Characterized as "Remarkably*ONNA A POO LMS
IHuman" by Professor Sophie Tucker, origiBroad-
Roy Holmes. Noted British Author Discusses Soway night club "hot mamma","
Naval Disarmament and croons blues songs in inimitable
The Rev. Carleton Brooks Miller style in the talkie "Honky Tonk,
Designer of Ford Passenger Ship who will give the address at the Its Futureatthe Wuerth for the remainder of
Will Address Members of student convocation Sunday morn- the week. "I'm the Last of the Red
Aviation Society. ing, is "a remarkably human man," EXPLAINS BRITISH STAND Hot Mammas," "He's a Good Man S
according to Prof. Roy Holmes, of _to Have Around," and "I Want to
the Sociology department, who was Emphasizing that the English Be the Way I Am," are good tunes,
GLIDER GROUP IS ACTIVE I a professor of the Battle Creek people as a whole are, extremely well adapted to her type of blues th
minister when Rev. Miller was an anxious as to the outcome of the voice. bu
Several well known speaiiers have undergraduate at Hillsdale college. coming Naval Conference to be In her first talking picture, she
been obtained to talk before the',"When he was a student the Rev. held in London during January, impersonates a night club enter- Cde
Miller was always sympathetic with :George Young, in his lecture yes- tamer who has brought up a tec
members of the Aeronautical So- his fellow students. He was ex > terday n "Th Freedom and Com daughter in the best manner with- se
ciety of the Unversity, special tremely popular with the under- mand of the Seas," brought out the out the latter realizing her moth-
equipment is being made, and graduates, despite the fact that he panoint ththe coming friction be- er's position and sacrifices. ThenI
more students are being urged to came from a larger city and from tween the United States and Great the expected complications result,
become members of the society. a different section of the country Britain has been caused by the with the plot hardly wmnnig any C
Mr. Stout designer of the Ford than did most of the other students 'variance in attitude of the two na- laurels for originality. T.
aar- e htions on the question of naval The star sings and acts well, bet- Jo]
all-metal sixteen - passenger air- "He had ckme west to Hillsdale power. ter than the rest of the cast, which M
ship, will be one of the first speak- from Pawtucket, Rhode Island and Mr. Young explained the various Lilla Lee heads i1 the role of the
ers who will address the society. as Easterners were so scarce he was 'causes that have compelled Eng- daughter. Audrey Ferris has a L.
He will be followed by Mr. Evans of quickly identified, and was infor- land to stand for a platform of minor role, while the male leads ice
mally given the name of "Pawtuck- command of the seas. He contrast- are only fair. . ch
the Evans Glider association, Cary et" Miller. This was later abrevi- ed England to the United States, on However, the songs were enter- vi
Fritche of the Detroit Aircraft cor- ated and he was known as "Paw" the point that the former depends taming and well-recorded, and the Ro
k poration, Harold Emmons of the Miller. on the command of the seas for its audience seemed to enjoy the pic- ch
High Hat squadron of the United "While at Hillsdale he partici- protection and often for its sub- ture. A sound cartoon is good fun. W.
StHghate s quvyandro dpatedin campus activities and was . sistence. America, on the other La Ulri. Ge
States Navy, and Harold Pitacirn the editor of the Hillsdale Colleg- hand, stands for freedom of the Another recruit from the foot- ClI
who is developing the Ato-Gyrnd!ion, the student newspaper. He aasnd seas. It was through the lapse in lights, the famed Miss Lenore Ulric, Fa
safestaway of flying the Auto-Gyro ia interested in debating and British sea power that she won her makes her screen debut in DetroitAl
1also interpublic speaking, and was a ready independence, "We British feel that today at the Fox. "Frozen Justice" Da
The society was founded by aspeaker and a keen and brilliant command of the seas is absolutely is her first talking vehicle, sug- Pe
goup of students of the University student." . .essential," said Young. gesting sufficient opportunity for an
in 1916. The organization thrived The Rev. Mr. Miller is now mn- I"At present, Great Britain is the star's heralded abilities. -
for some time, but interest declined ister of the First Congregational forced to share the responsibility - -
during the the World War, to grow church at Battle Creek. His topic of policing the seas with other pow-Ss
up, in 1928- Sunday morning will be "The Priv- !. ers. The problem which confrontsSchoomasters "u
The Glider Section was started. ilege of Struggle." The convoca- !2the various nations for solution Conference Date Set
under the direction of Robert B. tion will be the second of the fall is threefold: first, that there has
vans, '30, Seven students were series conducted by the Student been a complete revolution in the
