ESTABLISHED 1890 'Jr t Ahr tr 4.ait EMBER -ASSOCIATED PRESS ..... ........ .e.. _ VOL. XL, NO. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS HAINES A9NNOUINCED AS OPERA AUTHOR BY UNION MANAGER Instructor in Journalism Is Also Author of Three Previous Campus Operas. CAST REHEARSES DAILY Lyrics Are Being Written And Will be Fitted to Music Next Week. RUSSI ANS SEEK TO FLY ATLANTIC1 IN FIRST EASTWARD WORLD TRIP (By Associate( Press) NEW YORK, N. Y., Nov. 5.-Ifop- ing to be first to fly around the world by airplane, west to east, the four Russian aviators who last Sat- urday completed a 12,000 mile flight from Moscow to New York, have wired the Russian Air Ministry fot permissioni to fly across the Atlan- tic. If the permission is granted, the Russians hope to hop from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, to England in their plane, "Land of the Soviets", within three weeks. They plan to stop in England and France before returning to Mos- cow to complete the world flight in a heavier than air machine, fol- lowing closely over the route that the Graf Zeppelin took last sum- mer. The U. S. Army flyerp were first to fly by airplane round the world, but their route lay into the setting sun. The Russians flight here from Moscow required 70 days, but they were delayed frequen ly by adverse weather conditions and once werc halted nine days by motor trouble. Semyon Ashestarov is chief pilot and commander of the plane and T. E. Bollotov, B, V. Sterligov, and D. V. Fufayez arc members of the crew. 'Ihey issued a statement to- day thanking the United States Navy and coastguards men for as- sistance given them on the West coast during their hop from Alaska to United States. E NGINEEItNG iELECTIONS. Freslen engineers will clect officers at 11 o'clock this morn- ing in room 348 West Engineer- ing building. The Sophomore engineering students will hold SMITH HAS MARGIN O0F DERI}OE I1N EARLYRETURNS' James J. Walker R-e-lected as New York Mayor; Defeats Major LaGuardia. SEVERAL , CITIES VOTE Democratic Landslide Evident From Earliest Return in New York. (By Associated Pres=) DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 5.--With. reports from 264 out of the 852 pre- cincts in the city, victory in the mayoralty race here between John W. Smith and Charles Bowles still was an undecided matter at 11 o'clock tonight, three hours after the close of the polls. The vote wa6 Smith 38,807, and Bowles, 36,658. Election of Ruthven to Mimes Announced President Alexander G. Ruthven was elected as honorary member of Mimes, campus honorary dra-; matic organization, at the last meeting it was announced yester- day by Hugh Clancy, '30, president. President Ruthven was notified of the election and accepted in a 'letter addressed to John R. Effin- ger, Jr., '30, secretary-treasurer of the organization. He expressed his appreciation of the recognition af- forded him by Mimes. Acording to E. Mortimer Shuter, director of Mimes activities, every president of the University with the exception of President Burton, since the organization of Mimes has been an honorary member. CLUB TO ATTEMNNPT ISIGO UD Smith Has Lead in First Returns of Detroit Vote Former Mayor Assumes Small Margin Over Bowles in Parital Count. CLASSES ORGANIZE FOR ANNUL 1GAMES SATURDAY MORNING Brown Chosen by to Lead Class Sophomores in Fall Contests. IBRUMM GIVES ADDRESS Donal Hamilton Haines, of the Journalism department and direc-P tor of publicity in engineering re-W search was announecd yesterday by Paul Buckley, business manager of the Union as the author of "Merric- Go-Round," the 19b9 production of the Union Opera. Mr. Haines spent Thurnau Play, City Haul,' to most of the summer on the writing Staged by Play Production of the book for E. Mortimer Shuter, Two Evenings. the director, and, finished the script ai few we'eks before rehearsals were 60 STUDENTS FORM CA called for tryouts. Wrote Previous Operas. Play Production will present t . second show of the present seas Mr. Haines is the author of three ~City Haul," by William Thurns other Union Operas. He wrote , Ciy ad Waturda Thts "Michiganda," the first opera to be 9, Friday and Saturday nghts was put on in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. T produced. This show wsptoli cast of approximately 60 is made 1907. Next cane "Culture" in 1908 of students in the Play Producti and was the second production of courses, and a number of the1 the now annual Opera. In 1919 Mr. dividuals will make their appe Haines was the author of "Come On ance in a campus dramatic prodi Dad," the first show to be pro- tion for the first tine. duced after