k A&Z rO w T14 , MTC H I( A N DAILY -t'ETD'77 Published every morning except Mondayr during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Pnbliations, Member of Western Conference Fitorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited n this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-I wbaster General. Subscription by carrier, $.00; by mail, $4.50. Oflices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- vard Street. Phones: Ediririal, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925' MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editor .. ...... George C. Tiller City Editor...............Pierce Rosenberg Ncw5 .Editor........... George E. Simons Sports Ei .. ..dward L. Warner, Jr. Wlomen's TEditor .....,......Mlarjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Vilson Music and Drama.......Willian J. GormanI Literary Editor......... Lawrence R. Klein A-stant . ity Editor...... Roh'rt J. Feldman Night' Frank E. Cooper William C. Gentry Charles R. Kaufman Editors Henry J. Merry Robert L.Sloss Waler W. Wilds be forthcoming through the acqui- sition of money, whether it is used for a pretentious private fortress, or tied up in investments. But the leisure class in America need not be a landed aristocracy asE of old; modern devices for personal security and convenience have ren- dered property holdings unneces- sary. Babbittry has little of its tether remaining for cocky, go-get- ter antics in its pursuit of money. The older Society, offspring of pio- neer stock, will see to it that a considerabel number of its neo- members are expected as undesir- ables, which may have a retarding influence upon the crassness with which money is sought.- As for the way in which the gen- try will, organize itself, Mr. Nick- erson believes that the typical rich man will be interested chiefly in warfare; that soldiering is the hall- mark of the man of leisure. Nextj to this, the American aristocrat will turn to sports, finding physical and some moral strengthening- in them.' Then as to the non-military func- tions of the leisure class, he places politics first, with letters and art. following. Such a valuation of the gentry'sj purposes is untenable, largely be- cause it is not landed as Mr. Nick- erson supposes. Further, the rea- sons for Mr. Nickerson's views may be accounted for impressionistical- ly. He has been interested in the army and in the mediaeval Inqui- sition. Contrary to this man's view, we believe that the non-military occu- pations possess greater appeal for the leisure class than either war or sports. As a matter of fact, it is a prerequisite of an aristocrat that he eschew over-emphasis of physi- cal pleasures as barbarous. In fine, he would choose politics for his forte, as an expression of leader- ship in the nation, and letters and the arts, if for no other reasons than that they require the devoted attention of men freed from mon- ey pursuits, as the lamentable state of our national political and liter- ary arenas admirably illustrates. 0 - STOATED ROLL witAT-IO THE n~DIRECTORY! If you have a buck to spare, buy, a copy of the new directory- and then chain your copy down. The new red covers are expected to keepI you from losing your copy but that theory is knocked into a cocked hat by the fact that your friends, fra- ternity brothers and the like will have less difficulty in finding your well hidden copy. Yes, sir, the old mustard color of last year was more foolproof. Directories oughta be camouflaged, not made conspicu- ous. Another good plan is to tear out the inside pages and hide them in different pockets. Hide A to L in your vest, L to S in your coat, etc. Then write Ha-ha-ha inside the coers and let them lie where you wish. ! Following our plan of last year, we yesterday made a careful sur- vey of some of the names you get for your buck and as a result we believe that for variety the student directory cannot be surpassed. We confined our current survey to the; frosh, of whom there is a great ar- ray. The Smiths beat the Browns 13- 10, and the Jones' also ran with 6. I Aaron, of course, leads the pack; but closely following him is Anger- er who is subdued by Arbiter. Or [ if Arbiter doesn't work, then As- prin will. A gent named Bakhaus furnishes1 inspiration for the first gag on the schedule. Ready? * a a Instructor: "Name, please?" Student: "Herman Bakhaus." Instructor: "Because why?" 'Then there's a fellow named Batts. We haven't anything to say about him; he's just Batts. Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Barc David M. Nichol Maxwell Batter William :Page ary L. PBehymer Howard I. Peckham Benjamin 1-. Berentsorl-Iugh Pierce . Allan H. Berkman Viktor Rabinowitz S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Thomas M. Cooler Jeannie Roberts1 John H. Denler Joseph A. Russell 1 Helen Domine Joseph Ruwitch Margaret Eckels William P. Salzarulo Katharine Ferrin Charles R. Sprowl Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson Sheldon C. ulllerton Jane Thaver Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson Ginevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine y orris Giovermn Harold 0. Warren, Jr. Ross Gustin Charles White Mar-aret Harris G. Lionel Willens David B. Hempstead John E, Willoughby . Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise e an Levy Barbara WrX'elht ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit Dorothy Magee BUSJNESS STAFF Telephone 212141 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERERI Department Managers Advertising..........T Ilolli ter Mabley Advertising...... . Kiskr H . lalverson Advertising....... .....aerwoo A. Upton Service................... George A. Spiater Circulation............... rnor Davis Accounts ......... ........John R. Rose. Publications ...............(George Ilamilton Assistants. Raymond Campbell I.awrence Lucey James E. Cartwright lhomas Muir Robert Crawford GJeorge Patterson Harry B. Culver Charles Sainford Thomas M. Davis Lee Slayton Norman Eliezer Robert tteon Donald wing Roger C. Thorne kames I'Tofer .Jose lih Van Riper orris Johnson Robert Williamson harles . Kine William R. Worboys Marvin Kobacker Laura Codling bernice Glaser Hrtense Gooding Anna Goldberg Alice McCully Sylvia iMNiller ' f elen F. M useiwhite Eleanor ralltnshaw Dorothea N\Vat ernian i+ !i i i .} y .( e Ei 1 .i 'I I-.' ' * I Night Editor-C. R. KAUFMAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 19294 a npus Upnon ion Contributor& are asked to he briet, confiniug themselves to less than 300 There's a frosh named Bird, and word- ii possible. Anonymous corn- his first name is Carol. There's munications will he disregarded. The n.smesa o communicants will, however, also a Boyd, if you prefer that. be regarded as conidential, uponre- <7jp""?t Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial Another member of the class of opinion of the Daily. '33 is Hotzel Bode. Now look. If he had a sister named Annie there ALUMNI REVOLT wouldn't be any necessity of having To the editor: his name in the directory because This is from two Michigan men (hold tight) Annie Bode would be who revolt at being classed in the able to tell you where he lives. same alumni body with any one ungentlemanly enough to write of We hope the gent named Edward Bottum doesn't go out for baseball. our Big Ten opponents that "it is I wouldn't sound so good for the a disgrace to lose to them, and nq coach or the umpire to yell "Bot- honor to win;" with any one who tum's up!" even in irony suggests that we "let out The Victors March on a roy- To the best of our knowledge we ,,s haven't seen June Day, '33, but as a alty basis. .rule there isn't anything nicer than It is from two who saw Michi- a June day, oh, pshaw, that was gan's student loyalty and team terrible. i Mtsir And rDrama I TONIGHT: Play Prdction pre- sents "City' Hal" by Wiiam Rug- gles Thurnau, '29, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre beginning at 8:15. CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY Wagner despised chamber music; Liszt indignantly called it "Jammer musik"; a prominent American er-' tic suggested that performance be relegated to historical muse un-s. All three verdicts are undoubtedly defense reactions, unsubtle ack- nowledgenients of limitations. Yet they almost approximate the pop- ular view of chamber music. With the increasing popularity of the modern symphony--a grand affair employing thrilling wind-machines -the smaller organizations have gradually disappeared even to the much-bemoaned retirement last year of the Flonzaley Quartet. The quartet and trio forms are a more 'serious and severe medium. The relative uniformity of tone- color limits the range and charac- ter of the sonorities, rendering mu- sical distinctions subtle of attain-) ment. The form demands maturity in the composer andgaccordingly postulates a higher degree of crit- ical awareness in an audience, than do orchestral compositions which have various points of appeal that are anything but musical. Haydn, Mozart, Bethoven and Franck have certainly expressed some of their most intimate and profound con- ceptions in chamber music forms. So the infrequency of performance is one of the most discouraging as- pects of American musical life. The Choral Union series makes one annual effort at rehabilitation but the contrast between Hill Aud- itorium's vast stretches and the in- timate nature of the form is dev- astating. The Chamber Music So- ciety, lately the Matinee Musicale, composed largely of the wives of faculty members, have been mak- ing an earnest and consistent ef- fort to fill this vacancy in Ann Ar- bor's musical life. The programs offered have invariably been of high calibre. Last year the series included the Jacque Gordon String Quartet, Leo Ornstein and the Hartmann Quartet, the Pro Arte Quartet from Belgium, and the Malkin Trio. Thisyear, on the first program they are bringing something un- usual in chamber music, the Bar- rere Wind Ensemble. George Bar- rere, the world's greatest virtuoso on the flute, organized this ensem- ble when he came here from France to join the New York symphony. Its peculiar virtue is that it has re- stored to concert programs some of the most interesting compositions of the classic school written for this quaint combination of instruments that might otherwise go unheard. The other ensembles in the series 1 are: The Morgan Trio-January 14 The New York String Quartette February 19. The Elshuco Trio-March 24. W. J.G. * * ' "BLACKBIRDS" Vivacious dancing by hardwork- ing choruses and individual hoof- ( ers supports the singing and pan- tomine of principals in "Black- birds," a fast moving and extensive review by 100 colored artists now at the Wilson