.PAGE POUR. THE 1M ICHT GAN DAILY z- - " am . . . _ m . _ . .D AILy Published every morning except Monday dturing the University year* by the Board in Control of Student Putblications. Memiber of Western Couference EditorialI Asstociation. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- r atches credited to it or not otherwise credited Au this paper and the local news published hserein. Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of posta a granted by Third Assistant Post- toaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices;: Ann ,Arbor Press Building, May- hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF! a Telephonie 49 a MANAGING EDITOR~ TLLIS B. MERRY Editor..... ......... ....Ge';orge C. Till: Y City Editor........Pierce Rosenberg News Edilur.......George 1?. Simnons Spo"rts Edit ir. ....... Edward L. Warner, Jr. omwleny's ;'ltor........durie Folimner Tfelegraph Editul ..... Cs am iA. Wilson Music and Uium;.a........ William J. Gorman Literary Editor ,....... Lawrence R. KleinI Assistant Ciity Editor...... Iobert J. FeldmanI Nig~ht Trank E. Cooper William C. gentry Charles R. Raufman EAuiiuis Henry J. MTerry Robert L. Blass Walter WV. Wilds Reporters Bertram Askwith Helen Bare Maxwvell Banter Miary L Behymner B~enjamin 1. Berentsot Allan11. lBerk man S. Beach Conger Thomas 11. Cooley I ohn Ii. Denier felen Dominc Margaret Eckels Katharine Ferrin Carl. S. Forsythe :Ruth Geddes (3inevra Guxmne Jack Goldsmith lorris Grovermami R~oss Gustin Margaret Il arris 11avid B. li~emm~ ad Cullen Kennedy ican Levy Russell E. ]McCracken .Dorothy NMagec Lester May David M. Nichol W~illiam mPage H oward 11. Pckham Hr~ugh fierce Victor Rabinmowitz John 1). Reindel jIeaimic Roberts JosepIh A. R usscil Jouseph Ruwiteli WVilliam Pf. Saltartulo Charles R. Sprowl S. Cadwiell Swvanson Jane Thayer Margaret Thompson R ichard L. Tobin Tslirabeth Valentine Harold 0. Warren, Jr. Charles Wblitc G3. Lionel Willens Jolhn L. Willoughby Watatmx Wipe Barbara WVright Vivian Zimit BUSINESS STAFF Telephotip ,121I4 B3USINESS MANAGER. A. J. JORDAN, JIB, Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Departnt;:len t Managers Advcrtistvg .. .......... 11 :llister Mcmbtea> Advertisim, .......Kasper 11. 1 lalversort Advertising........... ...Shevrwoud A. Utpton Service ...............erge A. Stater Circulation................I. Venwr Davis Accounits...................... olm R. Rose 1'ub~catiois ........... ....Gcorge llamiiltou Assistants1 Rayttond &Campbel L-a«retnce I ,u :ey rames E. Cartwright Thomas Mluir K bert Crawford George Patterson IHarry B. Culver Charles Sanford Thomas DM. Davis Vce Slaytomi Norman Eliezer Robert Suttuon Donald awing leoger C. Thorne J ames Hfoffer . 1 ;ehl Van Ripter Norris johnson Rf.ert wVillianison Charles Kline WNilliam R. 'Worboys Marvin Kobacker and Wisconsin the "B" team pla- '_____ ers were, awarded minor letters for ; /, I! Mui A dDr" KDN C N their services in this capacity. This l b utB o s uicA dDrm manner of adding prestige to the___________________ reserve squad seems to have borne PROB.LEM OF. TONIGHT: Flaw Production pre- atb fruit to a marked degree as was F ,O A'1Ysjtsls pronaic f"City, attC.a ably illustrated by the spirit and FCIN- Ilt#H cnslast peWrforTmancet ofA m r'bNOV fire of the Illini and the Badgersi One of the most adroit problems aul"by illam T iIIau, i eI Ar or O- intei aess frtisyarilLydia Alendelssohn thatre at 8:15. OCT. ithrga s oartiyer which~ confronts the literature en- i very Oi It has been suggested that -sove t uias oayi*ht ffcto-I77SP such action be taken here to bobtl- at oayI ha!f itif "CITY HA~U Saturday Nitc AU&T ster the morale of the "B" squad by; led biography. Much biography is A Reiew by William J. Gorman., the awarding of a mnore appropriate wrte every mnth, and Itis~ Surtout, pas trop de zcle-o - -- rL insignia. By taking a step inl a d-I more than the avera ge critic can mdrto naltins hr s+JN rection different from the other read. Many of the new books are oeaini lltig!Teci