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November 09, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-09

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,..:, .


IPublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Azsistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday)



SATURDAY, NOVEM~BER 9, 1929 No. 3f6

Rev. Miller, Next Convocation n
Speak~er, Is Close Fricod >S'
of Dr. JHenderson.

Jones Is Unanimous Choice of
Sophomores; Jackson, Ham.
mood, Russell Choscn.


c ,.

Fall Gamnes: Witt' the consent of the Decals of their r spective
colleges, Freshmen and Sophomores in theC olleges of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arsts, Engineering and Architectiwc, and Pharm acy, 'Md

in h ric uTlum1L i tbi.,IAUueananXLUI u uywcA~AAak4'.Lueauvi La, re'in(T LECTJUREON SUNDA~Y 14 R' - * Bobe
accordance with custom cxcusedl from classes Saturday morning, No-Roo
v be9,ortcpurpose of participatin in the annual Nall Gainecs. -hos-
Mexauder G. Butiven flopu~ar Batte Creek Cler~vrn'i. en1ine
Gr.,Fler.or.csu nWek o'itay engfineer~r ppiatos.Ac'Cm
Freshman Advisrs: Al vsers wio have not yet return~ed the ccndn f l tioi. T
Gri odr o FehnttWe,<aar~izfeht.tapiainA eia ainily.I t .election
to the Registrar's Office, )Loom 107 Mason Hall., are rcquested to (1o so & - oter
at the carliest time possible,. Mo'k'in rcigious idas will, ~ .*.~.\
Ira M. Smit, Registrar presented in an Inspiing manner , mn.h
when the Rcv. Carleton llrooks-": e s Other
University Wome-pause 11ceads: The hours of fraternity dances tilr i"t ffte is Cnr- "Y..~vier
are approved by the Committee on Student Affairs. These are 9 to 1 418 < ;P
gatnonal church of Battle Cree: enginee
on Friday, 9 to 12 on Saturday nigits. L .scye is no o+cacaion for late 1oay
returns and no arrangcenct lfor tlied) shYoude maoe. -( addrcsses the Univrsity's stucln Ie-.. urtay
The responsibility recenly dlegatcC to the House Head is for a body in thec thiud of the fall seies IUf 1{:ndEd
student's over night absence Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, or fur late , I tr _____________________________________________
frjot ft~ of convocation, Sunday morning in, asocatd Press Photoj Honor c
return froGrout of hords lHll auditorium, according to Dr.I Parts~ of the same cr emonial that marked the interiment eight years ago of the body of the Unknwn unanim
W. D. Hendrson director of the Sodier at Arlington cemetry near Washington will be repeated on Amstce cdayI The S
frimit:the o100 .Astronomical nLaboratory Strat train AngellI hail to ob. .c R servoe the moonb be Dr. IHenderson has been acquain- pTises e . hedntiHon'ovesat irssve rnmt ofcaswl lotk ai hemoyn ov 1.1thispse
Reevtin ut e wteteTisirn o hoato'fms mresv its sthe p
m ade by calling the Observatory olice, 1U niversity 657, between 9:00 t a ih h Rev. M r. M iller; forI- - - --- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - th p
a. in. and 12:00 noon1 on sa tuii'cIy. more than ten years and has heard NL >I17 ~A ,S OF Oir'ERr' PEDNITNSULTA which are drawn in sections of so- being c
and~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~T. IT. Curtiss him speak on several yoccasions.feaconisah.Ognlnaecucl
'Teainipl i ffredhi e1 NEARING COMPLETION AT M USEUM rlconis ah Oiialnms They wi
T 1 plcialteofrndhpb-___- ___-- as far as possible, are being used Th
EVE:NT1S TrODAY _--_Work___ .-_Th
ArtExlbiionillstatig ew aysofArtEdcaton n ermntweent the two, however, is the fish-Wok o a ne- ere of Michi- has been completed with the ex-ifor streams,. towns and other will be
Artlic Sholsfon iltraigenteWaytioral ogeort ~ctsin tGeranlug trips they take during the sum- I 4seie ception of a few minor changes and markings whore tourist trade and .followhin
Plo i itchoomfr tectra uiteninalCrom greso5 arext Sn-rtrmnts ohIredesnjgan maps is rapidly piogresmng additions and Stevens is nearlyI commercial usage have supplanted {cording
dayoouhibiNrovmbrce tua lngfr 9. t adiyccetS n he Baoth.the Dr.ek enersonve under the guidance of Dr. W. I.' finished with the upper part of the! the original fixation. ments e
day, through November 9. an the Battle Creek minister Hilnsdale and Edward J Stevens at' state. Tefnig tLisn nld edi
-- ---- 1~~~cottages on the same lake in'Tefnig tLisn nld edI
Exhibition of, orit inal drav'mngs and paintings, by American illus-. oth1 Mcign T the University Museum. Their (11-; Thle new maps are being A::awn; ed 169 folio volumes containing and will
trators, ground floor gallery, Arch i ech' ral Duldi ngdaily, except Sun- rI~rhz ihgn h b covery, last month, in the archives in sections, using observations from I transcripts of the original survey- general
day, throughot Novembher. Miller is a better minister than a of the capitol building, at; Lan- fied excursions, state maps al- or's notes made in the early partj erry ohs
fisieran, I can sly that muchtsing, of a new source of early ready prepared, and the recent of the 19th century in this teri- council1
F'reshlman anld: Report at Mforris Mali at g,::i3 A. MV. for lI is preachting ability," theo ex- archzeological information has given Lansing finds as a basis for the re-, ory. Several names and trails, electione
tGens:ion director states. impetus to ompletion of the visions. Every feature of the state' which were lost were recovered byj literatur
COMIUNG lE:'rS1 Concerning his acquaintance Dr. lengthy task. The lower peninsula' is being included on the maps, this discovery. auditorlt
International Forum: The seconIntrerationial Forumn will be held IHenderson says, "The Rev. Mr. Mtil- - -- - - -- ------ '- _____-
Sunday, November 10, at 4:00 p. nt. in the Library of Lane Hall. Mr. lir comes from one of the very old,
E. C. Jandy of the Sociology Department will lead the discussion on "Thei New England families. After the
Social Psychology of Race Relations," All students and faculty arc cor-I war hte' came west accepting the
dially luvited. ministry of the First- Congega-
t - tional church of Battle Creek. Since-
Tucker P. Smith will speak at the Unitarian Church on the sub- taking up his work there' his con-
.ect, "Breaking the War Habit" Sundiay evening at 6: 00. All studentsi grcgation has grown until it Is to-
are cordially,. Invited -to attend. cday one of the larget in- Battle 1
' Crock. The Rcev. Mr. Miller appeals l
lt.' . T. C. Uniforms: Alil t. 0. T. C. students who ordered 11111- especially ;to youth, the larger part'
forms should call at 1t. 0. T. C. oflice between &:00 a. in. and 10:00 p.1 of his congregation being made up
in., Tuesday,' Novcnmbr 12,- for fitting. of young people. ie is ono of the i
tmet popular Ministers of Battle,
Senior Mechanical Enginerrs: Mr. G. XW. Kittridge, Traininug Super-'Creek and he is in demand through-i
visor, White Motor Company, -Cleveland, Ohio, will be in room 221 West Iout the state as a lecturer.
Engineering Building on Monday, November 11, from 9.:00 a. in. to 2:001 "As a public speaker hie is keen
p. in., for the purpose of Interiewing prospective graduates. As many iOf wit, quick of tongue and very
seniors as possible- should talk to Mr. Kittridge. I-le does not wish to1 original in the mannier of his de-
make any definite propositions at the present time, but wishes to nake1 livery. Students of the university
the students acquainted wrlth the organization.j who are int rested in the presen-1
sly. 1E Lay. itationt of mtoernt religious ideas in 1
a manner that is direct, forceful
Music Section--Faceulty. Women's Club: honoring Mrs. E. J. Ota-l and nins-nin hudnt alt
way, President of the Natinal Federation of Music Clubs, and-.Mrs. hear the ev Mr Miller"aFt
A. L. Swinton, President of the Michigan Federation, the Music. Scee -(--__-- _ o______
tion of the Faculty "Women's Club and invited guests will hold a spe-
cal meeting -and tea Sunday afternoon fromt 5:00 to 7:00' in the
Alumnae Boom of the Women's League Building. 1- ea _
3-Hop Comumittee Meeting will be held Sunday, November 10. at
3:15 p. m. in Room 304, Michigan Union.'O eo l~