theatre, some two hours of distinctive and enjoyable entertainment. Adelaide Hall, dancing and sing- j ing in front of the Blackbird beau- ty chorus, put the shpw over in the second number with the song, "Diga, Diga, Do." Titled as a scene in jungleland, it showed savage enthusiasm approaching burlesque. Again, in "Bandana Babies" and "I Must Have That Man," Miss Hall displayed a good voice and excel- lent dancing. Aida Ward practically shared honors with Miss Hall by virtue of her singing and attractive stage personality. After "Dixie" in the prologue, she introduced the theme song. "I Can't Give You Anything But Love," with Lewis Cole; and followed with a lead in the travesty done on "Porgy." Of the male members of the company, Johnny Hudgins was out- standing with his pantomine of the theme song. His interpretation spiced with novelty dance steps and aided by the brass of the Planta- tion orchestra. Among the performances before I the curtain, the colored version based on Elinor Glyn's "It" and a number by two hoofers in brown, "Doin' the New Low Down" were the best. The latter was an excep- ra burn O'Coats $q sf $45 "Opposite Michigan Theater" $ s ' ~ ' .. . '4 , .M t :':..5: ' ! '.VA rxt i.,t . ,. ; x r.i9 i... F .,t t t .. 1 i .t 1f : (v YM Weather $ 5nn$io Lined and Unlined Weir ice - i I r OUR RISING GENTRY, Much of the dalliance transpir- .i ing in men's minds has been con- cerned with the fruits of leisure. They too have not only been such -stuff as dreams are made on, but,I whether for ambition, or relief from the results of previous living, or simply to overtake happiness on an excursion from reality, they have commanded great speculative ener- gy. There has been of late, particu- larly since the War, which is com-; ing more and more to be consid- ered a catalytic rather than a cata- clysmic occurence when viewed from its cumulative effect, a tre- hendous and rife deluge of spec- ulation on the outcome of the weakling tendencies our contemp- orary American society displays to- ward producing a leisure class, and on what values it will be motivated by. Now comes one Hoffmdrn Nick- /erson, who, in the November issue "of the American Mercury, contend- ing that the American despises lei- sure because he. confuses it with loafing, traces this approbationf first'"to the influence of our early Calvinistic forefathers, and next to the pioneer necessity for clearing forests. These are two excellent reasons. As Mr. Nickerson discloses, early Puritanism not only stinted thei adornments of leisure by requiring of beauty austerity, and of that "more universal adornment of lei-} sure," the drinking of wine, actual abeyance, but it so condemned fes- tivals and sporting as to make of work a fetish; the wonder is that it did not exceed its doctrine and reason alike by canonizing HerculesE for his labors. Then, of course, there was the economic necessity of moulding and conveying the re- sources of the land into usable forms, an effort absorbing the en! ergies and soul of every early Amer- ican.- comeback last year, expect a like{ regeneration this fall, and who therefore deny vehemently thati the "good old Michigan spirit is becoming conspicuous by its ab- sence." What possible value can be de- rived from publishing a statement so ridiculously distorting the ideals of intercollegiate football as the communication in The Daily of October 31 from O. H. "Rasty" Wright, '98. Since the point-a-minute teams evidently come within the 31-year 4 period of forbearance" during which Wright withheld his disgust, perhaps he wasn't satisfied with them. At any rate his letter is no less than an accusation that the coaches train the Michigan play- ers to lose, and demand that we, must always win or not have foot- ball teams. No statement more antagonistic to the aims of intercollegiate foot- ball competition could have been written. No writer could be more blind to the fact that if one team always wins there is never any hon- or in winning. How closely has Wright kept in mind the facts in his reference to Another so-called gag. Charles Dee, '33, and Eugene Fromm, '33,1 meet on campus. Eugene: "What's your name?" Chas: "Charles Dee." Eugene: "Charles D. what?" Chas. "Nothing. What's yours?" Eugene: "Eugene Fromm." Chas. "I don't care where you are from, what's your name?" (That could go on indefinitely but there wouldn't be any excuse for it.) A co-ed by the name of Gribble says it pays to be a Gribble but perhaps you'd better read it- over 'again. There are a bunch of Heckers in the book, and there are also three Hellers'and a Damn. * * *a i 1 TaL- huncijh. ~tose f,.h. the '10,000 available men at Michi- * * * gan, or in his condemnation of Three of them furnish us with a "paid professional management" of good test for intoxication. If you today, and his glorification of the meet Miss Mikalajizak walking athletic association of his time? down the street with Messrs. Does he mean to state that coaches Schmalzriedt and Steltzriede and then served gratis, or that by abol- manage to call them all by name, ishing coaches' salaries we could you aren't drunk, brother. obtain better coaches now? *F * * How does he reconcile his state- Now we're going to call on Damn ment that the old athletic associa- and the Hellers. tion "ran everything from finances * * to schedules" and "always had the The editors of the book got our