T'H.E vI CH I C GAN DA IL Y WLFERS WILL" E IN TOURiNEY for Varsity Championship Cup Will Begin Thursday Over Barton Bills Course L GIVEMEMBERSHIPS nouncement was made yester- by Coaches Trueblood and tright of the Michigan Varsity team that the fall Varsity golf iament will be held at the Bar- Hills Country Club, with the qualifying rounds scheduled e played October third and th. is tournament, open to under- uates only, will consist of thir- x holes of medal play, eighteen on the two days specified, and h play later to decide the npion. ter te two rounds of medal for qualifying, the sixteen st men will play a series of hes to determine the cham- and the winner of the Var- trophy. The eight men with owest scores will be given play- memberships at the Barton Club for the fall season, while next four scores will be allowed use of the club for a $1.00 ns fee. enter this tournament, the ergraduates must pay a greens of $1.00 a round for the pri- e of playing the course and the must be conducted in three- es or fourgomes with attested e curds. itha such veterans as Ward, trom, Royston, and Livingston a last year's Varsity team' and men from the brilliant 1832 [man squad in school, the corn- ion should be of the stiffest . Lenfesty, who played num- one on the yearling squad -has i perfofming well of late and be counted upon to shoot the cy Barton Hills layout close to while Howard and Hicks gave Varsity of last season some stiff les over the same course last MIChIGAN PASSES MAKE -Lit. School that the University of Illinois was as inquisitive as the LONG GAINS SATURDAY University of Michigan (if that was possible. I extend all kinds (Continued from Page Nine) of apologies. B. H. Levy. 1 ton and LaJuenesse were impres- --- -I--E sive iii their Varsity debut, round- andl pipe 'organ teacher, formerly ing end and hitting the line for of School of Music and extensive many yards. Simrall directed the stud abroad Studio 610 East team well from his quarterback LibertySt.Apt.8.Phone 3566 post, with Holland looking good as L S A . Ph 3G a capable understudy. Speed was a ' ' big factor in the ball carrying of HEL? WANTED Dahlem and Wilson. ----.- Although a stone 'all on defense, ATTENTION STUDENTS -the Wolverine line failed to open up For self-supporting students desir- holes for the backs in the first half ing fascinating remunerative of the Mount Union contest. Not 1 work either temporary or per- until the latter stages of the game manent, may I suggest that many did the forwards begin to make students of both sexes have earn- possible the plunges of Gembis and ed scholarships and cash suffi- Hudson. Albion could make no cent to defray all college ex- headway against Michigan's start- penses representing national ma- ing line, while Samuels and Soren- gazine publishers. If interested son were outstanding on defense write or wire for details. M. A. when the second eleven took' the Steele National Organizer, 5 Co- ed. h ndlumbus Circle, New York, N. Y. Neither Simrall, Wheler, nor Hol- _1,2,3,4,5,6,12 land did any praiseworthy punting, WANTED=Tenor soloist for church revealing Michigan's lack of a real choir. Must be able to read Ger- kicker. Widman got off a good man. Call 9601. 12 punt during his brief appearance, -- and also showed triple threat quali- WANTED-Male student with car. ties with his passing and running. Two hours evenings. Five nights That passing will play its usual e week. Pay every night. $1.25. part in the Michigan offensive was Guarantee. Can make more. Call substantiated when Coach Kipke's 529 Walnut after 9 evening. 1 charges completed 19 out of 33 at- - tempts in the two games. A total WANTED-Tutors in every subject of r274ryards was gained via the Apply at once 9-12; 1-4; Mack "aerial route. Joe Cembis demon- Tutoring Agency, 310 South State strated that his toe had lost none St. 1, 2, 3, 4 of its magic when he booted a 37- yard field goal and acued three points after touchdown. Michigan .........14 7 6 12-39 Albion...........0 0 0 0- 0 Touchdowns-Wheeler, 2; Lajue- nesse, Holland, Widman, McBride, Points after touchdown-Gembis 2, Holland . Michigan ...........0 3 7 6-16 Mount Union.......0 0 6 0-6 Touchdowns - Dahlem, Raber, Gembis. Field goal-Gembis. Point-h after touchdown-Gembis. th PAW PAW GRAPES, grape juice and potatoes. R. E. Wagner or call 9534 or 22413. