e THErMICIGANn.DILY r A. r OV4 9rllrftar~AIr t'vblished1cyry m±tornring except Mond'ay during th Ilim-elsity year by the Board 'in Control tit Student Publications. Member of Wester n on erence Editorial Association., The Alssociated Press is exclusively entitledj to the us:e for republication of all news dis- iratches credited t+O it or not otherwise credited xn this paper andl the local news published lzerein. E~ntered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate' of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- toaster iGeneral. Sub cr iption by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices; An Arbor P'ress Building, May- nlard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editor.................... .George C. Tilley City Editor ...,...,. Pierce Rosenberg News Editor ....... George E. Simons Sports Editor ....... Edward B. Warner, Jr. Women's E ,itr. .... ..... Mlatjorie Follmer T'elegraph Editor......... .George Stauter Music and ljatna .,..... Williami J. Gormnan Literary Editor.x ... , ... Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Edtr..-Robert J.. Feldman Night Editors 1r rnk E.UC oker Robert L. Sloss William C. Gentry Gttv~y Williams, Jr Henry J. M1erty Walter 'Wilds C axles R. Kautfliaa Reporters Charles A. Askrecu William Page Helen. Bare GutavR. Reich Louise Behynier johnti D. Reinidel Thobinas AL. Cooley Jleanntie Roberts W .H. Crane Toe Russell Ledru E. Davis loseph F. Ruw itch Helen Donine NX'iliarn 1P. Salzarulo Mfargaret Eckels r erge Stainer Katherine Ferri <;iFell Swanson Carl Forsythe floe Thayer r Sheldon C. Fuller ton Margaret Tbotmpsua Ruth Geddes Richard 1,: Tobin Ginevra .Ginn Beth Valentine J . Edmund Glavin I (st-old 0. Warren Jack Goldsmith Charles S. W'4hite 0. B. Hemipstead, Jr. G. Lionel Willens James C. liendley 1,iolrel G. Willenr !tichard T1. Hurley J., F. Willoughby Jecan H. Levy Barbara Nltigbt R ussell E.. McCracken Vivian Limuit Lester M. Mlay 'BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ' BUSINEiSS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising ...............'. 11lollkter l4abl'- Advertising.......las1'er 1-1. lHal versoi Advertising ...............lircruvod A.. Upton Service ..............orge A. Spater 'Irculatiou ......... .f, Verlidr[Davis Accounts .................. .johniR. hose P'ublications .............. -..Gco rge ilamil ol Assistants Raymond Campbell Lawrence Lucey Jae . Cartwright Thomas Mluir Robert Crawford George Patterson I Barry B. Culver Charles Sanford Thomas M. Davis I e-' Sla'ttsn Norman Eliez er Robert Sutton "I Donald Eing Ir oger C. Tho""' lams otter loseprli Vait Riper Iorris Johnson lRobett Wilkausox, Chbarles lKlirne 1illiani R. Worboyi y dy.I A far more beneficial and at least as necessary a result could emanate from the formation of such a body in that it could set a definite pol- icy according to which the univer- sities mlight guide their conduct. At the present bime there is no ac-j cepted standard by which it can proceed, no established limits with-! in which it can legitimately act. Because of this lack of uniform standards, even those schools which are sincerely endeavoring to main- tain a proper athletic policy are suffering needless rebuke. With all that has been said, pro and con, about the Carnegie report, Stit ,About Books 19 POE'TRY FOR PRECOCI~OUS CHIILDREN Every Soul Is. A Circus By Vachel Lindsay The McMillan Company New York City Price $2.75 The title poem for Vachel Lind- say's new volume of verse, "very Soul is a Circus," is probably f a- Smiliar to most readers. It was printed ini "Poetry, a Magazine of ins the long run it will stimulate !Verse" in October, 1928, and was a solution for the situation ayod in recited by the poet upon his visit a way that will be more, condc Zivc oA ro atfl."vr Soul to' the real purposes of educational is a Circus" is typical of the Lind- institutions. Editorial Comment THE STUDENT, 1950.I (Grand Rapids Press) sayati poems; it is pos;sessed of airticulative Imagery, of simple th~eme alid stucture, and it is In- conceivable as poetry unless chant- ed aloud. The worth of these char- acteristics of Lindsay's verse have long been subject for discussion. Th'lose good old days are passeda Is there not supposed to be an in- ia1 which an engineering ,student at; telectual qualities in poetry? Are the Unliversity of Michigan could not Lindsay's ideas simple and relevehishin oflogritinsbychildishi? Are not the