ESTABLISHED 1890t I Ar t 141 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO 25. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS PEP MEETING WILL B0E HEL.D TONIGHT FOAR HRVARDTILT "Beat Harvard" Will be Slogan of Students at Pep Rally in 'Hill Auditorium. LAWTON TO LEAD CHEERS Michigan Band to Lead Parade Calling Students to ' Support Team. "Beat Harvard" will be the war- cry of thousands of loyal Michigan students when they assemble at 7 o'clock this evening in Hill au- ditorium to prime the determined Wolverines for the Crimson inva- sion tomorrow. Chief crier of the "Beat Harvard" slogan will be J. Fred Lawtop, '11, composer of 'Var- sity, campus "big shot" in his un- dergraduate days, and an expound- er par excellence of Michigan spirit. It was Lawton who at the Illi- nois pep-meeting last year told a discouraged but hopeful crowd of students that Michigan could and would upset the Zuppkemen despite the four straight defeats that the Maize and Blue had experienced. And the Wolverines won. While a student, Lawton held honors and positions galore. He was a campus.politician of no mean or- der, was a member of The Daily and Garogle staffs, of three honor societies and the Board of Control of Students Publications and an athlete of note. Lawton agreed to talk at the pep-meeing at a late hour last night after a previously arranged speaker was forced to cancel his arrangepaent. Ernest C. Reif, '30, preident of the Student council will be master of cere- monies at the affair. Stan Cochran, '30, senorcouncilman, arranged the mass meeting. Band to Lead Singing. Michigan's "Fighting Band" will call the students to the pep-meet- ing this evening with a parade up State street and North University avenue. Its march will be to the tune of the favorite Maize and Blue football songs, "The Victors" and "Varsity" and to "Hail! Hail! the Gang's All Here." Once in the auditorium the band will accompany the assembled stu- dents in the traditional songs, the words of which will be shown on Every member of the cheering section -should report early for the pep-meeting this evening and tak the front center seats in Hill auditorium Students in the cheering section must wear their caps and capes Saturday or they will not be admitted to the section, it has been an- nounced. a screen. Along with the songs will come many of Michigan's famous football yells. They will be lead by Stanton Todd '30, 'varsity cheer- leader and corps of assistants. Former Ch leaders to Attend. Besides the regular cheerleaders two famous yellmasters of years past will be on hand to bring forth the cheers of the crowd. Lyman Joyce "Red" Glasgow, '25, yellmas- ter for two years when Michigan was playing conference champion- ship football, will be one of the guest cheerleaders. He led several yells at the Ohio State game this season and is noted for his unique antics while leading cheers. He is now editor of the Detroit Motor News. While a student he was a varsity debater and a member of several forensic societies and is probable that he will make ahshort speech of his version of the real, Michigan spirit. Carroll B. "Hap" Haff, '15 L., who led the cheers at a gala send-off# for the Wolverines when they in- vaded Harvard in 1914, will be the other guest yellmaster. Tomorrow's game will be the Maize and Blue gridder's first encounter with the Crimson since the 1914 game and Haff has come all the way from New York to see the battle and to lead cheers at the pep-meeting and the game. Haff was in his undergraduate days one of Michigan's greatest track stars. He captained the 1914 team and won the intercollegiate 440 yard championship. I-Iousnes ill Dleorae Stock Market Strikes New Bottom, Leaders Recover to Wipe Out Losses Forced Liquidation Is Blamed for Pronounced Decline in Market By Stanley W. Prenosil, I A.P. Financial Editor NEW YORK, N. Y., Nov. 7-The stock market struck a new bottom today when a couple of million shares of distressed stock was thrown overboard at the opening, and then staged one of the most spectacular rallies in recent market history. Early declines of $5 to $15 per shaie in many of the leaders were wiped out and converted into gains which ran from $1 to nearly $18 per share. Recoveries in the gen- eral list were not so pronounced as nearly 500 stocks, or about half of those traded in, closed with net de- clines, the large majority of which1 ranged from a few cents to $2 a share. Blocks of 5,000 to 75,000 shares STUDENT__MORALS Declares Present Standards Are as Good as Can be Expected Under Circumstances. ADHERE TO OLD MORALS Declaring that the present mor- al standards of the students of thel University are as good as can bre expected under the existing cir- cumstances, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department ad-E I were dumped on the market as soon, as the opening gong had sounded, with results that