Y, NOVE~MBER 14, 1920 THEIF.MICIGcAN DAII.Y I V l'- 4.. V ._ E.X f9 A ,L S ! -'s A=k. .®.ItM1I. HUTH uiiurmSNOE WOMEN FLYERS PREPARE FOR ENDURANCE REFUELING' OF- STUDENT BODYy1A SELFC-G ONMEINT' rES BZAAR COMMITTE'W OTMEN VOTERS TEnnTi nnnrr' HOLD COUNCIIrn~ nn~rp ILI Prsident Expresses Opinion onSefGvrmnBfoe; Weozczx's Meeting.I SUGGESTS EXPERIMENT? Trial by Group of Students Field i - Responsible to UniversityF Js Advised. #"Students should be givcn as rmuch frecedom as is compatible with the safety of the investment which/ the state has in the University"I President Alexander G. Ruthven stated in an address on "Student, Self-Government" at an open meet- ring of the Women's League last 1night, held in the ballroom of the tLeague building. Declaring himself, in f~vor of *~ self-governmaent u tier cer tain con - ditions, President Ruthven said, { The University, authorities are re- sponisible to the citzens of the+ State for the proper conduct of the 'University. This is a fundamental fact that must not be lost sight of. Another fact which I hope will Yever be appreciated is' that educa- < 'tors generally see the need for giv- ing students the greatest possible ".. amount. of self-government. Sanctions Self-Governiuent. E leanor Smith and Bobbie. Trout S "Whenever the students of this ofNwYranLsnels Universitya awhoeoingup respectively, demonstrate the i eth- are willing to assume responsibility od i which they will work andi for their acts," hie continued, tk-weth tmp tobea ing into consideration not only slep wentheatemtobea ntU I ru b t1 L :Y More thani 500.000 snakes, 750.0001the 'gators stretched along muddy flu fi _fl~u~i ~ Mr-s. Cram, Regent of University alligators, and 1,000,000 lizards are river banks and stun them with ! being killed annually to satisfy the; the glare from acetylene troclhe, -Welcomes Delegation to increased demand by women of to- then tarpoon or shoot them, taking Ch~i Omega Will Manage Tea- Flint Session. day for fancy reptile and lizard the small ones with themn in tlh Room for Two Days of skin leathers, reports H. J. Payne in canoe and leaving the larg er ones League Bazaar. Mn oe rmalprs teNvme "Scientific Ameri- on the giver bank until morningi. Michigan attended the opening of can". Native industry in reptile Next morning the 'gators are SELERSIS HAIMAN the tenth annual convention of the ihides in remote parts "of the world skinned and sent to a tannery, SELLRS S CH IRM N fhas taken remarkable strides as a where the belly and sines are treat- - -Michigan League of Women Voters, result. ed for shoe leather and the top, Accoraing to the reports made: in Flint, which continues until to- Thehd sdb h aie hrypr o ac etest bty the members of the central corn- day. Those from Ann Arbor who to capture reptiles, are, for the be used for luggage and novelties. ,nittee in a meeting yesterday, plans; are attending at least one~ of the' most part, still primitive, thereby Quite different is the capture:. of for the Women's League and Inter-; sessions are Miss Jennie Buell, limiting perhaps fortunately, the lizards, which come mostly fromq ,vi~et o te An rbo lagu ,number that are captured. Of the the Far East. There whole India Church Bazaar, which will be held piJcnt{o thern ro eg ehe most used reptiles, alligatorsi families of the lower castesar on Friday and Saturday, December Mrs. George Carrothers. Mrs. H. D. o# a ehne b ih.1aie'nggdi hnigan iln G andI 7, in Barbor lgymnasium SnSmith, and Mrs. Louis Grossman. hu iters in long canoes come upon lizards. are being definitely organhized. One of the special attractions of--------------_____._________ Helen Cheever, '31, has been ap-p the convention will be a forum to pointed chairman Of thc coin4 ', 1be held this evening on the reguhi - I -- . appo ntm nt ill c~ nno nce