1029 THF, MIDI-lIG Ida i'LG1 e4Zp ./u lLiC. L THF. MICI-IIGAN F) A I I Y rRIDAY, NOV~MT~ETh ,~, 1929 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN House Organizers: House Organization meeting Monday at 5:00 o'clock in the Board of Represerntatives Room. 'There will be some jchanges in House Presidents. l tis ncessary that c avZ ry gianiicr b,, at that mreeting-. Philippine Niiehigan Club will meet at We,;le-v 'i ai-iuly a ter-. 'noan, November 10, at 3:00, to discuss about the Rizal DX. , p.rogram. FORT Is c~ f. lrr - t yr v s Y UJM ON INFECT WUL OPN Al ?ut Doctors Will Attend publication 1n the Bulletin is construedive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the. Presiw II EIOUS DISEASES New Dctroi- Windsor .'HOSPITAL FRIDAY ~ L T"ihe forum will close with a ds E'tlNV ' ~i i 1 cusionof he Roe o Inusinsnew Ambassador bridge betiweent cusson f te "ole f IfusonsDetroit and Windsor was completed and Transfusions in the Treatment at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon of Diarrhea," the topic being in-, with the laying of the final secti~n trod uced by Dr. Leon De Vel of of the pavement, !'+wer r.ea ronw s.-. ,+a ..r,-as ra'vGrand R apids and D r. M oses Coo p --' --- A Ident until 3:30p. im. (11:30 a. im. aturday) 'n igmnn Ainnual mveeing 01 VOL. XL. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER , 1929 No. 35 1 Hindustan Club invites the Chinese and Hawaiian students for a Medical Society. __________________________ social meeting to be held November 10, at Lane Hal at 2..00 p. in. Prof. NOTICES 4 C. F. Remer of the Economics Department will speak. O'DO0NNE LL TO LECTURE Beginning wtih the present year Mr. William C. Ho~lands has retiredI Chorus Group Faculty Women's Club will meet Monday evening, fro th acivesueritenenc ofth UnverityPritig Pantin heNovember 11, at 7:30, at the bonze of Mrs. F. N. Calhoun 1047 Olivia! Discusin oni the subject of General Library Building. Mr. Hlollands continues to be in charge of the'IvNuMeioccsMnngtsb D. Bindery. The Printing Plant is in charge of Miss Edna K. Mulhollandl. Dr William S.ODnel n r _hre .Sih Members of the Facuty: All faculty members who have not ordered' Rockwell M. Kempton will open the International Forum: The second International Forum will be held thaiyplae-os-imditlyateScrtrysofie first session of the eighth annual Sunday, November 10, at 4:00 p. ni. in the Library o Lane Hall. Mr.; meeting of the University of Michi- E. C. Jandy of the Sociology Department'will lead the discussion on "The ALL STUDENTS ELIGIBLE TO JOIN 'an Pediatric and Infectious Di- Social Psychology of Race Relations." All students and faculty are cr- esSoitwhcwllbhlda dially invited. ARTCLB SAYS MARGARET DORMAN;saeSceywic ilb eda John M. Brumnm, Carlos Guardia, International Committee.:C UBthe University hospital Friday aft- Not only those actively engaged - er noon and evening and Saturday, House Presidents: All girls are ptmrsonally responsible for their in art work or taking courses in! ing exhibition of student art work November 8 and 9. The first meet- guests as to Closing hours and Lteness. at btal tdet:hoae ,n to be conducted by the society. ' ing, in the form of an open forum. Elizabeth Ile Vol. rbtalsuet h r n All those who are interested are will begin at 2 o'clock Friday. terested in art may belong to the requested to bring their exhibits to Following this discussion, the Viitrs Ngt-ngllfai Lboaor: heoblc s n itdo Art club, stated Margaret Dorman,! the League building during the subject of Rheumatic Syndrome visit the Astronomical Laboratory in Angell Hall to observe the moon c. himno h program! coming wekioieo h oma etfrhb r aulJ ei from 7:00 to 10:00 p. in., Friday and Saturday, November 8 and 9. committee correcting a false im- will be posted on the first-floor of Detroit, will command the at- Reservations must be made by calling i~ e Observatory ofilce, Univer- pressionr regarding eligibility to bulletin board. ten of the physicians. sity 657, between 9:00 a. in. and 12:00 Noon on Friday and' membership in the society.I Sat urday. R. It. Curtiss I a meeting held at 7:30 Tues- dynight in the Russian Tea roomI EVENTS TODAYI of the Women's League building,! a Art Exhiibitioni illustrating Now Ways of Art Education in German the constitution of the club, which Public Schools from the Prague