the war. The present The, Division of English is spo book marks the return of Mr. soring this offering by Play P Haines to the campus as an author duction iando the show is be of the annual production. financed by* the money which t Work on the show is continuing organization has made on the g daily at the Mimes theatre where eral campus productions. the prospective cast and choruses A number of good seats still1 rehearse each afternoon and night. main for Friday and ' Saturd The girl's chorus is at work with nights, according to Valentine Roy Hoyer, who plays the juvenile Windt, director, and they may l1ad in 'Pleasure Bound," now secured by presenting an invitati showing in Detroit, learning the new at the theatre box office..Invi routines which will be us cl in the tions were sent to -all patrons sho . The cast rchcarss each Play Production but individuals night at the theatre under the di- I on the regular mailing list may rection of Shutcr and the singing cure an invitation at the Play P chorus is being tutored by Roy ductioi ffilce In University UH Langhamn, musical director and This invitation may then be, leader of the Mies orchestra- I changed for a reserved seat at t Lyrics keing Written. box office. Lyrics for the production are "Lelia," by Dorothy AckermE being written and will be fitted to '29, will be produced by Play P the music within the next week, due lion November 29, and 30. The Shuter said yehsterday.The nusical two plays tied for first place in t score is In tl hands of the mim- student-written play contest whi bers of the orchestra and several re- was held by the Division of Engli hearsals are being held each week last year. in the Union. Moyer spent yester-- day afternoon fitting the routines ATKINS PROMISES that he had planned for the chor- uses to the musical numbers of the DIRECTORY SALE show. He will work with the chor- FOR TOMORROY uses until approximately a week before the show opens for its run in Ann Arbor. --Campus Sale of 2,300 Copies L ast On1.y 0"CDay'. NORVILLE VICTOR IN L AW ELE.CT NI In spite of numerous conmer to the contr ry, the Student Dir( Frehma t' h al. ct ory will appear o the camp S ngtneers Will ELect for a one-day sale tomorrow, Oflicers Toda,'I was ai'inounced yesterday by Sal ___._ ... "'Aff4 .. 11( 1~i , s I IT ITl be ST the on, au, in [on in-, ar- uc- 10- o- ring the en- re- day B. be Jon Ia- of not Iro- dl. he an, Iro- ese the ich ish to nit Tc- Pu it Ai- . ~ Aeronautical Club to Deal With Sending of Delegates their election at Thursday morning room. 11 o'clock in the same GOVERNOR NAMES NEW OHIO SENATOR ./{ C. McCullough Appointed to Vacancy Caused by Bnrtoi's Death. SERVED ON STATE BOARD COLUMBUS. Ohio, Nov. 5-Gov- ernor Cooper today appointed Ros- coe C. McCulioch, of Canton, as United States Senator from Ohio to ;ill the vacancy caused by the death of Sen tor Theodore B. Burton, a wets ago. For the past year, MeCulloch hasj served as chairman of the State Utilities Commuission, 1a position to i which he was a p und by Glover- Governor Coo)er said M:C ulloch was selected because he was In sympathy with the policies of the Hoover administration. The Governor pointed out.hat MN'cCulIlo(A'5 three tierms as repre-I 3Cntative i Congress from the uantou' district, and his work in public olic es mii Ohio had fittedf hilm to take over the unlilmished work of Seatmo'r tuhirton. l1le1t'"loehs a ppoi Itdnt is for l v perod of oe yeaj ie nu", seem :lection mi November, 1930, for tHe inexpired tnr (nt ,tw years of the ,ix-year ei'rai of tie late Senator Frank LD Wi.lis,l'ollowing the :icath of Senator Wills in the Apring of 192, CYrus bocier Was named to ll thes vacancy by Gov-, Irnor D>nthy. Locher was defeat-I Ad !or [le Denictratic _ 1 oniin1 ati on .n 19-8 and Senator Burton, Re- ,ublia), won the post i lthe geu- I ral deetio. - EngIand May Reopen Russian Relationships ( by _ , U'-i it d r C5ยง) ILOND&N, r ng., Nov. 5 h House of Commons atq ton, voted 324 to 199 for resumption of diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia after a long anod somewhat acrimonious debate.' Earlier the House defeated by the' same vote an amendment offered by forner Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin deploring the "failure" of the new Labor movenmen to main-! tain the condition which the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary has laid down for the resumption of relations. The vote of the house paved the way for restoration of the diplo- matic ties severed iln 19' during the Premiership of Mr. Baldwin.j of Michigan's Plays; s Will Accompany Team Walker Tkes Lead. to Convention. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, N. Y., Nov. 5.-- jTO MEET THIS EVENING Mayor James J. Walker was re- - elected Mayor of New York in the Appropriation of funds to send quadrenniel municipal election to- I delegates to the national conven- day in a great Democratic sweep. tion of intercollegiate Aeronautical He had a lead of 394,645 votes j societies to be held Thursday, Fri- over Congressman Fiorello 1I. La- day, and Saturday of this week Guardia, Republican fusion candi- at Columbus, Ohio, will be the prin- date, in 2,600 districts out of 3,411 cipal business to be transacted at in the city. the second regular meeting of the The Democratic. landslide was in- Aeronautical society to be held at dicated in the first returns. There- 7:30 /o'clock tonight in room 348 after, every district vote count West Engineering building. added to the mounting total. Although efforts were made to Major LaG uardia, who had con- secure speakers for this meeting ducted a fiery campaign, conceded of the Aeronautical society, due to the Mayor's re-election, soon after the widespread interest amnon- 8:30 o'clock and sent a congra tula- prominent men connected with ti t ry telegram to him. aviation industry, it was inpos- "I am licked," he added to a cir- sible to engage anyone definitely. c, eof close friends as lie listened Convention business will constl-, to the returns. "But there is no ran- tute the major portion of tonight's cour and I hope that the elction rogram, although there are sever- is all for thebest." !fal other matters to be brought upI Mayor Walker' withhbel~lformal 'ufor discussion. comment until later, but was plain- .f'lTe convention, for which Ohio ly elated. He received si ovation at State University will act as host on police headquarte, bwhere e Nov. 8, 9. and 10, will, according to watched thery votebeingcountd reports, be the largest gathering early il the evening. Ater. he zof its kind ever to be held in this tored to T'avmnaly Hall i 'Union country. Delegates from aeronauti- Square where the "braves" Were 1al associations from all the larg- jubilantly celebrating. ast universities in the country from the New England states to the Pa- Jackson Elects Mayo!'. ific coa t will be in attendance (B-, As iatd Press) Speakers listed on the program JACKSON, Mich., Nov. 5. -Miplo include Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, lulliberger w,'s elected Mayor of Amelia Earhardt, Charles Casey Jackson for the full term beginning Jones, prominent in the aviation January 1. Ile defeated Clark W. industry, Dr. E. S. Evans, president Brown, former Mayor, by 414 votes, of Glider Clubs, Inc., Senator Hi- Final returns showed Hlulliberger ram Johnson, and the famous Ger- 3,608; Brown 3.194. man eliding experts. Kettering and Klemnperer. They will speak on the -__ various phases of aviation with Scholarship Prizes "hicb each is mostclosely connect- -~z ad and which they will represent at the convention c holarslip prizes are being Discussion sections will make upI offered by the Board mn Control the balance of the business side of of Student Publications Under the convention program, while the the following resOlutOi<- i1liglts of the social side will be Resolved: That the Board in i banquet, a theater party, and the Control of Student T'1_Iblaications Ohio State-Northwestern football shall for the current year otfer gamne Captain of Freshman Class to be Elected at Meeting Tonight. Class spirit is the underlying mo- tive of the two lower classes of the University as they are organizing this week preparatory for their traditional struggle at the fall games next Saturday morning. The sophomores last night chose their games captain at a spirited mass meeting at the Union, and tonight the freshmen will meet to select theirs. Leo F. Brown, '32, was unani- mously named as leader of the - sophomores. He captained thne class last year when it won over thec John W. Smitii closs ofa'31 In the spring gaer Former Mayor of Detroit, who Brown's election followed several had a slight lead over Charles W.gownks eyctin lwed an ad- .Bowles, when a quarter of the talks by class leaders and an adt- Botesiye terday'smayrltyon-dress by Prof. John L. Brumm, of votes in yesterday's mayoralty con- the journalism department. test had been counted last night.t jrnsmepment. Freshmen Meet Tonight. The freshmen will meet at 7:15 o'clock this evening in ,the ballroom of the Union to elect its captain. he first year student, field prc- liminary organization meetings last night, assembling in their six 9T 'SICONOgroups formed at the bcrgihigi of f the school year. The