AID, THE MICHIGAN DAILY I A will 11 in sm AWN 0 I SOHOOESCALFOUR PREREQUISITES FOR STUDY SENORSPOMN'MLAGEREFER u OF MEDICINE GIVEN BY DR. BELL WantedForty-eight girls to wait table. The girls will be vol- CLI L lMen and women are fit for differ very much mentally from P unteers and t e a wl rom jde b heU I i ,ii b part of the Sophomore Cabaret J medicine are to be udge by the men. They do have just one emo- which will take place December Mrs. Beryl Bacher Will Explain Margaret Bellof the Health Ser tional difficulty at time. "They have Marshich, Cassidy, Grabowsky Student Self-Government' Is 6 and 7 in Barbour gymnasium. League hav a ertin mout o syersn-In alluring gypsy costumes the Rc Activities and League Points vice. There are four prerequisitcs have a crtain amount of sypersen- Goal Six Markers in Theme of President's waitresses wll serve refresh-Rece for everyone. In the first place, an sitivity in each case." Though a Class Meet. Talk to Women. ments to danccrs who will be ' to be Awarded. ClssMee. alktoWoen.I~ nt t.dnces ho il.b Unde ive Co Ann A a 1 ,; I Imividuai mustn ave good vitaity. physician should b esyipatncuc, Physical health is the first essen-t het COMMITTEES NEED HELP tial to be considered. the problem is how to do his best The next point is an obvious one. work over a long period of time. Emily Bates, chairman of the The individual must have the na- But a woman is apt, in some cases, Sophomore Cabaret, has just an- tive intelligence to carry through #to throw her whole soul into each nounced that the first mass meet- the course. The third subject to be case, and this does wear her out. ing of all Sophomore women will rconsidered; is that of economies. It is difficult to ascertain just be heldat 4 oclock Friday after- one and the student should ha ow women compare with men ini noon in the committee room of the isufficient resources to enable him, undergoing the four-year's grind. Lea ue buildin The purpose of of her, to devote his entire life to "We have no recent statistics." L'.. 7~4A. A~ AS r ,"s { , this meeting is to explain the acti- vities and plans for the Sophomore Cabaret. All sophomore wonen are urged to attend as there are maiy opportunities to help with the Cabaret and take an active part in the sophomore class activity. Mrs. Beryl Fox Bacher, newest member of the Advisory committee, who has charge of the Sophomore Cabaret, will explain the plans that have been made, and the League points that all women taking part will receive. Elizabeth Louden, chairmen of waitresses, will out-1 line of the work of her committee and take the name of any woment who wishes to be a waitress. She has need of forty-eight girls. Iva- lita Glascock, chairman of decora-i tions, also has need of helpers and will explain the work that he com- mittee has to do. ASTRNOMYFIELD' RSTRICTS WMEN1 Dr. Losh Cites Lack of Know-f ledge as Cause of Wrong Ideas on Astronomy. "Astronomy is an intellectual luxury," Dr. Hazel Marie Losh of the University Astronomical Ob- servatbry who is at present carry- ing on research of Class B stars with emission lines at the Ob- servatory. Miss Losh, after receiv- ing her doctor's degree from Mich- igan in '24, did research work on the sun at the Mount Wilson Ob- servatory in California and for a time was astronomy instructor at "Many people confuse astronomy ,with astrology," Dr. Losh contin- ued. "Of course today we do not believe that the stars have any in- fluence on people's lives, but many think that astronomy % deals with fortune telling and the like. How- ever there is not as much miscon- ception of astronomy as lack of knowledge. It is unfortunate that astronomy is not taught in high school, the same as the other sci- ences, so that students would have a background for the subject. study. Personality is an important con- sideration. It can easily be under- stpod just how much a pleasing p rsonality means to a physician. "Social attitude, and balance is' an important problem for women in whatever profession in which they are competing with men," be- lieves Dr. Bell. Women seem less adaptable than men in their social attitude, and they should be able to overcome their tendency to cut themselves off in isolation. "This is just another problem of adjust- ment." Women who have the four major prerequisites, however, are just as capable as men who are judged by the same standaids. There are t several remarkably clever women surgeons who are acknowledge to be very superior. Women do not; ORIGINAL POETRY' HEARD BY