Park Plan universities, the authorities at labeled "psychological biographiy"."a problem here! The better cart of 4_____ this critical conscience which1 Michigan may avoid the evils of giv- sone have the intricing sub-title of I wants to be critically accrate Ev yb y I Ing minor letters, and still accoml-j "intimate revelation" (a catch could probably use this space wick- pish the same end. j phrase that book-chub buyers re- dly. Another part is enthralled byWec m One of the foremost compromises iPeatedly seem to stumble it), the importance of the event last along this line would be to give a adohr aeilsoaytte night-there is a tide in the affairs, block "M" somewhat smaller than! which set readers to wondering forI of men when etc. Part HI apologisM the Varsity leter and having in its weeks if the suggestion is from to part I, prays or absolution, aw center a small, blue B. An award Shakespeare of Swinburne. Iproceeds. Lt' oY u of this sort would accomplish the( It is not the purpose of this; William Thaurnaau as peddled am' LtU oY u double purpose of increasing its sig-j article to generally discuss con-' interesing play out of the, m(,S.e eparin nificance,,at the same time leavingI temporary biographical writing, butI can Watr of the Boozs. The i h- So earn no doubt as to the sport and team l to point out the serious incumber-j teetth amendment is pleasingly on which its wearer competed. j ance that fctionized biography subjected in the first part of the 110 } oT places before the student and the scn act to the machine-gun fir ightest Quality 0 A DEBTOr GRAITUDE general rae.Ihveoebo no opn okwt eiea fW r Inodr1htthrIayb mind, particularly, and the ra- blood-bath at the close of the act~~ yu "opeeraiain o teo-son I am taking this one to or-: And all of that act is thrilling till raise "cpetrea ath iugn0he ou-{ ment upon is because it is an olds lating stuff. The old lusty blood-1 .A m "-'whe jetle o heGggnhi fui-7grudge. You will remember "Aril" wad-hndrdspaeinn dation in its promotion of aero-, (it had a sub-title, "The Life of to divertingly plausible entertain- ; & SON adve nautics, Daniel Guggenheim has Shelley," which I have always be- mt, the blood having an accpta- ' a justt lieved the pre-reviewer inserted as ble rao o lwntetu-l anucdthe additional gift of snfrfoig h hn 1109 South University The orkdoneby hisa kind of biting irony) ; it was pub-'der for rattling. This second act is 1y $50,00. Te wrk oneby hislised' by Andre Mauros several good melodrama, holding you to\ Half Block From Campus foundation during the past fouri years ago and was an immensely your seat like smelly glue. There I years for the advancement of aia- popular seller in America and Eng- is no reason either why the first OPrf -2'1't tion, both by experiment and prac-i land and third acts, flat and bad as they_________________________ tical flying, is tremendous, and the! We who oppose this idea of fic- are now, couldn't be written better debt of gratitude owed the Guggen- tionlizing biography are calledi now. There are many ways of stat- helms is correspondingly great. ; "stiff necks," perhaps it is from ing the problem, an d Turnau I ~our Inclination to bend to the fact could certainly rewrite the tihird When Professor Hobbs was evrtrtrieeqiedi act with less emphasis on the ""On- 1 oe fee rt srqie nparing to senad an expedition to gauaif.od.Teplyi writing,if ever a writer is deniedgrtaoymodThplyia Greenland last year, in order 10thergtooesnlatnmi good student play and undoubtedly make a study of weather conditions is the ritn of ioraphnoy,Ont it was worth the production needed (of vast importance to transatlan- IIt on u t fas tic fliers), the foundation gave him shudnvrwiebgrhrU-1topntutt fa. conideabl moetry ssitane.less he is well trained in or lniz- Little need be said of the pro- Other universities have likewise izng the mnaterial for his book scen- uto.M. intaswre benaddwt qimn o e-Itifically and exactly. Under no con- hard and wvell with an un- - ditions should he write merely be- tutored cast. The setting wrea1tII1 ^ lI!! 