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September 24, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-09-24

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Freshman Week Issue






| Professor Bursley Addresses
Statement To Class Of 19331



To the Class of 1933:
Through the courtesy and cooperation of The Daily, a spe-
cial copy of that publication is being sent to every incoming
A considerable portion of the edition is devoted to articles
and news of especial interest to the members of the class of 1933.
Freshman Week for 1929 is fully treated in the bulletin
you now'have, and with this augmentation, a careful reading of
the two will give those interested an unusually clear idea of
what the five days mean.
It is suggested to the Freshmen that they make all arrange-
ments for room and board before Monday evening, September 23.
It would be a great help also if the rules and regulations


Dismissal Of Present
Government Comes
As Surprise

Dr. Little Talks
Before Seniors
President Clarence Cook Little
delivered the commencement ad-
dress at the University of Arizona
last June. . While making this
Western trip, he also gave the ad-
dress at the commencement of the
University of Kansas.
Returning to Ann Arbor June 11,
he was occupied with routine mat-
ters and with winding up his
affairs at the President's office.

W11 From Ohio
Clinches Second





Entire Week's Program
Announced By

Last Game of Season Becomes Hitting Spree;
Five Pitchers Fail to Hold Batsmen
Who Capture 29 Hits

which apply to classification and election of courses were care- During Commencement week he
PROGRAM REVISIONS MADE fully read in the Announcement of Courses issued by the Uni- FAIL TO GET MAJORITY spoke to various alumni bodies, and
versity. Much confusion and loss of time is incurred by the s
Third Annual Meeting reshman not knowing what courses are open tohim and by rpresided at the Commencement Hits of varying length and dimens
W~ill Consist In his failure to have a concrete goal even though it be one of very Coalition Of P a r t i e s ceremonies.threr-ofFryildSudaafrnnasJic
broad scope. After Commencement, the retir- of Ferry field Saturday afternoon as Mic
Orientation Above all, however all members of the class of 1933 should M ay Force New ing president busied himself with wld i 1 t
report at the office of their respective advisors at 8 o'clock Election packing and preparations for his i sugging orgy, 1-11, to annex
depatur Jun 26 Atthattim chmpioshi. Tis Itor inthe last E
More than 1300 members of the Tuesday morning, September 24, determined to cooperate en- departure June 26. At that time championship. This -ctory in
class of 1933, assembling from all thusiastically in all the activities of the week, he left Ann Arbor, his home for son assured Coach r ishers team of and
In addition to the welcome which you have received through i c Po the past four years, to begin his
parts of the country, will meet in the pages of the official Freshman Week bulletin, I should like LONDON, May b.-The Labor research on cancer in the specially ace wit a recor o seven wins an two
Ann Arboi September 24 to inau- to express my own greeting to the members of '33, and assure party tonight, with a counting of equipped laboratories in Maine, to Twenty-nine hit, nine bases on ba
gurate the University's third con- them the immensity of the advantages which await their the votes of the general election all which he will devote his attention intermixed in the weird scramble from wh
secutive Freshman Week program. courage and application. for the coming months.
Activities will be carried on Philip E. Bursley, Chairman of Freshman Week. bu comlted man i utho Ho During the last few weeks aseai n
,_____an absolute majority in the House President, Dr. Little was feted by tarn '1
throughout the . week, ending at - i of Commons. The most impressive various campus organizations. On 7g
noon Saturday, September 28. showing of its young life had given May 23 he was honored at an all-jg jjV five sa
Complete and revised plans for it a plurality over thinold-establish- student dinner at which the ad-pte,
the Week have been announced by:ed Conservative party of 38 seats, miration of the entire student body'double,
Professor Philip E. Burlsey of the 'althoughthe popular vote for the was expressed. At that time, ance. I
Romance languages department. Conservatives was about 200,000 President Little was given a hand-LI hits, w
AtEeadl some easy chair of English de- Lother
A8'clock Tuesday, all entering Igreater,~ the
f reshme wikT ll meetnwtherindg The8,294,204 Labo votes count- sign, in appreciation of his ood -runs. E
freshmen will meet with their ad ed had won 2 seats while ,506,224offices in behalf of the students oflineup
Visers, for a general assembly of cast for Conservative candidates the University. Centennial Celebration once du
their groups. At 8:30 o'clock, th Other Chairmen To Be Will Include Freshmen had elected 250. Since there are . Bill M
of e roups an at Ad EI 615 members of the house, a clear Plans Entirely for Mi
certain of the groups, and at 11 Announced arly n eronautical maority would require 308 seats. INLANDER STAFF Cancelled ineffect
o'clock, pre-professional confer- Next Fall *Group Brajorit Bal Dfa e arck
ences will beo conducted, by the -Blwn al eeae T X;l~__Asbeck
ens wiof te eson choo----iThe government of Prime Minis- M EMBERS' NAME two ba
General Assembly Tuesday Night TENTATIVE PLANS MADE NEW PROGRAM PLANNED ter Stanley Baldwin, which had Five New Me s Are Added NEW EVIDENCE PRESENTED frame
Fllowing a noon luncheon for ____1_the overwhelming majosoledP ri stofd8 ieNeBebr reAddp uring
the advisers,an professional talk. Final conferences of the various Announcing a new policy re- inte dissodarliament stoo Lower Staff; Manaing Edi- By the action of the Board of uCkey
for achitectural students will be persons connected with the active: lative to membership requirements, party, the second eteran of British or Not Named Regents in meeting yesterday aft- accorde
