:BTU 14, i )29 R _ ps; _.4, y TT-ate a~a tCWNM.a . A t ...',.d% .Vr aCCU .. - i; i DROWN ANNOUNCES Seven Arkansas Grid Stars Are Regularly Professor Brumm Discusses Work of Press E oe oAdFa et e i l ire nwSri i Fire Fighters Employed to Aid FayetereFghesConvention; Considers Plans for In stitute IILJULId VI vvUiiy ON AVIATION FUELS Paper in Associated Technical Society Review Outlines Research. NATURALINE WAS USED! L Prof. John L . Brum~n of the De- Difficulties encountered by news- : papermen of the country and hy- partment of Journalism and secre- pothetical problems by the instruc-- Local Art Association Sponsors tary Of the Uversity Press t arobeplaced before the Noted Architect t S k of Michigan pronounced the recent groups for solution and then given Seventh Annual Show convention held here a success. Ac- expert criticism. Society Dinner Tomorrow in Alumni Hall. cording to Professor Brumm, one Courses in editorial writing, re-Night at League of the most notable steps taken by porting, and some of the specialized the convention was the expression arts such as politics, economics, in- DREW PLANS FOR DISPLAY OPENS TONIGHT of a desire to conduct a mid-win- 'dustry and labor, and literature areW UNION ter Newspaper Institute here under to be covered. Editorial structure Workmen were engaged yester- the auspices of the Journalism De- will be especially stressed. Also Designed Women's League day afternoon in completing the partment. Professor Brumm holds that the Building; Is Graduate hanging of exhibits which will He said that such an institute is institute, to which attendance is; comprise the seventh annual exhi- not intended to take the place of not restricted to former members of of University. bition of the work of artists of Ann the annual fall convention but ra- the . University, should be highly Arbor and vicinity, under the aus- ther to supplement it in its ef- beneficial to gentlemen of the press Further announcements regard- pices of the Ann Arbor Art asso- fort to solve difficult and intricate and he is seconded in his assertion ing the banquet of the Architectur- ciation problems pertaining to and arising ; b man whoh hve~ tod him i . . Relation Between Gas Content and Engine Performance Aim of Study. Prof. George Granger Brown, ofi the chemical engineering depart- ment, who has been working on the development of the natural gaso- lin aviation fuel known as "Na- turaline" recently published a pa-j per in the Associated Technical So- ciety Review outlining briefly the work done in this field at Michigan, and the success with which the new . product was used in the St. Louis Robin in its recent endurance flight. The Natural Gasoline Associa- Associated Press Photo tion of America, according to Pro- Evidently the members of the University of Arkansas football fessor Brown's article, decided sev- team do'not get enough action on the gridiron, judging from the fact eral years ago to obtain some ade- that seven of them are employed regularly on the Fayetteville fire de- quate and reliable information on ! partment. The seven smoke-eating heroes are, left to right, Clyde the use of natural gasoline in motor Van Sickle, Jack Robison, C. B. Dear, Charles Varnell, Murray Howell, and aviation fuels. Earl Secrest and Joe Faye Moore. "Preliminary work was done at This feat of placing seven of the college gridiron heroes on the the Uni'versity to determine the re- fire brigade is thought to be a new world's record, which all other uni- lative knock rating. of natural gas- versities will have to beat to maintain their claims to supremacy. oline and blends of this material _ with motor fuel, and some consid-; eration was given to the notite- Gove-nor Sends After able improvement in perfornan ice D eutiesAExpedition obtained when natural gasoline in fr RvinasaurTracks amounts up to about 50 to 60 per cent was blended with ordinary- motor fuel," he said. 0-1v Associated Press) ply from the secretary, Gov. Phil- In June, 1926, the Natural Gaso- PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 13.