THE- I HICAN DAILY STJNDAY, NOVEMBRR 3, 1929 THE ICHIAN D ILY UNDY, NVEMBR il,192 DAILY OF[iCiAL BULLETIN March '3 April May M)I.~ ~IIL I i, pt .Faculty, School of Education: The n e x tFaculty luncheon wmill oire n 11 f!ii An r n nnAt, r ublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members held on the third floor of the Michigan League Buildne on Monday , li Li 111 of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Piesi- Faculty, School of Education: The nre.:t a Pwuhiy I izcueouiwil be 1111 A III L Liir IU V i dent.untl 3:0 SUN 123a rnSaturdy held on the third floor of the Michigan League Building on 'Nonuiy. ig ScoliothWllMk VOL. L, UNDA, NOVMBER3, 1929 - No. 32 November 4, at 12:15 o'clock. Please note changte of plne Hig ScolYuhWlMaern N ICSEnglish lI"i : Written test on Friday, "' -t~ ,Dlae up rmo Paderewvski Concert Postponed: The date of the Paderewski cone- signments to date, English history, and Rymer.' Soaring Plane. flee cet in the Choral Union series has been frther postponed to January -° IT 8, 1930." The postponement is due to an operation for appendicitis; Economics 51. The sections are assigned to else!'llrvn rooms PLO W IL L PILOT SHIP Icon which Mr. Paderewski underwent early in the summer, but from which for the examination,. Monday, November 4: Elo he is said to have made a. remarkable recovery. A few weeks delay! Mr. igle's, Mr. Bdugle's and Mr. Homer's seci ion--3. W. AC Adlaenprcutdum.rop in his American tour was necessitated. Mn idh',M.Babr' n i.Lknsscin-4 .El n altitude of 4,000 to 4,500 feet cen The next concert in 'the Choral Union Series therefore will be IA.Ytm',M.Rbno',adM.Cvrys~eii. 0 will be made Sunday afternoon by her given by the English singers on Truesday, November 19. Holders or Economiclas.n rbo Hghha season tickets are requested to detach and preserve for the JanuaryBbMcilaAnAro ihhol date the Paderewski coupon, number it presenting for admission to,, Physics Colloquium: Professor Ernest F. Barker will speak on the; school student who on two occa- nat r C~ponfortha ocasin 'eport on the Meeting of the Faraday Society" in Room 1041 East sions has thrilled large crowds th nls igasCnsrterg~a ~rpnfrta ainmbPThi cs lBuilding on Tuesday, November5, a' *4: 5. All interested are;. Pn ro MncplAipr. ' nubr4 CalsA.Sn orcialt .yinvited to ttend. , pec Chares . Sik t Sunday's jump will give specta-, witl Organ Recital: Margaret MacCregor. ori;anist, will give the fol-I Physcs Pro-Seminar: All these required to take this co~rse wili tors an opportunity to witness the, to meet Mondy. Novembr 4 at 1 o'lock in Room 1(o41 East Physics! control of the jumper has over his: dit lowing program Wednesday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock. The general' an public is requested to be seated on time as the dloors will be closed icue ioe yLetn enr (lowed. Thmeprs.ogr i as ollos salcide wl o ea- Chemical Engineering SC11i nar: M '. D. W. Murp-hy xwil be the 1wi lloflyangroe arpopt, b Ipe, loued.Th prgrm i asfoleos:speaker on Monday, November 4.,at 4 o'clock in Hoon 32C1 E t n ll l noea-opitheiplane. Bach: Prelude andi fugue in D Mfajor; Schubert: Ave Maria; i gineerin" Building. a~la illa rmtepae Clerambault: Prelude; Franck: Chorale in A minor; Faulkes: Crprt:c- ac illanxilu ltfioueanmie via; Moore: Reverie at Twilight; Muiet: Toccato, "Thou Art the Rck". EooisCu ilme usaNvme ,a 1 nteIlyoeigtecrt ni h a Charles A. Sink; M conomicsauBuilln mee Tuledynbovedambern5etra:5 ne opnnftechtrntlth'a MciaLegueBiligIShurbulletinrboar atemainrentoance0fo Lodgings ForUnivei'~Aiy ress Club:room number.) Professor Leonard L. Watkins will speak on "Central hrldtruhtearfo .0 LognsFrTivr yPesCu:Since rooms cannot beseBakRtinEgnd.MmrsothsafsnEcoisad I to 