International Congress of Arts, in third is the formative process, was dis- floor exhibit room, Architectural Building, from 9 to 5 daily, except Sun-°cusd day, through November 9.I The actvities of the organization _________________________ ____i are threefold: in addition to the "Business Adnministration 161: Hour examination will be given at1 regular business meetings, speakers 4:00 p.'mn. in Room 101, Economics Building. will be procured to speak to the so- ________ ciety; laboratory and discussion Colloquium in Applied Mechanics meets at 8:00 p. in., in Room 334 Session sessions will be held in West Engineer Building. Professor C. T. Omstead will speak on En- which the members will have a gin eer's Registra tion Examinations, chance to do their own sketching, painting, and modeling, and also Americant Cheic~al Society: Dr. D. 11. Andrews, of Johns Hopkins benefit by the exchange of ideasI University, will speak before the local section on "The Mechanical Na- with other students; exhibits of the ture of Valence Forces," at 4:15 D. ra., in roon 303 Chemistry Building. wFork of members as well as other! Anyone interested is5 invited to a.ttentd. { students who care to contribute Iwill be held.k Hfouse Committee: Short meeting of House Committee of the Michi- All students who have done any gan Union at 3:30 p. in. f art work, whether they are mem- bers of the Art club or not, are in- Program Salesmen : Programs will be issued at the main gate of C,vited to enter their work in a com- y Ferry Field from 3:00 to 5:00 p. in.' - COMING EVENTS. Stamp Collector,: There will be a- meeting Saturday evening at 8:00 o'lc n om48 fteRoacLagae Bidn. nacio asj D ain! been planned. Visitors qnd collectors are cordially invited.al i g o'clck n rol~ 40 of he omace angage Buidin. A autio ha Senior Mechanical T nginee s , Mr. G. W. Kittridge, Training Super- Fia visor, White Motor Company, CI-veland, Ohio, will be in room 221 West Frida Engineering Building on Monday. November 11, from 9:00 a. mn. to 2:00; anM E Y ERda p. in., for the purpose of interviewing prospective graduates. As many adStra seniors as possible should talk to Mr. Kittridge. He does not wish to; make any definite propositions at the present time, but wishes to make Cri n i r 'the students. acquainted wit~h the organization. Red Cri n i r IV.______ E. Lay. I chestsa directed from Fatty ,P ik in LYNCH & Co.Arbuckle's P1l a ni t a t io in New York Stock Exchange SejH L B Yi u Chicago Stock ExchangeI at leather for t Cleveland Stock Exchange I Detroit Stock Exchange (G a g jFD OL New York Curb Market 'j n esFIEDLA Accounts Carried on Conservatve Margin41f 201 irst Natl B nk P one 294Tickets at Slater'sG Fic~.r str.N.t'I .Bankir.Phonere4294 r_________________r. ( Number ONE JUSTREADY r E TINLKER F INDEPENDENCE(OWSouth State Street AMERICAN PHASE--Being the Second Volume of a History of the Founding of the American, Republic- P.S. See the new ONCEOVER Fla ]Prof. CLAUDE H. VAN TYNE of the University of Michigan.$50 WA SU NIVERSITY BOOK STORE erstock, Instructor in Pedtiatrics and Infectious Diseases, of the Uni- versity. A formal meeting will be held Friday evening beginni'g at 7:30 o'clock. After the election of of fi- cers for the ensuing year, nine ad- dresses will be madte by promnient physiciajns of the University, of the} city, and of other cities. Saturday morning's session, ,starting at 9 o'clock, will be fea-; tured by eight talks, among which:I is one on "The Evolution of the! Kahn Test in Children" by Dr. Reu- ben L. Kahn, discoverer of the test. All physicians interested are in- vited to attend these sessions. Private Wire Connections with all Markets Securities bought or sold on commission basis Teleph one ?2s541 Brown-Cress &c o. Incorporated Investmient Securities First Floor Ann Arbor Trust Bldg. } -1- II SMAKE window, who fujrnishes the these Gloves. .RS THE PAIR Leathers Only COMP ANY tat William Street annel Scarves. i I A f 411 I t I IIII III m II IIII 111 11111111i There is No More Personal Christmas Glo& than your,.PilOTO R P Better make your appointment now and avoid the rush Phzozogras 1( ittE!!l31ttItIttiltttEltl;}1iltttltEltiiltllf#1#lillltllllllttttH!lltEttllll4ili#11 ti1t1li 1111Ettllll411Et1f ICHIG m As t av .is, w M Mw LE ,i yy . l, :. ,. a.i x r t 'tt i' K .. " t ., , - - - - --- - -- - ~ I EU k UA 0 I m