Ula ser of he cono ics dep rtt tee in charge of sellers. Anothci tion of public utilities. Prof. M. Or .11 soon for the chairman Of the pos nlent of the University of Wisconsin i11fhliiI ters committee to fill the, posit.;on ~noe h ou ihatl i Samlesof heartcleletilteoruc with abetflk on ii resigned by Ruth Van Tiiyl, '31. the historical development of pub-I~i Smlsotearilsa-by =lameis Oxtoby, a Detroit law &)-At 4 skgntidthe womens houses m,'I1' howilspakoyec o b e 'u t e l o p r v l c - t~ crc l . D ~ .a~ i h u g u 'tw en 3 an d. 5 o 'cl ck i l hz - tho r an d zc law y er, o f iOh icago , w ill y, i l c B a d o b h i a p a e n i l d s I~day , Nov. 19, 1 IIotteJ Sspae n wl i Diecor' om n hes15 the public interests. Prpf. Dirctos' ~oa il th* ,agce Glaeser is the author of "Outline of _ !~ cently spent some time in Califor- i i m a on apulcesac assign- v Chi Omega will have charge of 1 t pblcrsac~ ~lI th te-room thlis year, whichWil !!t~ ~ lc~ h~ ~ lIdflt 1111II ! ,.*.l, II Associated Press Photo their pleasure but the best inter- ests of the institutes, they can have, as far as I am concerned, any amount of self-government. There is just one class of students which cannot be included within the scope of student government and that is the psychopathic element. Cases in this group can only be handled by experts and in my opinion do not comne within the jurisdiction of any disciplinary body-faculty or student. Favors Studeot Governmnt. President Ruthlven further ex- pressed himself in favor of a stu- dent, government experiment. " I would like to see one or more small compact student groups try the ex- periment. of :assuming responsibil- ity pledging themselves to check c-any tendencies in the group which the University authorities would consider deterimental to the good name and proper conduct of the University. If any group of students p ares to try the experiment I would ask the University authorities to permit it to do so, and to suspend the University rules for the; pur- pose. The method of controlled ex- perimentation is much more scien- * tific than the alternative one of revolutionary change with on clear indication that deserved results would be obtained. .~In concluding President Ruth- "von said, "I have every confidence that, with patience and a desire to solve the problem in a big way, we .willay by day approach more closely an ioeal condition, what- ever that is. I only hope that, we ~will keep our sense of humor and Aiot allow ourselves to get hysteri- ,eal about a problem which cannot be solved in, a hurry and which will probably ch~at, c from ti. n to time ats the years go by." CHIST AAS CARDUS Anyone wishing to order any 4Christmas cards through the Women's League may do so at *thec candy booth in University hall any time before December 1. 't'he catalogue of samples is in charge of the girl at the candIy booth. *Furs and Fur Coats MVake up, Repaired, Re. modelled and Relined .glees Reasonable Y. L. Greenbaum 448 Spring Street, I Phone 9625 ADVISOR HONORS POINT COMMITTEE Miss Grace Richards will enter- tain the members of the point Sys- 'tem committee at dinner tonight! at the Women's League building. 1Dorothy Mapel, '30, chairman of the committee, will preside at a regular meeting of the commiitte to be held after the dinner. Mar-' garet Bush, '30, as president of thel League will also attend. .The committee is composed of Gertrude Smith, '30, secretary; Dorothy Griffith, '30, recorder; Elise Ely, '32, and Alice Sundcrland,, '31, assistant recorder; Jean Duf- field; '30,, Catherine Bradley, '31. Eleanor Cooks, '31, Frances Sum- mners, '31, Dorothy Sample, '32, andI Agnes Davis, '32. the endurance refueling flight rec-i h cretv gym room inIficers will beC honored and a skit ord at Los Angeles. Below theylJBarbour gymnnasium. Luncheon !will be given on a congressional in- ar e shown with the radio phonei and dinner will be served both terview on the Lanme Duck amend- that will kzees them in touch with clay s of the bazaar for the' con- !menxt. ,the ground. venience of the shoppers as wiell; Mrs. Leroy V. Cram, of Flint. i as .