SATURDAY, xOvtBsflc 0, 1020 H ' I H G N D I. AP I1 PAGE FrVt. R FOUR ARE ADDED1 LEE' WHITE NAMS O HONOR GROUP LONBlack Quill Elects TwoSnr Two Juniors, to Member. ship in Society. Black Quill, honorary literary so- Societ News , Feature Section, ciety for women, has selected as its or Woman's Page Comprise new members Clovis Alexander. 30. Their Sphere. Helen Barc, '30, Elizabeth Pheiffer, '31, and Margaret Harris, '31. AVOID ORDINARY BEATS Try-outs for Black Quill will con- tinue until November 13. Those de- Reporters Should be Sent Out siring to enter manuscripts are Who Are Qualified ini asked to sumbit them to Betty As- Particular Line. set, room 219, Martha Cook build- ing. Miss Asset has been clected "Managing editors as a general y rule believe that women have a sr yo h ct + ! very definite place on the staffs of Cora Bursts Into Print the society news beat, future page, H their newspapers, and that is on with Her Usual umor or general women's page," said Mr. After Long Absence Lee White of the Detroit News, whod, is attending the Press convention back! My publieve silr not, I m here, in an interview yesterday. let me retire, and after having been He further stated, "Perhaps it is coaxed all this time, I finally yield- a romantic attitude on the part of i ed to persuasion and here I am. the editors but the majority of them. tcourse Ielize t a athatdut are antagonistic to the fact that here I thought I wouldn't have to' a rzmantic attitude on the part of opine this year. Really it is so bor-l women who are sent out on regular ing to think of things on which to assignments come in contact with recine--I mean repine- Ireally the seamy side of life and with the 1mean opine. I suppose there will be ,people who will say that it actually things that women leading a more doesn't take any effort to opine in sequestered life still blush at. the way that women-meaning me Do Not Lose Moral Values. -does it, but my dear, that's be- ''I. do not believe that women cause they just don't know the in- who persist in wanting a beat side facts. .If they only knew how r n.wntn etrigIa byntrte' which would ordinarily be giventor know that it really takes effort to a man 'lose their sense of moral oin on any subject. values. They ro not, but it cannot! opne help but give them a quality bor-'. Well, be that as it may, now that; dering on hardness without whicl I'm back, everybody, including the women are much. more attractive. new President of this most noble Plans Atlantic Hop J IALIEITOR-OF HCs E INTERVIEWSC TO HA IN F V RT SONGS Due to the addednoet of a z rqizdto stay the length ofl LEAG E HOSTESSES the stadium today, the editor of starts Popular Songs Are Paris BOnId 'his page hesitated to go to the "A team can be penalized five Madam Louise Homer Expresse and ]Right Out of Heaven' game with the usual lack of foot- ards for an 'off-side' offense.. Appreciation of Care From Forward M '. d that the bands and the crowd oaorwa'daBackfield men can be 'off-side' as Received Herc. wvould not hold out enough interest wveil as linemen, although this of- Junior Girls' Plays for 25 years for two hours. fense is referred to as 'in motion.' 1iss ose Anderson, hostesl o The Dil ad oxseauholrt inerhs have furnished the women 0. tha The Daily sports authority has A back is 'in motion' if he starts the League building, recently rp- campus with an enviable repertoire consented to explaii some of the moving forwar before the ball is ceived a letter from Madam Louise of catchy sons. One yh1icbaes fundamental points of the game snapped. One of the backs canH6iei, contrlto, who stayed at back to 'Beky Belsf ave, preed for the benefit of not only the staff, move to the side or backward, but the League building while in Ann by the class of '197, and directed but for all of the "more unathletic" never forward. by Amy Loomis, who is in charge sex. Before opening the discussion," "Five yards is not a large penalty Arbor, expressing her appreciation of this year's production, 1s "MI the sports editor went on record'in comparison with some penalties of the courtesy she received there. Michigan Mnn. Tis was followe as resolved not to laugh at any of that are given." Madam Homer said in her let- year by "igt Till Eight."Ithe questions and to answer them "What makes the difference?" tr: "Ever since my happy visit to which ontri"uIe tlr Feln we- as clearly 'a she could, according to "The most common of the longer Ann Arbor I have had it In my known sions. "elen. I Fll inLoved his knawledge, penalties is holding. Nobody but heart to write and thank someone ;; ::: . ih You," "Eight Till ight," and Whateenofheqrer thlblccrrerta toel. f "ALittle