poems "lik~e relevehismin o loarihmsbya Kresge store, with nickle inag- (Iroppniai) il for a i ip1 cof thie cr and (dime alliteratlin"? These anatowy "lab" or a lectIur, oa re a few of the qluestions that have creek art. No longer wvill tile lowly beer' brought before the troubaadourl "dent" leave his bowl and drills syl- poet.I 'labus onl the History of Musical In- But if Lindsay is simple and strunit~s or a talk or1 Prec ius lleallin less, poetry of the folk is Stones. j, so. For hie is= in all practical mean- i)g, a wandering :minstrel.ie has 'Student., at Anti Arbor lwE'1after chanted to audiences the length arc to have identity cards, liceiie anid breadth of the country. And plates or passports enititling themr like the Minstrel of old, the his- s z r !tonies he sings are factious; but we to 3txfdy inl their own college onlly. accept them as such because of T'hey must not crowd the clas s the authentic prophecy expressed rooinS for other branches of edu- 'in them. It is the quality expressed cation in their eager search for in at poem of this new volume, "The knlowledge. They mxust, whenever IVirginianis Are Coming Again,"~ arrested, produce their card before! that makes Lindsay attractive. claiming enrollment in the student "The Virginians are coining again body. Presinably the passport All seat for the victory, calling the snapshots will be demanded at the 1 aid I see them, the next generation, gates of the stadiuml to make sure Ieteehadrdn,.oglg that no Student hias tran ferred his Geitl11eJ adrdn, ogl football ticket. gdmn With horsewhiip, dog whip, g aun1t- J All this rigmarole may be nzccs- let and braid, nary, like autoinobilc banls, ill the' Mutineers, musketeers, progrev s of miass education.. Let us Iii comlmuand. 0 Music ndDam "CITY JHAUL"~ Theire should be a certaiin tone of breathless suspense, likec that at football games, abo~it the comling productions by Play Production of "City Haul" by William P. Thurnau and "Leila" by Dorothy Lycln Acker- I man, the prize winning plays from, last year's contest. Most~ of us see, in the student production of stu- dent plays the fullest and most iin- ploring expression of campus yearnings for a University Theatre. There is no questioning the fac~tf that a strong tradition of c'reative writing in the drama mnust be builti up as a nucleus fori the r1h1eal1.e when it does materialize. Such a production as that given "City Haul" this week end will show theI whole long- analddiThul cycleof aebleveincilntleessLiy to tli*' pro-I duction of an aesth(tie tjCri in the theaLtre completely jna.Aer~d by student effort. And such i. demn-- onstration °cer'ta it ly consti ti te. I , ^oherenit. and vigorous consullMiia- Liont of studlenit eCBTt ldeser'ving~ lusty chieersa. SPlay ProdIuction has consenited toj dedicate some of its hard-earned profit to the exploitation of inter- est in student plays so tihat th Friday and Saturday ii ht pctf for- lilane'es Will be free s cons idvr a.- Lion tha should certainly bring a. 'capac'ity :crowd to Michigan's pi'es- eut theatrical stadium. The play in addition presents many d ifciil-- ties of casting gad scenic clesigai, being on the bold scale of some of George M. Cohian's more vigorous melodramas, Indeed it has been rumored that Cohan, attracted like' a true showman to the clever title, had been negotiating withi Tburnau f for a possible contract. 'Tie play is' described as fiscinating inclodra- mla enacted on a background of graft and bootleg wars such as Chicago periodically enjoys. The plot is an ingenious study in the expose that follows when the may- or's son goes to the bad and the gangster's activities are accidental- ly discovered. A splendid and original scene in a blind pig con- eludes -this tense and -ambitiou~s play. Thie judges of lastyear's con-. test were, cout ident th~at it would mak ioosdramatic entertain- mient. OPTICAL' DEPARTMENT Lenses :,tactIFramesMaide to Order' Optical Prescriptions Filled HALLE3R STATE STREET JEWELERS New York Listed Stock~s' A co hp lete' line of Coty's Products are carried in our Drug Dellartrnv,-at, 1 IGIIDtAY SPECIALS A special f.anq- bottle in a beautiful suede case hldicing ;aboutI ( ounces of perfume. Ill Luierand, Paris and 1L'Origon It "$31)>. Anoticr Coty set a purse perfume bottlc in amril case, withI lip, stick and square silver vanity in fltt 'abtuU relzn hsfclt nefae-Pool 3 witl 'Veaiii22, followed( by froin all other formils of mhusic and i ian uefrt