'I onautical laboratories and by the fhstyeoicuea little displeasing but there's a fi-' encouragement o f experiment ' autof"hr shold.accoplsheboth nancial bogey there. There was no _________________ ______ wherever possible. an author__shouldaccomplish__both of these features, exactness and predicting just what bits of act-' IS MEHDS -n IRTNIT~IDS Most people misintrpreted thein would be good. Oaths, the se-grcofsyehwvrecafr- first announcement of the foun da-'I gaeo tl;hwvr ecnfr cret of strong mecn's mat, are ;CHURCHI P lSB~I~i tion that it woauld suspend this ' give him if the later is absent, but 1 fudt enta t okhdntIthe for men--never! 1wantonly scattered throughout thne Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sis Iurla fundto ean hatitsworkhadnotplay to give a generous tanag of Mn., Rv. Arthur W. Stalker, D. D. I enscesu n h ti a i-I Credit should be given Lo Mau- eI smltd; j t ab u hlf o Associate Minister, Rev. Samuel' j. Merle 11. ing the project up as a bad job. rois for inventing just the kind of I them caie out writh the desired A-larrisota Student Director, M. s.Nli0 Exactly the converse is true, how- Ibiography that the club-women virilty.n. was hat wyethrughou ever. The Guggenheims felt that reading public wants. I haved a hint tepouto;aou l h is10:30 A. M.-Morning Wrhp by~~~~~h theeodoutiteaitoinwrk habeeruwoanhahradthehebis "RILIGION AND BEAUTY," 104 A.f by he nd f tis ea thir ork! tat vey wmanhasrea th lof bravura were 'successful. The 12-:09 M.-T H R E El B I13 L_ 045A }would heave given aviation anl im- jbook, or at least has heard a syn- I whole cast had an ease and assur- CLASSES 'at Wesley H-all.Po- cmo: petus suffleet to carry it forward, ;OPSis of it at afternoon Intellectual ane in the ungilded palace of Sin, (cfssor George E. Carrothers, Po 1:0tM-S an d th at fu rth er en cou ra e en t ' gath erin gs. If th e y h ave n ot read w i h h r l d t a c n , t e b s e s r S l m n F i g r c , M .P ofM ,- oSa would not be necessary. When. the it, there is a shame, for it is really one, along vividly. 1 l6:0 P.M:JoH CO LOnIN, SGuggenheims started to aid aero- I tearful in its simplicity at time).s. The whole circle of dramatic 6:0 Ma-IgiveyCOeWlR lNy". 53Pe.M- Inuisfour years ago, the industry Fr there is a "Dull and Hell" em- achievement has at last been ac 7:30s. M-ELYNGID 63 .M was young and undeveloped, while tionalism often present in an of- co6ihdsoeyb:tuetefr,0 PR.Ho.Rbr U on n. LM.- today it is fimy established. 'fort to make Shelley an Olympian with the help of an enthusiasm va- 1 son, Poet, Director of Hal 1 of elgo fThis additional half-million dol- o.; Aanteei retda frosy located in the Division of Fa, and formr ambassador to lar gift will be the last, but because 1 J. M. Barrie's "be-litting" In order English. All of which, Part II re- _Itay ilra i w om ____ no inure are forthcoming does not to arouse the sympathy of the club peats, constitutes an event. I mean that thne achievement ofj woman that she may condescend to t _________________ 1making the United States a leader stoop over and pat (poor Percy on A NEW THEATItE ART FIS API CIRI In aviation will be forgotten. The hi ufe itl ed THEATRE ARTS FINTlV1S: Fuba- Icountry owes the Guggenheims a Everybody who has read Shelley fised bJ .ohni Day Co., N. Y. C.' On East IHuron, west of State huge debt of gratitude which and who has loved poetry places Price $2.50. Rev. R. dward Saye, Minister should not be forgotten. him on a spire at the heights of As John Mason Brown points out Howard R. Chapman, Minister for Rai --- their heart. No poet ever wrote who 'in the introduction to this seriesI Students. -,reached the sublime he did He is of reproductions, its appearance not 1030 A. M.-"A Fallen Idealist," '.EVERY Si i1J us-Opno reached the sublime hie didIlie is so long ago would have been baf- is the subject of Mr. Sayles' ar /1IP -® t10 the poet of love and youth-especi-j fling. There was always plenty of 11101. The Detre Coniutoemseareske to e brief, ally of youth that is grapling for glamour about the theatre proper :45 A. M.