College is a Dangerous h'attee d ea t ball-carri canbe eld for taking such splendid care of K ,, ~~~~~~~~does the referee change the ball fensive men cannot use their hands,'frtkn suhpldicaeo Thnlowing year br t more from one end of the field to the ,which explains the old adage: 'a me! I congratulate Ann Arbor and The foloings yerorouht oe fother?" ioo defense man is worth two Hof- women of the University of Michi- cl"ethe song th eo the v oa This is to give the two teams a fense men.' The penalty is a se- gan League on having that beauti- ofe the sae name, was merely one fair chance against whatever wind vere one, because holding makes it ful and luxurious club. I have hof four to be rememberd. "lusiv(e may be blowing across the field easy for a team to gain groud neverd.ean nan suheusty" asng "Th C o obvious. The outoel~e necessary roughness." beautifully taken care of!" Foating University'aresung ine of the game caneasilybu "Why is it that players some- Madam Homer also sent a photo- many of the womean's housles on ch~~anged because one team out-,:.imes let the bal roll instead ofgrpofhrefwihheeqs- the campus. punts the other, and the distance mr graph of herself which she reuest Last year saw the production of'and direction of punts depends to picking it up or falling on it? ed to be given to "the young lady A man can' catch a punt fromedt egent"heyugly "Forward March," and the inevi- f some extent on he wind. the air or on a rebound and run in the Beauty Parlor who gave'her I table acceptance of other catchy Exien somethin about p- until tackled. But if it would mean the very best shampoo and 'round refrains. "Right Out of Heaven,"alties. What does off-side mean?ide is te teru we a chance, with a possibility of drop-. curl' she had ever received in he t ogether with "Paris Bound." \were yOfsi~ istetrMsd hn'igtebalo frnin.nolf" added to the list of songs that have lineman on either team has any ing the ball or of running into tlif!" She added that she looked endured from Junior Girls' Plays. art of his body ahead of the ball tehim, he ildslwet. gte bal tackl in her engagement book in the ass oced raenaPhototh by one ime the ball is put nto play rather than risk a fumble. If the hope that she. might sometime be Women of the University of Illi e centers. The teams ball rolls over the goal line, the ( near enough Ann Arbor so that she Aignies Mills nois have taken for their slogan Architecture Libra rules require nhe ball to be brought j could again visit the Beauty'par- Of New York and Tampa, Florida, ' this week-end, in connection . back to the 20-yard line. ror. plans solo flight across the Atlantic with the Army game, No win-no A ocean to Euiope dance One of the least known but most ,. '--interesting departments of the ' - PROFESSOR JACK POINTS OUT VALUE Iiversity library is' that in the school itself, the library is unique," OF NEW NOVELS OF NO IMPORTANCE on the campus in that it does away ___with all routine. The open shelves, By Jane Tlhay c wnyieadSa rsge h accessible to all, the rhythm and I spend most of my time iead- twenty-one, and Shaw csigned the balance of the interior decoration,i# ing and discussing literature of vi- , . t and the students in smocks, carry- I i importanec," stated Prof. Peter Review in his favo, saymng Cedo ing all the paraphernalia of their ~ M Jack of the Rhetoric depart- iunioribus.' Max is one of the most profession, give that atmosphere I ment, "but I always like to find brilliant caricaturists and parodists Iof informality which one invariably time for certain books of no partic- of our times, keepin ts all Irom 'aIssociates with art. ular importance. They are delight- thinking too much of ourselves. His The library contains books on ful to read; they have not yet been brilliant fantasy on Oxford, 'Zulci- I architecture, art, and design from exploited by the Literary Guild; ka Dobson' should not be missed. I all over the world. According to During and often stimulate people who nor should his book of short stor- Mrs. Ellis, one of the librarians in have no interest in 'great' books to ies, 'Seven Men'. charge, the demand for material on NATIONAL CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK reading and writing. "Others whom some will enjoy art and design increases as the "There'is the witty and amusing are Ronald Firbank, who wrote 'The number of women in the school Novembe 17 to 23 H. 