----.- ------ the sellers, r nely apitdregent of the I O E L M IThq Undergraduate CamxpaignUnverit and director at large of committee of the Women'is League h state League of Women Voters, BURIED IN AST i will have a booth again this year,: welcomed the convention to Flint - -.-- Iaccording to their custom, selling at the first session. The retiring Funeral services for Dr. Florm- Michigan playing cards, Christmas! president, Mrs. Siegel W. Judd of ence Chadwick, '12 M., were held cards, Women's League maps; and! Grand Rapids, is presiding at: the last Sunday in Bridgewater, Conn., Michigan pillows., majority of the sessions. where she died on October 31. She lilllllilll111 i11}lillllllllllllllllf{IililllllllU. was a practicing physiclun for 18_ years, inaintaing offices in Detroit unti last February, when she un- = ~G~) drctan operati on from which -- . she never recovered. BE'AUTV - A lfter her graduation from the ,~' i~~t S O medical school here, Dr. Chadwick ~~SeilPraet65 tooks up hier practice in Detroit. She With six naonths' service. was for several years chief of the Soft Water Shampoo................50c, resident staff of the Women's hos- Also 25% off on all work done~ every Monday p:ical in that city and later became andi Tuesday cxcett permanents. a member of the harper hospital 1 110*S. U"~ Phone 7561 staff. =- Dr. Chadwick was a membecrr ,t - -------_ _ __ Mummer's Will Initiate I Thirteen New Members t -Mummer's Dramatic Society ac- c S igmia Psi and Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary medical fraterni~cs; the Detroit branch of the Blackwell so- ciety; the Wayne County Medical society; and a fellow of the Ameri- can College of Physicians and Sun- f 1: I 1. cepted 13 women for membership in the second tryouts held Tuesday,I in the second tryouts held Tuesday. Those to be initiated at 4 this after-. noon in the Cave of, the Leaguea building are: Frances Beuton, '31, Gladys Diehl, "33, Margaret Gray, '31, Frances Johnson, '33, Dorothy Knight, '31, Nina Lewis, '33, Fran-j ces Merrill, '32, Georginia. Merrill, '33, Ruth Moore, '33, Claire Sim- mons, '30, Josephine Sullivan, '32,. Ann Vernor, '33, Ruth. Stesel, '33.1 1 , 1 3 I l;' I I II I I i ix I geons. -.-. i I.: NATIONALLY , ~,I C College Beauty Shoppe SI,.,titpoo a.nd IFinger Wave $ 1.00 (it SI,4uit"-.) and Mvarcel $1.00 Uwa'.'hifuI Marcel hffte'ct 4a( t~1 rt:i' ate and Liberty Over lte B atterfly e~rjr/~h FDF~rKNOWN I ... i i i i FELT HATS Maeon b th' he ,I / Nlet~ic IHats 111 d-i t M cKinsey Hat 227' South State 4)1 (11 Sh I top I { I. Kinney's VQuality FootwearI POPULAR PRICE:S A SALE OF WOMEN'S $4:987A EVNiNG PUMPS L atest Greet)i, T-~ilsel creations in Blue, an(J SalmonQ~ and Rose (11~t. Excellenit fit; I 4;- WOMEN'S Black Suede One-strap with Black Kid trimming. 'Baby -Lou i s Heel. Same Stye in Patent. Only $4.98 Come t 1d see thell-. Sm art Soes J"fdutfirn ,gj icii)to $8.50 This being onze of thie.rare sales when women should buy At least tw.o pairs of smuart shioes at Suich an exceptional price as $5.6-3. Th1ey are exatrardin ary values, featuring a choice collectiOD of inany distinctlya new and cle-ver foot. wear fashions. -e onI hand~ to take imimediate advantage of this special event. First Quality Rubbwr Footwear Coutour Hair Cutting and Finger Waving. BAy MR. MAURIC of Paris, Rome and Budapest Oine city. have the most com'plete of House SlipperS in the Priced from Y s. ,,-. h : . ...__. I 49 c to $2.98 Footwear for Men and Womeni '.I l 11 II In I I ) d