ve n they.leturef room of the_e ci Ao-
Architecturalburlming. Classifica- production of the 192i Michigan officers of the Michigan Areo- politics, was led y David Lloyd With the final issue disposed of ernoon, the Uniersity is 20 years nitting
tion begins for assigned groupsfat Opera were held yesterday to make nautical society have definitely George to increased representa- forthe current scholastic year, the older today. Official recognition had a1
4 o'clock plans for the carrying on of the decided to accept applications from tions which seemed to give them a staff of the Inlander magazine has was given to the date 1817 as the tree
At 8 o'clock Tuesday night, the work during the summer. The final freshmen on the campus, shortly though they ran a poor third. The announced appointments to next year in which the University was fora t
first general assembly of the year thuhteja po hr.Tesea son's publications. Five nwfudean hiOaths oio
will be held in Hill auditorium revision of the book as well as ar- after the opening of the school victory of Ibor was the more im- s lapon e founded, and this date is to sup- lead i
The president of the University, rangement of a number of musical year. While originally for older pressive because it had been a at the first issue of the magazine, Plant 1837 n all official documentsreache
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs- offerings that have already been students, and especially engineers, stwaysotsince it woteofirst- the date of which is undecided. and the University seal. went t
ley, and an adviser to women will tentatively accepted for the com- the club now includes on its mem- 000 They are Edna Henley, '32, Eliza- The reversal of action from the and re
give the principal addresses,. wel- ing productions will be included in bership list, students from all The country faces several alter- h Serhard,31, e El refusal last fall to chane the date on
coming the new students. At this the summer's work. schools and colleges on the campus, natives. Mr. Baldwin mighti try to n worth, '30, Frances Sackett, '3, 'ssdg t
I te umer wrk Iand Harold Courtlander, 31. of the founding, was instigated by Riehl
and other gatherings in Hill audi- n n fe hsfl ilicue;fgti u ihtepeetgv
torium du ing the week, every Appointment of William C. Gen- and a s this fall will iclude; fih tout with the present g With the exception of graduat- the discovery of a document in the ru
freshman will occupy a reserved try, '31, as chairman of publicity M every class, e ment, even without aid of the yi members, the upper staff will the rare book room of the Library him to
Mihia'sAeoauialsoityCnsrvtvemmbrswo el y eket nacalhog n af w hcrcode teIncrp ri thid
seat in the block reserved for his for the show was announced by Mas received -much publicity as a' the wayside in the voting. A be kept itact, although no man- which recorded the incorporationthird.]
advisory roup.Robert W. Manss, '30. Gentry, who ! haseeceinvtedfmudchih ersasidetwin ether onservA-iaging editor has been named. The ;date of the "University of _Michi- Iround
Will Be Guts at Garden Party Iis a, night editor of The Daily, will pioneer in the field which it covers, coalition between either Conserva-d ipper staff editors for 1929-30 are 'gania" Librarian W. W. Bishop Thre
Will Beitrdcig vitGntotesttiesad iatas Gaaorrde nii"Liraina.r. iyo
Wednesday morning will be succeed Pierce Rosenberg, '30, who te tiv an Liba or L d aul L. Adams, '30, Frances Jen- 'communicated to the meeting a uckey
taken up with special conferences was publicity director for "Rain- younger generation, and to people Liberals might be for med,or, and nings, 31, Jean A. Gilman, '30, and photostatic copy of a section of the opened
for musical, architectural, and en- bow's End." As publicity chairman who will not specialize in tnat line, it looms large, a deadlock may Hiidegarde Scheuren, '30, all of "Laws and Ordiances of the Uni- Walked
gineering students. In the after-?he will have full charge of direct- but who must in the course of busi- ea general election boe whom have taken active part in versity of Michigania" wich were MCAfe
noon, athletic programs for assign- ing the ways and means of pro- ness have some connection with ; next autumn.Wparssyr u-rsny o the nivsii182Mfe
5 Million Women Voters this years issues, presented to the University in 1892 fce. N
ed groups will be held at Ferry moting the 1929 show not only in flying.'et, by Silas Farmer of Detroit. This field or
field. Other groups whose invita- Ann Arbor, but also in the 13 or On next year's program, out- The electorate with about 5,000hn
tion cards so indicate will attend more other cities in which the lined by the officers of the society, a surprise by dismissing the Baldl-a gthe founding as September 12, !Straub
the lawn party given by Dean Burs- opera plays each year. will be several courses of instruc- win government which had held New Appo tments 1817, and this was accepted yester- came i
ley and Mrs. Bursley at their home, Other committee chairmen as tion through speakers who will be force for nearly five years and day as the incorporation date for ter.
2107 Hill street. well as the personnel of the various brought to the regular meetings, fcIefrng ea ly fithevUeaversity. Mich
An English comprehension, or committees constituting the pro- while it is hoped that it will be cnd Balor government the country Announcement of five appoint- Buckey
content examination will be given duction staff for the opera will be 1 possible to secure more satisfac- has known. ments to positions in the Museum the th
to the freshmen Thursday morn- announced early in the fall, accord- tory permanent quarters than the If, as seems likely, the King for next year have been announced niversi y Neb
lng. At 9:15 o'clock this will be ing to Manss. club now has, so that a library, vites Ramsey Macdonald to form a Museum officials. The appoint- o Have New Library or a
followed by a rhetoric examination I reading rooms, and club rooms can government that will be able to ac- re trpe