nearly 12,500,000 changed hands in the first half hour. The ticker fell steadily behind and was two hours late in printing the final quotations. Total sales for the abbreviated three-hour session cn the New York Stock Exchange was 7,234,060 shares, or at the rate of nearly 12,- 000,000 for a full five-hour day which compares with 5,906,740 in yesterday's short session. Evidence of a tremendous liqui- dation of speculative holdings that has taken place during the past week was furnished after the close of the market in the weekly Federal Reserve report of broker's loans which showed a reduction of $656,- 000,000 following a decline of $1,- 960,000,000 the week before. This brings the total down to $4,882,000,- 000, the lowest since Oct. 24, 1928. Wall Street, which has been suf- fering from a bad case of nerves as a result of the violent decline that has taken place since Monday and forced many of the leaders to new low levels on the current reaction if not for the year, was in a much more cheerful state of mind when the market closed at 1 p. m. Many brokers interpreted the op- ening decline as the completion, at least temporarily, of the forced li- quidation which has been over- hanging the market. 'PLAY PRODUCTION OPN3CT AL PREMIER TARDIEUI LAUNCHES PO0L I CY Parliament Adjourns Without Voting on Ministerial Declarations. SUCCESS IS EXPECTED Tickets for Are Still Obtainable Performances today and Tomorrow. dressed the second of the series of All-Campus Forums yesterday af- SIXTY STUDENTS IN CAST ternoon at Alumni Memorial hall. In his discussion on the subject ' Tonight and tomorrow night Play "Moral Standards of the Campus," Production will present "City Haul" Professor Angell defined moral by William Thurneau, '29, at the standards as being organized ideas Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. A lin of right of either individuals or 'ited number of seats are still avail-j groups, each of which overlap the able for both performances and other. "That they are closely relat-may be secured by presenting an ed is shown by the fact that the invitation at the box office of the individual is greatly influenced by theatre. Thos individuals who are the group, as well as the group by not on the Play Production mailing the individual," he said. list may obtain an invitation by ap- In describing the present civiliza- plying at the Play Production of- tion as one of rapid change, con- fice in University Hall. fusion, and even chaos, one in Rehearsals have been held for which old ideas are being thrown more than a week in order to in- into the background, Professor An- sure a finished production, accord- gell said there was a tendency to ing to Valentine B. Windt, director. hang on to the old moral stan- Dress rehearsals were held Wednes- dards. "Obviouly thi give rise te - dar iouslhisgivesri day night end last night. The cast considerable confusion insofar as of approximately 60 people makes young people who are growing up the production of the shop a littlei in this civilization are concerned. ! The younger generation is influ- more difficult than the formula-, enced too greatly by the spectacu- tion of a show with only a fewf lar phases of life." he stated. characters, Mr. Windt stated. Many "Campus life, confused as it is, is individuals in the cast are appear-. unique in the sense that it has less ing in a campus dramatic produc- influential traditions because of ! tion for the first time. the rapid turnover of students. The Division of English is spon- Campus life, therefore, reflects soring the presentation of "City rather closely the outside point of Haul" and play is being financed view wherein the situation is that by money made on Play Produc- youths are likely to be stimulated tion's general presentations in the by modern things. The net result .Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Attack Directed Against Briand for Following a "Too Liberal Policy." (By Associated Press) PARIS, France, Nov. 7.-The new Tardieu government, headed by one of the youngest Premiers France has ever had, vigorously launched the declaration of its' policy in the Chamber of Deputies today and prepared to withstand the counter-attack that is expect- ed from the opposition tomorrow. Parliament was adjourned late in the evening without voting on ministerial declarations which M. Tardieu read. The Deputies will meet tomorrow and then the gov- ernment will ask for a vote of con- fidence. On the result of this, the life of the government depends. Large Majority Seen. Its chances of success seemed brighter tonight and if the Depu- ties vote as they applauded, Pre- mier Tardieu can count on a ma- jority of from 50 to 100 votes. Franklin-Bouillon directed his attack at M. Briand for what he called a "too .liberal policy," always giving and never getting. He opposed early evacuation of the Rhineland, affirming