-Under lips instructed the sheriff of Coco- line Association financed a three, nino county to take steps to prevent year intensive research program at gubernatorial orders to prevent the removal 'of the prehistoric foot- eremoval of dinosaur tracks from the prints from the state. the University. It was carried out Itp 3 I 3 I {! i f i1 i t l ' . t I Z 1 E I i g i uy 11al wiu 14e uau 1111, n al society to be held tmro The three galleries of Alumni in the profession, which could be commenting on the work being m given a logical solution through the done by the department along this night at the Women's League build- Memorial hall will be the scene of resources of the University to the line, that they have received in- ing were made yesterday by Donald the exhibition, which opens with great benefit of newspapermen of spiration from meetings of this A. Kimball, '30A. chairman of the an initial showing tonight from 8 the state. kind due to the fact that they lis- social committee of that organiza- to 11 o'clock, to which the 400 mem- First plans for the institute con- ten to men who are highly exper- . bers of the society have received ceive it to be in the nature of dis- ienced in the field and not merely Lion. invitations and to which the gen- cussion groups using members of to the shock talk characteristic of The main speaker of the evening eral public is also invited. the journalism faculty as leaders. other newspaper conventions. will be Irving K. Pond, who de- B. . dsigned both the Union and the B. Mv. Donaldson, associate pro- WmnsLau uidns ewl fessor of fine arts, who is vice- Mexico Awaits Coming Elections With Dread Women's League buildings. He will ffive his views on modern architec- president of the organization, stat- . .n.r.d P ure. ed that the exhibition will be open as Thirteen Are Injured During Premiaries turePond is a graduate of the n- to the public through November 29, PInd -s-a gr-du--e--__thegUni and will be open daily from 1:30 (1y Associated Press) the government's desire to avoid I versity, having received the degree MEXIO CIY, Nv. 1.-Th allof Civil Erngineer in '79 and that of to 5 o'clock, and Sundays from 2 MEXICO CITY, Nov. 13.-The all appearance of cotrcion. The AfM. CHonorary in '11. He is a to 5. preliminaries having wound up in president has declared on repeated low oth y m'ic. Hnsitute Twhirlwind fashion here Sunday, olow of the American Institute f There are over 150 exhibits, sur-~when 13 persons were wounded in occasions that' federal and state Architects and a past president o passing last year's number. The a political clash, Mexico is await- forces would take no hand in the that organization. large number of exhibits submitted ing the presidential elections Nov. election whatsoever other than to Letters have been sent to Alfon- has necessitated the using of the 117 as one who looks forward to preserve order, and in this connec- so Iannelli, well known modern- north, south, and west galleries. Isomething disagreeable with the tion Dr. Puig has pointed out that l istic sculptor, and W. E. Knapp, In the west gallery mostly oil wish that it were over and out of should disorders occur armed in- junior member of the architectural paintings and some metal craft are the way. tervention would be resorted to firm of Smith, Hinchman, and displayed. The north exhibition In view of an official statement immediately to restore peace. Grylls, of Detroit, designers of the room hoseold atsundheamshofthat neither troops nor police will The public looks forward to a Intramural building, inviting thetn tehousehld a such as hook guard the polls on election day. victory for Pascual Ortiz Rubio, to speak. As late as yesterday aft- rugs. Black and white drawings there is considerable apprehension National Revolutionary party can- I ernoon no reply had been forth- feature the east room. added to the uneasiness which in- didate, as a sure thing, although coming from either of the two men. The exhibition, according to a variably precedes events such as partisans of the opposing candi- -- circular announcing it, aims to that scheduled for next Sunday. date, Jose Vasconoelos, assert they Four Former Students represent the best original work in The public had relied on the constitute 95 per cent of- the quali- . the graphic, plastic, and decorative presence of armed forces at the I fled voters. Receive Design Awards arts produced in the community. voting booths to prevent rioting, One thing which appears certain Four former students in the Membership in the Ann Arbor Art# and early indications were that this is that Ortiz Rubio's opponents will rcitetral s lded ie association was not a requisite for protection would be afforded. Dr. declare his election an imposition. displaying art works in the exhi- I Puig Casaurano, head of the fed- The Revolutionary party, however, in the natilonal Better Homes Arch- bition; it was only required that, eral district government and maintains that Ortiz is the coun- itectural cometition, it was an- the artists be residents of Ann spokesman for President Portes try's choice and that those who do nounved in the September issue of Arbor or vicinity. Gil, announced Monday, however, the mud-slinging are nothing more Pencil Points, a magazine devoted that the law does not permit the than a loud-mouthed