PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY ChageD'l rc I Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) VOT. vXL_ WEDNESDlAY.NOlVEMBE~R 13. 1929. No. 39 Y .S* *SSP~.PS. . V vL..%ju. TV JUNRY tl, OXYL'S A 9 Al v i aaea.w++ w avt -u--. NOTICES University of Michigan Official Publication: The Editorial Office announces the issue of the Curriculum in Social Work for 1929-1930, which is No.' 28 of Vol. XXXI of the University Official Publication. Ira M. Smith Minnesota Football Game: Girls wishiing to attend the Minnesota *igame at Minneapolis arc, required to file letters of permission from their{ parents in the office of Adivosers of Women before 5 p. in., Thursday, November 14. Alice C. Lloyd Prospective 'Teachers: Thc annual meeting foraenrol lment with the Ujniversity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information will take place at ten o'clock Saturday mnorninig, November 16, in the Audi- torium of University Fall. It is very important that all seniors and grad- iiate students of all schools and colleges on the Campus, who expect to enroll for tcacbiwg position ., should a tten'd. ,ol)tj'lBroorks, X,;i,,A nt to the Director mitlscnetr 1E:airlaoti). Psych0ooy 31 : k3rhi~g bluebooks un- J:grned. You will be giveni perforated cardi on which a serial niumber is .tamped. Place this serial imumber on your bluebook in place of your nanrie. Sign botli sections of the -pcrforated cards. H-and in the card Land bluebook separately. Students in the 11 o'clock section occupying even numbered seats will take their examination in the Natural Science Auditorium in their usual places. Students in odd numbered seats with initials ,A to M will take their examination in the West Physics Lecture Room.. Stu- dents in odd numbered seats .with initials N to Z will take their cx-, aminatio 2 in room 231~, Angell Hall. Students in the 3 o'clock lecture section will take their examination Wn the Natural Science Auditorium, occupying alternate seats. Adelbert, Ford .Atten. tjin Seniors: Mr: Wil lard Sutherland. of the Playground and Recreation Association of Anerica will be iii the office of the Univer- sity Bureau pf Appointments and Occupational Information, at 201 Mason Hall, on Wednesday. November 13, for the purpose of inter- viewing seniors who might become interested in taking further prepa- ration for recreation work at thec National Recreation School. i dcan Greenshields, Scabb:,r(Iland i lladl meets lhe tideUnon --t 1::00 p. mn Please bring NEGROESliAYG T DEMOCRA TIC VOTE* 1'1i t u Pi Sigma: 'There will be a smoker in the Union) toniight. __________{Continued from. Page I1) j Busiess Staff Michiganensiati meets ait four o'cloCk at the Michi-! thought "it was too much of a ganensian office.I dream and impaossible of applica- _______lion." E Sopbomore WVomen: There will be a rehecarsal of the followinzg A document showing that the women at 5 o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall of Barbour' idea was to organize the South- gymnasium. Every one must be present, including the members of the ern Republican council and get entertainment committee, unless excused: Eric Weber, Eleanor Walk- Negro candidates in the race as inshnaw, Ruth Babbitt, Edwina Jenne;, Marjorie Upson, Lucille Lough, Democrats for Congress in St. Moranyne Podesta, Marjorie Elsworth, Dorothy Elsworth, Louise Louis, Chicago and New York, was Leonal d, Helen Hawxhurst, Charlotte Butler, Mvartha Swihart, Cecile! produced by the committee. Porter, Winifred Root, Bernice Glaser, Cecilia Engels, Frances Ray- E "Nothing came of the organiza- 'burn, Ruth French, Ruth McIntosh, Katherine Bruxly, Lois Sandier, tion," Arnold asserted. Alice Uhlman, Lynne Adams. A letter from Arnold to Muse The Garden Section of the Faculty Women's Club meets at 3 p). ed+y;hiranCraayo in te lctue rom o th GenralLibary the lobby committee which said Profhessctreorm. on h enllseakloLandcpedsinfr hsalArnold went with the. darky today hoeProusrG .Cn wl pa nLndsaedsg o h ml I to see Vice-President Curtis and homegrnds._ that he thought well of our Negro Faculty-Alumni Dances: The first dance will be held at 9 o'clock comgressman idea, and that he at the Michigan Union. Secries tickets or single admission may be would talk with Mr. Hoover about purchased at the door.I it." The "darky" was not identified. I Curtis said he thought of get- C~OMING EVENTS I ting a better grade of Negroes to ,u vrni tvLecture: No vcmib, r 14, at. 4:15 l). ;n., Natural Sc lreadteSuh"thIetrcn Auditorium. Dr. Alexander Wetmore, Assistant Secretary of tWe United (timiccI., "but I told him. that would States Nationial Museum; "Birds of the Hawaiian Bird Reservation"', not, be the comnplete remedy." Lecture will be illustrated with lantern slides and moving pictures. Our line of approach is muchi Imore acceptable to politicians and ! First Freshman Lecture ini Hygiene for Men will be given in Water- Nersofqulznbylak- man Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, November 14 and 15, at 3-4 a htening the Repubaic party.b 5 p. in. Tlhis requirement includies all freshmen ini the regular physical w heieigoe espllgoinevotyve training classes, athletic squads and others that have been excused from The planrofspickgin temvot of these groups.x the party or of leadership; they G. A. May . will have to take themselves out. Stw-iology 1II (Criminology) : The mlid-semester examination will of the way for the present." take place Friday, Nov. 15, at the regular lecture hour. The examination I Another letter written by Arnold will cover all assignments through the discussion of the police. to Muse said, "In regard to the ______ ___1 council, "it all seems to swing Mimes Club: Pictures will be taken Thursday noon at Rentschler,, around Hoover." studios.I"le seems to have given the im- _____ -.pression among his associates that All Graduate Students in Eng- he is personally interested in the nish: Professor Price will describe' Asphyxiated Student j South and wants to handle it," the 1 'W gesFigt fo Lie lletter added. toalGaut tdnsi nIhv oduth lwnlish the work on the Early Modern . ., comec any aid or assistance but the Envoy to Guatemalal i. I Attack Against First 'Team Reserves. t (By Associated :Press) .. ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 12-MicZ1- t igan forward pass plays were pre- sented to Minnesota's football squad Tuesday night. The gridders toll- ed in the Field house as the regu- E ~lam field was too vet fore practice. The first string Gophers, still corn- paraitively weak from the effects of " . ::: Ithe Iowa game, were- left on the Iuthwokwtthreevsside lines when Coachr Spears took IThe practice session was hard as that of Monday when the Reserves' assumed the le ading role. The drill opened with offensive play against the Wolverine's aerial at- .4' mti hacre Photo tack as performed by the yearling 81100.11 icl ~ollse, eleven with Pete Sul-Anvers, varsity{ Anic waneb age ~halfback on the throwing end. Ameica chrged'affaiin Little difficulty was experienced, Madrid, Spain, whose nomination' in stopping the plays. At the end, to be minister to Guatemnala has of the forward pass drill, the fresh- been sent to the senate. men ran Michigan ground. plays and then turned around to take Hawaii Attracts a defense against the reserves, jwhich went about polishing its own College Students dfne TheUniersty f hawa atthe The only first string man who ThoU-ioedsitof HaPicis b te got into action was Wayne Kakela, osraso h aii"i e ur.TeohricuigWw ginning to attract students from Blrockmeyer, and ~Big Munn, who both sides of the ocean. The reg- are injured badly, took things easy. istration for 1929-30 ireveals stu- Broekineyer is in about the same dents who have come fromn the .condition, with slight improvement, Univer sity of Michigan, Uiversity . but Munn's sore knee, which he of Chicago, University of Pitts-I could bairely use Monday was muchi GHR WOLVERINE PLAYS I Frcshmcn Use Michigan Aerial I }. ,. h r' V' *1 Enls itoayon Thursday (Continuiedtfromn Page s) only thing to do is to go ahead with U'VENTS TODAY evening at 8:00 in Room 2231 A. H.; ness last night in the University Uteheltrsadte"cuj Organ Rtecital by Palmer Christian,, 4:13 p. m.., Hill Auditorium, hospital.Laeteltrsidth"cu ___I of it all is the Negro question which ixiiiiofogiadrwgsndpitnsbAnccailu- Anmerican Chemical Society:; Carlton, who had remaxsinxecl up the regular Republican party can- tAtors goundfloorigalerawitectalBilingsdiyAmexicept lun- Dr. A. P. Mathews, Professor of Sunday night after other ebers j not solve; they have tried it for dlay, truht throgoughoutfo November. galrAcietrlBidndlyjxetSn Biochemistry at the University of of thc family had retired about 50 years and made nio progress. Cincinnati, will speak before the 9:30, went to the basement and ap- _______local section on Thursday, Novem- Phyics46 nd 8: tud ntsin y C urs 46Secion maing un-ber 14, at 4:15 p.. in. in Room 151 1 parently stumbling over a washing tier 80 per cent In the last exvumnnation, and all Course 38 students at-Ch isrBuln. isticilmaiegspdagstoeo be Bidicren. wor s onpheche-w rakhslalplln;tec ( meIG RA NE 1ending 46 Problems, will. plca;:c report to tkie class-room for re-exams- I"oi eetwr ntete- bekhsflpligtecnrc natio at :00 . ni istry and physics of the nerve im- tion from the wall. J. S. Donal, Jr. pulse. All interested are Invited A bruise over the left temple i- _ ---------------------------------1cheted the fal on the . concrte C. E. 130. Because of confict with trip of inspection for Civil Fi- reshinen Girls' Glec Club will poor either rendered his uncisl-I rsgs gineering students, there will be no meeting of this class., meet