~THE MI~CHiZAN r°: LY .._. . ~$ --w . . ^ W 9Af*A wsi. It SDAILY OFFICIAL R ELFI 'TAflir -MINISTflY' DAIL Y OFFICIAL B ULLE TIN :AFFORDS I South Dakotoan Headsl STDFT-(IJDFT' 9 4-P 1V1T2 t Publication in the ittOunIs c=Stt re fnotice to all rnember _,uuru ~a i~t ~: of the University. Copy received by the Assistant tr'o thf= ?ffsi- LUU LU ia U IIjK ,<;A.:x.ldOjH detuntil 3:30 h. m(11:30 a. m. Saturday) __________ iiittt. }, t (, i.L VOL. XL. T.VESDAY, NOVEMBER x, 1929 No. 32 j Prernier to Reply'to Inquiries' succiflet formflu- I~fa.,y (+, l o i . Concerning Government 's I activityO.h NOTICES Foreign Policy. I Bulei is quite familiar to all, but. Seniors, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: A tenta- - - the procedure throug +h which the' tive list of February and Jdune seniors in the College of Literature, Sci-j DECLAR~ATIONS DFLAYED iinformative material which cony- 11 nce, and the Arts has been posted in the Registrar's Office, Room 4,,.. poses the "D. 0. B." goes before tsi University Hall. Trhe omission of any names or discrepancies in spell- I (P), As, ncatfd Press.) final presentation to student and ing should be reported at once. Namles will be printed on the official f AIFac, o.4-rme faculty is not widely known. Commencement program and on the Diplomas lust as they appear on Slips of paper, of diver7se kinds' this list. Andre Tardieu, electing to stand and shapes, bearing cicial notices Helen A. Hall, Assistant to the Registrar or fall upon a ministerial decla ra- from deans, professors, secretarie- ____t ion to Parliamnent on Thursday,1 of clubs, heads of' organizations.I will accept immediate discussion of and so forth are taken or mailedl Lodgings For University Press Club: Since rooms cannot be se- interpolation on the general for-t h fieo tePeieti cured for them at the Union during their attendance at the Univer- eigni policy of the govcrnmrent. Unitersieai o ef the rsipsen sity Press Club convention on 1hursdlay, Friday, and Saturday of ti i nucthishiUlativer~t st ad gredOutherlthre wveek, several guest speakers from other states will have to be ac- it w'as idctdtatenwPe ed:Ntcs vnsTdy n commodated in faculty homes or taken to Detroit every evening. I am miridctdta henwPehas oicsIvnsTdy n therefore asking any facultyi householders who may find it convenient as i ; pepared to ineltide an ; Coming Events, with the moste',u1- outline of tthe mt~ora itha.t the porchmt items pla(e t first in each to provide a room for one or more of these guests to telephone my Frc (leeg ation will follow aitt Vfl rop ;ietiiof rui office (Campus 485) bF-ween 2:00 and 5:00 p. ~"-t, or iy homes (4740). ntaval, disarml~ament conference in j are ir~iuvatin of tis year, was cie~ d.. LBruin ~i~i1 LctjdAoi in ,Januaary. It was on M.----------- --___- i .setan t t hi?e k i nc~ t. !"" 14_."J_ iciy , har~je of till CiJJ)ij>l z A. i:eparer froam The Daily takes the items to the. Daily offices where, in due course, they find their way to the composing room, are transformed to typ~e, printed on the last page of The Daily, an'd dis- tribuited by carrier and mail to lo- cal buildings and cistan.:t cities. SA special messenger, employed by The Daily, each mHorning clips the D. 0. B. columns from thirty-five papers and posts them on the bul- letin boards provided for this pur- pose in the various campus build- in gs. The Daily Official Bulletin came to Michigan with President Marion L. Burton. He instituted it during his first year of the presidency- 920-and this most essential fea- Lure- of the Daily heas con tinued withouit interruption ,since its in-, eeptior",. Five white rats, numerous dogs, and a cat or two are numbered anmo ng the mascots chosen. by the 1Kolar to Give c -1 of (lhe city of Dt&sfv-el long search for an appropriate atli- letic song is apparently to be ter- minated. Victor Kolar, associate conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orches;- tra. has promised to dedicate i k next march. to Detroit City in a letter replying to a request for such an honor from George Weiswasser, chairman of the college music committee. Mr. Kolar