'H. Munro who have taken' Saki Flower Beneath the Foot,' and who becomes greater, because these, for his pen name. He is the P. Writes as if he were attached to felds are of special interest to G. Wodehouse of the high brows, the entourage of the Primcc ofIthem.Bs His books, 'The Chronicles of Clo- Wales. He conceals much pec-I As there are no published cata-' vis' and 'The Unbearable Bassing- trating analysis beneath his persi- J log indexes for works on art, Mrs. ton' have the happy faculty of flage. Ellis and Miss Randall, the 11- turning every situation into a witty Two other authors mentioned by brarians, have developed one of THE PIT an BO K SP' remark. For instance," suggested Professor Jack are Ronald. Fraser their own which they hope to have Professor Jack, 'Lady Bassington and Stephen ! Hudson. The former published in the near future. This One Block West of State 521 E. Jefferson comments of her cook, 'She was a is the writer of "Landscape with work will be an entirely new one in good cook as cooks go; and as cooks Flowers," which Professor Jack de- library science. go, she went.' Readers of Saki scribes as a "charming tale of Chi- make a sort of informal club much na and philosophy." The latter is like readers of Jane Austen whom the writer of "Tony," "Myrtle," and Kipling mentions in 'Debits anq "Richard Kurt." Professor Jack Credits' (his latest book) and calls says of him, "He is more important the 'Janeites.' than he seems to be because of his "Then there is Max Beerbohm- sympathetic analysis of sentiment. I the incomparable Max," continued "Perhaps the chief imspirer of the Professor Jack, "who was one of novel of sheer fantasy which is of the contributors to the 'Yellow fered as an antidote for realism is Book.' He impudently published David Garnett, the author of 'Lady his collected works at the age of i into Fox.' UT er ~YI~ _Ensemble _E '' 3 e o~ . 3 -'\ "Thevwomen, and there are such, nstitution, should rejoice and be who go in for reporting to see some gay to think that they will be able of this life from which the editors to brighten up their days by read- are trying to protect them, can ing my idiotic columns. I only wish only be told that the newspaper is I could convince a few professors not a slummth ground." that it takes brains to be delicious- ly idiotic. Some of them seem to wumenanum interview women' Mr. White continued, "We comeI then to the enterprising editor who believes reporters should be sent1 out who are qualified in a partic-I ular line. That is, the man who knows sports will be sent out to cover an athletic event, and one who is competent along political lines will write upfthe nominations. It is logical then that he will send the women of his staff to interview women. "Some of these will be debu- tantes, others club women, but among them will be those who fig- ured; in the latest scandal, and ther woman reporter who interviews' thefn will necessarily have to ques- tion these women on-the intimate facts of their lives. One can not blame -the editor for sending his best-fitted reporter out to cover a story, especially one which is at the time prominent in the public's at- tention. That is good policy, but that is also why editors who really possess a high ideal of women dis- courage them whenever it is pos- sible from working on assignments which are not connected with the activities of women such as are found on the pages devoted to them in the dailies. Believes Most Editors Agree. "Finally," concluded Mr. White, "I am sure that the majority of editors would refuse to allow young wonien members of their own family to enter newspaper work unless they confined them- selves to the activities I have men- tioned." hold the opposite opinion, and my stock fell considerably when they found out who I was. I'm going to fool them and get all A's, or B's, or C's-this semester. Oh yes, I know my ABCs. You know, at the very first of the} year, I received a letter from some poor, innocent little freshman ask- ing advice on vital matters. At least' it was supposed to be from an in- nocent freshman-I've had several people under suspicion. It's too latt to give any advice now, of course, but I just wanted to say that in the future I won't even consider ans- wering any unanimous-I mean anonymous-notes, from instruc- tors or otherwise. Really, my dear, I just can't do it. Somebody might be trying to put something over on me and that would never do. When I receive more requests, I will write another column. NEW ORLEANS.-Loyola Uni- versity of New Orleans has twol players standing six feet three inches high; they are. Knoblech, eild, and Medis, tackle. f'~ x SPECIAL Today Only 100 DRESSES / i /. \ i * r C 99 I r I I DON'T SHIVER AT THE GAME Wear Woolen Sox in Michigan Colors $1.25 and $1.50 It isn't chic to shiverT And with warm woolen ankelettes it's im- possible to shiver. Flaunt your favorite team's color on ankles that arc s !3 lU