Privilege of Struggle
Is Man's
Ureates Asset_ State
- Greatest Asset, States
Wtte reek Pastor Says World
Has Spiritual Hunger Aind
Moral Complexity.
Struggle for spiritual things is
the foremost privilege of man, the
Rev. Carleton Brooks Miller told
the audience of University students
and Ann Arbor townspeople Sun-
day morning at the third of the
fall series of Student convocations
in Hill auditorium.
"Work is the exciting force in
the drama of human existence,"
the Rev. Mr. Vliller stated. "The
underprivileged ones in this world
are those that are not allowed t
do things for themselves." St.ug-
gle is the motive in all human cre-
ative activity, the dynamic main-.
spring of life.I
"An analysis of the lives of the
greatest men living today shows
that their greatest training~ was ob-
tained in the school of adversity
and hard knocks. Behind, the lead-
ers in various fields lies their ac-
ceptance of the privilege of strug-
"Tlfe history of the human race
is the story of struggle. The men
who laid the foundation for this
country were pioneers, thoroughly
acquainted with the need of strug-
gle. The motive underlying all the
great conquests in history is tlia
of struggle. Religion once meant,
Among other things the accep-
tance of the story of the fall o
man, now we know that the real
story of man is that of a stormy
"The struggles of today are of a
different nature that those. for
years past, but all are work. Tere
are struggles for students in the
University today as there were
struggles for more vital things gen-
erations ago.
"Not all struggles need be for
material things alone, there are TT-
so those for spiritual things. These
are the hardest of all struggles.
Happiness derived from sensations
are essentially ephemeral, and
there must be a fine discretion be-
tween the ephmeral and the temn-
poral. don.the spiritual confusioi
and moral complexity of the world
today there exists a spiritual hun-
ger. There lies in onward looking
people a desire for peace."
(By Associated Press)
NANKING, China, Nov .11.-Ying
Kao, former vice couhcil in San
Francisco, and his wife, Mrs. Susie
Ving Kao, today were sentenced to
prison terms and fined on charges
of attempting to smuggle opium
valued at a half million dollars in-
to San Francisco last summer.
Ying Kao was sentenced 4o seven
years imprisonment and fined $3,
000 gold, while his wife was senten-f
ced to four years and fied $2,500.
t one time it was thought the
death sentence might be asked, in
accordance with Chinese law deal-
ing with the smuggling of opium.
PEOPLENMISJUOCEo Senator Burton TRA t ed, A Dropping rapidly tl , te o
- ~ ..TRACY, Calif, Nov 11 - Alive plane gyrated madly whie Mclell
only because he made a remark- fought his way out of the silken
able escape from an airplane that. death cell. The doomed plane ws
- ST VOE.,T DBA iIN S swathed itself in a huge parachute 1,500 feet from the ground when hc
and fell 3,700 feet before he could popped out from under t~e cloth
Po Suap clear, M. J. McKeon, San Ma- and crawled out on a wing. A sud-
.Prof. Slusser of Architectural teo aviator, automatically became a den spin broke his hold and he
School Explains Work From' member of the Caterpillar Club to slid down the wing, catching a
German Schls. 'day,strut. The next instant he hurled
GermanSchols.MKeon went- aloft- yesterday in himself from the plan d dro-
an old mail plane to test a new ped downward.
,EXHIBITION CONTINUES parachute system designed to pro-' The falling plane followed rlose-
ChldenDrwro Cncptontect og-blinded fliers. Strapped to ly. McKeon tugged at tli ring of
Cildren Draw from Concepions the end of each upper wing was a his own parachute. It did nt. open.
of xtrnl bjets Sysbig parachute, releasable by wires Another thousand feet he eol.l :nd
of External Ojects, Says ,leading in the cockpit. his 'chute opened, catcling the air
Instructor. 'The theory of the ivention. de- 0 feet from the grund. he Fal-
signed by Charles Broadwich of ing plane was overtaking hin,
"Most people miss the point San Fransisco, was that a pilot.lost threatening to jam through his
' about children's drawings because in fog could release the parichutes, parachute and dtperhas dia hi
they see in them only quaintly u-- drift downward until he ot his A deawthy pieo al hi Uh rs.
successful attempts to achieve the' g cut away the chPes a one side of th paachutt e abled
' ' ., I utga fojcierpeet- ''go on his wayonsieothpaaht ald
adult goal of objective representa- Climbing to 5,200 feet, MKeon him to float clear of the path of the
tion," said Prof. Jean Paul Slusser released the big parachute, while plane. As he touched the earth the
Sof the architectural school, in re-AssocitePress Photo Itwenty-five aviation experts watch- ne ell wth crash less than
1 gard to the exhibition of art work ed from below and a photographer
inteGranshosjwihhsRoscoe C. McCullough took pictures in an accompanying That waS Mickey MeKeuns firs
in the German schools, which hasi Former Congressman from Can- plate. on soyh_ t _jump.
