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November 14, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-14

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4 tt







Sigma Delta Chi, Theta Sigma
Phi, Journalism Dep't
Sponsor Meeting.





High School Students From
State Will Assemble in
Three-Day Session.
Registration for the 250 delegates
to the ninth annual convention of
the Michigan Interscholastic Press
association will begin at 1 o'clock
today at the Union, and will con.
tinue throughout the afternoon.
The first general assembly will be
tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Union
At this time, addresses of wel-
come will be made by Charles S.
Monroe, '30, president of Sigma
Delta Chi and Helen Dancer, '30,
president of Theta Sigma Phi. Prof.
John L. Brumm, head of the jour-
nalism department, will outline the
purposes of the convention, which
will consist of discussions, round-
table meetings, and social activi-
ties, and will extend over a three-
clay period.

Standing fifteen feet above the Otto is constructing a Spanish
M.mes stage and working on the court scene for the use of the pro-
scenery for "Merrie-Go-Round," duction. Palm trees will adorn the
he929 Union Opera, Otto Schillercorners of the stage and a large
is beginning his thirteenth year ofp ryrec willbgro sint.*
association with the Opera com- courtyard w;icn the various "flats"
pany as official scenery executor. of the set are organized. The trees
Otto, as he is familiarly calledare started and completed in one
Ott, a heis amlialy alldday's time and Otto remarked that
star ted twenty-eight years ago ini the sound of the tapping feet ofI
a little town MGermanyspainting the girls chorus, led by Roy Ioyer,
signs and scenery and then travel- below him and the stralas of the
led on the continent for several' score for the production from the
pinhi atHus e cat piano, played by Lowell Love, cor-
,America duig nsal exodus and I poser of the majority of the music,
settled in Detroit, where he nlow gives him a finess that perhaps
makes his home. aids him in putting a touch of art-
In point of service, Otto is second istry in his scenes.
in respect to the Opera officials- The courtyard crops are being
second only to E. Mortimer Shuter, made from a water color picture
the diector, who has been with the ; of such a place that hangs on the
Mimes organization for fourteen wall of the Mimes stage and is con-
years. Roy Hoyer, director of the suited by the painter, One set will
rout uie dances and organizer of all be used for the entire production
dancing choruses, has been with this year, but this one scene is be-
the Opera for the past ten years. ing constructed in a lavish style.

Student Assembly Will Hear
Director of Dartmouth
College Chapel
Speech Subject Is Experiences
With Undergraduates at.
Hanover, N. H.
The Rev. Roy Bullard Chamber-
lin, Fellow in Religion at Dart-
mouth will speak to the undergrad-
uate body of the University, Sunday
morning at Hill auditorium. The
occasion will be the final Student
convocation to be held this fall un-
der the supervision o. the Student
The Rev. Dr. Chamberlin, is di-
rector of the student chapel at
}Dartmouth college, and will addressI
the students of the University Sun-
day out of his experience with thej
undergraduates at the Hanover,
New Hampshire institute.;
While in his undergradute days
at Wesleyan university at Middle-'
ton, Connecticut, the Rev. ,Dr.
Chamberlin was a close friend of i

Market Levels Attain New Low
Marks for Third Straight
Trading Session.

Second Oratorical


Program Features Finest
American Speaker.








Bankers Get Hint That Leading
Companies Are Getting
Organized Support.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK. N. Y., Nov. 13 -
Prices, on the New York securities
market sank to new low levels for
the third successive session today
as stock excl'ange authorities be-
gan an inquiry to determine, if pos-
sible, the character and source of
the relentless flood of selling which
has washed away many billions of
dollars in quoted values in the last
few weeks.
Net declines on the New York
Stock Exchange ranged from $1 to
$29 per share, although only a
sprinkling of the high grade issues
showed losses of more than si n

Densmore Will Address Student
Assembly This Afternoon
. t . V

i _
McKinney's Cotton Pickers Will
Play for Pan-Hellenic Ball

Louis K. Anspacher
Celebated orator, who will speak
at Hill auditorium tonight on "The
Spirit of Modern American Drama."
He is the second lecturer on the
Oratorical association's new pro-

