1UWY, ~w' 17 VI"WIMR10, 192J P C M F^T, _H _ _IANA1L - _.. PAG~I PIV! LIFE AND GAIETY CHARACTERIZED SETTING OF EAST-MID WEST CLASHI One of the biggest football week- Canpheb11, Elsa Mack, Elizabeth _ ends in Michigan's history is here, Shilson, Jean Holland, and Dorothy League Will Entertain President and with it the life and gaiety that Dunlap, Detroiy; Lois Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harnau, Mus-,; at Buines Recetion only a college town can assume. at Business Reception tInto ss i a as.ke-on; and M\ls W .J. Fax, Escan-, ,Fraternity houses are vicing with k~n n :s J aEcn Open to Women. each other in decorations, dances aba.j are in full swing, the East is clash- Those who are visitors at Alpha; PRESIDENT TO GIVE TALK ing with the Middle West on the Epsilon Iota are: the Misses Thelma Coming T- _ G E A gridiron, and along with all of this Williams, Cheyboygan; Kathleen comes the crowded activities at the Smith, Grand Rapids; Elizabeth Combining an affair of a social sorority houses and dorminories. Uitsoager, East Lansing; Dr. Mil- nature with business, the Women's Pi Beta Phi had open house after dred Nicholas, Woodland; and Mrs. League will hold an informal re- the game yesterday afternoon with Marion Myers, Saginaw. ception at 8 o'clock Wednesday a large attendance of alumnea and Delta Gamma alumnae who are night in the ballroom of the League guests. Among those present from 'back are the Misses Katherine building in honor of President out-of-town were: The Misses Dor-.Bailey, Janet Calvert, Jean Hatba- Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs. othy Sweitzer, Milwaukee; Fern way, Helen Larraway, Detroit; Ruthven, and Mrs. Myra- Beach Shott, Detroit; Emily Reed, Culver, Janet Dreir, and Jane Olds, Cleve- Jordan. The reception will be fol- Indiana; Elsie Murray, Detroit; Lu- land; Katherine Booth, Chicago., lowed by an open meeting. cille Wertel, Toledo; Nataline Vin- Alpha Epsilon Phi is Hostess. This open meeting, the first of centi Detroit; Mrs. Noel Richards Alpha Epsilon Phi also has many, two that are customarily held by and Mrs. Henry Dinins, For Wayne, visitors this week-end. Their guests the League every year, will begin Indiana; Frances Nude, Midland; are the Misses Sylvia Weiss andt about 8:30 o'clock. Every Univer- and Doris Robinson, Detroit. Nance Solomon, Detroit; Beatrice sity woman is invited to attend, Alpha Delta Pi held their pledge Greenberg, Charleroi, Pennsylva-; both reception and the meeting. formal Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. nia; Blanche Leffler, Chicago; l -The purpose of the open 'meeting Preston James, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Babbette Levy from the' Ohio State! is to provide an opportunity for the ert Hall, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Ritter- chaper; Ruth Rosenthal, Evans-; women to become more intimately shofer, and .Mrs. Alice Davis were vile, Indiana; Doris Donnenfield,! acquainted with the way in which chaperones. Their week-end guests Toronto; and members from the they are governed and with the of- are: the Misses Doris Mobley, Pittsburgh and Illinois chapters.f ficers of the League in their official Wyandotte; Jean Stewart, Trenton; Theta Phi Alpha has as its guests copocity. Dorothy Evans, La Grange, Illinois; the Misses Katherine Donovan, President Ruthven will give a Josephine Forcas, Larain, Ohio. Beatrice Collins, Alice Shea, and short, informal talk to the women . Sigma Kappa Entertains. Julia Curwin, of Detroit; and MarF in open meeting on the subject of Sigma Kappa house guests for Keck, of Chicago.1 the Women's League 'and its ad- the game are: the Misses Ruth Alpha Phi Gives Tea.l vantages as a form of government Hoetzler of the medical school of A football tea was given at the for the women. j the University of Illinois; Evelyn Alpha Phi house yesterday after-' and Marion Fisher, Calume;t Alice noon. Among the guests were sev- Morris, Manistee; Eleanor Horsey, oral from the Northwestern andt BUSINESS GIRLS Frances Atwater, Margaret Ludwig, Wisconsin chapters of the sorority.r L EAGUE FOR MED Aletta Morton, and Margaret Zahm, Week-end visitors at the house are: E GU F R E fall of Detroit; and Mrs. H. R. Rupp, the Misses Ruth Sorge, Helen Rich- Women connected with the Uni- Toledo, Ohio. ards, Katherine Woodruffe, Geor-I versity are assisting in an interest- Zeta Tau Alpha gave a home- gie, Pottle, Margaret Eckhardt, ing experiment this year at the Y. coming banqueb last evening for Alice Cleverdon, Geraldine Wan- W. C. A. A Business Girls' league their guests who were the Misses;derse, Mr. and Mrs. Paul King, Mr. is being formed for educational Helen Doyle, Eleanor Short, Ann and Mrs. Barnett, and Dr. and Mrs.f purposes. Mrs. Wilma T. Donahue, Saylor and