-The Student Group V. P. RAN] confpin,^int pesebles tonosess n- 3fl0 and standards. Because btgaorhad i1'fl iala- icesat Guild House. Mr. Ca-"The Itunicatirns will e disregarded. Th hllywe , ramr h o aogtions; so tile study of the -seeficl- mIan v4Il be in charge.''~i aso names of tomninunicaists will, however. hllywsW remr h ataog his gi sar s ! be regarndd as confidential, uipon re.* badly irt a practical way, says Man- ly theatricalarts was Rceve' allow- 11:00 N.-Church School. out edinby- quest 4tttes p'lisled should nut h odce y 1 construed as expresing the editort' 1 rohs. His illusions led him astray. ed. Here and there t ilir'sesinth 1:3:0 P. M.-Student Friendship The DTRCI opnon of the Dairy. At the game of lfe he was inrel history of the drama cr pt into Hour, Informal social time. Re. 4108 W' mialdroit than most. Let us5 pity the Fligli;1. delrtnmenV but tlhte fresnets are seved uing the TOO DI~~~AST1C hint, smile at his funmblings, showing drmstuidwestpedoWJR.f To the editor: our superiority. Precisely here Itir gamorous robiugs and stud- 6:30 P. Nt.- -The Devotional Hour rD IAlthough the incidetit at F~letcher; the reason for Maurois's success. He ied as literature. This stress in agetsuet.I J_______ Hall and the ensmuing notoriety} is pondering to the inferiority corn- education on the inportancc of the _______ which has sprrad over the counztr~y plex of all us smiall people; hie has I drama never allowed a sane view _________________ is to be deplored, and must not be I bwrought the poet down to our level, of the proportion of the element,- repeated, it seemis altogether too1 "Ariel" is really the denigration of { that make up a thieatre-going ex- EILHM drastic a measure to miake the 150 the poet for the edification of the acprie. e owet ato hete-iETiLlU1. SALES 7a he yu trat uso er og ffetv sals21214can d aro ep a wildprue, ). Sokag ifiethei§gUts---&eenin o 'i- WERIAN CHURCH andl Div~isionSs Anderson, Minister 11 I. acdweld, Secretary for Womlenl .1 ,4.--Morning G.od's Yes." Worship. Laura Cod ling Bernice Glaser Hortense Goodit~g Anna Goldber g Alice ,Atci 'oly Skis -a Miller Helen E. AMusselwbite Eleanmor \Walkinushaw Dornothea Waterman tudent Class. Teacher: ird Y. McClusky. -Social H-our for Youngb --Young People's me-et- r:- Lesie Parr'. Topic: andi Progress." Night Editor-R~OBERT L. SLOSS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1929 FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Senator Charle~s A. Sink, director of the School of Music and for morej than sixteen ,yoars a state legisla- tor, is be ng-mentioned prominently for the ofliec of Lieutenant Gov- ernor. Senator SInk !gas served for six years in, the IHou,3e of Repre- sentatives and ten years ill the Sen- ate, during which. time he has made a multitude of frilends because he is an eager. ,conscientious worker. No iman hIt the state with equal legislative 'experience understanuds conditions tat 'the University as they really exist better than Senator Sink. The distorted vision of num- eroums individuals who see Ann Ar- bor as a huge brothel, bar, and gambling hell can be corrected more easily, by the words of a man known and respected by Michigan's legislators than by anyone else. In his position as present of 'the Senate, Senator Sink could pres'ent the University's. case in the accu- rate and sym pathetiQ way which citizens, of the state would be will- ing to .understand and believe. His knowledge and experience make him the logical contender for the lieutenant governorship. Senator Sink is our candidate for that office. JNIT Seri UN DAY MORNING from :it Civic '!"heat e [BALL, Will Speak on eSecond Birth" ,fthe rogular Uniity Servics st 1t."i A. M. and which is MIT tFNITY (J'NThER Vfoodward Ave. 