To Inspect Daily. in Alumni Hall. i atL
Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to the On the New York Curb, the losses
Following the general assembly,Ipresident of the University.
the delegates will be conducted on TO READ QUESTIONAIRES DECORATIONS UNIQUEI"He was an exceedingly popular in active Issues range drm $1 t
tour of The Daily's plant, where 'student while at Wesleyan," Dr. $16 a share, with a few high priced
they will witness the processes con- "The Opportunities That College McKinney's Cotton Pickers, a Robbins says "He was principally specialties down $20 t $30 a share,
erned with the mechanical pb- 'Offers" will be the subject discus- Victor recording orchestra, will be known for his athletic ability, be- Large Amount of Trading.
The convention, which will bring edby Prof. E G. Densmore of the a feature of the annual Pan-Hel- ing captain and a star player on The trading was in enormous vol-
high school stdents to Ann Abr speech department in the third of I lenic ball to be held on the night I the basketball team. He was a tall' Iu.
oFgh F ,rbor rangy type and was the best center . Sales on the New York Sok
from all parts of Michiganis spon-i asies5 of All-CampusaForums to Nof F2day,r 29, in the Myra I Wesleyan had had up to that Exchangehtotaled 7,761,450 share
srdudrtejitasieofbe held this afternoon at 4 o'clock ,Beach Jordan"a assembly room of, n nteNwYr ub ,7,
Sigma Delta Chi, professional jourf- In Room D, Alumni' Memorial hall. the Women's League building. The I tie
nalist fraternity; Theta Sigma Phi, Becauseof his intimate know- orchestra is known as the leading ai The Rev.y Chamberln was grad- 660 shares, setting new high rec-
journalistic sorority, and the de- ledge of the subject, Professor colored band in the country and faed rom eleann 1or and re-h
partment of journalism. According Densmore is well fitted to lead the has established its reputation at yed an Mideton or e m session. The Stock Exchange ticker
to George E. Simons, '30' "the ses- Forum on a topic that Is conceded the Graystone Ballroom In Detroit years as secretary of the alumni sion. The tc Ecnge tike
sions are attracting widespread at- t eo ia aue rfso where it Is playing now, and at Is- association. He then went to Dart-'did not print the final quotation
to be ored d of~vita nature.Pessormoukd1 t h, wheehen hsbendir-kuntil two hours and 47 minutes af-
tention of the interscholastic edi-' Densmore, although connected1 land Lake where it was heard lastmotweehhabendrc
tranbuiesmngrofteIwith the dprmn of pec.sprttg. w or of the student chapel, whrichI ter the market closed.
tors and business managers ofth the depar tment of speech. (p-6 holds daly services for the under- I
state, and a new attendance record having formerly been the coach of The ball is an annual affair spon- dai es for he uiider One of the most encourgaing de-
is expected to be made." -the varsity debating team as well sored by the women on the cam- graduates Era ion rfSunday-years.
The delegates and advisors of the as an authority on debating, has pus. This year is the first year that ing will be the last of the series of nouncement, not generally known
high school publications who will recently been devoting a consider- it has been held in the League four which have been arranged by until after the close of the market
accompany their students will be able portion of his time to the Ex- building, being heretofore given i f w have env ra gun m tithe
guests of various fraternity, soror- tension Department of the Univer- the Umim. An unusual decorative the student onvocations comi that a bid for one million shares of
ity and lormoritory houses on the sity, conducting many night classes scheme is being worked out which tee headed by Stanton Todd 30 Standard Oil of New Jersey stock
campus. throughout the state for those who will imake this ball unique. Plansefordanothe ser of vat $50 a share had been placed in1
Will Hold Assemblies. have not had the opportunity ofTets for the affair are ylimit- behd on g e aour yI
Two general assemblies will be securing a college education. He ed to 250, most of these being al- Sundays preceding Easter are ow the last few minutes of trading b
held tomorrow, one in the morningis also, at the present, the head of ready sold as the demand for tick- being formulated by the commit- the firm of J. H. Holmes & Com-
mrig I tee Other members of the group
and the other following the an- the Michigan High School debating ets is greater this year than ever are Earnest C. Reif, '30, president pany for an unidentified buyer. The
nual banquet. Dean John R. Effin- league, whose membership includes before. of the council; Bruce Palmer. '31, stock touched $50 a share and clos-
ger of the Literary college and T. over one thousand high schools Arrangements are beig made secretary; John E. Webster, 30P, ed at $50.75 for a net loss of $3.37.
Luther Purdom will give the prin- spread throughout the state.many of the women attending the president of the Student Christian T
cipal addresses at the banquet. I For a part in his discussion to- ball for breakfasts to be held af sit o te his bid was the first tangible vi-
Also talks will be given at these as-- 'day, Professor Densmore will read terwards, either at tic sorortyLMence that Wall Street has had for
semblies by members of the staff some of the questionaires that have houses, at tea rooms, or in the pri- several days of orgazed and ef-
of the department of journalism, been prepared by over 250 of the vate ding rooms of the League in Riot After fective buying support for leading
Including Professor Brumm, Don- leading business executives in De- Dancingwilcoitilille z tudents stocks,
al Hamilton Haines and Wesley . troit on this subject. Because of wilb1:30 after which the breakfasts ___a stoeks.
Maurer. . his close contact with these execu- gwen.