turno& s were Professor of Sociology Will the largest yet had by group" and Talk on Moral Standards E that fact is taken as an Indication s of the spirit and strength in num- of the Campus." bers that the yearlings will show Saturday. DISCUSSION WILL ENSUE Prof. Brumm's addre,;s dealt with -- the class games generally and t/hen In the second of a series of All- he delivered a pep-alk that cla. Campus Forums, Prof. Robert V. leaders say was highly cffective, I ilA (j n 1 1 1 I I i i Angell of the sociology department, The SJournalism, professor stated will speak on tle subject "Moral that no class 'which he addressed Standards of the Campus" tomor- on he eve of a game had ever row afternoon at 4 o'clock in Alum- lost. in Memorial Hall. f~rusnk Analyses Vep, Foilctwing a ;rlcf itroductot!' ",Pep is whiat he sophomores presentation of his subject, Profes--i need," he stated, tfhen proceeded sor Angell will encourage response to analyze "pep." "The three let- in the form of questions from the ters stand for purpose, ent~husiasn, audience. le will incorporate the and power of unch." He then question "How high or low are our pleaded to the second yerr men to ethical standards? Why?" in this I go crazy but to go crazy in a group. discutiS ov ..u "When you go crazy singly, you are Because of the broaU nature of taken to the insane asylum, but the question coupled with the fact Iwhen yo go in a you hva that it is one of the most vital whess-ineg.tiny problems before the present gener- ation, it is expected that it will Class leaders who spoke at the raise more than ordinary interest sophomore meeting were iidw:;rd insofar as the student body is con- McCcirmick ,ptesident of the class cerned. last year, Ralph A. Hardy, new.y Believing that some of the basic i elected president, and Brown. Al problems which are confronting the IDon hue and George Ryersot undergraduates at present are not games captains for the class of '31 being satisfied, prominent members also spoke. of the faculty have consented to The class games consist of three lead ian the disfu.tsion of some of contests, the cane spree, the pillow thetquestions that a representative tight, and the flag rush, The lat- group of students felt to be im- ter is composed of three rushes portant at these forums. 4 with the sophomores attekking -------- and the freshmen defending the MARSTERS ENDS three poles. GRIDIRON CAREERFOYHHN FORSYTHEHINT-S ) Leo T. Norville was elected presi- dent of the freshmen Law students yesterday after a close contest with Lloyd Sutherland. The election was one of three to be held this week. The second will be held to- (lay with the freshmen engineering students biallotinig, and the finalk one tomorrow with the sophomore . engineers naming their officers.' Other officers for the first year law group were Edwin foornmail, ice- presidentrFlorence Clement, secretary, aId Sherwood Ake, treasurer. The defeated candidates were John Totzke, William Kenney, and Sam Babcock, respectively. Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30, president of the Union, was in charge of the election for the Student council. The freshmen engineering class will meet in an assembly at 11 o'clock this morning in room 3481 of the West Engineering building for the election of is officers. Stan I Cochran, '30t, and Matthew Had- don, 130E, will bie in' charge of the votes for the council. 'lhe sophomore engineers will vote at 11 o'clock Thursday morn- ing in tjie same room. The time has been changed to an hour later than was previously an- nounced. as it conflicted with a lecture in the room. All A ailable Rooms to be Listed at Uui0m Le Atlkhi >,. 'U, buu.iness manager. Of the 2,600 copies which have been printed, 2,300 will be put on general sale.. The Directory is coming out no later this year than it has in pre- cious wears, Atkins said, and it is only due to the fact that the Uani versity opened later that the pub- lication seems to have been delay- ed. The name, address, telephone, 1,d home town of every student, teculty member, or employee of the U niversity is included in the directory besides a listing of all campus organizations and the names of their members. The campus will last only one day, Atkins said, and copies that are not sold will be brought back to the offices of the 'Ensian, where they may be obtained as long as any remain. - Harvard Eleven Learns Band, 500 Supporter cash prizes of $199 each for scholarship attainmen t accord- ing to the following rules 1. Every student who has done substantial and satisfac- tory work on any studentupub- lication or putblications under conltrol of the Board for four or miore semeters shall be eligible for one of these prizes. The Summer Session shall be rated as a half semester. 