2,000 feet. curedfor tem atthe nion uringtheirattedanceat th Umvr rikRate nhEngand"fMembrsnoftheisalfsen Ecnomiciand cue orte a h nindFiteriatdandeSatturdyofiver Business Administration, and graduate students in these departments h efrac ilb h is rity Kress Club convention on T1hursday, FiaadStra fti are invited to attend. of its kind in this vicinity and was wecek, several guest speakers from other states will have to be ac-_________ conmodated in .faculty homes or taken to Detroit every evening. I am'1 ragdb iet l sadm therfor asiti an fault, huseeidrs ho ay indit onvniet ! Junior Research Club will meet at :30 p. i., Tuesday, Noven- ;.nstration of howv war-time pilots theefoe akin an fault hosehldes wlo ay indit onvniet ber 5, for election of officers. Dr. J. . lHalford will read a paper onI are able to dodge the bullets of to provide a room for one or mnore of these guests to telephone my,"h hr a ftemdnmc" tereeisatrte aebe office (Campos 485) between 2:00 and 5:00 p. n.) or my home (4740). wil tovmeh4eti.:1 freemio esaerdsabedpaeband J.L rrmthe Men's Education Club wl me onaNoebe th:5 ow o'clck n Rom 34 o th Miciga Unon. rofsso IC cler filltow peace-time flyers are able Soting and Tabulating Station: The university has establishedl'clock on.RHow D04oes One SeechianHenSee. Poesrhee ilt oto hi ecn fe a. Sorting and Tabulating Station in Room 212 Angell Hall. It is in -___ndnig tercat charge of Mr. A ari Meacbaml, who will bp on duty from 8-12 and 1:30- ! WmnsTejm ilnAbrl il excet onSatrri'ay fteraoi Allcl ntri~rets ae crdialyomen'ed Research Club will meet Monday, Nov. 4, ,t 7:30 p. in. in l tird leap at the Ann Arbor field t6 make use of these electrical and inechanical sorting, tabulating and 1Pituitar'y Gland". - p- ___ accounting machi es for ca^r"ry lsg u statistical investigations. M:'._____ Meacham will give in formation and insrtruction in their use to meib.s' r lbwl etTedyNvme 5 t715i h uas h ofthe faculty who desire to avail themiselves of the facilities afforde. AtCu ilme usaNvmbr1,a :5i1h aeo h Shirley W. Swith, Secretary and Business Manager Michigan League Building.- Sigma Delta Psi: Beginning Monday, November 4, try-outs for the I Sortinrg anri T bulating Station: Any one having tabulating cards 1SgaDlaPiwl aet rsn elhcrlbfr en e oifl file in the Sorting .and a- a~itS ,ation, Room 212 Angell Hall, is jmedetaePtstilhvetsr.nthat cr eoe-en e requested to get In touch with me, as all Bards not claimed before 'No-, ______ vseiber 12will be destroyed. ! i L~~h P%1t7Cf ra. tnin n' a.11.v[ ,M..c 'ili t, Th a.A VIADF petus~ imeni anotl to ConstructA1Afll Large Aerial Fleet IIUIJII1II 9 ''flIU,,LI RID, Nov. 2.-Spain, under I EBlMINATE ELICIIT from an enthusiastic gov- ti uhn osrcin : her great Atjmada-a pow-1 NEW YORK, Nov. 2.--FouIt 'ul commercial and military air: Chrough the development of nmercial airways Spanish avia- n observers see an increase in! anish mercantile power, which' ltunies ago manifested itself in; rgreat colonial empire, which ssince dwindled to 4 few small Wings in Africa and in the (,a- ry and Balearic islands. 'erhaps the most striking as-' et of the movement is the zest th which efforts are being made establish a regular commiercial igible service between Spain d Argentina. I Soviet flyers, bent on a mission oi +good will, were at the en d ofi' thi trail today after an epic flighI)t :; 12,500 miles across twvo continiesir.' and the north Pacific. Their arrival at Curtis-Wi'iglht Field, Long island, Friday in tlieh giant all-metal monoplane, Landc of the Soviets, wvas 70 days aftLer their take-off from Moscow, drn 'which time they combatted all dan- gers of the elements. inclulding snowvstormns, typhoons and lighlt- V a sllllll ii a I pls ,11 11:1 1' SALADS