in Hill auditorium. Also at this inauguration Dinner be left open to the members at all cept the task with much greater rence, Kansas, to the second Hins-'triplet
time engineerin ps will begin H B S C A times, Another project to be en- confidence than he did in 1924 dale Fellowship, to work in the; Rhodes House, a building just across,
their inspection trips as assigned. To Be Hed y ... tered upon is the securing of a when with oi ly 190 members he Herpetology division; Samuel A. completed at Oxford University, is on McC
Individual groups will be scheduled - , plane in which flying instruction formed a minority government Graham, of the Forestry school, re- to house a new library called the two ou
for registration, classification, med- Inaugurating two recently elect- may be given to members of the against Conservative opposition of search associate in the Museum of I Rhodes House Library. This is to first w
ical examinations, and library ed officers, the Student Christian lub b one of the members who 258 and depended for existence ip- Zoology, to work in the Insect divi- be in the nature of a research cen-i high f
trips. In the afternoon, the groups association will hold a banquet Sat-- . b' on o t memb on the whims of 158 Liberals. sion; Robert Shaw, assistant in the ter for the study of problems af- with a
not attending the previous day will urday noon at their new offices in is already a licensed pilot .mammal division; Henry Vander- fecting the British commonwealth giving
be guests at the lawn party of the Michigan Union. Besides these The more truly sporting branch .. schalie, of Grand Rapids, assistant andthe United States. The -'i- The
Dean Bursley and Mrs. Bursley. men, John Webster and Laverne of the club is under the Glider Coif Will Present in the mollusk division; and Wesley brary, which will be a department the fi
The other groups will play at Ferry Taylor, president and vice president section, which sponsors the manu- . Clanton, General Museum assistant. of the Bodleian library, will be un- netted
field, respectively, the new cabinet will facture and use of gliders, or Annual Dinner For Mr. Clanton will act as an Assistant der the control of the Harmsworth pitcher
At night, the general assembly be installed. motorless planes. Ito the Superintendent of Buildings. Professor of Colonial History. as 141
of freshmen in Hill auditorium will --Initiates Of Order',_- the pl
Humhres f te Ltearycoleg, A HL Il ~Order of the Coif will hold its an- g5inon
and Wilfred B. Shaw of the Alumni ANNOUNCES TICKET SALE PLANS nual banquet at the Lawyers' club OF WORLD'S FIRST TYPEWRITERtopace
Football Games Scheduled at 6:45 o'clock tonight. The mem- traub
Friday morning will be devoted Students - will be limited to one be accepted after that date without bers of the senior law class recently Honoring a son of Michigan who Helen Virginia Clarke, '30, is one filledi
to scholastic aptitude tests in Hille. the student preference privilege. initiated into the order will be espe- has remained unknwn for a cen- of the descendents of the inventor. his g o
auditorium. In the afternoon ath- extra ticket apiece for the Ohio Tickets for the remainder of the cially honored at this time. tury, the state legislature recently ier interest in typewriters, it is and W
letic games will be promoted at State and Harvard games and three games on the Wolverines' home iEapproved a resolution reading in repbrted, centrs more in the port- man f
Ferry field. At 8 o'clock Friday for the Iowa tilt next fall, accord- schedule will be obtained in the Paul B. Barringer, '14L, of the firm part: "The Michigan Historical able model she has in her room ger to
night mixers for the men at the j ing to an announcement by Harry usual manner on student applica- of Jackson, Fuller, Nash and Bro- 'commission is hereby authorized to than in the first model ever made East
Union with informal entertainment' tions given out during registration. phy, of New York, has been ob- collaborate with the University of Those "other things" were activ- the pl
and refreshments will be provided.IC. Tillotson, business manager of In order to prevent mistakes, ac- tained as the principal speaker. Michigan officials in securing and ities that played a prominent part blow ti
The incoming women will hold a the Athletic Association. With the knowledgment cards wil be sent to Among the more prominent of maintaining for purposes of in- in the history of Michigan and of infield
reception and dance at the Michi- same plan of ticket distribution as students on receipt of applications, the speakers at preceding Coif ban- struction, the various instruments Macomb county for! that period, as which
gan League. used last year in effect, the .eer- each card acknowledging the re- quets are former Secretary of War and other material used and asso- as well of other states. The pres- singled
Saturday morning a mathe- ing section will again provĀ° lodg- ceipt of an application for tickets Newton D. Baker, Justice Burch of ciated with the Honorable William ent site of Chicago, then known as bases.
inatics content examination will be ing for those who still relieve in for certain games. the Kansas Supreme court, and A. Burt, during his work in the Fort Dearborn and Milwaukee were his sec
given. The balance of the morn- seeing football games from the side Provision has again been made Justice Rosenberry of the Supreme state " laid out with the aid of a "solar two m
ing, the University laboratories of the stadium. for a cheering section of 1200 seats court of Wisconsin.-i Burt is best known for the fact conress," another invention of mode.
will be open forlthe inspection of. Due to the late date for begin- in the middle of the west stand. The members of the senior law that he invented the world's first Burt's, which placed dependence cessor,
the nw sturent. Tn the after- nin of classes, student couDons All seats in this section will be be-Ins who have been elected to tvnwritr-or to h more accur-on the sun and fixed stars rather left s