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 FOR SALE-Wood-Wood - Wood. R. E. Wagner. Phone 9534 or 22413. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 F O R S A L E-Gray's Anatomy, American Text Book of Operative Dentistry, Dorland's Medical Dic- tionary, Dental Pathology and Theropectics and others. Write W. Bresnahan, 4114 Baker St., Detroit. 1, 2, 3 FOR RENT FOR SALE i " }i} r . . . .) I i .i $'' 1 5 1 t ;. e 4 FOR RENT-Two suites for niar- tied couple or for men students. 308 Thompson. Dial 6116. 1, 2, 3 FOR RENT-One double and :ne single room. One half .block from Intramural Bldg. Rent reason- able. Phone 8668, 921 Mary. 1, 2 FOR RENT-Upperclassman wolild like a man to share a large room on first floor. Very reasonable. Call 425 South Division. 1, 2, 3 FOR RENT-Large front room, light and pleasant with extra dressing room and private lava- tory, double or single. 114 N. In- galls. Phone 7437. 1, 2 LOST LOST-Sigma Tau Beta pin Friday night near tTnion. Finder please --- PANESE3 PEOPLE HONOR UIlGAN SPORTMANSHIP (Continued from Page Nine) Les were scored at the expense Japanese teams. On the other id only one of the Wolverine's eats went to the home towners, other four being won by Ameri- i teams on the Pacific coast. dcAfee was the ace of the Wol- ie mound corps, winig six nes and losing nary a one. Mon- ue followed Mack with five vie- ies and two defeats, Abcck i ed him with four and two, tie Kiegler brought up the rear h one win and one loss. Mon- -ue and Asbeck twirled the two contests. ' k.fter defeating Aberdeen, S. D.,I a slugfest, 14-8, the Michigan m ran into trouble at Spokane,l ng two games to that club, 13-6 d 8-4. Smith, of Spokane, turned a nice six hit effort in the second ne. 4ontague twirled beautifully to the Tacoma team down with bingles in a great 'itchers' bat- which ended with Michigan on 'long end of a 5-4 count. Konep, Tacoma twirler, allowed the Iverines only five safties. /iembers of the crew of the U.S. California were Michigan's next rims, falling before the slants of 1 McAfee, who ' gave them six s. The final count of this game 1 7-1. Asbec1k, on the afternoon the same day, duplicated the t by granting six hits in a 7-21 imph over the Commercial Col C of Seattle, )n the following day Abrams Tiled the Michigan sluggers to e Everett an 8-3 win. le grant- the Wolves only seven safe blows ile the coast team' was combing offerings of Kiegler for eleven gles. (Continued Tomorrow) SPARE TIME WORK fter regular Classes as our Bonded Repre- ative on "Varsity Felt Goods" netted a re Dame Student over $1,200 in six ths. - ig earnings, -dignified, congenial work, able experience and no investment re- ed. our agency won't be open very long. te for free particulars today. 'ford & Co., Inc., St. Joseph, Michigan IF YOU RECEIVED THE LETTERS FRESHMAN SWIMMERS All candidates for the fresh- man swimnming team will re- port at 4:30 o'clock Wednes- day a fternoon at the Intra- mural building pool. !Coach MacMahon G . . ADVERTISING NOTICE TUTORING in Latin, Greek and French. College or high school Major. Phone 6046 evenings. 1, 4 NOTICE WE BUY USED CLOTHING H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington. Phone 4310 j 134c NOTICE-To those who haveread my letter of the 26th in which I remarked to the recorder of the ilbe ame that Gentl. na aa ~ 4 'a r' I ,Ava.bk is ~w you write Would you be proud of them ov just a bit sheepish? What about the appearance of the envelope-- the paper?;Would theymake you want to read the letter itself? Old HampshireStationeryhas that ability-it impels one to read the message. It is aristo- cratic,rich, substantial.ltmakes a letter stand out of the crowd. BI LLIARDS OU'LL enjoy billiards for the reason that it elin- s your troubles and gives you something else to think about. Billiards is the finest sort of indoor recreation. It calls for concentration and good judgment combined with accuracy and poise. You colni out of a billiard game feeling keen and fit, with a r ind pleasantly stimulated, and muscles limbered up and serves steady. In billiards, as in prattically every sportand recreation, equipmenc and environnient mean, much to the enjoy- ment of the game. Our recreation rooms are equipped with Brunswick tables and accessories, assuring play under the finest possible conditions. i