recently presented his latest march, "TThe March of 'the Titans," to the University of De* troit, and it is to this composition that he refers in the letter to tWeiswasser: "I dedicated the presen"t ima:rei of 11inte to the U1iiiv '1sity of Dr- troll, sonme time ago, anid it1 ha.s gfiv- en file great delight that a itul piece of musi' like my mxarcht ha: made so many peCople hapipy. "Some of these clays, sh ould my insiainaanledtet.rt another march, Y shall be delight- ' Tacrulty Women's Club: 't'hose interested in atceinding a serie a of fj ve dances for faculty and alumni are requested to phone Mrs. J. C. Brier, phone 854'7, at once., The first dance will be November 13 at the, Michigan Union.' EVENTS ,TODAY University Lecture at 4:15 p. mn., Room 1025 Angell Hall, Mr. F. A. Bland : "The Australian Constitution". Art Exhibition illustrating New Ways of Art Education in German Public Schools from the Prague. International Congress of Arts, in third floor exhibit room, Architectural Building, from 9 to 5 daily, except Sun- day, through November 9. German Department: Regular monthly mneptin~g at 4 :'15 p. gyn., in 201 ?University Hall. Physics Collotplim: Professor rnest f'. Earl:r will speak on.,the '"Report on the«.Mveetifig of the Faraday Society" 11n Room 1041 Eastj Physics Building,. at 4:15.t Junior Research Club, meets at 7:30 p. in., for election of new' members. Dr. J. 0. Halford will read a. paper on "The third law of thermodynamhics". Portia Literary. Society ,meets at 7:30 o'clock in the Portia club- room. Dramatic technique will comprise the program. Aticiphi House, of; Representatives: Regublar: meeting at '7:30 p. m.. Those wishing to, give try-out ,speeches may do so at this time. Consideration 'of the constitioin will )e taken up in the closed mee -I ing,. and all members.,are urgedi to attend. Hlillel Foundation: Professor John F. Shepard of the Psychology Department will lead the Open Forum at the Foundation at 7:30 p. mn. 1 Subject:, "What My Religion 1Means to Me". Anyone interested is in- t vited to attend.; Alpha Nu Chapter_ of .Kappa. Phi Sigmha will convene at 17:45 p. m.I All active members -and- pledges- be present. There will be a, formal pledging following a .short program. Choral Union:. The men will hold a rehearsal from 7:00 to 8:00 p. in., at the Schobl' of Music Auditorilum. Two consecutive unexcused absenses will cause membership in -Choral Union 'to be forfeited. Inter -Claiss Teams including three °second teams, start games today. Be ready to play at 4:10 sharp. In case of rain, meet at Athletic Build-. ing at .th e same time. Art Club meets at 7:15 p. in., In the Cave of the Michigan League Building. Bookshelf and 'Stage Section of Faculty Wom~en's Club meets at 2:45 p.mi., at the home o~f Mrs. A. W. Smith,,.008 Oakland Avenue.1 Mrs. Gerald Fox, ..assistant hostess.! COATING EVENTS Ealish 17~7: Written test on Friday, November 8, covering as- signmnrts to date, English history, and Rymer. Mid-Semester Examinations in. Speech 31. and, 32: -The id-se- I master examinations in Speech 31 and 32 will be held from 4:00 to 5:00 on Thursday, November. 21, In 1Roomns 25 and 1025 Angell Hall.j ' Chemistry Colloquium will meet Wednesday, November 6, at 4:001 p. m.. Dr. W. L. Bachmann will talk on 'Plant Coloring Matters". I Junior Engineers: There will 'be a Speed Ball game on Wednes-I day at 4:30 at Field 2, South Ferry Field. Practice on Taersday at 4:30.,1 For information call Louis Zanoff at 0510, after 8 p. mn.I A. I. E. L. meets Wednesday,a November 6, at 7:30 p mn. Mr. Iller will speak explaining 'the new -telephone exchange recently installedI In the Engineering Building. New members invited. Room 348.I Orchesis will meet at 7:15 Wednesday, November 6. The charac- ter dance class will meet at 8:30 on the san~e evening. Biancl' refusal to reply to ques- tions of foreign policy at the open- ing of Parliament on Oct. 22 that!i his cabinet was defeated. Although Premier Tardieu hadt expected to have his ministerial4 declaration for submission to his, colleagues tomorrow morning, he found the task more laborious