r TH-EF.MICIGAN DI) L Y A A A-A N-X 1-13, 1 1 I-IF If F 11h DUTrRPIC~CStudent's Journalistic Johnisoni Mentioned [UU,~ I~fUIIi Club Changes Pr ognam -as Chinese Mints ii r UNIFaculty Men RepI1ac Outsidcrs__________ H IT1 s Speakers in Future 10 SIG STODIYGroup Sessions. S9TUH09Y~jMemnbers o the faculty wl d 3tr War Department Head Undergjoes Operation Scc'y Good, Stricken Tuesday, Night. Rushed to Walter Reed Hospital. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 TWO MILLION LO~S INAR0MOUR ESTATE ..". " a r .nom t f f i NOTICS :.dress the forthcomin g meetings o NOTICiESde an avsWilTakthe Student's Journalist club inl-! rtednadDvsWl l Notice to New Members of University Faculty: Dictaphone anxd t SfdnI Ate.Teysad of men far alone; in the jour- typewriting service is available at t ie Dictaphone Station in Room 203' tdnsAfe hyn.itic professioni as was prevous- Angell Hall to departments not provided with' secretaries. 1 1ve Registered. Y ilaiined. The chanxge ill the in- Shirley 'f't. Smith, Seecretary and Business Manager . ---! tenltionxs of the club caine after - - - _ _ - _._- __ _ _ rnli~rntinti L Lull . 1W rl JIU nL 3 S.It n _____Cancelled Orders After World (By Associated Press) War Ruined Fortune of WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.--Secre- Meat Packer. tary Good underwent a difficult,;___ operation for gangrenous, perforat- (By Associated Press) ing appendicitis at Waltcr Reed CHICAGO, Nov. 13.-The estate hospital today and heis condition of J. Ogden Armour, once valued at wras described as extremely serious 1$200,000,000, was closed Tuesday In The secretary of war was stricken, probate court with a $2,000,000 loss MIANY WILL RE-ENROLL To Members of the Faculty, 2.923l-.ii 0: Academic annual salaries,' are paid innieisalnt (the ninth 'being a double installmei~nt) izucan Considcrs All Qualitics othe last day o each month from October t June, inclusive. tth That Good Instructors option of the Faculty member arrangement may be made with the; Should Possess. Business Offce to pay the Salary in twelve equal monthly installments,$1 ending with the installment of September 30, 1930. If the arrange-.Rgsrto f l rsetv went is not macdc until after October 31 proportionate adjustments in t eheraineoryfchollpopcmpus! the amnounit and number of the ann +.al iniitallincuts ending September $ tae lce ysacurdayorningpu 30, 1930, will be made.wiltkph eSura mong Faculty members xrising to zmahk such an arrangement for 192-, at10l o'clcek, Novemiier 16- in Urni- 130 will please call on the paiyroll clerk, lMiss Edithi Smnith or the as- vesy1:,1acioui. sistanit, Miss Edna Gier. iu tthe Biusinessi Of lce at any timie except B3esides the filling out of cziroll- durig the filial, four days cif iany miouthi. Preparation of the p~ayr:ollii ent ieards by the potential teach- during this four-day pf'rid!l pr eve'n is ivJi~ attet Lon to othier iua -m. t here will he tIwo talks given by t filbert R.. Critccien, Adviser of Shirly V. Szii~h, Screz~tazry and BusUnzess Manager Arts and Science students and C. 0.I !Davis, Adviser for the students of EVINTSTODY the School of Edu~cation. EVNS5O0 I ~o1cRistered Last Year. University Lecture at 4.:15 p. in., Natural Science Auditorium. Dr. The University Bureau of Ap-f Alexander Wetmore,, Assistant' Secretary of the United States National pointments and Occupational In- Museumn* "Birds of the Hawaiian B:. d R eservation". Lecture will be il-I formation under the direction of T. luslirated wit~h lantern slides anid moving pictures. Luther Lurt1ezer Purdom is conduct- ing this work. Last year 550 gradu- /Ora t orival Association Lecture Course: Louis 1Z. Auzspacher is the a te and u ndergraduate students second speaker on thec Oratorical.Associationi Lecture Couxse. His sub- j registered at thec Bureau so as to! ject is "The Trend of M vodlerni Drama." The lectuire is to be held at Hill obtain teaching positions upon fin- Auditorium at 8 o'clock. ishing their studies. In addition to this nigniber about 500 teachers re- All-Camus Forumi: Prof. G. E. Den ianore of the Speech Depart- j enrolledl from the field. These can- ment and the Uniiversity Extenision Service will