THE MICHICAN rAII .J lJ 1.1! 1...7 i _ 1 4 54r tdytoin 114141 Published every morning except Mondal dunring the Uni.ersity year ny toe Board in' Control of Student ?hlicaticns. Member of Wetein Conference '4it riai Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or. not otherwise credited n this paper and the local news published herein.t Entered atjthe posto..ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- Waster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Strpeet. Phones: Editorial, gg25; Business, 212t4. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EQITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editor.....................George C. Tilley City Editor......... Pierce Rosenberg Newis Editor............ George E: Simons Sports Editor .........Edward L. Warne", Jr. Women's Editor...........MNarjorie Fbllmer Telegraph Editor......... Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama........William J. Gorman Literary Editor ........ Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor...... Robert J. Feldman Night Editors Frank E. Cooper Henry 3. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Bare David M. Nichol Maxwell Bater William Page Mary L. Behymer Howard H. Peckham Benjamin I. Berentsoi Hugh Pierce Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts John H. Denier Joseph A. Russell Helen Domine Joseph Ruwitch Margaret Eckels William P. Salzarulo Katharine Ferrin Charles R. Sprowl Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson Ginevra Ginn Richard L. TFobin jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine Morris Grovernan arold n. Warren, Jr. Ross Gustin Charles White MraeHars G.LionelWillens I" ' r 14 I. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to b th l 3C wofisit ther ibl' es to eii3 tr n 3iO wordsit posib - An. ymo cc.m' 1- Music And Drai m-a maAbo-ut Bkoi-ks rouAncations will be disregarded. The "Ci t HAUL" iOR OF names of communicants will, however, be. regarded as confidential, upon re- j A Review, by Robert Wetzel DOUGLAS' ROMANCf; quest. Letters published should nutbe construed as expressing the editorial Friday night Mr. Thurnau's play, Nerinda; by Norman Douglas;I opinion of the Daily. I "City Haul," was made known to The John Day Company; New York, an oddly-assorted audience that New York; Price $2.50; Review copy THAT SEATING SYSTEM I somehow looked, as if, having by courtesy of Print and Booki To the editor: heard there was a free show, they Shop. Alas. The time of the football had come out of their holes in the Nerinda was first published in season has again come when the ground determined to see it. Like 1901 under an assumed name, and perennial multiplicity of groans all audiences for- whom free shows it is only lately that this interest- and anathema over the present are given, they were unresponsive ing study has come to be known as. seating arrangement at football and inattentive, and they came in the work of Norman Douglas. Thif; games, rises in deep crescendo. late. In fact, the audience's de- book is a piece of fantastic litera- Since completion of the new sta- layed entrance, terrible as an army ture. In some of its aspects it re- with banners, should have been minds one of the strenuous tales dium when the practise of reserv- vitaphoned and turned on during of Poe, though as the whole it has ing unsalable blocks of seats for the strangely placid fight scene in none of the morbidity of the great the undergraduate first came into the second act. American narrator. In no respect vogue, the deplorable custom has Of all the dramatic forms, melo- does it reach the intensity o emo- been the particular and constant drama is perhaps the hardest to tions that is found in Poe, and th* write or produce. An amateur play- is due to the different viewpoints abomination of the student on the wright may very possibly possess held by the writers. Poe is exact, campus. And rightly so. such knowledge of character, or scientific, and analytical; he weighs Nor does the future hold any such sensitivity to emotion, as to every word to make sure that there hope for the harassed and dis- enable him to write an effective i can arise no mistaken meaning. traught holders of coupon books. comedy or a powerful tragedy; but Douglas is not conscious in word Indeed, far from alleviating the sit- melodrama-the drama of situa- selection. Every word is microcosm tion, action, and movement--- is to him. The sentences never be- uation, the constant increase in de- almost always beyond his grasp. * " i'i- , yS by~ndhiSgUas- i dA.LU th0~ fl in im Priv.ic Wive Connections with all Markets Securities bought or sold on commission basis Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress & Co. Incorporated Investment Securities First Floor Ana Arbor Trust Bldg. ---- - . _ .. __ _ .. __ ..., .p._..... .. , ow-M tit, 1; 'a ti 2340 CHAMPS 803 East Washington' One Block North from Hill Auditoroi:m Breakfast, Lunch and DinmeIr $8.00 per week Lunch and Dinner, $6.50 pcr week - .1 :1 'I Ii II A t _ _I .afl.tAR. .nW.. S..... I -- . - . --.