2. Every such . student who has attained an average scholar- ship of :B or bletter during the period above specified shall re- ceive one of these prizes. 3. Every student who believes himself entitled to a scholarship prize shall file an application for same at the Board office in the Press building after the opening of tie University in the fall and before the middle of November, and the prizes shall be awarded and paid beforethe Christmas holidays. 4. No student shall be an ap- plicant for any scholarship prize more than once. 5. The scholarship slandin of each applicant shall be esti- mated in accordance with the system of grading employed in the various schools and colleges of the Universitty. The Board reuueyts apnheaits for these prtzes to f1 their an- plications as soon as possible at the Board office in ~the Press uilding, where application Four delegates will be sent from the local Aaeronautical society to represent the society as a whole I and the glider section. At this time the iocal del Ales e nn opportunity to exchange ideas with.IBack Injury Will Prevent Stat' other comparable organizations of1 the universities represented, aid mFro Further Playing, S to lear'n as much as possible rela- 1, tive to the programs projected by} (By Associated ptea the other clubs. Tentative plans IHANOVER, N. h., Nov. 5. - Al for a motor plane section of the so- Marsters, Dartmouth's backfield ciety will be compared with those ! star and high scorer of the East, now hn existence in an effort to has played his last intercol- more quickly realize the ambition legiate football game, Dr. John F. of the Michigan organization to Cie, whio has been treating him own and operate a plane of its for the back injury received inlast own. week's Yale game, announced to- All members of the society are day. arged to be present tonight when Dr. Gile said an x-ray disclosed delegates will be elected and an- that the Dartmouth quarterback nounced, and plans for ihe financ- was suffering from a fractured ing and reporting of the trip will vertebrae when lie limped off the be completed. Yale Bowl last Saturdays Card Shark Makes Rounds of Fraternities Offering Instructions in Sleightof -Hand MUMPS EPIDEMIC I lealth Service Director Says Cases Are Too Plentiful, Dr. Forsythe of the University Health Service staff said yesterday that the rumored epicemic of mumps is more than a rumor. There have been twelve cases of the illness in the last ten days, which, lie says, is too ihany. "The epidemic was probably started by some unrecognized per- son with swelled jaws walking about the campus," he said. The in- cubation period for humps is about three weeks and if the epidemic is to be serious it will probably break out around the fifteenth or tewn- tieth of this month. There have been two cases in the last three dlays which seems to indicate that the disease is check- ed, however, nothing is yet certain in that respect. (By Associated Press) CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 5.-The Harvard varsity football team en- gaged in a light workout here in1 preparation for Michigan after is- tening to Billy Murray, 1919 Har- vard captain and quarterback, lec- ture on Michigan plays. The former Crimson star has been scouting the Maize and Blue eleven all season. lorween made several changes Ill his varsity lineup during the ) signal drill which ended the ses- slon. H-Ie made so many changes that observers were not able to learni much about his probable starting line up for the game with the Westerners. All of the regu- lars and first string replacements had a part in the action and the only sure starter appeared to be BY ETAOIN Any day now you may expect someone to walk up to you on the campus and contrive to extract half a dozen playing cards from I your hat band or a vest pocket,l or make a cigarett'e disappear and turn up later, extinguished, In your coat nockekt. It is the result of the latest craze that is designed to keen the campus card addicts and their victims exasperated. For the past two days a gent inI three dollar cover charge4fron seven brothers; in another he found eleven me who were wlling to learn. At three dollars each, the pay is good for an hour's work; so good. in fact, that it closely resembles a racket. It is not, however, a racket. Those who have taken lessons say that the three dollars was well in- vested. Their friends, on the other hand, are getting so tired of seeing paying cards appear fan-shane 1 I Furi~XeatherlVanI ;, L y 4 1