that Ger- man appropriations for military purposes were enoag hto give the; Reichs five times as strong an arm- ament as the Treaty of Versailles allows. He declared that since the Treaty was signed, the Germans have per- fected roads facing the French frontier, and motor transport sys- tems that would enable them to transport an entire army by auto I mobile into French territory with |great rapidity. He said that the French had done nothing on their side. M. Briand will-reply to Frank I Olin-Bouillon's attack tomorrow and the effectiveness of his speech will have a great effect on the gov- ernment's fate. Reforms Introduced. M. Tardieu departed from the precedents of a score of years by introducing an imposing list of specific reforms the government in- tended to carry out into the min- isterial declaration, instead of gen- eral promises. He even told what the reforms would cost. The opposition sat silent while' he read his list to the applause of, the right and the center. When he had finished reading, the discus- sion of the interpolation addressed by individual deputies of the gov- ernment began. Only five speakers; out of a score scheduled had a chance to attack the ministry, and but one of these seemed danger- ous. M. Franklin-Bouillon, leader of a s all group that seceded from the Radical-Socialist party in 1929, made a violent attack on former- Premier Briand, who promises to bej a general target for attack as Min- ister of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Dawes and Hoover Confer on Naval Conference (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 7- Ambassador Dawes concluded to- night his conferences with Pres- ident Hoover and officials of the government regarding the forth - coming naval conference in Lon don, preparatory to sailing tomor- row night on the White Star liner, Homeric, for England. The Ambassador and Mrs. Dawes, and their daughter, Mrs. Melvin Ericson, have been guests of the President and Mrs. Hoover at the White House for the three days since they arrived from Chicago. There Mr. Dawes had conferred with officials regarding the planned Chicago World Fair. Accompanied by his brother, Ru- fus C. Dawes, head of the commit- tee working out plans for the Fair, the Ambassador attended a brief ceremony at the White House to- day when the President issued his ' Ishbel MacDonald Sp'aks on America (By Associated Press) LONDON, Eng., Nov. 7--"My im- pressions of America" were related tonight by Ishbell MacDonald at a Labor meeting which overflowed the Hampstead town hall and caused her to make an address in the open air as well as to those who packed the structure. "I was struck very much withl the sense that we Britishers have' been wrong in going to the United States and Canada imbued with a superiority complex and trying to push our ideas on to Americans," she said. "I am afraid we have not had very good people to represent1 us there in the past." The daughter of the Prime Min-I ister suggested that more English I people out to go to the United States and Canada for their holiday trips. "Then we would have a bet-i ter understanding than at present between the two sides of the At- lantic," she said. PLANS FOR GAMES NEAR COMPLETION Student Council Will Officiate at Freshmen-Sophomore Contest Tomorrow. CLASSES HOLD MEETINGS at Banquet. Special Editor. Two general assemblies and the Urgiig that the University Press annual banquet this evening will Club of Michigan pledges itself to bt the highlights of today's session assist in providing better and more of the University Press Club of adequate quarters for the depart- Michigan, now holding its eleventh ment of journalism, Louis A. Well, convention at the Union. ditor of the Port Huron Times- Full attendance of all members Herald and president of the club, of th club, which includes most -opened the three-day session of the of the editors of the state, is an- ticipated for the remaining meet- organization at a general assembly ings of the convention. , yesterday afternoon in the Union. Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the The Port Huron editor also pleaded Law school will deliver the princi- for co-operation between the edit- pal address at this morning's ses- ors of the state and the University sion, which will begin at 9 o'clock, on "The Judicial Council of Michi- n training students for profes- gan." The other members of the sional careers as journalists. faculty will speak before the after- "I hope that this club will con- noon session. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves tinue its efforts to assist the depart- of the political science department ment of journalism in raising the will talk on "The Press and Inter- I f' l ialenational Relations," -andProf.H.standards of training for a news- sophomore-frhe fagas at hL. Coverly of the economics depart- paper career, and in enhancing sophomore-freshmen fal games at ment who will speak about "The public confidence in newspapers of 10 o'clock tomorrow morning on Tax Situation in Michigan." Michigan," Weil declared. south Ferry field will be made to- Vandenberg May Attend. Follqwing Weil's address, Lee day by the Student council w.ich At the annual press club ban- White of the editorial staff of the annually sponsors the undercla& Quet this evening, Fielding H. Yost, Detroit News represented the ideas struggle and by the leaders of the director of intercollegiate athlet- of W. S. Gilmore, managing editor two classes.letics." Senator Arthur H. Vanden- of the News, on "Training the Re- Leo F. Brown, '32, sophomore;Seao.AtuH.Vnn-, captain, and arveyns, '3 mE berg hai been extended an invita- porter," to the convention. Gilmore captain, and Harvey Bauss, '33E, tion to attend this dinner, though was unable to speak due to an ill- freshman captain will today roundIhis final acceptance has not yet ness which kept him in Detroit. out the organization of their re-,' been indicated... spective classes, in preparation for . George H. E. Smith executive Advises Long Training. a spirited representation Saturday secretary of the League of Nations "Mr. Gilmore would advise young morning, they stated last night. 'association, is scheduled to speak aspiring journalists to join the staff With the aid of numerous lieu- this morning- on "Shifting Propa- of a small city newspaper after tenants the class leaders -have ap- ' ganda." This speech and that of n s pealed to all members of theirprofessor Sunderland will be sup- graduation, said White. The city classes for a large turnout backed Profed y aunerand wislobe dup- editor of a metropolitan, harrassed plemented by a series of short dis- by plenty of class spirit. The hold- cussions on academic phases of by getting out an edition of his ing of secret msas meetings by the journalism, led by A. L. '=iller, edi- paper each hour of the day, is two groups has also enlivened the for of the Battle Creek Enquirer- prone to pigeonhole the raw cub runderclassmen for the struggle. News; Stuart H. Perry, editor of reporter, and deprive him of much The two classes will meet at 9 the Adrain Telegram, and Arthur needed training. In the offices of o'clock tomorrow morning at the 'W Stace, director of the Michigan a small newspaper, the young jour- campus to march to the Ferry fieldPublic Utilities Information bu- nalist not.only receives personal at- reau. tention from the editor but he also assemble at Waterman gymnasium. This noon private luncheons will i obtains more varied news' gather- while the freshmen will meet on ging'experience, and a broader ac- the Union steps. Before starting1 be given by the Associated Press j n eprec, n rae c I and the League of Dailies and quaintance with the mechanical the parade down State street the Weeklies. and business sides of publishing a underclassmen will daub themselves with paint of appropriate colors. Many Talks Scheduled. newspaper. This experience, is in- red valuable, and is, in fait, a prere- The sophomores will use red paint, At this afternoon's meeting, in quisite for consideration as a pros- while the first year students will addition to the two addresses by pect for the staff of a city news- be fitted ont in green. Professor Caverly and Professor I paper." The freshmen will be the first to Reeves, George F. Milton, editor of I White further declared that it leave for the scene of the battle. the Chattanooga News, will talk ; was Gilmore's conviction that much They will be followed immediately on "Making New of Interest Inter- I of the responsibility for clearing by the sophomores, among whose esting." Following this, H. H. the profession of hanger-on and ranks will be the traditional fall Whiteley of Dowagiac, Len Figlt- *'dissolute bums" belongs to the games band. ner of Nashville, and C. O. Monroe schools of journalism, because they Official plans for the games have of South Haven will conduct short have induced more eligible young been made under the direction of discussion groups. men and women to seriously con- Richard Cole, '30, senior council- The toastmaster of the banquet sider newspaper work. "In addition man. South Ferry field has been in the evening is Louis A. Weil, to this," White continued, "while staked out so that the various con- editor of the Port Huron Times six years ago there were 67 per cent tests can be conducted in a more Herald and president of the press of our editorial staff who were col- or less orderly fashion. On reach- club. Louis Wiley' of the New York lege educated, at the present time (Continued on Page 2, Col. 5.) Times will speak on "The Newspa- approximately 99 per cent of the per's Duty." editorial staff have received some FEW DIRECTORIES LEFT Saturday's program will consist i sort of formal college education." AFTER