- $UNDAY. NQVEMVWER 10, 1929
T iSM4*HYA- D 'L
..ra... ...ui.
P DW L A First Downs:
hisgKS THIS Is
-1-Total 8.
Harvard-rushing 8, penalties
Te Title May Depend -2, passing 7. Total 17.
ig eForward Passes:
Outcome of Homecooling Michigan-2; attempted 2, in-
Tilat Lafayette. complete 2.
-t Harvard-attempted 25; in-
complete 9, complete 15, inter-
Yards gained from passes:
(Special to Daily) Michigan 0. ,
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 10. - Harvard 146.
1{omecolning-Purdue vs. the Big Yards gained from scrimmage:
Ten title at stake-Welch and Har- Michigan 149.
meson vs. Glassgow and Pape-all Harvard 86.
are factors that will attract a ca- Yards gained ftrom lateral pass-
pacity crowd into the Ross-Ade Ies:
stadium here next Saturday after- Michigan-lost 6 yards in two
nonn for what appears to be the attempts.
"key" game of the year in the con-I Harvard-8' in five attempts.
ierence title chase. Seldom has Penalties:
such a natural setup been provided Michigan, 10 yards.
for a Homecoming, for the Boiler- Harvard, 35 yards.
makers' undefeated conference Average on punts:
eleven must turn in a victory over Michigan, 33 1-2 yards.
the sturdy Hawkeyes to retain their Harvard. 40 yards.
.itle hopes, in addition to providing
a happy ending to a gala 3one- Hockey Teams Bei
Both Iowa and Prae hav be S e s o This Week
functioning as cohesive units all I
season, with brilliant backfields i
working in back of sturdy foiward With the 1929 football season
wall combinations, and a spectacu- having only a few.weeks yet to run,
lar oatfJ should be produce1 if the next sport, hockey, is coming to
both elevens are quoted at par the fore. In most cities of good
when t1e initial whistle blow . To size in the eastern and north cen-
match the Boilermakers' great tral parts of the United States and
balanced backfield quartet of all through Canada, players have
Welch, Harmeson, Yunevich and dug their uniforms, skates, clubs,
White, Iowa will present Glassgow d their utio tesd clubs,
and Pape, both clever broken field i and pugks out of the old kit bag
runners. Pape last year broke loose and are brushi opening of the professional sea-
for a b7-yard run against Minn-e- opeonigoth presonlea
sota that resulted in the downfall Dto it
of the Gophers, while Glassgow i Detroit, with two strong teams
tore off 80 yards against Illinois I eresenting the city in two dif-
that season to dim the title aspir- ferent leagues, are looking forward
ations of the Zuppkemen 1to at least one winner and possi-
Ibly two for tie coming season. Jack
Adams' Cougars, of the National
Thee sets of brothem rs~e ami- Hce egui cedldt r
Bated with the Washington State tHockey League,is scheduled to pry
football team; two sets are battlingd against the Boston ruins next
for regular berths while +he third Thursday night.
is divided between playing and In preparation for the Boston in-
Coaching jobs. vasion, Adams has been working
his men out in London and against
Frank Foley, Fordham tackle, the Olympics, Detroit's other team,
has been causing a greats deal of for the last few weeks. Thus far
trouble to the shoe makers since the results have been very encour-
he injured his instep, having a aging from a Detroit viewpoint, and
special pair of shoes made, one size 1the' team is rapidly rounding into
13 1-2 and the other 14 1-2. shape.
.... .... ..