been on display in the exhibition ton, Ohio, who was appointed re- The left parachute pened__llymp-
room of the archtectural buidin, Gently United States Senator to fill the right one remained closed. The
and, which has been extended until tee vacancy caused by the death plane went into a flat spin, wind-A I
tonght of Senator Theodore E. urton. ing itself up in the opee para C
"The child never tries to repre- chute as if making a shroud for t-V L
sent," continued Prof. Slusser, in Keon was trapped in the cockpit. G
} A sthe ,sense of reproducing the v-t_
x : t4 > ,k, ~ 'ualimpression of a thing .as e -° f
. ,, , ~~aIn seesi o ospecifi oint of.t!O C S OY'p Slighty 1 TRAEDTO
view. The child, if left to himself. [J r n nlg yot
'draws from nature.' When he 11 1 After Market H hday. of the thousanda
draws it is his conicept of the thing: ('y Asoa_ Holss)y Warner Bras.' sensational mys.
< "a" p(y Assoerted Press) ery melodrama
his picture is a record of his under- Louis K. Anspacher Will Speak No .
"standing of it and of its variousNWYRNv 1.-h tc
.Associat cc, Press stanrts, ofwithh ran o its va Thursday Night; Second on market headed downward agi
Assr~aed res P~ota parts, with their relation to one an-,
ote ith hl isda'Ortrclwhen business was resumed today
Grace Moore 41eft) of Memphis, Tenn., Metropolitan Opera star, other and tt the whole. His draw-" Oratorical List. ,'nbsneswsrsue oa
and after the twoday holiday While
and Lady Peel, better known on t he American stage as Beatrice Lil- ings may be said to be good, there-_hdy dy. While
ly, are shown as they arrived in N ew York from Eurpe. fore, when they represent with the w Continued from Page 1) the volume of trading was normal,
_ _ _ __ ...._ _ _,_ -__ - - h in" bot he thuae17kid otheersdere ni teiso 'teprices of many leading stcks fell
maximum of claritys degree on his thesis on the $1 to $15.50 a share, with only a few
'Foe of Aroentine thinking about the visual world the Kantian philosophy. Subsequent- rpoving against the general trend.
'ILLINOIS L child is capable of in his particu- ly, he studied law in the Columbia International Business Machines -
ea ettstage of development. It is not Law School, and then returned to dropped $15.50 a share, General
Leaernn r fair to judge them as faulty in rep- the Graduate School to continue Electric and J. I. Case $8 each, Co-
111 I hJJIk . Iat Mass 1I4 tin resentation, that is, as to correct- for several years his sctudies in lunian Carbon $7, American Tele-
eness of proportion, anatomy, and philosophy, e'hics, and political sci- phone $6.50, Missouri-Kansas-Tex-
L --- perspective, when, in no sense that ence.
tb\slihated Press is concerned with these do they From 1902 to 1905 he was secularasr$2a A i n F g
Dre W. H. Rodebush Wis A- MENDOZA, Argentine, Nov. 11. aim to be representational. They lecturer in Temple Emanuel, Fifth arlyeclines of $r.to $2 a sar
dress Chemical Society This Dr. Carlos Washington Lencinas, may have, with incorrectness in ail avenue, New York. Since 1906, he Erly eis of $1 to$ hrs, in
Afternoon. political "boss" of-this city and bit-- of these, the beauty of ordered. i[ has been on the permanent lecture luding U. S. Steel ommon, Ward,
ter foof President Irig n was limited thinking, graphically re- staff of the League for Political Ed- eluin U. ISte naom on WTrd,
1;er foe of Pesident Irigoyen, was' re."aion 1x okadhsfrNorth American, International Tl
D r. W. H. Rodebush, professor assassinated here Sunday night 'Many of the drawings in the ex-f many years been on the staff of epnone, New Haven and Allegheny
land head of the physical chemise during a political meeting. hibition aer the uork of pspilu .theBrookly Institute of Arts and Corp. IMI A D
diois, illadds the m etin of Tweny-oe peson wer set wose teachers have studied unde 'Sciences. Mtr. Anspacher has ad- Stocks sagged moderately. at the p tI
n ors will address the meetinm of Twenty-one persons were .sent opeing of the CubExchange, but "D fi[G '
thstlwneite rthe late Gustav Britsch. advocate dressed most of the great lectureope heEgFeWA ER
the local section of the American to hospitals wounded in the flurryof the theory that children'ss institutions of America. trading was the quietest in weeks.L SE1 N
