ENE M_',IGA, DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 TNF MICHIGAN T)AI LV BEGINS FINAL DRIVE FOR HARVARD MEET SCRIMMAGE SHO FOOTBALL UPHEAVALS FEATURE BILLINOISnRPTfl 1UD POORMAN PROVES STEADY Oniu ir ArvIIAr GAMES THROUGHOUT CONTINENT PERFORMER ON MICHIGAN LINE " TEAM TACKLES :YPSI~ANTI VARSITY rujin i LlRIIlb! Football experts are still at a lossI err by the score of 15-7. The re- to comprehend the significance of I sult was even more unexpected! the upheavals in the football world since the Trojans had so decisively last Saturday. Powerful teams defeated Stanford the week before throughout the country are just and were boasting of one of theI emerging from their stupor afterI most powerful football teams in the being defeated byhelevens previous- history of their school. ly considered much weaker than Notre Dame and Pittsburgh 1their own. From now on the pre- stamped themselves as leading con-1 dictions will probably be more con- tenders for the national title by servative, since most of last week's their victories. The Ramblers an- j dope was upset. nexed their fifth straight win by' The two outstanding surprises downing Georgia Tech 26-6. I were turned in by Yale and Cali- j Pitt also showed up well by its fornia. Old Eli made a brilliant victory over Ohio State, to lengthen comeback by its victory over Dart- its string of consecutive wins to'six. mouth in a spectacular battle. The In spite of the muddy field, the Bulldogs scored 1 po6ints to Dart- Panthers succeeded in running up mouth's 12. Ellis, Yale's substitute 18 points to the Buckeyes' two. I back, furnished the real thrill of In the other eastern games les- the day by racing 80 yards for a ser ipsets were reported. George-' touchdown in the last five minutes town invaded N. Y. U. and took . l of play. The two preeminent stars 14-0 victory back home with them.i the season thus far also showpd Princeton lost to Chicago, 15-7, and up well, Marsters making one of the Florida eleven bowed to Har-, his team's touchdowns and Albie yr,140 Penyvnatre Booth directing his team to victory vacyd, 14-0. Pennsylvaeia turne as wll s scrin 4 oint bya Iback the Navy, 7-2, while the ArR1 as well as scoring 4 points by a trampled South Dakota, 33-6. down.g nCornell remained undefeated any untied by defeating Columbia, 12-6 Out on the Pacific coast all pre- Cornell is one of the few major dictions were scattered when the ' teams to continue its winning Golden Bears of California streak and is sure to make a bit trampled on the University of for national honors. Southern California's mighty elev- in the west the Kansas Aggie, 1-'nosed out Missouri, 7-6, in a hard PHARMER LEADS 7fought battle. Stanford shower' WITH 49 POINTS 'heir usual form by crushing Cali- fornia Tech, 39-0. run nii Il 5 . This th efurthi of a a total of five letters, one "aMa :h ,,t"tr ti " '"","cc * uiIande n Capacity Crowd of 68,000 Will M . ;,i., ! footbllU 1ax''.. :XrAnothner'will r apiwar in an early eisue.. Witness Intersectional When Otto Pommerening grad- Clash Saturday. uated from the University thi: June, he left a spot dn the footbal CAGLE IS ARMY THREAT team that was hard to fill. Only one veteran tackle remained on the (Special to Daily) team, the departure of Cragin als cutting Coach Kipke out of an ex URBANA, Ill., Nov. 4.-Wel- ,perienced man. This veteran wh cored by a crowd of 68,000 which has stayed to fight itout with thre( will fill every seat in the Illinois promising sophomores for the stadium with uncounted thousands tackle berth is Edwin "Bud" Poor- turned away, Army will come into man. the middle-west November 9 to Poorman was born a# Marshall. meet the fighting Illini, championsj Iliinoil, on December 28, 1908, and of the Big Ten for the past two now makes his home at Chicagc years. Heights. He . attended Bloom Three years ago Pennsylvania, Township High School where he the first eastern eleven to play in won seven letters, three in football, the stadium, came with its back- two in basket-! field of "four magicians" whose ball, one in track, hidden ball had mystified all foes. and one in wrest- Bob Zuppke, chieftain of the Il- ling. He stands 'ini, devised a defense which con- an even six feet; sisted of stopping, every Red and in height and tips 31ue back whether or not he had :..;-the scales at 192 the ball. Penn's team fought gal- pounds. lantly but the Illini triumphed, Poorman's ath- when Frosty Peters dropkicked a letic awards since field goal in the closing minutes.