than he had expected and announced late this evening that it would not{ be ready before Wednesday morn- in g. Although his first, appearance be- fore Parliament is still three dayst off', twelve opposition deputies al- iady have served notice on inter-l polati. These dleal mostly withIl the k;Jieia~ policy of the govern-_, went and will comec from the radii-I cal and socialist group, all are in- t tended to force Foreign Minister Briand to explain his policy con-t cerniung evacuation of the Rhine land, and the Saar valley status. i It was M. Briand's refusal to replyt to questions of foreign policy that ( c.used the overthrow of his cabi-- n .; That the new Premier Will! have an opportunity to make an early statement regarding the pol- icy of the government at the Lon-1 don naval disarmament conference -was indicated by one of the inter- polations on this questions. Sigma Delta Psi: Beginning on Monday, Nov. 4, tryouts for the Sigma Delta Psi will have to pre - sent health card before being per - mitted, to take tests. SET MARINES DAY NOVEMBER TENTHk I Associated Pres's Photo Senator Peter Norbeck Iraternities of the Oregon Campusi Of South Dakota who has been ed to deicate it to your college." commemorating 154 years of na-' this year, chosen to head a recently-appoint-! - - - ----- --- -- - tional service, the U. S. Marine Iled commission to the Kingdom of Corps will set aside November 10 in iff Hoffman, of Stanford Uni-1 Iceland, it was announced. Sena- memory of past famous Marines versity, lighted a match which was tor Norbeck and several of his col-. and Marine achievements. ,uck in the ground by throwing a leagues will represent the United ML7YiI_ According to Major General Wen- ;l1- pound shot 49 feet 6 inches. The States at the forthcoming celebra- j r 1_ dell C. Neville, new Commandant, Shot grazed the head of the match ion in honor of the one thousandth of theCorps the Mrines now u inited it but did not break it. anniversary of the atting. T ~ IA i numbering 18,000, have a histor y.I~ L~UJ' rivalling the most colorful fiction. J" -yJ,, -1ii 1 J J.'' .YP1" sr, Marines, he states, have taken aW E RL , Y C O tive -part in the Mexican, (civilM RRL , YN H&No Spanish, and World Wars. 'nTiI, Members latest adventure is hii the N~~ ew York Stock Exhange \ ilte h Nicuragutan rebellion, which i-a C' Soc xhnelife ofyour Chcg tc xhnecounts for the XliTrie lyri t- .kg "Fromt the H-als of Montezugna t) Cleveland Stock Exchange pry the Shodres of Tripoli." -- Detroit Stock Exchange On November 10, Marines all overNe or ur are'V For information call the world will be given an oppor- Ne{okCubMre tunity to hear of their past achieve- Accounts Carried on Conservative Margin I1kon59 ments from Cuba to Korea, I 201 First Nat'l Bank Phone 4294 through globe-wide tributes to be at._JJ./l1JJ._J.__/./.____+_~J3________________. JJ~~f paid America's land-and-sea men. "- -__ -_ - -_---------. OPTICAL DEPART ME--NT I Lenses and Franes Made to Ordez lr optial Pescrptios FiledEvery garment and linen arriving at the jHAZLLER l VARSITY for ludrn is treated witha STATE STREET JEWELERS ludrn - - --regard for the person who owns it. Thought- KNOW WA T'" fulness characterizes its progress truhthe YOU WANT Iy ,r y rvc People's opinion on piture laundering machines, dryers, aind ironrs dighti.ggremy-ar isLVperfectI. ureo Sonte, :mother will pass off with .1 (~ And mostipat ofal only preIVORY I It istn to you to tell us what soap is used, insuring' to the owner perfect the unusual-we make many unusual pictures-if " you prefer cenieswt rdcddpeiaon fhs that type-let us know-some dare cenieswt eue ercaino i otrisk anything that is not con- ~'' serative.i clothing. The laundry can do it better. We are able tr ake any type AAyt cs o~~ji r~e of picture you desire. l And ye the cs o o sno getr Fur Appomyjtment Yet? ThK ntt1rapr 'PhOne 42 119 BEET PHONE 5031 ileteE GCARDS I~Lbrya it Specialty ;Lbrya it UIVERSIY Stations throughout the city )OK STORE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 4 k S Z Y SENIORS-Made Yol STIUD1O 334 SOUTH STATE STI p HdIO(O I/ '. I rI :.. '4 m