Juliet Curits, all of De- McLeiland, all of Detroit; Mr. andf fellow in psychology, and Miss Stel- troit; Cornelia Walker, Mildred Mrs. Wurzburg, Grand Rapids; Mr.1 la Brunt, editorial assistant at the Davis, and Emma Goowillie, Lan- and Mrs. Harrison Smith and Ruth I Registrar's office, are teaching psy- sing; Dorothey Weed and Dorothy Howlett, Jackson; Adeline Wing, chology and English. Kirby, Flint; Frances Stark and Coldwater; Dr. and Mrs. George Mrs. Leslie D. Weston, Pittsburgh, Inch, Traverse City; Mrs. J. G. Van C COMING EVENT Pennsylvania; Marguerite Roby. Horn, Sturgis; Mrs. A. R. Kline, t Coldwater; Katherine Wettstein Saginaw; Mr. and Mrs. Nowak and I Monday, November 11Ba n Juli Mottier, Fordson; and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Talcott, Chi-' 5:00-House Organizers, Board !RobertliWMeur,ChicagoInois.d of Representatives room, League.E Robert VWeurful, Chicago, Illinois. Guests Visit Alpha Chi Omega. 7:30-Chorus Group,. Faculty Alphi Chi Omega is also enter- Women's Club, at the home of ° taining many guests. They are: the SPEC Mrs. F. N. Calhoun, 1047 Ovia Misses Janice Riley, Katherine Om- Permanent W ming, and Gertrude Stein, Chicao This includes a six montl Illinois; Marion Smith,, Katherine ____________________________ito Shampoo and Fing Chairmen of Committees or officers of any campus aciv";0,UPI'SBOONED ty which includes any members from the women undergradu- ates body, must give attention 0 to the matter of the eligibility i of their assistants at once. Eli- gibility blanks, which are to be Playing a strong offensive game, secured from the office of the Delta Gamma downed Alpha Omi- Adviersof Wmenin Brbor Ion Vi with a score of 3 to 0 in Advisers of Women in Barbour I hockey Friday afternoon at Palmer gymnasium, are to be filled out ;Field. Hutzel scored for Delta Gam- and placed on file at the League ma early in the first half, and office in the League building. ISeeley followed with a second score Immediate attention on. the immediately after with no inter- part of the chairmen of com- ference. The third goal was struck mittees will prevent the neces~ by Shriber in the second half of cityof choosing new assistants the game. after work on a project has hegae been started, due to ignorance The line-up for Delta Gamma in- eligibility restrictions. No com- cluded J. Roberts, '32; P. Notnagel, mitte, regardless of its direct 32; V. Hutzel,; L. Shriber, Spec.; L. connection with the Women'st Shaw, '31; G. Smith, '30; V. Hough- League, is exempt from this ob ton, '30; M. Seeley, 31; D. McGuffie, ligation if women members ai- '31;. J. Smitth, '31; and H. Adams. on the committee. For infornein Alpha Omocron Pi was represented tion, call Dorothy Mape 21 by R. Birdseye, '33; A. Maslen, '31; i a-- 1 Van Tuyl, '31; L. Crump, '30; H. Lutz, '32; F. Sackett, '30; L. Cos- cago; Preline Fletche?, Fort Wayne, sitt, '30; J. Wilkinson, '32; and E. Indiana; Nancy Healy, New York Clifford, '32. City; Mrs. John Howard and Mrs. Delta Gamma's 'plays were Harry Howard, Kalamazoo. M r is marked with keen precision. Hutzel Howard is acting chaperone of tne and Smith were very active in house this week-end in the absence keeping the ball in A.O. Pis' terri- of Mrs. Glbb. tory. Alpha Omicron Pi suffered Miss Esther Giesler of Cleveland visibly from not having a full team, and Miss Grace Haxton, Oakfield, and from the absence of two of her New York, are guests at the Chi best players. Sachet and Maslen did Omega house, outstanding work on the defeated Alpha Omicron Pi has as its team., guests this week-end: the Misses Lily Schmid, '30, refereed and Leone Lee, Detroit; Helen Belcher, Helen Maynard, '30, acted as score- Manistee; Cynthia Hawkins, Clay- keeper. borne, Maryland; Elizabeth Parker, Semi-finals in the intramural Tampa, Florida; Lucille Hiddle, Al- hockey tournament will be played bion; Marva Hough, Fulton, Illi- at 5:00 o'clock Monday afternoon nois; Virginia Ruckman, Hillsdale; at Valmer Field. While Delta Gam- Sara Knox, Bloomfield Hills; Alene ma is contesting with the Delta Stewart, Alganac; Mrs. George Sny- Delta Delta, Kappa Kappa Gam- der, and Mrs. William Burlingame, ma and Zeta Tau Alpha will com-- Detroit. pete. ARTICLES FOR ROOM AND WARDROBE WILL BE SOLD AT CHURCH BAZAAR Assignments of articles for the 'putting an additional interest i League and Interchurch Bazaar, their work. j which will be held December 6 and 7 in Barbour gymnasium, have been Among the articles for a girl's made according to announcement room are an attractive and effi- of Hermine Soukup, '31, chairman cient hat-box, covered with bright- of the committee on articles. Ob- colored paper, quaint dolls, funny jects of all sizes and colors, and for little animale, pretty scarfs that all purposes will be made by the