Roundtable discussion groups iveS due to his frequent trips into are requmired to be in at 3 o'clock ;my Asia Pre) The New York Stock Exchange,
will be conducted throughout the Detroit, Professor Densmore was ae party 'I PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 13 - apparently taking cogniance of
day Friday. These deal with various able to secure their co-operation in Catherine Wilcox, 31, is chi r- Students at Princeton IulversiLy unconfirmed reports that a power-
phases of journalistic work includ- gout of two sets of ques- rioted Tuesday 11ght whlt1 a lou. cqwe .i
ing makeup, newsgallicring, the tionaires, one set being submitted Iare ErograiFl W ene, '1, w-a policeman attempted to quell a nme-
mnechauis of publication, critical W the men who had not had a col {har of program, Florence Frand- lee that followed thi annual cane values to the accompaniment of
and creative writi magazn h ege education and the other was '31aperones, atherine Mc- spree between ebers of ealarig rumors, ordered all of its
work and busniess management of for those who had. Leaders repre- r pan'3refes ena e reeeen d m o f te a m ing rmor, ao e yl ft sy I
and~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cetv wrtii'maaieMra,'1rersmnsKah-fres1lt mcli and sphzlaotmo'z' e members to report, as of yesterday,
student publications. These discus- sentihg such industries as General me uaric,32 hall, Jeanie Roberts,' T policeman was striped o a statement of their position, giv-
sion groups will be conducted by Motors, Pontiac Motor, some of' 32, music, Jannet Michael, 31, hi's coat, shield and handcuffs; a
(Continued on Page 2, Col. 5) the larger banking institutions, a tickets, Rachel Fleming, '32, decor- ing a list of all stocks borrowed
well as prominent doctors. lawyers,,D a traffic light wrecked and windows from whom, and for whose ac-
YOUNG HARVARD and brokers gave their respective I c. in the borough hall and the Hun- count; a list of all stock loans, and
opinions o the value of worth of a school for boys were shattered. to whom; Inter-office borrowing
STAR CHOSEN ON college education. Plan to Display Peace Two students, 1. Hancock of ard for whose account; and a list
Although the Forum is scheduled Agreement in Schools Paris, Ky., and John Woods ul Iof all stocks which they have faied
DAVIS CUP TEAM tbehld in Room D, Alumni'Me- Gettysburgh, Pa., were slightly il- to deliver, and for whose account,
- morial hall, there is a possibility (By Assocated PressI jured when run down by a police with daily changes thereafter un-
y. Associated PsW.) that it will be moved to the WestI VANCOu VER, B. C., Nov. 13. - automnoble. til further notice. New York firms
NEW YORK, N, Y., Nov. 13.W. 'Gallery because of the limited seat- A plan to hang a copy of the The riot ended after an hour of arc requested to present their first
Barry Wood, Jr., flashy sophomore ing capacity of the former room. Briand-Kellogg peace pact in every disorder when the school proctors, statement by Saturday noon, while
quarterback of the Harvard foot- -- schoolroom in the dominion has re- unable to disperse the students by the reports of ot of town members
ball squad, has been elected a mem- Lindsay Is Named New ceived the indorsement of Premier turning on fire hydrants, appealed must be on file not later than Mon-
ber o~f the American Davis Cup B r i ti sh Ambassador MackenzieKing to the leaders. day noon.(
squad for next year's international 4
tennis campaign, along with such (By Assocated Press> Names of "Commo and Preferred Senators" Are Withheld From
st BillTild F Hun- LONDON, Nov. 13---- Sir Ronald'
ter, and John Doe, a oftatnd fa, per forent ufderse et ary-l Senate Committee When Grundy Refuses to Criticize Officials
nounced- today. place Sir Esme Howard as British --. ,
The versatile young Milton, Mass ambassador at Washington early (By Associated Press) Taking the stand, Grundy wa -riticize elected public officials."
achusetts whotied thext year. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. - Ex- asked by Caraway if he was read, "Alright," Caraway replied, "I
sathlete,weA- Announcement of the appoint- plaining that he thought it would to give the list to the committee. iust wanted to see if you would
my with a touchdown pass and as- ment was made at the British for- be improper for him to criticise, "Upon reflection," he responded turn yellow at the last minute."
tonished Michigan with his sharp eign office and said Sir Esme, elected pubnc officials, Joseph R. "I think I made a mistake in prom- He later withdrew this remark.
shooting pegs lest Saturday, took a whose tenure at the American post Grundy, president of the Pennsyl- ising to give up the list. I think it Caraway asked Grundy why he
set from Doeg in the national sin- has extended beyond retirement yania Manufacturers' association, would be very unbecoming of me tc included Virginia in the list of
age, would retire with the new anm-
gles championship and is ranked sa, wodet- today declined to give the Senate "backward" states submitted yes-
by the Davis Cup committee among Si Rbrt ansittart, principal lobby committee his list of com- rerday to the committee. Virginia
the most promising of the coun- private secretary to Prime Minister nmon and preferred Senators. was not mentioned in his previous
'Ramsay MacDonald, will succeed The white haired Pennsylvanian, testimony.
ty young player to the post in the foreign min- who was in a jovial mood, was ex- "Did the election down there
Starting its 1930 preparations Istry vacated by Sir Ronald. cused from the stand after a brief make you change your mind?"
early, the committee headed by Jo- Sir Robert accompanied Mr. Mac- exchange of banter with Senator, .the chairman inquired.
seph W. Wear, of Philadelphia, de- Donald on his American trip and Caraway, Democrat, Arkansas, "I guess I overlooked it," Grun-
Av *rl mfi(E A.mfn nl .n f,'. }Af - hA-tn. m, chairman of the committee. dY replied.