Thursday, November 14, oin osunnd im nrthega the ILeague Committee Room at 4 {oso tne hr n h a It. ©. T. C. Uniforms: Last chance for fitting, 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 j p. \fll I from the broken connection cousedi noun1. I_ his partial asphyxiation. A window: 4 OraorialBoad ipotan metig i rom 209A.Il.aty:0partly opened's lu beilevertydoend i bylemd y m-en E @Y - O 1 p, mnia. ri i~adipratmeigi om30 .H t80 Thursday, November 14, 2:30 p. m., hers of the family to have ~llowed A_____ scmbly Room, Micigan League. enough fresh aIr to enter to savey *Egineering Council meets in room 304 Michigan Union at 7:30 p m. ______f him froe death. ! aut oe' lb h n on t71 Loayrxrlaunior Engineers: There will be a Speed Ball game at 4:30 p. m.' strumental Division of the Music by his young brother, after it was' on Field No. 2, South Ferry field. cio oft'FauyWme' believed, he had been lying onth Seetion ofethe FncooymWomen's ion R^u burg, South. Dakota State College, I better. Mills College in California, Mc-' Gill University in Montreal and l Stanford University: The Ulit Yenching University in China. I versities new 18-hole golf cours Hawaii's courses in sugar and1 will be ready for use in January. pineapple technology, particularly It is situated immediately back of the former, are attracting students the campus near the old Palo Alto from the tropical and semi-tropi- farm belonging to Governor Stan- cal countries, ford. ._.. -._ 1 . . t. HEAR LOUIS K. '-"V . AN SPACHER' r .t Y Circolo Italiano: Special meeting at 4:15 p. in., Alumnae Room, Michigan League. * Tea will be served and a regular meeting will be held afterhield after a flag presentation by the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Jordan. Sigma Delta Chii: Meeting 'at 4:30 o'clock today at the Press building. Romance Club meets at 4'10 p. mn., in Room 403 R. L. Bldg. Prof. J. E. Ehrhard will discuss La sensibilite de Giraudoux. Prof. E. L. Adams will review W. P. Shepard's edition of La .Passion Provencale. JIan'der Algazine Staff iMenmltes: Discussion meeting at 7:45 p. in. in Prof. Jack's. ofTicc, Angell M) II. Allt Interested are cordially ini- vited to attend. All who have aucit of short stories, critical es- says, or plays for lttibllca.tion iuisy leave them In the rhetoric offce be- fore 4:.00 o'clo(k. hand Pracetice: The Varsity Rt. 0. T. C. will hold band practice to- night as usual. Club will meet Thursday, November 14, at 3 p. in., at the home of Mrs. Louis A. 1Hopkins, 1517 South Uni- versity Avenue. Senate Adjournment S Seen Before Session (Continued from Page 1) reach a decision. Senator Simmons, of North Caro- linia, who, a~s ranking majority! member of the tariff-framing fi- nance cominmttee, speaks for his party on this issue, said lie favored adjournling Nov: 23 to give the Sen- ators a little time to attend to per- sonal business and to rest up for the winter session. Chairman Shoot of the commit- tee, spokesman for the Republican regulars on the tariff, acquiesced and said that if the prevailing sen- timent seemed to be for adjourn- mnent a week before Thanksgiving, he would make a motion himself to end the session Nov. 21 or 23. hours, aid was summoned and he - was removed to the University hos-I pital. Oxygen was given him during five or every ten minutes through- out Monday and a blood transfu- sion was made in the afternoon. Diagnosis of the case has not been completed, physicians stated last' night., Danger of pneumonia be-I ause of the long exposure oin the basement floor and effects of the gas, was rearcd however._ 1930 J.Hop Fame Fridaky and Saturday $1.50 per couple St udents III-It Were Memblers of iii-Y Clubs in High School, invited to attend a ineeting In Lane hall at 7:30 p. mn. This mnecti g will be held with the view of organizing such ci uib on i. 1heMichigan. campus. i re a I " A 1 Miack Quill meets in room 414 Martha Cook Building, at 7:30 p. i. New members are invited to be present. Just Rce1vedmumorrGeology 105 LULL - O1..rgant'ic Evoluthon (New Edition) AUNIVERSITY W~jLR S ROOK STORE il BETSY' ROSS CAN DIES I 74c and $1.00 the pound TIhry difereut flavors 4 ~Let pis make the "Punch" for your House Party. THE BETSY IrROSS SHOP t3=15 Nickels arcade "The Spirit of., American Drama" This is one of His Most Brilliant Addresses THURSDAY NIGHT NOV. 14 HILL AUDITORIUM 8:00 P. M. 91 A few wrst tickets are still available. They may be had eiher at 321 1 Angell Hall, or at Box Office r 1 from 7 to 8~ on thc night of the lectures. $3.50.' Single adfmissions: $1 .00. 02.50, $3.00, I Apor V 1w am ASt !s/ im t IMIM I .. l-II i I 11 14 111 11 a l 1 11 1T1 111 1 1119 111 M l II IInI IIIIII IIIIII iI 1]1i IIII IIIII IIIIII l 1111 111[1 i tIIIII 11 1 Il11 IlIIII I IIiiI 1111 IIIIII'-nIII I 11 1Il.11111 (q3 _ 0 The Gift of Gift's I To Your friends Photogeraphs a