t Jones asunanimlously
president coi the sophomore
ring class a t a recent exec-
'he vote was the final, class
kin this collegec and in all
with one ex: ception of the
Univcz',i t y, until the fresh-
Jerary vote Dec. 4.
rofficers for the sophomore
esident, Keene Jackson, see-
rs were James N. Candler,
Ted I-Hammond, treasurer,
win Russell, sophomore rep-'
tive ito the Engineering
ommittee. All were named
achool of Music is the only
et to have its elections. As
fool camne into the Univer-
per only at the beginning
)resent year, its elections are
londucted by the Student
for the first time this fall.
11l be .held next week.
freshmen literary election
held the first Wednesday
kg Thanksgiving day, ac-
to the present arrange-
)f the council. It will be
Natural Science auditorium,
lbe conducted on the same
plan as the previous lit-
lections. In addition, the
has made a ruling that no
Gering or distributing of
e c4an take place within the




"Breaking the War IHabit' will R)C'He has been instrumental in this
the subject. on which. Tucked P. p st yeNar in the elimination of this
Smith, noted international laC5"" , nipu isory feature at DePauw
University and the California InI-I
advoca to, will speak; Sunday cyeci,_ - Gtitirtoa of Technology, as well as
ing at the Unitarian church, to be , l~helg in similar campaigns at
held under the auspices of the Stu- Oh)lio State, Iowa State, University
-dent Christian association and the ;cif Vermont,- Massachusetts Insti-
Stuadents' Union of the church. tutc of Technology, a-nd thae Massa-
Mr. Smith who is representingI chusetts Agricultural college.
the committee on militaf ism,. in -ed-! Mr. Smith specializes on the phiy-I
ucationi has been unusually activej chological approach 'to the prob-
in representing the peace move- I lef of military training in the va-a
Dnent where there have been issues rious colleges bay going into the ef-
over the compulsory feature of mili- fects of girls' rifle teams, polo
Lary training on the different col-j teams, military scholarships, and
loge campuses throughout the finally upon the mental attitude of
country. the student toward wTar.

lkcd Curtis and His Or.
chestra direct from Fatty
Arbuckie's P a n t at io n
Night Club in Hollywood.
Granger s

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