minority. to art and architecture interests. maintenance of an armed guard at It will-be as difficult for the Vas- Poolh Tournamentwo fivPlayn ool Tournament Play the polls. concelistas to prove that Ortiz Ru- dred dollar prizes: Livingstone H. to Begin in Two Weeks The decision not to have soldiers bio's, election has not been fair as E or police at the booths also is be- it will for the latter's supporters Elder, B. S. A. '28, of Billings, Moi- Registration for the Union's all- lieved to 'have been prompted by to disprove such an asserion.tana; Rhees E. Burket, B. S. A', '5, Remstp o o rn tme nwill begin -- -a-lof Detroit; and Hubert F. How e, next Monday and continue BASEL, Switzerland-There is a CHICAGO, Nov. 13-John HenrY who attended the . University be- throughout. the week in the billiard serious objection to the selection Mears, of New York, speaking here! tween 1911 and 1913, also of Detroit. -is a e, deputy sheris from Fiag under the direction of Professor" g Included in the party reported Brown, and with the object of ob- staff today were en route to the hdC r 'Brwnandwit te ojec ~fobcamp of a scientific expedition! to have reached Tuba City are Dr. taining as exact and complete in- p, formation as possible regarding near Tuba City, 76 miles away, to J. Elden Mason, director and cura- foe rationassibewegardig enforce the embargo. tor of the American'section of the fuel characteristics and engine per- The scientific party, headed by museum of University of Pennsyl- formance. Gilbert Gable of Philadelphia and vania; Dr. Barnum Brown, director In speaki'ng of the findings and Hollywood, was said to have ar- and curator of the department of the characteristics of the fuel rived at Tuba City, near Dinosaur paleontology, including prehistoric which made the endurance of the canyon in the Navajo Indian reser- animals, of the Muesum of Natural St. Louis Robin successful Profes- vation, yesterday. History of New York; Lewis Bryant! sor .Brown said: "Save under the Gov. Phillips Tuesday night tele of Sterns, Ky.; R. L. Stearns of! most extreme conditions, the mod- graphed a protest to Secretary of Ludington, Mich.; his son, Freeman, ern airplane is a very rapid and re- the Interior Wilbur regarding pro- and his daughter, Miss Paulina asonably safe means of transporta- posed excavation of the tracks, dis- Stearns. tion, provided a competent pilot covered last year by Gable. The The roads from Flagstaff to Tuba and a reliable and proper funct-- governor told Secretary Wilbur City are bad, and it is expectedi ioni'ng power plant. The many re- that the tracks are on Indian lands, that no report will be received cent flights seem to indicate that l and under the jurisdiction of the l from the deputy sheriffs for sev- the latter is the present practical federal government. Pending a re- eral days. limit to the time the plane can - -______ -_ _______ __ stay in the air. If two pilots can keep a plane in the air continuous- Surgeon General Cummings Says Paupers and ;y for more than two weeks, pro- .. vided the engine continues to Millionaires Receive All Benefits of Medicine 1 "r ;i '1 ; : 11 1{ i {1 i f I' f t i i ' i I } ii !E { i I " function, while all other endur- .ance flights terminated by engine (1">'Associated Pess) failure, it would seem that the = WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 - The endurance record will go to the pauper receives the benefits of pilot who can find and remove the modern medicine free of charge cause of these engine failures. t and the millionaire pays dearly for "Apparently this had to be done them, but, 'in the opinion of Dr. to no small degree in the case of the Hugh S. Cumming, surgeon general 5t. Louis Robin fl~ght, as the motorI of the public health' service, the was still in good: running orderj man of moderate means who will 'when th'e plane was brought to; not accept charity and cannot af- earth after more thanr400 hoursford high fees is being neglected. in the air. This situation, he said today, pre-! nMotor failures are generally due sents a challenge to the medical to the sticking of valves, or other profession and must be met by a similar trouble caused by the de- rreadjustment of the cost of medi- position of the partly burned, cal attention. heavy ends of the fuel on the valve "The charity systems of our med-i st eFo thfeason the uele-ical schools and huge hospitals stem. For this reason the fuel spei- make it possible for the pauper to fied for use in the St. Louis Robin share with the multi-millionairej endurance test was of such chara- the skill of the same surgeon," Dr.I cetristics that when mixed with air Cumming pointed out. "But this in the proportion