speak at 4 p. mn. did ates are either without positions, in Room D of Alumni Memorial llal. His subject will be "The Op- or wish to secure better ones. TheI portunities That College Of1'ers". Prof. Densmore will call attention Bureau has been rendering a real to many pheases of stdcnt life which are either neglected or ignored. I service in the past to these students. Last year 367 calls for college Exhibition of original drawings and paintings by American illus- # teachers were received and an- trators, ground floor gallcry,, Architectural Building, daily, except Sun- swereci by the Bureau and about day, throughout November.I three times this number for high school teachers. First Freshman Lecture in Hygiene for Men will be given in Water-: Complicated Proceedure. moan Gymnasium, today at 3-4 and 5 p. iii. This requirement bicludes In se'leeiing students for these all freshmen in the regular physical training classes, athletic squads calls, the Bureau must consider and others'that have been excused froze these groups. 'mzaany qualification that the schoolsj r G. A. May { calling for teachers demand. Some1 of these qualifications are rcligion, All Graduate Students in English : Professor Price will describe; sex, age, ability to direct extra- to all Graduate Students ini Figlishi the work on the Early Modern curricular activities, and many othi- English Dictionary at 8:00 in Iloom 2231 A..ers. Photographs and information - - about eachf student are always kept American Chemical Society: Dr. A. P. Mathews, Professor of Bio- on file s t the Bureau's office so chemistry at the University of Cincin~nati, will speak before the local as to ;felicitate the meeting of the section at 4:15 p. in. in Ioom 151 Chemistry Building. His topic will ; equir.ed qualifications. be "Some rececnt work oh the chemistry and physics of the nerve linz- I The service has been growing pulse". rapidly in the last few years, es- _------ pecially among the graduate stu- Engineers: The A. I. S. C. Steel Construction Handbooks are now u eiits It. is the opinion of Mr. Pur- available a the office of the Michigan Technic, Room 3038 E. Eli- j doern that the Bureau shall soon be ginecring Bldg. sought by every prospective teacher --- i as thec ii-osL efficient means to ob- Quadrangle will meet at 8:00 p. in. at 713 Onondaga Avenue. tamn a teaching position. Phi Sigmza business meetig at 7:30 p. in. in 1139 Natural Science ! AiR~ MAIL TIOUNDAGE. Bldg'. torical. ability of members of the faculty and perso)u c"inniected witll the University ;vouici be far iore beneficial than speeches by news-t paper mhen whose lectures wou'C embody that which students of journalism , are already supposed to know. Programs of the club will now be devoted to0 discussions of inevi of the unik ersity oz, highly special-. Sied suibjects having a direct bear- inoinewspaper practice,, for ex ample, the admlinistration of late in the pricipality and th c difflecul-. ties encountered by the polie Professor John L. lBruin, in citiw' the interest which a subject of this kind would incite, spoke of the fact. that most police break the law in order to apprehend a criminal, us- ing methods which are taboo in ou~t bill of rights as a depr nation of. clue process of law. Hie said that they must necessarily do so, how-{ ever, and that most crime exists 4 .n t 4 int t.,. ln...rc . - *nn n r,,,..n late Tuesday night and was remxov-1 ed to the hospital. Mrs. Good ac- companied him. After a conference today between Secretary Wilbur of the interior department, who is a physician, and Dr. Joel T. Boone, the White House physician, ulc operation was de- cidecd upon.i Italian Steamer Saves Crew of French Plane 1(lByAssot e ~lAd Prtess.)? SPEZIA, Italy, Nov. 13.-The 'tlian liner Arborea today wire- lessed the station here she had saved crew and passengers of a French hydroplane belonging to the commercial line operating from Marseilles to Tunis. to family creditors. IIt was the World war with its attendamit demands for feeding armed millions that made the mil- lion aire packer high among the multi-millionaires. Then peace- and the government canceled a mnounitain of orders with thc Ar- mour company.