> entering the Uni_ Now Army comes with its red- versity have been .aired all-American halfback, numerous. Begin- Christian Keener Cagle as captain ning in his fresh-' and star. The Illini know all about man year with Cagle. Bob Zuppke watched him POORMAN n u m e r a 1 s for play against Stanford in New York football, he has since been the re- last year and all week in practice cipient of an "aMa" in football, an ie Illini veterans will be warned "M" in football, and two letters in that he is a different kind of run- track. This year, barring injuries, ner from any they have ever en- he should receive another letter in countered. football and one in track, making Army started the season with 14 lettermen from last season of whom seven were considered first- stringers.. Illiii on paper have 19 lettermen but probably not more than eight ranked as first-stringers last year, and several lettermen have spent the fall playing with the reserves. The Illini look no particular star as their backfield men, Timm, Mills and Walker, are all fast. Doug Mills has been the leader this fall with his runs for touchdowns on Iowa and Michigan but his team mates are just as likely to break loose. \ That 100,000 tickets could have been sold is believed, since the Illinois allotment was exhausted by the middle of September, although there were restrictions on the number to be obtained by one ap- plicant. (uliu Caumi erai a war c. Always a dependable eliheman, C6!ich Cofitrighit Expects Ypsi Poorman's work this year has been to Give Junior Varsity of a high standard, but his worth. has not been reallyappreciated' Tough Battle. I with the rapid rise of three sopho- mores, Auer, Hayden, and Roach. HURONS REVEAL POWER However, it is very likely that Poor- man will see service in the Har- After seeing Ypsilanti State Nor- 'rard game, as Kipke is managing a mal mix with Western State Nor- wholesale shakeup of the team for mal last Saturday, Coach Court- this game. right of the Wolverine "B" team Last spring Poorman was chosen feels that his men will have their track captain for the coming year .hanrds full when hey lav Yosi i it h i i i 1 } 7 ! i '! l I 1 ', ,, , -I 1!. 1 , 3 r co succeed Wilford Ketz. He puts ' this week. the shot and succeeded in making In the opinion of the Michigan a real name for himself in that coach these two small-college department last season. squads displayed about as much -speed and fight as any teams of FROSH GRIDDERS their class he had ever seen. Bat- DISPLA Y PROMISE tling through the four 1leriods to g,____a 7-7 tie both Ypsi and Kalamazoo drill in blockingunleased brilliant attacks, any one A d y i blocig and passing, of which might have netted an- followed by a hard scrimmage fea- other score had not the game been tured yesterday's practice of the marked by numerous penalties. yearling gridmen. Despite the cold mre yueospnlis sarp, the first-year men made d Playing for the Michigan Inter- satisfactory showing before Coach collegiate title Ypsilanti scored Fisher and his staff of assistants. early in the first quarter on a 21- Fisher__ndh____________ s_____n_ yard run by Morrow. Kalamazoo -Sthen started a slashing attack BIG TEN ,STANDING which was successfully stopped Ain- .Team 5W L T .Pct. 'til in the opening minutes of the Purdue ...........3 0 0 1.000 second half Morningstar started on Minnesota... .2 0 0 1.000 a jaunt from the Ypsi 30-yard line Ohio State.......2 0 1 1.000 and placed the ball behind the goal Northwestern .....2 1 0 .667 to 'tie' te aluehn the goal Illinois......1 1 1 5 tteupthe gamne. Iowa ............1 1 1 .500 All during the play the State Nor- Chicago.1 1 0 500 mal tesam displayed a variety of at- Indiana.0 2 1 .000 tack and smoothness of execution MICdiG. ..AN .0 3 0 .000 which in the mind of Coach Caurt- Wisconsin ......0 3 0 .000 right bodes trouble for the Wol- _(-- Continued on Page Seven) I 5 r 4