SANDWICHES ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY DINNER at Where you will find Home and College atmosphere combined I' Special HOCME COOKING Sunday Chicken Dinner, GOc Regular Dinner, 50c 11 10 V/2 South tUniversity Phone 9894 :CCIOC"Cocco.woomm ocic COCIOC 1100 1 OCIC 1: V I I I CC I 1:11O."Will I WX Oll C i!l'fnlTTMlTIjM= r fiNL'TAii --- --- -- ''- 'Tuesday, November 5, at 2:4:5 at 'the hoome of Mrs. A. W. 8i iii 1008 ,ten utt Vl ter meet;"at 11:1f, a. in., in the library Lane IHall. - ll llA°nte r.Grl GAsssay otcs The ev. MIXGeore ~adeh Palstie, wll peak - onday -Evening Drama ' Section Faculty Women's Club will meet _ I~ tY'A v.F~v n~it - Nru 'A nt 1-Ar, f th Wnmllk-At.1lItiUT-Im r-t-. -chrysantheylumnsare ill f ohit®(er .at the Botaical Ga'derIS. i r- lL~~~JIYiLI ~Y k JUd*i~~ ZtV i; dayli rht hours, including Sundafy, visitors are welcome. -ar--eSaf an-Tyous:Th entr yista and Tryouts:ill et_ C - omedy Club:. Tr..youts, for mx~embers only, for the next. productionIeniesafndtyuswlmet -' will be .heldl in U. 2tall Audtitoriumi , at 10:30 and 3:00.. I Monday, Nov. 4, at 4:30 p. m. Try- f jft Y-ayrC~oi1 lt metsat :15p. ., n oom304of he iciga outs be up for mailing out at 3a 3-Hp Cnpitte mdsat inRom 34 o te Mchianp. m,s the. November number of t~pioi-~. -the Gargoyle goes on sale on the ' CO~iG EVNTS camnpus on Tuesday, Nov. 5, lC s132io;N . S~ii~ AIM ,wAgm"",nt onvoca AIL- io tyiivErsity Lectures: .NovJenber' , at 4:15 p3. in., Room 1025 An-; rel I Hall, Mr.. . Bl14and, Lecturer' in Public Administration, lEconomics and History at the University ofX Sydney, Australia,; "The Australian1 Constitution". November 7, at 4:15, p. m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Mr. George Young,- diplom atist -and author; "Freedom and Command of the Seas" ct ntittee of the Senate on University Ai airs will meet in Roomj 201) Anpell hall. on Monday, November 4, at 4:15 p. in. jFaculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The Novem- be'i' meeting of thl~e faculty will be held 6n Room 2225 Angell Hall, at 4:,10 p. m'., MVonday, November 4. Tentative dates for faculty meetinvs for the remainder of the i S ltician.:' All students attending the University from. Utica, New York, and vicinity are requested to meet in Room 306 Michigan Union,, Monday, Nov. 4, at 7:30 p. m. IInterfraternity Council: There~ will be an important meeting ofI the Interfraternity Council at fourj o'clock Monday afternoon, Room I 302 in the Michigan Union. All delegates are urged to be present. ' WI. R. Farrell Plete G CARDS Specialty J 1 pT =="- -- I W" v+r i " 1 /1 ai It Is Not Too Early-- If you want to be re- elected to your wife's af- fections-give her some- thing she will prize. Let us reset her diamonds, Diamonds remounted in the latest and most approved settings. Let us give you anl estimate. Reverend John C. Schroeder of Saginaw "The Vitality of Rligion Dill Auditorium 111:0 f * make your selection of ChIRISTMAS GREETINI Engraving and Plate printing a WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK: STORE ?I Attend Student Convocation's .,Pit 111111111!rrn= PAV II _ _ _ _ f_ _ _ _ _ r . . . - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - _- E t4,, Thinking about one of the most important things in life. min 1 r , / ,d w F r j3 f L~ook her"? again next week- Alex rvill be here a.s usual 4 . Station Food A Bee Line an institution S. Iia itt us to that is well cooked, tasty and satisfying. So fall in and make for is t1hat Well Founded one that caters to Michi- gan students who know they will be} Well Cared For The R.,& S. LUNCH 605 Church Street i -..-.---- = -, I 111111111 111111111 EMZMZMM= 4 Mgmore Seniors Than Ever ,P " G to PHOTLOGRAPH fo-r the 'I TI ~ i __ L.