_ , ,.. ;::t l lJ h Y , 1}1,1 i; v, 1 Jc:o% Ti-it MiCHtGA~N r~A1LY ~LDOR TO ENGLAND NAITE DISCUSSES SUPREME COURT R APTflMERICAN AMBASS 0,09W IC C LET. DECISION ON PROHIBITION SEARCH L|, B|IO P O WVISITS PRESIDEN TO riir Some confusion has been causedi preme court it will be unawful,t fA TOi *G uur flDAPTICft1 by variation in newspaper repot even under those circumstances, fo(} r I Ithe poice to search the houseGRllOUP TO CONIENE of the action of the United States ____ I Supreme Court on October 21 in without first taking time to hunt denying a petition for a writ of up some magistrate, to detail the Will Outline Principal Projects certiorari to the Supreme Court of toi ar a of Association for Annual AIowa in a prohibition case in which to issue a search warrant. To m AM.JCampus Affair Is Attemptthe person involved sought to Iome lawyers, the preclusion from Meeting of Body. have the Iowa court's decision re- ppmmediate search in sun a case ;o Supply Laboratory viewed on the ground that it was appears more unreasonable than TO NAME COMMITTEES -U Experience, in contravention of his rights un- the seach could be. Search Unlawful der the federal constitution. Twenty-one members of the "But assuming that a search has Te MANY PLAYS COMING IN;The claim was advanced by the been 'unreasonable,' the second board of directors of the Michigan petitioner, Bamsey, that his house question arises. Can evidence se- State Bar association will meet at kize Winning Pieces May h! was enteed without a search war- cured by it be used to convict. Un- i 9 o'clock this morning in the Law- Pulse nVlm f rant for the purpose of getting ev- reasonable search has alwas been yeslb Publif idence to show that he was vo-u wul i this country. A police T ur XMichigan Plays'. lating the prohibition laws. It was officer who searches unlawfully is The purpose of the meeting is to Wadmitted that such evidence was everywhere liable in a civil suit arrange for the place of the an- Work on the one-act play con- found, but the petitioner contend to the individual whose person or nual meeting of the association est that is being sponsored by the ed that without a search warrant property he has searched. In most which will take place next summer; ivision of English is now in full law officers had no right to invadL cases the policeman is also liable to to appoint committees to carry on $wing. This play composition' con- his premises. griminal prosecution test which is open to all students In this case the Supreme Court "Some co:uts," Professor Waite the work of the assoiato ayduri of the University except graduate did not render any opinion, but continued, "think that this direct )e coming year and to lay out he ,tudents who are teaching, is given merely issued an order denying a liability of the policeman is not principal projects to be undertaken in an effort to provide practical in- petition for a writ to review the enough to restrain him from un- during the year. otruction in the writing and pio- decision of the supreme court of lawful searches. To keep him out It has been suggested that the ducing of plays. A course: in dr- Iowa. Washington dispatches to a 1of temptation, as it were, they say association, undertake the revision matic composition is given by number of newspapers, ineluding that any evidence he gets by an of the corporation code of Michi- rof. Kenneth T. Rowe, of the rhe- The New York Times, interpreted unlawful search can not be used in gandre tboric department, and students in the Supreme Court's action as court. Te federal courts and g nd the Board will decide Charles G. Dawes )left paid his this class may submit manuscripts meaning that the court gave sanc- those of about a score of states whether or not this is to be done first visit to Washington since as- to the contest if they desire. But tion to the course of prohibition follow this rule. Michigan is one of At the general meeting of the as- suming his duties as ambassador he competition is an all-campus officers in Iowa in searching a them. It has been criticised as sociation held in September, the of- to Great Britain. He is shown re- Affair in which the best plays will private home without authority of the ridiculous procedure of pun- ficers of the association were di- ceiving a Red Cross button from b4 selected for production by tire a search warrant. ishing the policeman by letting the rected to take the necessary steps Judge Barton Payne. president of 1lay Production group. Waite CmrnAents- criminal go. to prevent corporations and trust the American Red Cross, while Is Laboratory Experience. Prof. J. B. Waite of .the Law Would Punish Police. companies from practicing law by President Hoover looks on. The idea of producing these plays School, in commenting on the sit- "The other state couits evidently drawing wills, trust agreements and The ambassador has been con- s an attempt to give laboratory !ation in an interview yesterday believe that policemen should be ithe like. The board will decide up- ferring with President Hoover rela- experience to student writers. It said, "The court did not hold that punished directly if they yield t on the steps to be taken in com- tive to problems of naval arma- affords an opportunity for the stu- the search of a house without a temptation, but that they shoul pliance with these directions. m ent. It was this particular sub- aents to see their creations on the warrant is legal. Technically not be kept from temptation by O05 WAlTT '1 TUBE LAMP a WATTS : -. r' Power 8eedm 4 ~j AOia14 i INSIDE FR OSTED The Rit Lamp i the Right Socket -Fourteen types of electric lamp bulbs are carried in stock by The Detroit Edison Company--an ample variety to fit almost any need. Standard inside-frosted lamps are available in five sizes: 15 watts, 25, 40, 60, and 100. In addition to these, the Company supplies a25-watttubular lamp(forusein showcases), clear lamps in five sizes (1 50 watts, 200, 300, and 1000), and white-bowl lamps (sizes 150 watts, 200 and 309). 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Improved, Majestic Super-Dynamic Speaker. extra heavy, sturdy Majestic Power-Pack, with positive voltage-ballast, insures long life and safety. Jacobean period cabinet of American Walnut. Doors of matched butt walnut with overlays on doors and interior panel of genuine imported Australian Lacewood. Escutcheon plate, knobs and door pulls finished in genuine silver. JIM o Demonstrali.4 We have been receiving many beautiful small pieces of furniture. during the - last few weeks, that would make ideal Christmas gifts. These new pieces are all affected by the sale--now is the time to make your selections and deposits for later deliery. i I