awarded third class gliders Aicen- convocation committee under the l ".,.a>:field policing the seas; second that At a meeting of the executive
ses last year, and Milton Stough- supervision of the Student council.~ there have been very definite committee of the Schoolmasters
ton, '30 ., received the first glider Princess Marie Jose and Crown Prince imbert, w hose egagement changes in international law; and Cubyesterdaiwadec s
engasdmedn.third, that the methods of naval the next meeting of the organiza-
thentesttes. Union Expects Large recently was announced, are shown at the Italian emibassy in Brussels warfare are of an entirely different tion would be held here on April
M b ot mo a s during the bethrothal ceremony, nature than in the past," Young 24, 25, and 26. This time for the
Members of the motorplane sec- Crowd Over Weekend said, concerning this phase of his holding of the conerence is a new
tion have not made as much pro- - During a ceremony at the unknown warrior's tomb in Brussels the lecture, "The first thing we have to plan this year adopted by the ex-
ress as those in othe sections, but More than 1,050 reservations have Prince's life was threatened when a man attempted to shoot him. The do is to study the question in its ecutive committee in order to facil-
y sa pdthatsm of the members wil already been made for meals at the assassin fell before he was able to fire, and the Belgian police and so- st-war condition and giveup alere tdng metiot
be flying a motor powered plane. Union on Saturday, it was a diers who were attending the ceremony put him under arrest at once.a thi oi te tiopna through holding meetings on
Two trips were made last year by nounced yesterday by Kenneth M. After the attack the radical said that he was sorry that his plan to way.tin thei cnction, he pond mFrin
George Hienian, '30 E., of the bal- Lloyd, president, and many kill the Prince had failed, and he stated that he had been picked by a should think of the naval problem The keynote of the entire confer
loon section. The first trip carried group of his companions to carry out the deed. in terms of peace, rather than have ence is to be "Better Teachers" it
him to St. Catherine, Ontario, and nA list order oosto asctakebr care ofthmpiledf large war always in their mind. was started.
I _crowd__expected___forHomecoming,__
The equipment of the Aernonau- crd expect or Homcomg,
tical Society includes tw balloons, and information concerning these,
may be obtained from the telephone
two primary gliders, and a work- opera'Tr at the Union. One hun-
shop which was donated and fitted dred houses have been listed, or be-!BUY
for the Glider Section. A third glid- tween 200 and 250 rooms. If any
Robert Evans and D. W. Smith said, these should be listed as soon YIS
went to Cape Cod last summer to as possible because it is believed ,l r " el CUIS
learn more concerning gliding that the present supply will be in-
from the German pilots of the sufficient.
American Motorless Aviation Cor- In order to have some definite
p oration, adtekoldete idea of how many guests Ann ArborL
obtained during the summer will entertains Saturday, the Union is
btaught to the members of the undertaking to take an accurateI;
this year.mmbr f ohe untofalthe people enterthelTO GET A
The officers of the society are: Union. Men will be at the doors
Clarence M. Ellicock, '30 E., presi- constantly between 8:30 o'clock in
dent; James D. Redding, '30 E., the mnorning until 8:30 o'clock at,"
vice-president; Cornelia Burwell, night. During the time of the game Your Week End Fouse Purl;
'30 E., secretary, and T. A. Mabley, men hired for the purpose will con-
'30 E., treasurer. tinue with this count. $1.00 to $1.50 Per Pound
A complete Fresh Stock carried at all
LANE. HALL TAVERN times atic
The Choicest of Wholesome Foods SALE AT THE PRESS BUILD
Opposite Law Budingnl 0 Ste tTODAY.
P _ _ arraaara~r.ra Irrrar
siness Ad President - Chooses
Senior Committees for
Coming Year.
Thomas C. Winter. president of
e senior class of the school of
siness administration, announc-
the appointments of commit-
s yeterday at a meeting .of the
iior class.
The committees are as follows:
vitations and Announcements,
airman Eugene B. Power, Robert
Beall, Dwight P. Danyek and
hn E. Kelley; Cap and Gown,
lton J. Drake, chairman, Lemuel
Laing, George E. Phillip, and Al-
M. Plough; Alumni Relations,
airman Kenneth G. Stuart, Er-
a F. LaRowe, Russell A. Prott, and
bert S. Reason. Class Banquet,
airman Harvey M. Gove, Brian
Blakely, J. Mark Felton, and F.
rald Smith; Finance, Frank L.
andler chairman, Rubert L.
irchild, Robert J. Fitch and
exander E. Toth; Picture, Don R.
vis chairman, Joseph E. Castner,
ter .E. Bostick, Richard E. Bristol
d Edward Dubperrell.
hould be your prerequisites
or tasty lunches and delicious
SJee l anD
212 South Main Street
Mrs. Anna Kalmbach
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W E will call him J. B. Smith for he is a
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