YESTERDAY'S SALE of a single session in the morning' Cooperation Needed. devoted to committee reports, elec- In closng, White disclosed a plan There are a few copies of the I tion of of-iers and recommenda- which Gilmore has formulated for Student Directory remaining tions. Following the football lunch- the the solution of the deficiencies ex- from the sale yesterday. They eon after the general assembly, t isting between the training pro- can be obtained at the Student delegates of the convention and 'vided by schools of journalism and Director office in the Press their wives will be given, compli- e ryquiemens of bi metropoli building, on Maynard street. mentary admissions to the Har- tan newspapers "Gilmore hopes Business Manager, Directory. ard-Michigan football game some day," White declared that guests of Director Yost__ _ there will be a special city editor on SOPHOMORES WILL WREAK WRATH every large paper who will have ON EA LI GS ON LACK RIDA Y charge o directing the work of the ON Y E AR LINGS _N_ BL_ AK___R_ AY___ inovice at reporting. Through this and omet dsirs fr rvene. he aid the cubs will receive the. per- What the freshmen concocted at and foment desires for revenge. The sonal, intensive training that they their meeting last night in the chance for revenge will come with must have, and it may be extended shadows of East U and Oakland { the games tomorrow, but until over as long a period of time as the avenue is not known; but meet I then the frosh will remain down- individual case demands." they did, in greatquantity, in an- trodden and subdued.g After White's speech, a sympo- ticipation of today's horrors-the Unless-unless last night's meet- slum was given by the staff of the terrors of Black Friday. ing resulted in plans that will alter department of journalism, led by Woe to the unwary frosh that the usual pro edure on Black Fri- Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the wanders alone on campus today, day. department and secretary of the for on Black Friday the Sopho- press club, who outlined the pur- mores awaken their dormant wrath pose of the department as being to and wreak it upon the lowly year- O u-ater professionalize journalism. lings. The veneer of kindness which Last evening, the Regents ban- has covered the latent rage of the quet was given for members of the t" a- +o u hJlu 'n - . . - ..i " - -- nah aid+teirin nr' PRESS CLUB URGES DEVELOPMENT Of JOUNLS TRAINING SCHOOL; TWO GENERAL ASSEMBLIES TODAY Prof. E. R. Sunderland to Speak This Mornipg on "Judicial Council of Michigan." GEORGE SMITH TO TALK Director Yost Expected to Speak on "Men and Athletics" Gilmore's Ideas on Journalism Expressed Before Press Convention. LEE WHITE MAKES TALK Thinks Cub Reporters Should Have Training Under i is that the college is apt to be a modern, experimental place, inso- far as it gives most of the students their first opportunity 'to cut loose.'" "The makers of the moral stan- dards in campus life, for the most part, are the fraternities and so- rorities and other intimate groups' which exercise considerable in- fluence on the students. In order, that some control may be exercis- ed, the University may regulate these moral problems by advice,. hygiene, or discipline." SOPHOMORES ARE URGED TO ATTEND FALL GAMES Every man of '32 should be out at 9 o'clock Saturday morning at Waterman gymnasium, to pre- pare for the parade to Ferry field. The class won last year and it should keep up its drive ,and make a clean sweep as the class of '30 did. Let's everybody come out to win. L. F. Brown, '32, Captain t PROF. SLOSSON SUMS UP PROBLEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AT NAVAL PARLEY (This is the first of a series of interviews practically every previous attempt with faculty men on leading topics of current at disarmament, are now at a mm- history). a israetarnoatam- Concisely summing uip the "why" ,imum, according to Professor Slos- of naval disarmament, the inter- I son, who characterizes them as national question to be settled at "technical and detailed." Two ex- the impending Five Powers' naval amples of minor problems were conference next January in Lon- given as "whether the British Em- don, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of pire should be permitted extra! the department of history yester- cruiser strength in view of the scat- day explained that "The question tered character of its territories, of naval disarmament is really this: and whether the submarine should How much insurance does a na- be wholly abolished in view of it tion need to carry with its present possible employment against mer- risks?'" Ichant marine traffic." America 'Q~fcnrv 21o.^% ltoinno I 'a 1- " nra t - 4 . fvnr nhni n . r G 1 ; f 1 jt ',, J 1 ,3"rl of+i. .oG wn Luau ue 'ruliluvru hffa i IMF i "* w . ) l f fari neirnxr sir tii riicyhtfail- E v '-fa.rns nma '4-4-,a'n fl1,n..1.