and
practice of medicine.
Series' tickets for the entire
group of three lectures are avail-
able at $1 each. The lecture will
be held in Natural Science audi-
torium on the nights of December
9, February 25, and May 6. Al-j
though the lectures are arranged
especially for the benefit of those
interested in the study of medicineI
or of medical science, they will be
open to the general public, officers
of the society announce.
Dr. Lawrason Brown, head of the
tuberculosis sanitarium at Saranac
Lake, N. Y., who is acknowledge by
medical authorities to be a leader
in his field, will open the series on
December 9, speaking on "Recent

Ernest Reif, '30. president of the
Student council, was the third
speaker of the evening, telling of
the importance of Michigan's ex-
tracurricular activities to the pro-
spective student. Reif stressed or-
ganizations other than publications,
which had been the topics of the
initial speakers.
Following the meeting, which was
concluded by a survey of the coin-
ing sessions'by Simons, the assem-
bly was adjourned, the delegates
going to the offices of the Michigan
Daily where the actual mechanism
of the paper was demonstrated by
The Daily staff.
Today's Program.
Today's program will be featur-
ed by round-table discussions led
by a high school adviser and a
reprosentative of one of the Unui
versity's student publications joint-
These discussion groups include
sessions on head writing, magaz'ne
writing, advertising, sports, criti-
cal writing, business management,,
editorial writing, male-tup, feature
writing, woman's section, edttig
a '.uals, news. wrii'g, a-nd the
problems of advisers.
Stevenson to Speak.
The second general assembly of
the convention will be at 9 o'clock
this morning, at which William 0.
Stevenson, staff representative in
Ann Arbor and vicinity for the As-
sociated Press, will speak of the
work of that news agency.
Prof. W. D. Henderson, director of
the Extension division of the Uni-
versity, will also speak. After this,
the advisers will meet. Another gen-
eral assembly will be held at 1:30
o'clock this afternoon. The speaker
will be Prof. John L. Brumm, of the
department of journalism.
Members of Theta Sigma Phil
jou ralistic sorority, will be hos-
sesses to the delegates of the con-
vention at a tea dance in the
League ballroom.
Toight the convention wll at-
tend the annual banquet of the
press association at the Union. At
that time, Dean John R. Effinger,
of the literary college, will speak
on "Journalism and Education,"
and T. Luther Purdom will talk
about "Preparing to Make a L'y-
Munn and Brockmeyer Remain
on Injured List for Game.

Developments in Treat ment of
Irving K. Pond, architect of buthit the air, emitting peculiar sounds. Puvmonary Tb rcalmlei."0
the Union and Women's League Tis procedure goes on until one of T Pulmonary Tuberculosis."
building, will give his views of mod- the birds is tired or deQides that he will be delivered February 25 by
ern architecture in a speech at has had enough of formality for Dr. David Barr, of Barnes hospital,
6:15 o'clock tonight at the banquet the present. St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Barr, who is
of the Archtectural society, in the- connected with the department of
Women's League building. Fraternity Threatened I research in internal medicine at
Pond is a University graduate, byChater Room Fire { washington university, will speak
having received his civil cngineer sb~ ~ on "The Importance of Research in
degree in 1879. and A. M. (honor- e Medicine."
ary) in 1911. He is a fellow of the Fre beedto have orgadr
Amercan Insitue o Arhitctsfromt a carelessly thrown cigarette, I Dr. Fielding H. Garrison will coii-
and Istprien of thte01 broke out in the Sigma Zeta house eclude the series May 6 with a
and a past president of that or- last night, damaging the chapter speech on some phase of the his-
ganization. room and a part of the basement. Itory of medicine. Dr. Garrison is a
estra composed of students of the ihe Anti Arbor fire department I Lieutenant-Colonel in the United
architectural school, accordint to was called out, and the blaze was States armay, and is stationed in the
Dnadhteural l,ac put out before any serious damage Army school of medicine in Wash-
Donad A. Kimball, '30 A. resulted. ington, D. C.
Ruthven's Mother Dies Experimental Theatre Necessary to Stage,
of PernicioMs Anemi Says Anspacher in Comment on Dramatics


aid in return for services as college'
athletes are "false to the ethics of
sportsmanship," declares Dr. How-
ard J. Savage, co-author of the
Carnegie Foundation report on re-
cruiting and subsidizing in the cur-
rent issue of Sportsmanship.
College coaches and directors
who induce them to do so are
.charged with "teaching young men
,lchnnAtr 11

"The common belief that a mari-
onette show is a type of amusement
for children is indeed erroneous,"
declared Donald B. McGee, 33 M.,
yesterday. McGee spent last season
as a member of Tony Sarg's com-
pany of puppeteers. "A show of
this nature is real dramatic art,"
he went on, "and deserves proper

opening, with controllers in their
hands. These controllers are .con-
nected to the puppets by a number
of strings, and by ingenious man-
ipulation, the toy actors and act-
resses are made to appear as real
people. The minimum number of
strings on one controller is nine,
-while probably the most that were
'ver onnerter1 hv nn nrsnn was in

Word was received here late yes- a c mp yd as_ h
terday afternoon of the death of "Were it not for the experimental a contempoary dramtits ofthe
Mrs. John Ruthven, mother of heatre, the commercial theatre first rank are products of this
President Alexander G. Ruthven, I would die of stagnation, said Dr. I .
at Ruthven, Iowa, early in the aft- Louis K. Anspacher, who spoke in Producers would not even con-
ernoon. Mrs. Ruthven had been ill Hill auditorium last night on "The sider the early works of these men, I
of pernicious anemia, and had sub- Spirit of Modern American Drama." but when they had received suffi-'
nitted to a blood transfusion the "The experimental theatre is to cient recognition from their pro-
first of the week, drama what the laboratory is to ductions in the experimental thea-
__modern science. Neither is inde- their plays. There is little doubt of
pendent of the other," he added. the little theatre's importance, and
Ourw at her Man !In commenting on the situation it must be subsidized by its sup-
. _ _ _of campus dramatic organizations, porters."

(Special to The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 14.
- Minnesota's gridiron camp is
shrouded in gloom as "The Thund-
ering Herd" makes its final prepar-
ations for the homecoming battle
with Michigan Saturday.
It was learned today that Win
Brockmeyer, star halfback, and
Clarence Munn, regular tackle, both
will be out of the game, because of
injuries received ih the Iowa game
last week. Both of these men were
important cogs in the Gopher grid-
iron machine, and their loss is cer-
tain to have a telling effect on the
functioning of the team Saturday
to fill the hole left by the loss of
AID,,, ~-,

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