'oadcait by letroit M.:30 a. a errt Standard Time i . ; 3 deeds of a few. Whiy should they be forced to ,pend valuvable timej aiid incur needless expenditures of Money hunting rooms, moving their possessions, and getting settled down in other dormitories under new conditions? It is bad enough to do this at times when no les- sons are goaiding one clown with :,work. "B" T EAM AWARDt1 Would it not be niore advisable to Nearing the conclusion of its :sets- Iplace the dorinitory under proba- ond year as an important cog in tionaa .s has rc(:ently been donec for the Michigan football systemn., the other insatitutions inl cases of 11is- 'l.3" teami appears to have estab- conduct? fished "itself 'as a. permnanenat insti- Moreover, conditions at Fletchcr t~tion both at Michigan and!' a I'Iall are nothing like as bad as they number of other Big Ten universi-; have been pictured and only a ties. The question now arises small percentage of the fellows who whether the present award for the; actually live there really knew whatk members of the Wolverine "B" team was going on. It is also true that is sufficiently significant of their the condtuct of fellows at Fletcher sacrifice and loyalty to. Michigan. Hall is, on the whole, orderly and Last year while the Junior var- I no more conducive toward a spirit sity idea was still in the experi- of rowdyism than in other dormli- mental stage here, the members of tories. It is doubtful whether mnany the squad were given AMA's chiefly institutions with the corresponding Ire-read "Ariel" with a friend ofj Imine last holiday and even our poor scholarship led us to findC many inaccuracies of time, place, transposition and omission. This is irritating after -reading Dowden, who is over-enthusiastic in conclu- sions but always accurate in fact, and after plunging into Peck, who is rigid at the very expense of style. iAfter reading Arnold and Thoinp- son, one must admit there is a greenish odour arising from. the work of this writer. M1aurois does not "know enough,", he is a link in tho~ chain of writers who regard liter- ature} as a' branch of commerce, and who are merely interested in affording the greatest possible out- put. This is corruption which must be discciragcd if we arc to have equilibrium ~n letters. F or any person whlo attempts to write biographiynmust enter time field of criticism whiether he desires to or SThe publication of a collection of prints---indicating the h'zory of the theatre in its visual lflanfet-a - tions, costume, scenery, production, and backstage-is significant as an indication of the mnodern approach i to the theatre. Modern aesthetic- lans have postulated the cohering of an audience to a vision as the art of the theatre; and literature is conceived along with acting, direc- I tion, design as one of the elements necessary to the attainnment of thiS miracle in the theatre. HeTre then~ is offered a means of ,tudvin~g the! history of some of the other elje- ments. In this first snaB collection there is -a working nucleus of -hith- erto inaccessible photographs that make clear and vivid to the eye I what lectures could not possib~le make tangible. The collection is intended pri- marily for the student but should have a wider circulation, for thec last half contains an interesting survey of the manifold contenip- 1 orarv cxtV (Yl'i'in1 ,s ." in (ipaiinfil l 1I (E~vanogelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between Packard and WtilMian Rev. Theodore It. Schinale 9:0,) A. M.-Bible School. 10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "Permanent Peace." 11:00 A. M.-Cierman Service. 5:30 P1.# M.--Studenit Fellowship Supper. Address by Father Idem. 7:00 1'. M.-Young People's League. BE CONSISTiEINT REGULI ILY IN YOUR RELIGION ATTEND CHURCH i ZION LU"FtI3RAN CHIURCHl wV.aiiitgto aSt. at Fifh Ave., U,. C. stellillor"i, PamLor 9:00 XAP L~-Bite School= 10:30 A. .-'-,fie!rmo topic: "D.o We CHR S]',SCILUNTIS'I' 409 S. D-i'win St. 10:30? " .--Regu~lar' Ilo!inui'i sinvice,:: Sc:ot" o topic: 'Adam ,.id Fallen cMan."' I nt. it is rem-aritabietehatlLMaurois ! ha d th~e audacity to ignore Shelley 11 II 11 . .. . s I I I