-- I 4. ma-nd for seats is so pressing that Your successful melodramatist presently we shall have the Seniors needs-and usually possesses- nof in the end zones, Juniors behind greater quality than mere crafts- the press box, the Sophomores on 1manship; but that very craftsman- t ship is something that comes only friendly limbs in the neighboring with years of practice in the thea- forests and the lowly and degen- tre. To know life's thrilling cli- erate Frosh arrayed on the roof of maxes, one need never darken a3 .ln inl U £fiion _ sager_'-.o;. t wflen-- one-aesires-to come excnea ;ney oiw msmpii calmness. The experience with Douglas is quiet, it is dreamy and peaceful (even in the story of Na- rinda which is of madness). Poe holds you in a vice, and plays with your imagination on a trembling key until you have closed his book. Davi arr rr ns q1. ,11 " te vew huse stae-dor;but when one desires t epsteadJohn Willoughby Douglas is romanticist. And nesnedy 'ta seOn shudders in contemplation of put those climaxes into an effec- ougl i usmnths nd cans Levvy Barbara W right '.Itog 1 il si h oet kussenl E. McCracken Vivian Zimit the fate of band and the cheering tive play, it is helpful, if not abso- i e uha i the to Dorohy Mgeeto hve een ornthis edition that the idea of the Dorothy Magee section. lutely necessary, to have been bornale has had its parallel in actual BUSINESS STAFF jthe glori- Iust off-stage during a performance le Teehoe211 Ltuscnsdrbriefly te loi of "The Fatal Wedding." life, we are stubborn and, believe Telephone 21214 ous and God-given spectacle in the TheFotat poddig. that most of the comments are the A. J. JORDANGR. stadium from student perspective. These somewhat pontifical gen- result of the author's personal ex- AJ. DN JWith high visibility, the student eralizations are occasioned by the perience. Narinda is the story of Assistant Manager posesn odeeih a fact that, in "City Haul," Mr. Thrur- a rpossessing good eyesight may makefathtm'iyHuM.Th- an Englishman who, looking far ALEX t . SCHERR onau has attempted to scale, not the ideal described by Plato, fell ALEX K. SCHERER tout the blurred forms of Morrison, Parnassusbu rather the Black-e esry Truck, Gembis, and Draveling, on arnass's butlratherstea'slc min love with a statue in a Pompeiian Department Managers the horizon. By bringing one's Maria of melodrama, so zealously museum. The vision of this statue, Avertising.....T. ollister .Mabley glasses into play, one may attain a guarded by Messrs. Mack, Hymer, Narinda, went everywhere with Advertising s.erH AH alvron fleeting glimpse of Heston or even Shipman, Dunning & Co. The as- him, and finally led him to suicide Service.... .(eorge A. maer Norm glie cent is not so long, but it is in some in effort to be with her spirit. Circulation ............... 'ernorv Daniels. The whereabout respects more difficult. Thus, the $ Accions...on o such microscopic mammals as t M.' sp This is an eccentric piece of writ- Pu~aios.......... o~eIlmitnfact that Mr. Thurnaus first play, ig eyitrsigb h ato Simrall and Dahlem is a matter of aiming at melodrama, has gone bg, very teresting by the fact of Assistants theory. i wide of the mark, is quite unimpor- its subjectivity. The work is'ac- Raymond Campbell Lawrence LTcey Wherefore it has come to pass cording to the psychologist Maud- Robert Crawford George Patterson that only the student of gifted im- jesnfore-rdaine. But the or sley "ingeniously and logically con- Harry B. Culver Charles Sanford less tore-ordained. But the fact Thomas M. Davis lee Slayton agination may enjoy a football seived and carried out." It reflects Norman Eezer Robert Sutton game in his own stadium, thanks to thaed hi play Mr hraur as the modern tendency, and the ro- Donald Ewing Rger C. Thlorn