giving maximum type of service is not now available power i an internal combustion to the man who cannot pay the engine, the fuel is completely vapor- ; high fees and who will not accept4 ized at all temperatures above 40 charity. degrees F." "That means the mass. And mass The fuel was not produced from intelligence in medicine is relative- crude oil, nor by the petroleum re- j ly high. Due to years of health ed- finer. It is a product condensed ucation, the average man knows, from natural gas, treated and rec- at least in a vague way, about the tified or distilled to meet the spe- advancement of medicine. He cifications developed in the course knows, too, that he has a way of of a three year research program getting what he wants, through the= under the direction of Professor i vote, and if aroused, he will use Brown of the University. it." Dr. Cumming suggested that The Children's Fund of Michigan some system should be worked out has made a grant of $3,000 to be whereby the tremendous charity used for the buying and sending contribution of the medical profes- of collections of rare literature to sion should be cut down, the serv- out of the way rural communities ices of the skilled spread to a lar- which are without suitable library ger proportion of the population, facilities. and state assistance arranged to GO To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE help meet the costs of further sci- Sentific development. Several great movements, alreadyk Iunder way, may be expected to aid in solving the medical problem, Dr. Cumming said. The American Med- ic4l association, state and local public health services and the vari- ous health foundations have united in three annual conferences on the question of making scientific med- ' icine more available. President Hoover's child health conference, while concentrating on boys and girls, must of necessity, he believes, also make a contribu- tion to general public health. The committee on cost of med- ical care, of which Secretary Wfl- bur is chairman, has just reported that, after a year and a half of study, it believes its investigators will determine the difficulties of the present situation. Dr. Cumming quoted this com- mittee's announcement that it "hopes it may be possible to work out plans for the provision of ade- quate and efficient therapeutic and preventive treatment for all the Ipeople, regardless of economic status, at a reasonable cost to the individual, which at the same time Iwill give physicians, nurses, hos-j pitals and other agents assurance of adeauate retur~ room of the Union and play will begin the following Monday, ac- cording to an announcement made by Leonard S. Wilson, '31, chair- I man of the house committee. A silver loving cup will be award- ed to the winner of the tournament, and $5 in trade in the billiard room will go to the runner-up. Pairings will be drawn up by the committee in charge. A billiard tournament with sim- ilar prizes will be played off later, Wilson said. From Freshman or Prexy- no one can tell-if the letter is written on Old Hampshire station- ery-for it gives an almost presi- dential dignity to the message it carries. Whether your letter is to the family at home,to sormeofyour tradesmen or purveyors- or to your very best girl, Old Hampshire adds a distinct tone, for it is rich, substantial, smart-it has the rich texture, the crisp crackle of the truly aristocratic paper. £Iampshire Paper Co. Fine Stationery Department South Hadley Falls, Mass. of this city as the site of the In- ternational bank. No golf course seems to be handy. "That is a great drawback to directors' meetings", said M. A. Traylor, of Chicago after he came from Brussels and looked over things. Tuesday, announced plans for a LeRoy E. Kiefer, M. S. A., '26, of new attempt at the record for cir- Detroit, was among those to receive I cling the earth, now held by the honorable mention. Graf Zeppelin. Mears and the late The Smithsonian Institute was Charles Collyer held the world-cir- established in 1846 under the vill cling record until the Graf's flight. ! of James Smithson. - - Personal Greeting Cards Engraved or Printed The spirit of the season is beautifully expressed in the personal greeting card Mayer-Schairer are now showing. The assortment is so complete-the designing, engraving and embossing so beautiful-the prices so moderate that every desire can be satisfied. Place your order before December first and save = i== money. Cards to be delivered when wanted. I For Everything You Want. We Musical Have It Pianos Radios Phonographs Records, Violns Banjios 'I Slww mod for+t. o kr.s mWk Now ! HAVE TWO )04$ The best ini musit The fnestirado I m: I I I .