One Week

Recess Taken Before

December Session of
Congress Opens.
By 1). Harold Oliver, A.P. Staff
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 13.-
Continuing its slashing of tariff in-
creases and eimination of proposed
duties on prelis ted commodities as
carried in the House bill, the Sen-
ate today voted 49 to 29 to keep
shingles on the free list and 51 to
24 to restore existing .levics on
Without record vote, it also
eliminated duties on clocks, placed
on the free list logs of fir, spruce,
cedar, and Western hemlock, now
nonduitable at $1 per thousand feet
board measure, and approved re-
tention in the non-dutiable column
of cedar lumber which the House
made more duitable at 25 cents ad
valoram along with shingles. The
vote on shingles disposed of one of
the major controversies in the tar-
iff question. The measure still must
go through another stage of revi-
sion in conference between the
Senate and House.
Senator Jones, Republican, and
Dill, Democrat, both of Washington
who led the drive for retention of
the House duty on shingles, mus-
tered 10 Republicans and 10 Demo-
crats on the final roll call, but only
after they hod proposed the deci-
sion be marde between free shingles
and a 10 per cent rate.
The finance comnittee majority
had proposed retention of shingles
in free category, but when the 10
per cent duty was suggested four
of their number, including Chair-
man Smoot and Senators Edge,
Reed and Shortridge, voted with the'
Washington Senators.