revealed a feeling for character andmathemoe tendency. o ianter-' James Ho er*loseph van Riper a system of seating students that an instinct for situation, is, on the mantic tendency too, to give atten- N orris Johnson Rert Williamson is an elaborate annual insult. tion to abnormalities. The possi- Charles Kline William R. Worboys sanebotenulisl, other hand, a matter of high im- bevleo hsbo ssbett MArvin Kotacker The University of Michigan ble value of this book is subject to The nivesityof Mchign portance. Laura Codln g A- MW l boasts, the finest stadium in these His play is, frankly, ragged,mud- much conjecture. It is a faithful Beimiice Glaser Slvia ;iller United States of America. Thanksf died, and inept; but it is also prom- Hortense Gooding ielen E. Miiselwhite one is hastild informed of the d psychology according to Maudsley. Anna Goldberg Elanor Wakinshaw oreising-and, as first plays go, not Dorothea Waterman alumni. The Stadium has a maxi- I But it i a picture for the scien- Night Editor-WALTER WILDS mum seating capacity of some made his tyro "Fanny" write. Aim- that is all,hMr. Douglas is not s______ - - - -- ninety thousands. The student maehstro"an"wrt.Am interested in the reason why the in actuality Mr. Thurnau has be- c the SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 929 body may perhaps aggregate twelve ing, perhaps, at being Galsworthy, about as it did. He Is entirely ro- _ -f thousand. Which leaves, roughly, come a sort of unsuccessful -Willard . i th w th th seventy five thousand seats for the Mack. But the stuff of which ef- manticinti way wi e pur- bondholders, alumni and what have fective drama is made is present pose of catching an intense mo- BEWARE PROPAGANDA. you. The alumni are obviously en- in abundance in "City Haul," and ment of experience, But the critic a titled to first consideration in the is bound to ask .about the relation Quite a heated argument was distribution of the remaining sev- shT out omIt. Up to Friday nigh, this experience has to life. For stirred up in yesterday morning's enty five thousand seats. Neither after all were are alive and this seso fth nvriy rs lbthe alumni nor any one else has he had not done so.1 alivity is not found in the death session of the University Press club heau iosas foeeed As it is, the best scenes in the ah eo0un~tga so covninoe h rtflesjust, claim to seats of any kind in Asis h es cnsi h that the hero of Douglas' story o n n the publicityhmannndhis illthe stadium until the student body show take place before the first sought. If scientists had believed of the publicity man and his will- has been given the best seats in act, and between the second and the way that the romanceers do, ingness to present to the reading the place. The teams are of the third; the murder alleged to have there would have been no attempt public the absolute facts untaint- student body and they represent been committed by Terry, and the to understand abnormals. Psychol- ed with propaganda. 1 the university as constituted by the trial at which the gangsters tes- ogists saw their problem and student body. No amount of ora tify, are scenes that cry to be writ- grappled with it, and it is ours in George H. E. Smi'th, executive yI ten. The aunt from. Ireland has literature, also, to give writing a! tory or stliterature, alsothetoagive secretary of the League of Nations fact thatthe students have prior rich satirical possiblities which are definite connection with existence. association, accepted the presence claim to points of vantage when as yet unexplored; and the re-in- R.E. M. of the propaganda but cautioned their own team is involved in the troluction of Terry's fiancee would spcal.Igreatly strengthen the second act. ! -_- - that he must be aided and instruc- spectacle' . Like all first plays, "City Haul" is experiment in a difficult medium; ted in surrounding his professionAn mdividual without remotest a sort of finger exercise in drama- and indeed "City Haul" was done with ani unimpeachable code ofaffiliation with either school may tic craftsmanship for the play- with surprising competence, when see the Michigan-Illinois game at,1 ethcs. He decrimeshe pre as Urbanafom the thgnIirs ya wright. In the presentation Fri- one considers that, to fill the large ethics. He describes the press s Urbana from the thirty yard line !day night, it also became a sort cast, Mr. Windt had to call in many an organ by which