f abtUi ity cui~rl h las once mor'ie taken bikllet -t :I1T1 "i s, 1ul l1111;tlf e ~i~ p the question with a view to dl hdwdia o t onsk. n tafrouri's °ttudy and danttce at Wou~tl . Iliaidtain(poetry an oralisart, brnigabout definite, action cith- 7to stir notexcitemeet.yDatroitlisrt brnigLeague with Coed 2M1, blond 1t.1nt- 'tim as such shoauld be accomn-tojui cotetd it b oe tropt on er through the MsteV legislature or-hogti'CtyLtlcl perainiental, -five feet two. selentifiC, wihqut cne*d t*e 'lc stpo through Hie city eon 'icil.eICwitJ gestuce. It should not be^h ot fteNwYr edes It is generally baelievedt that fra- ally clhocii oil the basJs of oIJI)0o- 'ea( silenrtly. It ",as prtiarily(terttco h NwYr } des ternities are taxed cffar rm sonl why thiere 'shlould not be a nly mews ,dorntitorv ill Anil Ar- : i? l pksfull at drums,riecoetopn i11Deoifo 'more, equitable asseslent onl fra- 'borwa:1 raided by police oflic ers alcics I oradle oesnpuar tootekerrii.nTeatr terl:axty proper"adio iae other- us- uild an)d-the Statford Co mpllany terit prpetis i te ear fu- 'Who report that it was beiug.tilued ical. ~rinsrments which attempt to get a reception Pathletically unien- ture. By building flite houses fra- as a bootleg distribution point, and t7Xr ens the ideas of poetry. Can ll uist tern~ities hav' e greatly mnicrea: ed' that they sei, ed a cons iderabale tliere possibly be any relation be- Chcg!sgltmgls mu o~ property values lin Ann Arbor and !Gda1iity Of liquor. Itweeit the orches tration as R i tisliedh ith 1,such u17 ter ;;ubjcn conseuitemtly, there is no reasoni Ti oud a utte A d{ eloped today, anld the village- _ I _ ____ to the rabad. Butculture of [h why they should pay more than tio raiy s ol's r ou ody -' c chant and rustic dan~ce as atgrethetropoii). 'The folk (ldance has vani- Lawrence ('ecil. Undtoulbte'dly, theI tives of the baoards in control of I that there is goitg t be less f ha- ,riie rtl orcr-et.Lnsy, _ athletics at the sveral Bi Ten gred hitlhtno recordieleft. Lindndsay°coalp any is prepared to ttke a good atleic t he se eal Bie rntdlunting f'ithes dr l w!amd laim'to :institute lhis ideas of Po- loss f9 r about three' yers [he New universities, could be especially -ee rne a'ls etical gaines into high school sys- York peddler etadition 's suretty -helpful in setting and maintaining Special ground for t t i oile e(x-I tmadtu re tdnsfo mY esalhdeerwreYt afeasible policy for the relations tats because Presidenlt lUtfive ain sa verse by tap ing leortishladabeeryime r ale of a uixersity with its athletes. known as a person who is just and 1 with a eclo the dek-'f ~ spos:adamic.'_Deoitl More a eci i heds. u,1obvilousl~y, it could help to fair but inot given to 'Litandiing for li ,cannotI' acpose:lDsh his aim;oi, lookattep--e'icamto breaking awayis Irounh pret any irmtituti nfrom n~-ions~enise;" and who ei Pronieto lllt dscvrtherao°~slIaoto iu iigbrlnt t pin beondthertruerlimts f is eetdisiplnar qu~tjns i'ompt Ithoughehis -faith is too strong toiIutu. relatiom-Ir wit-inits athrletes. Frtlh- 1I liad decisively . i nalreadyhras admi i.Books will prohibit hill. ut-.e .i i.r,.°. .. .. . ... . _ sI. ._.a............. - ' - 1 - A i z I, , .. I' :- i. . x_ i= f ( ' " $LUoti) Ilustraiea oy II a s Oz., $z.OU SOW AT TH-E )ETT R .SHOPS THRIOUGH OUT* 71°ifE' l .O ~D I .t 1 f tI+® -r aw Awl 'il-is ±4 the sand you Want to mtaie your° party a big vucces. SIB SiNAPPY 1iNTFIRTA NI~g Ben's Blo!3kwers "EWe satisfy " 4.3190 Phones 74 Joe Benjamin, Manager CRIPPEN.DRUG 723-Nort -i- imsty 207 South Main fit. Don't be like that" I FOR BALA NCE OF 1"Yalyp's O ("'ghSYA-'P, Vit~r car anl Irucatpvtus. Farnily Si. e ]botrle, 75 Purism? Nyal Mine'l oil, taste- less and oderless, lubricates, the intestines and relieves constipation without forming the " J axitive-. habit." Full pint bottle. 1_i oo N yodgest .111(1 ,f(: STORES, 'N, WEEK rNI ic, amt analgesic balmt.In . or'i for colds, neuralgia, - QOc ,a 12, V -I WRA'P'S the use of getting the good suit pressed for a date if the rain is going to make it looks like a wet sack- before you arrive? None whatever. But if you put on your Fish Brand Slicker your clothes look precisely as well when you get there as when you start. A real Fish Brand Slicker is good-looking too. It has set the campus style for .yeax'" And it will stand any amnouint of wear and rough usage. Look for the Fish Brand label, A. J. Tower Company, Boston, i I i 1 E { l .45- Packajge of 33 c T U