PORTIA I, Frances Jennings Leads Program Cast for One-Act Play Is Announced. Original poetry written by mem- I bers of Portia Literary society, as well as modern poets representing the various schools, formed the subject of discussion at the regu- laf meeting of the society lastf Frane s Jennings, '31, was chair- man of the program. Winifred Gore, '32, Jeannette Schremser, '32 and Margaret Gray, '31, spoke at this time, and Miss Jennings read several of her own poems. Some original poetry was also read by Helen Bare, '30. Aiming at the, depictiont of cam- pus poetry in its relation -to the modern trend of verse, the program concluded with a round table dis- cussion of the subject. After tryouts for the coining Adelphi-Portia debate, a rehearsal of the play "Overtones," by Alice Gerstenberg, was held. Members of the cast are Margaret Gray, '31, Alice Schleh, '31, Tressa Trudeau, '30, and Marjorie Lincoln, '31. Hii- degarde Scheuren,.'30,. is directing the play. Committee chairmen in- clude Dorothy Cox, '30, makeup; Elma Coyle, '31, costumes; and Bet- ty McDowell, '32, properties. Fran- ces Thornton, '31, fills the position of chairman of committees. said Dr. Bell, but as far as can be judged, it seems that women can do it as well -as men. Men who are not basically fit, break just as wom- en who are unfit do. DANCING NEEDED IN DRAMA CLASS Body training is as necessary to success in acting as is the voice. For this purpose Valentine Windt, director of Play Production, in con- nection with his drama classes has provided for a special period, re- garded as a laboratory hour, in which both men and women in his classes will be taught dancing. The aim of the training is to de- velop grace in walking and harmo- ny of movement. In initiating this vahase of his course, Windt has a definite idea in mind. It is his in- tention to present a dance play in] ;he spring. Trampling with strong, impene- President Alexander G. Ruthven trable offense, the Senior hockey will give a short talk on "Student team crushed a weak Sophomore Self-Government" at the open squad, 7 to 0, yesterday afternoon meeting of the Women's League to- at Palmer Field, while at the same night, following an informal re- time, a Frosh team strong in de- ception which has been arranged fense turned back a plucky Junior by the League in honor of Presi- eleven, 2 to 0. Both games were dent Ruthven ahd Mrs. Ruthven, called because of weather condi- and Mrs. Myra Beach Jordan. The tions. In the Motley game, the reception will open at 8 o'clock in Flues tied the Reds 3 to &. the ballroom of the League build- Presenting a good defense, Eber- ing. le as right back and Sterns as left TepIurposeof the open Lague meetings, which are held twice ev- back made it possible for Boger, ery year, is to bring the women of inside right, to score for the Frosh the University as a complete group in the first half of the game, while into close contact with the actual Cummngs t iside lea scored in workings of the League as a means Cummings peinsidei the celi of government. The talk which the second period with the excel- ,President Ruthven will give will be lent offense offered by Botsford asIto this effect. center forward. Whitney, center In t-c receiving line for the re- half, Koch, at the goal, and Moorc ception, which has been arranged as left half made a good defensive n connection with the meeting. will stand for the Juniors, with center fb° President Ruthven and Mrs. forward, Hatch playing a strong RuthvenT, Mrs. Jordan, Miss Alice offense. Lloyd, Miss Grace Richards, and On the Blue squad in the Motley Margaret Bush, '30, president of the game, Orr at left wing scored in Women's League. the first half, and Seeley as center forward made the two remaining Miss Ruth Miller recently com- points. Deboe as left half for the pleted a 12,000 mile air trip in the Reds made one goal in the first interests of the aviation country part of the game, and Pape's two club movement. O n her tour, she knock-downs from left inside com- visited every state in the Union pleted the tie. except Maryland and Florida. 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The correct make-up founda- lion for skirts inclined to. be dry, or exposed to dry conditions. 5oo"thingh "eaing,ivin " a 'l'tter'" youthful bloom. $1.50. CREME DE BEAUT E (founidalioni Cr eam).lhe perfect, velvety make-up base for the normal or oily skin, or under humid conditions. Gives tpe essential protection from sun, wind and dust. $1.00. COTY QUALITY-AT MODERATELCOTY ,