ions bounded to all parts
higan defeated Ohio State
x the Conference baseball
Sig Ten game of the sea-
lisputed possession of first
ls and eight errors were
ich the Wolverines finally
rnce diamond title. Cap-
Red' Corriden led the
an contingent at bat with
feties in six trips to the
including a triple and a
in his last Big Ten appear-
Ray Nebelung collected four
pile Harvey Straub had an-
big day, knocking in four
Every man in the Wolverine
crossed the plate at least
aring the game.
cAfee started on the mound
chigan, but he was rather
ive, retiring in favor of Fred
in the sixth, after the first
tters to face him -in that
had poled out aome runs.
McAfee's say in the box, the
es found him for seven hits
ne runs, but his. teammates
d him ragged support, corn-
four errors. The Wolverines
field day at the expense of
'hio pitchers, getting 17 hits
tal of 22 bases.
State assumed a two run
n the first inning. Riehl
I first on a scratch single,
o second on Hess' sacrifice,
iched third when Fesler was
an infield hit. Feslerastole
In an' attempt to catch
off third. Truskowski hit
nner in the back, allowing
score and Fesler to reach
Fesler scored on Widdifield's
er to Kubicek.
more runs swelled the
e total in the third. Rieh
with, a single to right, 'Hess
and Fesler was safe when
fumbled his intended sacri-
McAfee then walked Widdi-
a four straight balls, forcing
hl. Hinchriian's long fly to
scored Hess, and Fesler
n when Stull singled to cen-
igan came back to offset the
e advantage in its half of
ird with a trio of counters.
ng was safe on Genger's
nd Corriden singled to right.
came through with a long
to center, sending two runs
and scored a moment later
boy's grounder to Riehl. With
t in the fourth, Hess reached
hen Kubicek dropped his
fy. Fesler then responded
circuit blow to center field,
Ohio a four run lead.
Wolverine barrage began in
th inning when seven hits
eight runs. Two Buckeye
s were chased to the showers
Michigan batters strolled to
ate. Corriden started things
a 'triple to ight. Straub
led out, but Kubieek's sin-
red CorridenheKermode then
d Sill in the box. Wein-
also singled, and McCoy
the bases when Genger let
under roll through. Kubicek
eintraub scored when East-
orced McCoy at second, Gen-
nan stole second, and crossed
ate on Truskowski's one base
o left. McAfee lifted a high
fly in front of the plate
Fesler dropped. Nebelung
l off Riehl's glove, filling the
Corriden's double to right,
ond hit of the innink, scored
ore runs. This finished Ker-
Straub greeted his suc-
Fontaine, with a single to
coring Nebelung and Corr.-

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