Lecturer Has Had Varied Life
as Dramatist Oratbr
and Philosopher.
Louis K. Anspacher, who will
speak on "The Spirit of Modern
American Drama" at 8 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium as the sec-
ond speaker on the new Oratorical
association program, is considered
to be the finest orator in' America
today and has often been called a
torch in the minds of his audience.
His lecture tonight will deal with
the progress that is being made in
the theatre world, the trend of the
little theatre and of the repetory
group, and what is likely to be left
the legitimate theatre after the mo-
tion pictures have monopolized the
empire of pure entertainment. He
will also show why he believes that
the theatre is upholding the Shak-
espearean maxim of "holding the
mirror up to life" in spite of a pop-
ular belief that the theatre world
has fallen upon degenerate days.
Has Had Much Experience.
As a dramatist, philosopher and
orator Mr. Anspacher is well dual-
ified to discuss these phases of en-
tertainment. Born in America and
educated in public schools, he was
graduated at the College of te City
'of New York, after which lie spe-
cialized in philosophy ad ethics
at Columbia University Graduate
school where he received a Master's
From 1902 to 1905 he was secular
lecturer in Temple Emauel, New
York.Since 1906 he has been on
the permanent taff of the League
of -Political EdtiEA61 *2MT for
many years has been on the staff
of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts
and Sciences. He has addressed
most of the great lecture institu-
tions in America, and ,has spoken
many times in New York unaer xe
auspices of the Civic Forum.
Is Dramatic Writer.
His dramatic record is inore fa-
miliar to the American public. He
was for some years an actor and is
now the husband of the celebrated
actress, Katherine Kidder. In 1904
his poetical drama, "Tristan and
Isolde," was published, and was fol-
lowed by a series of sucesses which
led up to his greatest iece of
work, "The Unchastened Woman,"
which was first produce( in 1915
Many other works followed, his last
being "Dagniar," produced in 1923.
Tickets for tonight's lecture may
be purchased at Slater's today and
at the box office in Hill auditorium
fromu-7 to 8 o'clock tonight accord-
ing to Henry Moser of the speech
department, business manager of
the Oratorical association. Single
admissions are priced at one del-
lar; a few season tickets still re-
main at from $2.50 to 43.50 each
for the balace of the season which
will include six other lectures.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 13 ---
'An unusual early morning visit oil
Pres'dent Hoover was made today
by Secretary Mellon, under Secre-
tary Mills, and Roy A. Young, gov--
ernor of the Federal Reserve Board.
The treasury oficials and the Re-
serve Board head were with the
President for 40 minutesamd the
hour at which the meeting wa
held arroused considerable interest
as it was before the time of day
that they generally arrive at their
After the conference none of
those taking part would comment
and the treasury officials would not
even say whether they had been to
the White House.

At neither the White House nor
the treasury could it be found out
whether the conference had been
initiated by President Hoover or
Mr. Mellon.
Tardieu Ministry Gets
i'nnAainra.Vna A agai


Cut by


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 13. -
With the Senate unable to finish
work on the tariff bill before the,
regular session in December, Con-I
gress appeared ready to adjourn
on Saturday, Nov. 23, allowing a
week recess between terms.
After Republicans of both the
Senate and House had said the re-,
sponibility for the ladjournment
would have to be taken by the
Democratic - Republican indepen-
dent coalitin in control of the
tariff measure in the Senate, it w
announced by Senator Jones of
Washington, the acting Republican
leader. that he was ready to offer
the adjournment resolution prob-
ably tomorrow.
Senator Jones' announcement,
made after consultation with mem-
bers of both parties during the day,
was followed by announcement by
Democratic leaders, including Sen-
ator Walsh, of Montana, and Har-

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