Chemical Society, at 4:15 o'clock of firing which accompanied histhr dawings, as the child grows older, Single seats for this lecture may I Cities Service, which opened last CLAUEGILtNGWATER
this afternoon in rom. 151 Chem-m shooting and it was beieved there pass through all the stages that be purchased at Mlater's, according week in blocks of 25,000 to 225,000 oNN MItJAN JatQuelN
"setry buildingHe will speak on th ' weremany mre unreported eas- art has gone through, from priri- to Henry Moser, of the speech de- shares opened today with a blockHENRs walTHaLLr(
significance of the new quantum ualties. Among the gravely wound-tue man down through the ages. partment, business manager of the of 8,000 at $29.37, off 12 cents. pwARNR BIOS PRODUTIN
;mechanics in chemistry.'P ~Susrtudied this sum- Oratorical' association, or at the Electric Bond & Share opened
Dr obs a enceited *ere his cousin, Raul Lencinas,, Pro. Sussr sudid, hissum
a. Rodebush has been chemist and tee chief ofn pole merro u ustav Britsch Insti- box office in Hill auditorium, which with a block of 8,000, off $2.87, and NOW SHOWING
at the United States ,Bureauo',and the chief of police. tote, in Prague, and consequently will be open Thursday only. The Associated Gas "A" sagged $2.
kwas enabled to gain an insight into lecture is scheduled for 8 o'clock, Lehman Corp. and Fox Theaters
ttrial Alcohol company. He was Na-;twice, in the head and in the the Bitsch theory, as well as into Thursday night. "A".opened 37 and 12 cents higher.
tional Research Council Fellow at lung, and died after eaching a all German art, training______i=nthi_
SCaliforniain19 and 1920.,utpy olc Speaking or art training in this
hospital After an autopsy policej
Dr. Rodebush has done much country, Prof. Slusser affirmed, in,
valuable work, in a number of said he had been shot from be- 1 regard to our art education, thai
fields. Some of his most important hind, disproving a theory that the '"the emphasis has been all too
work has been in atomic structure, shots came from the crowd. f much en 'correctness' of drawing,
specific heats, magnetic properties A military guard was thrown exact 'truth to nature," while the NOW SJ-IOWING ItIIlltllR lI'
of atoms, and statistical mechan- about the , n t r importance of the artist's ordering The MICHIGAN presents the '
ics. Other fields Dr. Rodebush has' .c, og p and creating form according to the Fox Movietone ,AII-Talking = ,
entered upon include freezing clpal streets, and it was feared new inner logic of his understanding Feature
points of olutions, ionization of outbreaks would follow. More and vision of things has been tooa 7
electrolytes, and work in low tern- than 250 persons were arrested but often neglected. = B L A K
peratures. all but 15 released. A tih
The lecture will be open to all The shooting occurred as Dr.Pr es r
who are interested. Lencinas addressed from a bal- _ w - VIT Rd}ntds"
1cony mrethan 5,000 of his polit- Thesis in Book Form
RESCUES PRISONED TERRAPIN, ical adherents. He had just re- 'VICTORc'. \ -
RECEIVES PRIZE IN FAIR1 RACE turned from Buenos' Aires to face Prof. Andrew P. Uchenko, for-- _ - McLAGLEN 2 d theaHo
(Py rAssociafed PIress) the warrant .of afer~a tl aemrbo h ia"itro ~ in^
CALDWELL, Kan., Nov. 11.-El-
mer Hoyt, 17, recently rescued a
terrapin from a badger hole where
it was imprisoned. Sunday it re-
turned the favor. His terrapin won
first money, $300, in a race at the
Wellington, Kas., fair.
200-202 E. LIBERTY ST.
I xxJ± aA.p (rrL~xx (u u ge mJ. 0± t«Ii0±1er y oz ine nzvers ty or a± r-
charging him with political corrup- nia philosophy department andf
tion and maladministration as for- now a member of the Michigan
mer governor of Mendoza province. faculty, has just received copies oi'
Shots 'were heard.. and, he was his doctor's thesis "The Logic of
seen to go down. Immediately' Time." This booklet, which can be
there was confusion and before used as a reference work on the
police could gain control of the philosophy of time, shows the in-I
I situation more than 150 shots were { timate connection between logic I
fired into the crowd by persons un- and time. It was printed by the
known to the officers. University of California Press.
4-----------__- - -^.-_-
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