(Continued From Page 1.) it stayed throughout the rest of the Wills .......... RH........ Hawks
a_'- tBrowt...F.....ef (Continued from Page 6
yards more to bring the ball to the game. Berkowitz FB......... Lerch
five yard line. Here the Teachers Michigan V. S. N. S. Substitutions: Mich., Lindsay for Ohio; Fitgibbons, Mich.; Austin,
fumbled and Michigan recovered. S Mosser........LEM..MeMurray Widman, Sikkenga for,;ustice Mich.; Moorehead, Ohio;"Makeever,
Apparentlyou- of danger for the Bergman......LT........Wood Pearlman for Berkowitz. Brown for !II.; Wolfe, Mich.; Evans, Ill.; Au-
time being Lindsay dropped back Richardson ... . LG........LaVoie Miller, Widman for Lindsay, Berko- brey, Mich.; Alexander, Ohio; Soler,
to punt but had his kick blocked by Brown........C.........Stover vitz for Pearlman. Hayes for Mos- Ohio; White, Ohio; Woehrle, Ohio;
Wood, Ypsil left tackle, who also Morgan .......RG...... Vango ser. Ypsilanti: Stites for Hawks, Tockkstein, Ill.; Kennedy, Mich.;
fell or 'the ball behind the goal lime Decker ........RT.... Shoemaker Thayer for McMurray, Leanderson Durrig, Ohio, McCullough, Ohio;
for a touchdown. The place kick Justice .........RE ...... Muellich for Gunnerson, LaVoie for Lerch. Stalnaker, Ill.; Thompson, Iii.; D'-
after the touchdown was good and Widman ......Ql.... Cunnerson Michigan .........6 12 0 0-18 Anna, Mich.; Hayes, Mich.; Fuestel,
brought the score to 18 to 14 where Miller ......... LH ........ Morrow Ypsilanti ........0. 14 0 0-14 Mich.; Eckert, Ill.; Bokes, Ill.
I - -
{Continued from Page 6) first down on 25-yard line. Wood
through for a first down on the passed to Mays for 5 yards. Pass
Harvard 49-yard line. Harvard from Wood to Gilligan incomplete,
took , time out. White replaced Lateral pass from Wood to Mays
Harper in the Harvard backfield. was good for 4 yards.
White was penalized for 15 yards fIarding caught Wood's pass on
for talking before the scrimmage F the twelve yard line. White car-
had started, giving -Michigan a first red the bal out. Pass from Wood
down on the Harvard 34-yard line. to Mays made it first down on th
Simrall was tackled for a half-yard i one-yard line. White
took the ball across through left
Daahlem made up the loss. fut tackle. Bovard blocked'thc try for
nam ;broke up a long pass :from, oint.
Truskowski toward Dahlem. Sim-
rall booted out of bounds at Har- Bembis kicked to White who ran
yard's 13-yard line. back to 40-yard line. Wilson for
Simrall intercepted Wood's pass Hewitt threwv Mays for no gain.
and carried the ball to the Har- Daniels knocked down Wood's pass.
vard 17-yard line. Gembis made Pass from Wood to Mays good for
three on a cross buck. Morrison three yards. Wood's pass incom-
added one through the line. Dah-, plete.
lem made it a first down on Har- The ball went over, and it was
yard's 5 yard line. Michigan's' first down on Harvard's
Gembis made one foot ,through .4-yard line. Daniels carried the
left guard. Dahlem added ,four n ball outside. Dahlem stopped for
unbalanced line play. Iltrrison no gain. Richards in for Ben
went over for the score, Ceinbis Ticknor. Michigan penalized five 1
adding the point. yards for stalling. Simrall made
Daniels substituted for Morrison. five.
Gembis kicked off to Deveias who Simrall kicked to Mays who was
returned to 33 yard line. Gilligan forced out on his 23-yard line. A
substituted for Devens. Mays made pass from Wood to Harding was
two yards. Wood passed to Gilli- good for 21 yards. First down on
gan who was thrown out of bounds Harvard 45-yard line. Hayden for
by Dahlem. Gembis knocked down Auer. Pass from Wood to Mays
Wood's pass. Wood passes to Mays +made it first down, on Michigan 35-
for a first down on the Harvard yard line. Burns for Harding. A
49 yard line. pass from Wood to Mays good for
Pass from Wood to Mays made 6 yards. Wood passed outside.
nine yards. White made it first Wood passed over goal line.
down on the Michigan 37-yard line. Michigan's ball on their own 20-
Pass from Wood to Harding was yard line. Gembis made three as
good for 4 yards. White made it the game ended.
Sunday Dinner
11f, T