are made to serve a hundred and women's houses and contributed to cne purposes from a wall decora- the Bazaar, tion to a table scarf, unique little Clever, gayly-colored articles that doll pin cushions, sachet bags, will add charm and attractiveness cushions that come in sets or sepr- to any college woman's room; ratelv, and covered dress hangers. dainty, hand-made, accessories for For the more personal use of a woman's wardrobe; articles that women will be dainty silk lingerie. will be just the thing for a Christ- neat linen towels, scarfs that are nias gift; all these and more may oblong, square, and rectangular, be found in the bazaar. No woman handkerchiefs of all kinds, includ- will be required to spend more than ing the large ones for formal wear. one dollar on an article, although.,j and pretty, yet practical, aprons in somecases, one article which for the girl with the cooking ambi- will necessarily cost more than one tion. dollar will be assigned to two or Each booth at the bazaar will more girls to be divided among contain the contributions of one them. The articles have been so type of article. The whole scheme selected that they nay easily be;will be one of many colors, gay, hand-made in a comparatively and bright, in accordance with the short time. In past years many general motif of the bazaar, not to houses have formed, just before the be announced until later. l bazaar, the college equivalent of a, sewing-circle, in which all of the NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Swomen in the house have worked All students who have purchased on their articles at the same time, usrpint h erbo r -- _- _ _ _' a subscription to the year book are NOTICES eligible to vote in the an- nual campus beauty contest. Anyone wishing to enter the in- Thirty-two contestants are in the tramural swimming tournament running, and their fate rests in the which will meet December 12 hands of the 650 subscribers to the should come out for practices at 11Syllabus. ' r i Delta Holds Open House. - Delta Delta Delta held open house the Women's Athletic building last for their alumnae yesterday. Guests Sunday. The initiates were Thelma for the week-end are: the Misses Shaw, '32, Grace Swartz, '31SM; Margaret Campbell, Newberry; Lola Routh Welier, '31SM, Detroit; Jud- F'oster, East Lansing; Lucy Gindel, 1ith Wilkenson, '32, Lakeside; and Grand Rapids; Jane and Stella Gnevra Ginn, '32, Huntington,, Mahon, Port Huron; Geraldine Mc- West Virginia.j Court, Detroit; Pauline Pierce, De- troit; Wilma Schaubble, Grand I Rapids; Carribell Schmidt, Nil.es; and Mrs. J. C. Foster, Detroit. the Union pool Tuesday and Thurs- day nights from 7:30 to 10:00 0'- clock. Women who are interested in bowling will be interested to know that the rates have been reduced; from ten cents a string Ito five! cents a string. Again it is urged that women avail themselves of the wonderful bowling alleys in the basement of the Women's Athletic Building, where recreation and ex- ercise combine. RAMONA BEAUTY SHOP . Permanent Wave .... . . $5.00 Finger Wave and Shampoo.$.00, Marcel and - Shampoo. . ... $1.00 Manicure . .50 Open Evenings Call 21478 625 E. Liberty Street Upstairs over Flower Shop _K_-- _ IAL aves at $8.00 hs special rate of $1..00 gerwave Combination. StitCandCampus Wear 1= i I The Sunday Night Dress MILADIES BEAUTY SHOPPE 209 South State Street (over Chubb House) M. A. Julian, Prop. Dial 8383 Ladies and Children's Contour Hair Cutting I.. J\ i, l I II The new silhouette you have been hearing about is featured in the Sunday night dress . - lines are entirely different . . -proportions changed, longer and very decidedly feminine. Favored materials are Fish Net, Chiffon and Flat Crepe in such smart colors as Black, Dahlia, Green and Brown. These frocks are simple and at the same time show all the so- phistication of the new mode . ideal'for such better- than usual occasions as Sunday nights. Sizes 14 to 40 $16.75 to $49.50 I i I. 16, t! t 1 , Metal Hats for Evening.Wear I Here are coats of bewitching ,charm and dash in tweeds of mix- tures and patterns that make them at once desirable as a supplement to your fur coat for campus sport -and utility wear. 97375 J I K I I Fr These swagger coats of 'chinchilla were designed for the- campus. Trim lines, double breasted effects and patch pockets are details that win instant approval. Sizes 14 to 20 We are showing a complete line of FELT STREET AND DRESS HATS They are cut according to the latest. styles- and are reasonably priced. The Shop of Personal Service $2500 Stare of Personal Service ,f :' . ' C.J. HUTZEL SHOPS Main at Liberty _ \. I 111 fill] I flun I I I [Il 1!x.,9 Pc te I YOU WILL BE PROUD OF A w1 7 ) 7m''v° m°'"+ -'^'t'°" "^WW-""rw _w' -^IY- lam AMM6 d& Amok APWAZM Apft Agulk IIILmk, - -~ 14