° World mairkets were "flooded" with Armour products and the pio'- neer Chicago packer was said to have lost $100,000,000 almost over- night. Deflation of land and se- curity values, following in the wake of peace melted away the remainder of the once huge for- Iune. His wife and daughter wealthy in their own right loaned Armour mnore -than $3000000 and it was these claims that finally placed himt "in the red." ai it 'i ly ecase he rovrbil am 0Associated P-ess Photo ly bcaue te poverialarmof.Nelson T. Johnison te lwi id n oh iti- Assistant secretary of state, who ledal becasem of corruzptilon in our; has been mentioned as a possible lega sysem.choice to succeed John Van Ant- Talks by meen especially capable werp MacMurray as Minister to in Cibeussing political organiz;L- China. MacMurray resigned his tions, problems of city government, post last week to accept a post on public utilities, the prevention of the faculty of Johns Hopkins Uni- disease, aDc numerous other sub-. versity. IIjects are to be secured in the near- 4 __-._._____- future.Young Kansas Girl, 21, Ancient Bible Is Placed Begins Opera This Fall 1on Exhibition in 'Texas ' (fl Associated Press) CHICAGO Nov. 13.--A 21-year- AUSTIN, Texas.-Bound in a deer ol i fo WchtKawl skint tanned and dressed by the make her operatic debut with owner, a Bible brought to Texas inI Chicago Civic Opera company this 1822 is on exhibition in the archives season. of the University of Texas. The Bi-1 The young woman is Kathleen ble was loaned to the library by Kersting whose voice was discov- Mrs. John Pritchett of Austin. It1 ered by Mmne. Emma Calve on a vis- contains a great deal of the family it to Wichita eight years ago. Miss I history of the Mitchell famcily, to 1fe;rsting studied for several years Iwhom the Bible originally belonged, in France with Mine. Calve in 1925, AsMo Mitchell, owner of the Bible,! throughl efforts by the Wichita came to Texas inl 1822 from hist club, she was sent to Italy for fur- home in Pennsylvania, bringing Cher training. ~wit;h him his wife, Charlotte Mitch- ---- __ ___ 1Ii call Uha Ui i Z nn Cnnnrihnr 171 _ In - aru r rr rrrrrrru r r ru rru rru n u rrr rru rr rrrn u r rr I°DRINK PURE WATER= = Delivery Service that makes it possible to_ ejyAnn Arbor's finest purest water in your home, store, or office at' surprising low cost. Telephone 8270 = 1= ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. a 416 W . H u 2" Distilled Water Spring Water - arrrrrrrrrrrr r~ rtrrirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ru rrrru n rrr~ t~~ MERRILL, LYNCH & COO Members New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Cleveland Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York Curb Market Accounts Carried on Conservative Margin 20 FrtNat'l Bank Phone 4294 . (By A swci atcd hIi ss) Oratoric al Ushers please report; at 7:30 p. in. in hill Auditoritun for! WASHIINUJON, Nov. 13. - Post- f-heLous K.Ansache prgram ! aster General Brown announced _________today there were 701,625, pounds of Gargoyle Editorial Staff' and Tryouts: There will be an importantI mail transported by air during Oc- meeting of the entire Gargoyle editorial staff and tryouts today at 4:15 tober, compared with 655,689 pounds o'clock. in September, and increase of 45,- E. Jerome Ellisonx. 936 pounds. Christian Science Society meets at 7:30 tonight in Lane Hall. Faculty Womn's Club, meets at 2:30 p. m. Assembly Room, Mich- igan .League. leaving him with several children,I and was buried with simple cere- Imonies in a little cemetery at the' 3mouth of the Brazos river. Asa Imarried again five years later, tak- ing as -his wife Miss Emily Brishanm of Austin county. In the pages de- voted to births, deaths, marriages and other family records, Asa placed all the material concerning himself, his parents and his immie- diate family that he~considered per- tinent, including the date of his conversion to Christianity.- GrangerS 41 JOY toy 't of 1930 j-Hop Famts Friday and Saturday $1.50 per couIple "/)S ,$;;-A l Y k" Pell) ~5 Long DistaneRae re Surprisn LL .O Ma r n a)WE { 1 ow 4 T'ickets at Slater's _ ii gly L( - ® ris At the M IC:HIGAN UNION '. n..W+ +i 7l i.i' ilil III liii