the propagan- and with average luck even the -of finger exercise in dramatic pro- players of next-to-no experience dist could be made to work in the forty. Yet an honest, perspiring, duction. Melodrama is no easier to Mr. England's Deagan was very open and set forth not only "thes d God-fearIng student at the direct than it is to write; and Mr. able indeed; working against the n University of Michigan is expected Windt, a capital director of plays odds of the playwright's sentimen- facts which he thinks will induce to be content with a seat in his in which character is stressed, is tality, he created a very tangible readers to his cause," but also to own stadium that renders his view somewhat less happy when work- 1 character. Mr. Allen was out- describe accurately "the unseen en- of the game extremely hazy from ing with a play of situation. standing in a brief bit, and shoulti serdistance. He is not only vironments." I:sheer dtone HPunch" is the sine-qua-non of have had more to do. Mr. Cur- expected to be content, he is obliged melodrama; and in his directing, Tie's Terry was most sympathetic, Publicity men, perhaps, have to rejoice and be exceeding glad Mr. Windt has not put in that in spite of bad team-work from been influenced by the environ- i that he is allowed a seat of any body-blow at the emotions which his fellow-players in his two best ment in which they are writing. kind. Mr. Thurnau neglected to include scenes. Miss Morin's Harriet was This is an age of superlatives, and This, the writer contends in all his writing. Mr. Windt's fine feel- charming, and all too brief. The with such keen competition in all humbleness, is not as the Deity in- ing for character and emotion are rest ranged from pretty good to fields of endavor and achievement; tended it to be. of no great avail here; in "City pretty terrible, the worst being the publicity man is required to The idea that thousands of mor- Haul," stage movement must be as either incredible or inaudible. describe the pinnacle of success in ons without connection with either shrewdly and coldly calculated as A word for Mr. Holden's set, since regard to the program which he school, team or any other interest the moves in a good game of chess. his fine stage designs so loften go wishes to present. save only the spectacle itself, en- But Mr. Windt is not to be dero- unrecognized. Here he has con- The present methods of the i joying the best seats in the stad- gated for his lack of the bag of trived, in place of the three sets propagandist were defended by I ium whilst the student body lan- tricks so essential to melodrama. called for by the play, a unit ar- several editors and directors of guishes in the suburbs, is a state Had he produced well a good melo- rangement which is not quite up to publicity organizations by citing of permanent vexation. drama by a Broadway playwright,' his usual high standard. A unit phefctthatrginiatnsby of casesngThere can be little question as he would have been scoffed at as a set is successful only when it either the fact that n a number of cases i to how the student body stands in mere clever technician who hads u changes beyond immediate recog- newspapers for publication is re- the matter. Dissatisfaction with done an unworthy thing adequate- nition with each change of scene, core oers rtuict n r-the present plan is universal and ly. Hence, the fact that he has as in the Guild's "Major Barbara" corded on the article. Ideep seated. produced none too well a maladroit sets; or else when it frankly makes Althiough the essentials of the lThe marvel of the whole thing is melodrama by a local playwright no attempt to change with each material may be of a most unbias- that this sentiment has not long is surely no great discredit. Mr. new scene, as in the Stratford Play- ed nature the propagandist creates ago found utterance in a form of I Windt can give us moving produc- ers' sets. In "City Haul," Mr. Hol- an entirely new impression abaut such finite emphasis as would bring tions of such worthy plays as "Re- den's unit-set did not change with the facts, or greatly enlarges onI about immediate results in the I demption"; and after all, that is each scene, but it pretended to. It the attributes of the article he is a f f revisionI t man men h what really matters. Besides, one mins mweln civ.ont1 hut ill-ocined. ,r >7 k tha r r gh .A>>' y s b f y y r 4 lka ;4. {! b mil , MM WV }: V d t